Saturday, May 30, 2009

Once More, Russia Says "No" To Western Perversion

It has become almost a yearly right, the fourth such year in a row, that the Western Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transvestites (LGBT) social engineers and revolutionaries of perversion, attempt to drag Holy Russia to the depth of Hell and vulgarity that they have driven the West into. Once again, Russia does not just say no, but Hell NO!

This time around, the head of the Russian chapter of this perversion, Nikolai Alexeyev, allied with two paramount revolutionaries of perversion, the American Andy Thayer and the UK's Peter Tatchell, attempted to gather a flash crowd and make an unauthorized parade of perversion on the streets of Moscow. What is a common sight in the capitals and major cities of the West, men doing unspeakable things with each other (and women with women) in an attempt to shock and pervert the minds of those who watch their self centered love of themselves and hatred of God, has never and will never happen in Russia.

Russia had its experience with anything goes culture, something I am sure the West is absolutely not aware of, in the 1920s of early Soviet rule. Yes, homosexuality was the rage, the family as a unit died, birth plummeted, abortions soared and all was fair game. By 1928, the statistics were in and Russia was dieing and dieing fast. Not only would she not recover the losses of World War One and the Civil War, but she would die as a society and a nation. Being the only power in town, the Soviets acted quickly and brutally and restored what should not have been destroyed (a destruction that started with the murder of the Tsar and his family): the family unit, albeit, minus God.

So knowing this history, our history, is it any surprise that the office of the Moscow city government stated that: "Moscow has never had gay parades and never will" Mr. Sergei Tsoi, the spokesman for city hall, added: "not only destroy morals within our society, but consciously provoke disorder"

My hat is off to Mr. Luzkov, the governor of Moscow, who not only rebuilt the city, fought corruption and turned Moscow into one 0f the biggest, most commercialized, yet greenest and prosperous cities in the world (I dare say at rank or better then New York City and Moscow does not stink of urine, unlike...) but has defended Russian culture against these Western perversions.

Here, I will put a shameless plug for Moscow, a beautiful city, full of history, culture, green and capitalism. It is a pity so many of the West have forever the images of Soviets past in their mind when it comes to Moscow, or most other Russian cities, even twenty years later.

Indeed, Mr. Tsoi is very correct, for the organizers of the 70 persons flash mob parade, of which 40 including the organizers, were arrested, had called upon the audiences of the Eurovision event, a larger percentage of which is homosexual, to come and rally with them. The BBC was quoted as saying "(They) chose Eurovision event for demonstration because it traditionally has large gay following." The audience proved smarter.

But what were/are these social perverts trying to accomplish in Russia? Why nothing more then getting their "rights", Gay rights...does not sound to vulgar on the surface, does it? But let us dig deeper into these "rights". What rights do they want? Right to do what they want in the bedroom? They already have it. Right to vote? They have it. Right to live peacefully, pursue wealth, choose (or rather in their case, reject) God? They have it. So what rights?

Why the rights of the 1 to 2% to shove their perversion down the throats of a whole society and to silence the free speech of any who dare to question this chosen minority. That is exactly the "rights" they have in the West, a post-Christian, God hating society as a whole, which sides with perversion and takes away, daily more and more, the very basic free speech of those who follow God and His views. The rights they seek is to destroy the meaning of marriage to include them. It is to force the school systems (in some Western nations, including parts of the US) to start indoctrinating the children as early as kindergarten, that their perversion is very good and ok. They have gotten the right to shut down churches, or at least silence them, that criticize their perversion and self love. And of course, the absolute "right" to silence any talk about the facts that their life choice is the most destructive short of a third world drug addiction.

The American Andy Thayer was quoted as stating, in Moscow: “international folks he knew would help raise the profile of the event for the international press.” In other words, wreck the system that works for 98% of the population for the "rights" of a perverse, anti-social minority of insignificant proportion, so that that 2% can be privileged above the 98%. This may work for the West, but thank God in Heaven, we are not and will never be the West.

Mr Thayer went on, with his out of this planet ideas that:
“Many Russians are just trying to survive. They're not upset about LGBT rights. You are not going to get support from non-LGBT citizenry in Russia. Over time the bigots will be forced to acknowledge the courage of LGBT citizens, especially with the weight of international attention.”

I've got news for you, Mr. Thayer, good news for us, crappy news for you: the vast, as in well over 80%, of Russians are disgusted by these Western perverts and their Russian counterparts and chapters. Our Church, unlike the West's, is ascendant and as more and more Russians find Christ, the support for homosexuality will only decline from low to all but non-existent. Keep quiet and about your business and no one will bother you. We will pity you and your bunch of lost souls. Get in our faces to shove your perversions down our throats and the reaction will be swift and brutal and not at the least to your liking. We are not the spineless masses in the post Christian West, who may find you the perverts you are, but are to cowardly, living in their police states, to say it. The West may have no qualms about bombing and killing women and children in other lands or sacrificing its faith for "progressiveness" while reading the rest of us morality lectures, but we are not the West.

As for what the West and "international" opinion thinks of our culture, frankly, the vast majority of us could not and would not give a bigger damn. That this crowd appealed now 5 times to the European Court of Human Rights is supposed to scare us? I am sorry, but I forgot when Europe conquered Holy Russia and made us a vassal of its kangaroo courts of human "rights". Russia is a sovereign state and our culture is more ancient then the modern Western culture, which is dieing, while ours is thriving.

Simply put, we will not kneel at your "enlightenment", we will never surrender our faith or pervert it to accept your sin. We will simply be the dark age Russians, thriving in our Russia, while the "enlightened" West corrodes and collapses. And every time you come to enlighten us with your parades, you will meet the same police wagon waiting for you.


