Owner: Stanislav Mishin at stas.mishin71@gmail.com
"Whosoever shall come to us with the sword shall perish by it. Upon this stood and stands the land of Russia".
St Prince Alexander Nevsky, in the 13th century
Romans 8:31
Monday, December 28, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
NATO's Blank Cheque
NATO's Blank Cheque
It has been noted throughout history that major states writing blank cheques of support to their allies and vassals is usually not a good idea. The smaller yap dog suddenly feels like a wolfhound with a Rottweiler standing behind him.
This leads to major political and military adventurism and overreach. This leads to the often unwanted occurrence of war for the cheque writer.
A most famous case of this was the blank cheque that Willham II wrote to the failing Austrian empire in 1914. Austria needed something to rally its disintegrating empire around and stubborn little Serbia had always been a nuisance for it and inspiration for Serbian rebels in the Austrian south east border regions.
With the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, Austria saw its chance. Serbia was more than ready to make humiliating amends but allow itself to be annexed was not one of them. It also had Russian and Romanian backing.
Austria itself would never have made the move to start what was to become WW1 if it did not have that cheque from Germany. It did and it pushed and it starts a little war and then history took over.
We are watching the same with Turkey. Erdagon is that yap dog. The Turks may be big boys in big boy pants when they are murdering Cypriot Greeks or Kurds or when they are backing Islamic Sunni jihad in Syria and Iraq or when they intruded over 2,440 times into Greek airspace, just in 2014 alone....but... But having lost 13 of 14 wars against Russia and the win in the Crimean War was expensive an marginal and only accomplished because the French, Scilicians and British did most of the dieing, Erdagon can not be but feeling anything like a small boy in those big boy pants when facing the reborn might of the Russian army.
To that end, while NATO gave a lukewarm hurra behind their Jihadi blood brother, they did form up rank and write that cheque. And it will be a big cheque that NATO blood will pay.
Even as NATO Europe pays the Turk Danesgeld to keep the big mean unarmed refugees at bay (how pathetic that the military of those countries can not close their own borders effectively), they are setting themselves to pay in blood for Turkey's adventures.
Russia has responded economically to the murder of her soldiers by the traitorous Turks. This is already shaving 3-4% off of their economy. Erdagon knows this will look bad so he's placing everything on that final roulette spin: war.
Turkey has invaded under a very thin pretext, an oil rich region of northern Iraq. Turkey has massed troops on Syria's borders. Turkey has continued to grossly violate Greek airspace daily.
Turkish ships have harassed Russian ships in neutral waters of te Aegean, Russian ships passing through the Bosporus straights and even now in Russian territorial waters.
All of this, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar play at making grand military Sunni "anti-terrorism" alliances to invade Shiete Syria, Shiete southern Iraq, Iran and Lebenon.
That these gulf Arabs are incompetant at war is beyond saying but they will help Turkey in its fight as NATO is forced to mobilize and atheist Europeans go off to die on our fields and forests for Sunni islamic Turkey.
This, dear reader, is what is called irony.