  1. Interesting post. I am interested in learning more about the social / political climate in Russia. I live in the U.S. and sense as you do, that our society is on the descent. I think more and more Americans sense it, too. And I don't just mean descent in a narrow way, like those who think electing the right politicians, regulating industry, enforcing minority rights, and the like will save us. I mean descent in a big, existential way, where the entire system slowly implodes. I am curious if you've written about the Soviet collapse two decades ago, what thoughts you have, what lessons it taught?

    I am also curious, since you are an English speaker if you could recommend any good books about the recent ascendancy of religion and capitalism in Russia that is written by a Russian in English (or translated.)

    Many Thanks!

  2. I don't understand why people in the US are afraid to talk this way. I guess we are suppose to be above this type of thinking. You are exactly right, on this issue at least. I don't think you realize how many Americans think the same way you do. The problem is our elites and masters as you call them couldn't care less what the people of this country want. It has a been a long road to get where we are now and I'm afraid it may be to late. I'm not just referring to the gay issue but our politics and culture in general. I don't know what we can do about it now. Do you?

  3. The saddest part of the mess here in the west is that it is being driven by the intellectual elites and post-Christian theologians. They claim to represent Christianity while doing everything in their power to destroy Christianity.

    You mentioned in another post regarding the large number of churches here in America. This was largely fallout from the Catholic bureaucracy having embraced perversion at the end of the Renaissance. Reform was impossible.

    Hasn't there ever been a time when the orthodox church was dominated by the forces of sexual perversion?


    (It's still legal - and always God-honoring - to air messages like the following. See Ezekiel 3:18-19. In light of government backing of raunchy behavior (such offenders were even executed in early America!), maybe the separation we really need is the "separation of raunch and state"!)

    In Luke 17 in the New Testament, Jesus said that one of the big "signs" that will happen shortly before His return to earth as Judge will be a repeat of the "days of Lot" (see Genesis 19 for details). So gays are actually helping to fulfill this same worldwide "sign" (and making the Bible even more believable!) and thus hurrying up the return of the Judge! They are accomplishing what many preachers haven't accomplished! Gays couldn't have accomplished this by just coming out of closets into bedrooms. Instead, they invented new architecture - you know, closets opening on to Main Streets where little kids would be able to watch naked men having sex with each other at festivals in places like San Francisco (where their underground saint - San Andreas - may soon get a big jolt out of what's going on over his head!). Thanks, gays, for figuring out how to bring back our resurrected Saviour even quicker!

    [If you would care to learn about the depraved human "pigpen" that regularly occurs in Nancy Pelosi's district in California, Google "Zombietime" and click on "Up Your Alley Fair" in the left column. And to think - horrors - that she is only two levels away from being President!]

  5. //In Luke 17 in the New Testament, Jesus said that one of the big "signs" that will happen shortly before His return to earth as Judge will be a repeat of the "days of Lot" (see Genesis 19 for details). So gays are actually helping to fulfill this same worldwide "sign" (and making the Bible even more believable!) and thus hurrying up the return of the Judge!//

    Why do Americans have such an obsession with the end of the world? I have read some of the Left Behind nonsense, which is, from my readings entirely not biblical and a heresy, yet so many believe it. Sad.

  6. Your comments about American government and mainline churches are largely on target. Even so, I
    would point out that there are still voices here protesting the descent into licentiousness and perversion that has come about because of the government sponsored public teaching of atheistic humanism. There is still a minority of Christians who are faithful to the biblical doctrine of abiding in the word of Christ, and who uphold the Apostolic faith. We just don't get much respect.

  7. I applaud your sentiments; I must aver, though, that to the best of my information, Russia is not thriving, not in any permanent sense of the word. My understanding is that your birth rate is well below replacement levels, and if this keeps up, Russia as you know it will cease to exist in less than a hundred years.

    If my information is out of date, I apologize for bringing it up. I don't do it to gainsay your thoughts, which I echo, but to point out that there is a little more to the story.

  8. After the stream of news speaking of the ‘awful’ oppression of LGBT people in Russia I have done a little search of gay clubs in Moscow, there are quite a few including world’s only “gay banya”. I bet there must be private clubs which are not advertised and since the internet in Russia is free I bet nothing hinders the gays finding love there. So much for the ‘awful’ oppression and denial of rights.

    BTW, I also don’t understand the American obsession with eschatology.

  9. Bravo Mat!! I am from the USA and I totally agree with you. We in the US need to get some Russian courage. I just discovered your blog today and I plan to tell others of like mind about it. Your posts are very eye-opening. Thank you.

  10. StictSum asks: "I don't understand why people in the US are afraid to talk this way." Having just come across your blog through an article of yours published at Pravda.Ru, I too am a bit curious at, but also pleased with, your viewpoint of America.
    To answer StictSum's question in a few words, it's because here in America we have this thing called "political correctness." Heaven forbid anyone says something that could be remotely construed as offensive — such as telling the truth about the socialists we have in government here, or the homosexuals who parade around in repulsive cloths and demand we accept that as "normal."
    I live in the heart of America's pit of homosexuality — California. Here we just went through two separate elections in the past several years to declare, as a people, that marriage will be defined as a union between one man and one woman.
    When the first vote (Proposition 22) failed to produce the proper response for the perverts who prefer to call themselves homosexual or "gay," they homosexual lobby sued under our court system and won a repeal on the law. This was a classic example of judges becoming political activists and overturning the will of the voters.
    Then last year we voted again and we won, again. Proposition 8 made it law that only one man and one woman could be married according to our laws. And, once again, the perverts who didn't like the outcome of that vote sued; but, this time they lost. The courts upheld the decision of the voters.
    This doesn't mean by any stretch that the issue is over. These social misfits will continue to force their debauchery upon society until we finally cave and say "you know what, do what you want!"
    Well, there's many of us here who are willing to fight for what we have.
    Thank you for your perspectives. I enjoy them and look forward to reading more.

  11. @Man of the West

    Actually, Russia's birthrates are at replacement now, they have been increasing for 7 years now, not that Western media would mention that. Problem is the death rates of smoking and other things.

    however, there are now many campeigns to keep children from smoking. To up the physical fitness rates and to improve equipment in hospitals.

    In our major cities: st. petersburg, volgograd, kazan, yaketerinburg, and such, you can not tell there is any recession or anything of the sort. Stores are full, restaurants are full. Most people do not even talk about the "crisis" any more, they have grown tired of talking and it has not been the disaster the media said it would be.

  12. @EdRob,

    //Speaking of which if you Ruskies are so proud of your stance on Homos, why is your birth one of the lowest in the entire world,//

    Now that you have said a stupid thing...and shown yourself unable to even read the statistics I posted, from your own CIA World Fact Book, on birthrates, it is you with egg on the face. Russia has one of the highest, and climbing rates in Europe, just by less then a .1 shy of Moldovia and at this rate to pass Ireland.

    America, from what I understand, and France, who both have higher rates, are almost all by 3rd world invaders. Have you learned Mexo Spanish yet?

  13. //You better just start praying that America does get it's act together. It won't be too long and some fool in No Korea or Iran will test our new "no experience" whatsoever President who will lead the U.S. to the brink of defeat, but then the real Americans will stand up and save the world as they did Europe and Russia in WW2.//

    so it is your opinion that Iran and N.Korea will now invade the world and conquer maybe even Russia? That is nice...first, can you even find them on a map? Second, have you had enough whiskey yet?

    //Russia's trouble mainly is the lack of free speech,//

    Ahh and you know this because you have been to Russia and seen the dozen or more newspapers from all political spectrums, sold daily at all media stands? Or switched on the half dozen different Russian media stations, plus BBC, CNN, DeutchWella and others?

    Oh, no, why would you want to go and do that, your corporate owned, oligarch and government controlled media told you and hell, that is all you need to be the "wise" man of earth. Stick to your tabloid news and where they buried the big tits of Anna Smith.

    //etter than anything else, Caucasians should stick with Caucasians in the long run.//

    Ahh, so you want to stick close to Chechens, who are Caucausians? You are more then likely an Indo-European, not a Caucausian.

  14. Spiteful writing, full of stereotypes of the West.

    I guess lies and exaggerations is how one makes a name for himself in Russia.

    Putin and this guy's blog are glimpses into what Russia is today. Huffing and puffing, no substance, not that there ever was much substance out there.

  15. Todd...

    Yes I understand the political correctness angle but it seems like we would have some people willing to stand up and say Hell No. I guess we do have those people but they are silenced by the media or brushed off as religious fanatics. I've been trying to figure out what can be done about this now but I don't believe there is an answer. The media are all so biased that anyone who disagrees with their point of view will not get airtime or if they do put them on they will be talked over or talked down to. The politicians are useless as they afraid of being branded a racist or homophobic. We are in a bad place in this country and I am really saddened by it and I'm not just talking about gays but our whole culture seems upside down.

    You speak of Russian propaganda as if we do not have any here. Have you watched the news lately? They are all nothing more than propaganda for the Obama administration. It's Sickening

  16. Not sure why none of the quotes in your post show up - makes this hard to follow.
    Anyway, interesting views. I read your "American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper" reprinted in Pravda and I have to say I agree with you. Except to say that there will come a point, hopefully not too late, when we will be fed up enough to actually do something. At least those of us who escaped the leftist indoctrination of our Universities.

  17. Stanislav,

    When EdRob says 'Caucasians should stick with Caucasians' he means Whites should stick with Whites. English word 'Caucasian' has two meanings:

    1) кавказец (уроженец или житель Кавказа)

    2) белый, белый человек (о человеке европейской расы)

  18. EdRob,

    Ruskies can be excused for not knowing much about America but Americans cannot be excused for not knowing who brought America to it's knees and how they did it. You are making some good points like "You better just start praying that America does get it's act together", "Better than anything else, Caucasians should stick with Caucasians in the long run. White is right and we can argue until dooms day which kind of government is right w/o destroying each other. We had better stick together over the long pull because if we don't ...brown and black will take over....sheer numbers buddy, sheer numbers. That isn't racist".

    In fact, that is racist. But you don't have to be apologetic about being racist. There is nothing wrong with natural desire to live in the midst of your own kin and do whatever it takes to preserve your own culture.

    But your understanding of what had transpired during the WW2 is way off. America didn't save Europe and Russia. What America did was to abort Hitler's attempt to get rid of the worst enemies of the Western civilization - The Jews. It was Jews who dragged America into the war. Just like they dragged America into the war against Yugoslavia under Clinton, as well as into the ongoing wars with Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. They are trying very hard to launch another war with Iran.

    With the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, Jews had completely locked in financial domination in America. What happened after that is the history of subversion of the Western civilization through gradual erosion of Western values, distortion of it's European culture, and demographic change aimed at reducing white population in America to less than 50%.

    It's almost impossible to understand what happened to America in the 20th century and on to the current situation without the insights of extraordinary Americans like Henry Ford, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Dr. William Pierce

  19. Hi Stanislav

    Notice that your followers seem to have doubled over the weekend; good, but I wonder how many are true friends of Russia and how many just want to play out self-pitying fantasies about being part of a suppressed minority?

    This is a very difficult area to write about. We are all great sinners. I think the strength of Orthodoxy is that we have always known that, and paradoxically that is why we have the authority to condemn sinful actions whilst acknowledging we are all sinners at heart. In the West I think the real friends of gay rights are not the Liberals but idiots like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell who make Christianity seem stupid and vainglorious to the people.

    I myself had a good chortle over the pig ignorant Left Behind books. It is in a sense comical that the anti-semitic and stupid Tim LaHaye (who says that Stalin was Jewish) has sold 60,000,000 of his books.

    Still, the complex thing is that many uneducated Americans from heretical faiths are converting to Orthodoxy without being properly catechised: like plague carriers leaving a plagued city and spreading disease. Some of them seem to be ‘friends’ of Russia, but beware: they are often in bed with the neo-liberals behind bombing Serbia and who hate Vladimir Putin.

  20. ...Russia's birthrates are at replacement now, they have been increasing for 7 years now...Impressive! That is quite a turnaround.

    I'll keep reading your blog. You're quite a source of information.

  21. In the first half of 20th century, as documented by Henry Ford, the most important tool of Jewish domination in both America and in the West in general was commerce and finance. In the second half of 20th century, especially with the advent of TV, Jewish domination in the news and entertainment media has become the pillar of subversion of Western culture and the establishment of the Jewish culture of political correctness.

    For an interesting perspective on the negative impact of television and the mass media in Western society see Amused to Death by former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters. Here are a few YouTube samples from the album: It's a miracle, What God Wants, Part I, Amused to Death

  22. How can I emigrate to Russia? The US sucks. I want to be free and live in a country that respects God. And to think I wasted half my life as a military man, serving a country that betrayed everything that I and all my family members believed in. Now, they want to steal the paltry "retirement" that the government FORCED me to invest in: Social Security. There is only one hope left for this country, and that is in violent revolution. But, we could not survive that either, because we have no unity.

  23. Mat,
    I am so impressed with your insights on what has happened to what used to be my America. I have linked your Pravda article to my blog and sent it out to the few people I think might listen. And I have linked your blog to mine so, hopefully, more people will read your astute views. THANK YOU so very much for your writings!

  24. Mat, you are one of the most powerful and insightful writers that I have read recently. Your post about American capitalism that was printed in Pravda online was absolutely spot on. In America we have a Government/Media complex that feeds us progoganda and the average citizen has been silenced from speaking their true thoughts through "political correctness". I too have a blog, and try in my own small way to speak the truth as best as I can. I have added your blog to my follow list and will look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  25. Throughout Western society the unconscious forces of deconstruction are nearly without limit, in ecstasy while running toward self destruction. This is a culture of self annihilation, preparing the ground for the coming dominance of Islam which will purge what it considers the heresies of Western culture in the arts, literature, education, religion, etc. This is the end game of Western civilization, the striving for liberation that prepares the ground for the coming dark Islamic centuries that will erase the historic memory of what Western culture had achieved.

    In the 1990’s I though it was unfortunate that Russia, after being stabbed in the back by the West, turned to strategic alliance with China. But now I see it as fortunate for Russia in that it can keep the West at arms length and perhaps not be dragged down with it. How Russia will survive next door to a super power China is another question.

  26. Many Americans do care more about whether or not you mess with their McDonalds and their favorite tv program than they do about what is being done to their freedoms. Our Constitution is being rapidly eroded. I would say that capitalism and American principles is by far the best premise for freedom of the individual people. That premise however is being destroyed by those elected by our dumbed down society. I put off reading this article as long as I could because I was afraid it was going to say exactly what it did. What is happening here is happening because the majority of people who think about and feel about this country the way I do, were not as proactive in its direction as we should have been. We are under a belief that our constitution and bill of rights were supreme law and we let society live their own way just as we live our lives. That was a mistake. We now have an over-sized government who ignores our wishes and taxes us in ways unheard of in this country, and a population of narcissistic people who want the government to redistribute to a point of mediocrity for all. Ivan de coward mentioned a few Americans in his post that were critical to Americas success. Where are those people of today? Well, they are destroyed by our biased media and rotten politicians when they stand up.

    I dont believe this is our end, but it will be a painful drawn out affair as true Americans wake up and begin the long fight of getting our country back to its original values and building blocks.

  27. wood_man_420 is asking: Where are those brave Americans of today?Well, I know of two brave Americans of today, at least, who did not give up yet:

    (1) The author of Don't Start the Revolution Without Me! and former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, and

    (2) Former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana, David DukeI hope you are not brainwashed beyond recovery by the image of David Duke created by the mainstream media as the Grand Wizard of the Knights of KKK and have common sense to go to his official website and check for yourselves.

  28. @Man of the West

    Yes, most of my friends have multiple children or planning on more than one. Cousins included and my family also. One friend, who is in training to be a priest, his wife is pregnant with the 5th child and they live in a 2 room apartment...excellent behaved kids.

  29. @Ivan de Coward

    Henry Ford? He made his millions as a fense for stolen Russian art and icons that soviets were selling. He had apartment on Red Square and helped Arm n Hammer build Stalin's chemical plants. then through ww2 he built Hitler's tanks and paid dividends and the US government pay him to rebuild his factories that it finally bomb in 1945. He also used us as slave labour in his factories. Many soviet girls and children were kidnapped and worked in his factories and GM's Opel.

  30. You people are bigots and I'll be glad when your kind is all dead and dust.

  31. Stanislav, I find your writings an terribly interesting, but please understand that I would never trade whatever it is the RF stands behind for the US constitution (speaking in the abstract, as many levels of our own gov't think themselves above said constitution).
    Even so, wanted to mention:
    To Die (inf.)
    dying (present tense form)
    You had "dieing"
    It seemed odd amidst nearly sterling English grammar.

  32. God Bless you. Continue to fight the perversion of babylon (the west) It is now to the point where young 12 year old girls and boys are lured in to homosexual lifestyles. The pastors are spineless in america. They only speak what makes people feel good (you deserve to be a millionaire, etc). West African countries have even embraced the western culture. Now in Nigeria they have their first gay church. Homophobia is a good thing. Keep fighting the perversion in the name of Jesus Christ.

  33. I have to give credit for Russians for saying what 90% of the people in the west have been wanting to say for decades. We have all these perversions jammed down our throats and told its normal. That if we don't agree with every little issue were a "hater" or "nazi." People are getting sick of it. Don't mistake these values as Western ones Stanislav they aren't there the values were told were supposed to have.

  34. @Ivan de Coward

    Actually, most of the slave labour was Russians and Ukrainians, not Jews. Mostly young women who also were forced into sex slavery to German owners.

  35. Wrong theatre of war Stanislav. It was the Japanese who did this. The Soviets simply raped every female they got their hands on.

  36. Stanislav,

    You're spot-on, especially regarding the vast ignorance amongst the populace in the United States. Knowledge = Power, and it's true, from a young age hundreds of thousands of now adults were not given any true education by the state-funded brainwashing public schools.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my country. If I didn't, it wouldn't cause such sorrow, and paradoxically that's the way it is with all truly patriotic Americans.

    Those who are aware of their slavery are also acutely ashamed that they have been made a laughingstock by their own goverment, voted in by the uneducated masses. Paradoxically, those who voted them in are so blissfully ignorant that they cannot even begin to know to be ashamed.

    I understand that stereotypes exist for a reason, but that word also allows for the exceptions. To say that because those exceptions are not more prominent because they are merely whimpering cowards is unfair. Our cries are only heard as whimpers because the biased media muffles the outrage pouring from our hearts.

    And so those who are truly patriotic are left with one resort - prayer. Yes, we may be merely "insignificant" drops in the ocean, but we are. And as you so aptly quoted, "If God is with us, who can be against us?"

    In the end, the only thing that matters will be how we appear before the Great Judge, but until then how many souls are being lost! And that *is* directly related to the enviroment that these precious souls are raised in... so it's all related... but I digress, which means that's my cue to sign off.

    Mater Dei, Ora Pro Nobis!

  37. I enjoy your comments, Mat, and have put your blog on my "Favorites" list. Whether or not I agree with 100% of your opinions (who agrees 100% with anybody else?), I enjoy your perspective. Keep speaking out! Thanks, from an outspoken Texan.

  38. @vonbach

    First, I am talking about German kidnapping of our people for slave labour, something Ford was being sued over.

    Second, far from that. My Grandfather, 2nd removed (my Grandmother's brother), a colonel in the tank corps, who fought into Berlin, personally executed (shot in the head) another junior officer for rape of a german female.

    Far from the "facts" always played out in the Anglo-West.

  39. @Laura

    Thank you. One thing. Mat is not my name, that word means Mother, Mat Rodina means mother land or more specifically Mother Russia.



  40. Sorry Stanislav the Germans didn't kidnap woman as sex slaves it just didn't happen forced labor was another matter. The Soviets were every bit as bad in ww2 as I'm describing. They raped every female aged 12-60 they could get their hands on, this isn't an exaggeration. They had 44 pregnant nuns in the diocese after the Soviet troops rolled through for gods sake. I commend you grandfather for enforcing some discipline on his troops but the fact is he was one of the few.

  41. In Bucharest a few days ago there was a sodomite parade, publicly and vociferously supported by the members of the EU diplomatic corps and the ambassadors of Romania's fellow EU members Britain and Holland.

    The Dutch Embassy fervently supports the "gay cause" in Romania, and at a meeting with the Romanian press, at which the Dutch ambassador was present, Boris Dietrich, Advocacy Director for International Human Rights, issued the following veiled economic threats: "We followed the evolution of Romania from the point of view of respect for the rights of minorities during the process of accession to the European Union and we are now holding discussions with representatives of the political class connected to legalisation of marriage between homosexual couples. Romania's incapacity to assimilate, including at the legislative level, these aspects of reality will have long-term repercussions, including upon economic relations with large companies from member states. There is a proposal in the Parliament of Romania for gay marriages to be considered illegal and this means that marriage certificates issued by other states will not be recognised here. Large European companies will not be able to invest in a country as long as they will not be able to bring people here to work because their status is not officially recognised." (

    "Aspects of reality", indeed! It is to be noted that homosexuality was a penal infraction in Romania, classed at the same level as rape, up until 2001. The law was, of course, changed under pressure from the E.U. during Romania's efforts to meet all the conditions for accession. Within the medical profession in Romania, homosexuality is still widely regarded as a form of mental illness, and many parents push their children into psychotherapy if their offspring show signs of homosexual behaviour (

    The route of the sodomite parade (in what was presumably a symbolic gesture of sacrilegious defiance) took in Patriarchate Hill, the centre of Romanian Orthodoxy. The Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate made the following statement: "The Romanian Patriarchate considers as inopportune any public demonstration whereby the identity, integrity and dignity of the traditional Christian family and the ethical and moral values of society are directly or indirectly negated. Such demonstrations, alien to the two-thousand-year tradition of the Romanian people, do nothing more than to create disquiet and confusion to the detriment of the family and current Romanian society." (

    On the day before the sodomite parade, there was an anti-homosexual march, which drew the usual hysterical denunciations and accusations of "fascism" from the "politically correct" liberal left. The marchers themselves included Orthodox priests and monks, mothers with babes in arms, and old people, holding icons and singing "Christ is risen!"
    The marchers' banners included slogans such as "No to homosexual marriage and adoptions", "Romania is not Sodom". The march organiser stated: "Homosexuality is an act aimed against the healthy evolution of human society and its perpetuation. Acceptance and proliferation of homosexuality brings moral affliction to the generations and is a factor for the degradation of humanity." (

  42. My ancestors came to America for the freedom that we no longer have. I've been wondering lately, where will WE go? Well, I have always wanted to see Russia!

    The Left Behind stuff surely doesn't represent American literature or really anything other than the evangelical mindset. But if you lived here right now, you'd be praying for the end of the world, too!

    A great many of us know all the things you are say about what's happening to our country, but there's just not a damned thing we can do about it. My "representatives" are either Obama wanna-bes or Republican wimps.

    Love your blog.

  43. @vonbach

    The Germans did much worse, including the murder of 20 million of our people. Of the 8 million German civilians who died, 2 million died from the Red Army/Airforce, rest from Western allies, mostly terror firestorm bombings of all, each and every, German city.

    There were few autrocities that the Nazis did not commit, including the theft of Germanic looking children, though that was mostly in Norweign and Denmark. SS Groups even used children for blood transfusions, dumping their bodies in mass graves. This is what lay behind the revenge of the Red Army, which was rather mild, considering if we kill as many Germans as they killed our civilians, half of Germany would be dead.

  44. @Carmen

    Wow, Carmen, strong arguments, especially the long did it take you to come up with it...but it's all ok, like dude, it'll all work itself out, like ok?

    You prove my points.

  45. Yes, it's called a "positive outlook", something you don't know anything about. Better to think that way than to write a story that drips with a whining tone as if a 15 year old was having a fit. Ironically reposted on Pravda with it's commercial ads sidelining bikini girls and so called "western" influences. So yeah...DUDE!

  46. Well,
    As a former East European (not Slavic), and not particularly fond of the Russians (in the light of what they have done to my ex-country and neighborhood), now living in the USA, I must say I am positively impressed. The truth is no longer tolerated in the west, including in the USA.
    We, in the west, are buried by the "chosen ones"...
    I hate to say it, but this Russian blog is right...

  47. Congratulations, Stanislav...Rush Limbaugh just read your American Capitalism article on-air to an audience of about 20 million people.

  48. Read your article today 'American capitalism gone with a whimper'. Your insights hit home exactly, and are what many Americans are screaming about.

    Many of us *are* beating our chest and yelling about freedom, but unfortunately we are drowned out by the blind masses who slobber at the hand promising to feed them, pay their mortgages, fill their gas tanks for free, and give them paychecks they neither work for nor deserve.

    I am a very proud American, and today I'm shedding tears of rage at what has become of our country. I think it is too late to turn around democratically - nothing but a clean sweep of Congress will help us now. Unfortunately, that's going to take a revolution, or a secession from one or many of the States.

    Thanks for saying outright what our American media is too blindfolded to see.

  49. I will admit this blog partially rings true in it's content. My main beef is the snotty undertone that was taken.I agree what is going on here these days does scare me, however I don't like seeing how all Americans were lumped together as if we are all some herd of cows that go along blindly. I love my country and I can only hope that our future turns for the better. Anyone would wish the same thing for their own homeland wherever it may be.

  50. True Rush read the article, but he gave all credit to Pravda and none to the author. Disappointing, Rush.

    I love the directness in expressing your opinions and the lack of the PC crap. Unfortunately I see you have some cockroaches showing up trying to spread their racism.

  51. The 20 million figure you keep throwing around was troops killed in battle largely by the incompetence of their own generals. The truth is that all of eastern europe including russia was far more frightened of the red army than the german army. The germans were simply better behaved than the soviets were. Even if half of the stories about german atrocities are true (they aren't.) Nothing justifies the mass rape of millions of women and not just german women and girls were targeted. All the countries the red army rolled through had the same stories to tell. You want to lecture the west about morality well it rings a little hollow when you want to remember red victories but not take responsibility for their atrocities.

  52. Hey Stanislav,

    Have you read Anthony Sutton's 'Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution' by any chance? I ask this because you made a remark in the Pravda article to the effect of 'This western sponsored horror show' with regards to the Soviet Union.

    And perhaps you are aware or you are not - but that's really the truth. Wall Street funded the Soviet Union - it couldn't have existed without the explicit support of the western elite.

    In short, the Soviet Union was to be the prototype for the 'scientific dictatorship'. Very 'conveniently', when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union was dissolved, the European Union was being officially unveiled to the 'European' populace. And now we're deep into that mess and guess what - it's the same story all over again. A couple of plutocrats - Europarliamantarians - who can drive around with total disregard for speeding limits because the 'cameras' that register the number plates 'conveniently' don't work on the Euro parliament fatcats.

    It's disgusting. And mind you, they have let the Irish vote up to two times already on that damn Lisbon treaty, and nobody wants the 'damn thing'. Not only that, but the Dutch and the French rejected the exact same thing, and they still pushed it through with total disregard for the public. And I guess the public just sit there and take it.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. The fact is the Germans have owned up to their
    actions during the war the Russians haven't its that simple. Every time Soviet crimes are mentioned you either deny them or say that Germans deserved it. Communism was responsible for what 40-60 million deaths and you lecture us about morality?

  56. Michael Savage was reading it last week. The word is getting out.

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Yeah and Michael Savage replayed his reading it again today and once again no props to the author.

    Rush's lack of mention was probably an oversight because he is usually good at giving credit, but Savage, who is unusually hypocritical for someone with mostly conservative views, rarely gives credit and yet cries like a baby about people "stealing his stuff". Stanislav, you used the word "sheeple", did you know that Savage has claimed that as his invention? I personally know that it is at least 20 years old, but is probably hundreds. It's just a combination of words that anyone with a brain could come up with when looking at the way some people act.

    It really is hard to understand how someone can read someone's work in public and not give credit

  59. Yes, I listened to a recording someone sent me. Yes, he said he "invented" the word. Whatever, if it makes him feel important.

    Common decency to name the writer would be nice, of course. Not like I ask him for money or payment.

  60. For the record, if you want to make excuses for Nazis, damn the Jews or defend the Soviets for their autrocities either, this is NOT the blog to do it on...I am sure there are plenty of blogs to let you scream about these stupidities. THIS IS NOT IT!

    Even the Muslims I do not hate, though I despise the faith. I am an Orthodox Christian and will not swim in hate. I may put my enemies into the ground, when I served, but I did not and do not hate them, hate is a sin. Nor did I take pleasure in any of it, also a sin.

    So if you want to scream about things like that or make excuses for Stalin, Hitler or whom ever of the sort, find another place.

  61. Outstanding piece, Mr. Mishin.

    It is really odd that Russia survived communism better than western countries endured capitalism.
    I think that high culture, language and religion should be preserved above everything else, especially against the derisively appeal of unrestrained liberty and illusory rights pursued by the so called minorities.
    For no other reason my country, Brazil, entered a path of endless decadence. I now fell living in a dead land.
    Could you, please, recommend contemporary Russian authors who present conservative points of view like yours?

    Best regards.

  62. Count Busy,

    Thank you, buddy, evidently you are a very perceptive fellow aren't you. I agree with you, Stan is a Russian Jew. I would very much appreciate if could go one step further and tell the crowd what flavor of Jew you are. I am sure you are not a coward as I am, and will not refuse to indulge my sick curiosity.

    Here is a little quote for you from Einstein a Jewish Saint (no disrespect for the man, just facts, dear Count): There are no German Jews; there are no Russian Jews; there are no American Jews. Their only difference is their daily language. There are in fact only Jews
    I am afraid Stan won't appreciate your 'help' because it will make his task of ignoring my post more difficult. I would not be surprised if he called you a stupid Jew - a rare bird.

  63. @Ivan de Coward

    By the way, countbusy was making fun of you and your stupid statement: sarcasm, something else you apparently do not understand.

  64. @Count Busy

    The problem with the statement of:

    Tell the truth and shame the Devil is that some little devils have no shame.

    He is a hatefilled anti-Christian. It is one thing to hate the sin of homosexuality and the heresy of Islam the death cult, and if life pushes to it, you may even have to fight them, but you do not hate them, but pray for them, even if you have to fight them.

    Orthodox Christian soldiers, when we shed blood, are denied communion until such time that we are cleansed of our sin of sheding blood through prayer and fasting. If our priests shed blood, they are defrocked forever.

    Even the roaches (human) have souls, and I pity the corruption in his.

  65. @Count Busy

    Of course the alternative as someone who got his account in May, Ivan there may be a troll sent to make myself and the site look bad, through his comments.

  66. Stan,

    Take it easy, brother. You are a Christian who loves his neighbours, remember. I am not sure if Jesus Christ would have approved the language you are using to express your love.

    Why is that when you call Jew a Jew most of them get so offended. I can't think of any other ethnic group who would take offence simply because you have identified his or her ethnicity. Russians are proud to be identified as Russians, Italians are proud to be Italians even Gypsies are proud they are Gypsies. Only the Chosen feel uneasy when identified as Chosen, maybe they are Chosen after all.

    On the other hand, I am sure if you called Richard Feynman or Lev Landau or Bobby Fischer a Jew none of them would have taken any offence. I have great respect for these guys as well as for my grandmother-in-law who was a funny, open and beautiful old lady.

    Be yourselves guys, be open and honest - that's all what we are asking for, nothing else. Doesn't seem too much to ask for.

    By the way I appreciate your open-minded view on the Bolsheviks.

  67. Extraordinary site and excellent post.I don't doubt the revival of Russia is both unstoppable and...forgive me..miraculous.Certainly the USA is weakening and frankly rotting away on all fronts.Two small points and a question.Don't doubt the sincerity and zeal of most Western converts to Orthodoxy.Few carry a "plague";God has sent them to you--be welcoming.Second,you cannot" tolerate "away evil.The Muslims want everyone to be Muslim---by sword if necessary.The sodomites will never be content until everyone is a pervert.First marriage,next mandatory gay education in schools...sodomites want more than "tolerance".Finally,Mr. Mishin your thoughts on the "Third Rome" concept?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Stanislav, I greatly enjoyed reading your post. I love my country, and am ashamed of the wickedness that flows through it so pervasively. My people are ignorant, they do not think individually and they have no moral courage. You call us sheep, and rightly so, for we have been conditioned for "herd" mentality by a rancid system of public education. However, homeschooling remains an excellent option for all those who are free to do so. Various states have varying levels of regulations on the practice, but I imagine the freedom to education your children at home will soon be gone as the government continues to expand into private life and trample the Constitution to shreds.

    My country is indeed falling, and many of us know it. I do expect violence to begin, but I hope for a massive revival (for with God all things are possible). Perhaps it will take persecution of the church for revival to occur, but I pray for revival nevertheless. The persecution is likely to happen anyways; we are mere steps away from government interference in such personal liberties, and some of this interference has begun already.

    There are some voices that still speak a bit of sense, among them Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. But the vast majority of younger people my own age are liberal minded, anti-Christian, self obsessed, staunch Obama supporters, and socialist to the core. They truly believe socialism is the answer, and are completely willing to surrender the responsibility of thinking over to the government. My generation disgusts me.

    Yet, I love my country. There may yet be enough of us who remain and hold to Christ, the true foundation, to pull this country back from the approaching disaster. There is little left to do but pray.

  70. Great blog. Keep the good work. God Bless Holy Russia! God bless the American remnant. I think the U.S. is closer to civil war than most think. Any way, good blog; I don't about some of the readers!

  71. Stan said-
    "Henry Ford? He made his millions as a fense for stolen Russian art and icons that soviets were selling. He had apartment on Red Square and helped Arm n Hammer build Stalin's chemical plants. then through ww2 he built Hitler's tanks and paid dividends and the US government pay him to rebuild his factories that it finally bomb in 1945. He also used us as slave labour in his factories. Many soviet girls and children were kidnapped and worked in his factories and GM's Opel."

    That's interesting, and I'll have to look in to that one and find out if I'm reading communist propaganda.

    Henry Ford was the last to bow down to the unions. The unions here in America are known, by some, as being anti-business by default. Such a staunch capitalist view from H.F., combined with your view of H.F. makes me more than curious.

    BTW, interesting post.

  72. Guys,
    I commend you for this discussion, even if some sparks fly.
    This is what is sooo missing in the US nowadays, the ability to exchange such ideas, without being called a racist or anti-semitic.

  73. What Cobra? To not call things what they obviously are because of some "noble" idea of politeness and civility is what got us in the mess we in that Stanislav writes about in this post on Western perversion, and is foolishness and weakness.

  74. But, Cobra, I do agree that false accusations of racist and others are used a lot as a weapon of intimidation to get people to shut up about the truth on various issues.

  75. I read this and Laughed....

    Blogger EdRob said...

    The Russian writer undoubtedly has much learn to about America, including the FACT that network TV with a couple of notable exceptions has resisted a Russian type propaganda machine as done in the Union of Soviet Republics."

    You've got to be kidding me. You have the Anchor on NBC talking about how "Obama sent chills down his leg"... You call that NOT propaganda? Practically EVERY station on TV is a Propaganda machine for Obama and his pals. Where these guys talking about the illegal takover of Chrysler or the fake "Plague" of Swine flu? Where these guys talking about Obama printing 2 Trillion Dollars, or about this fake "Outrage" over Bonuses that were well known and documented for a long time?

    Where's the outrage over the illegal takeover of GM? The Firing of a CEO of a private company? You don't see it on the American Propaganda Machines we call CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN.

  76. Oh and by the way EdRob, one last thing.. as for your ascertion that Russians have one of the lowest birthrates in the world, The truth is that if you were to strip away the Millions of births to Illegal Aliens residing within our borders, our birth rate would probably be much less than that of Russia.

  77. NoSocialism, where did you find EdRob's blog, his profile isn't available.


    And I have to correct a big error in your comment that is a blatant misrepresentation of Chris Matthews. The chills went UP his leg, not down.

  78. Anyone who claims the United States does not employ propaganda is pretty foolish for one, and has obviously been propagandized.

    The first rule of propaganda is: you propagandize the subject to such an extent that 'propaganda becomes as natural as air or water, and the person is no longer able to see propaganda as such'.

    In other words: it's only propaganda if the Russians do it, but not us. That's the mindset - very simple psychology, and the 'Americans' should read Jacques Ellul's Propaganda if they beg to differ.

    In fact, American news is by far the most highly propagandized all over the world - there's no difference between the media being in the pockets of five or six conglomerates (as in the US) and a state-run media as in the Soviet Union. It's the same thing - consolidation and central ownership leads to coordinated propaganda.

    Silly Americans - 'oh no we here in the United States don't have propaganda' - this is the same country where Edward Bernays advised presidents on which propaganda to use in their speeches. Quite rich.

  79. First, let me apologize for the US causing the most significant world financial catastrophe since the great depression. But let me also say that the legacy of the Bush year's never had my approval.

    So, its interesting listening to someone in Russia lecturing the US on its internal conduct. Especially after the demise of your capitalists, the oligarchs by...hmmm...oh yes, your version of democracy, Mr. Putin and his puppets. And lord knows the oligarchs are certainly something to uphold for the rest of the world, aren't they?

    And, while we're on that topic...odd, but it seems that Russia's economy is in even worse shape than the US...but, unfortunately you still have the same governing body that put you there...we at least managed to replace our previous incompetent administration with an intellect...and the nerve to use it; even when confronted with an unprecedented economic collapse. your disparagement of gay people: the mark of a civilisation is how it treats its most marginalized citizens, those who lack political or economic power. As the last gasp of such emanating from the former Soviet Union, you have my sympathy...and scorn. For, just as has happened virtually everywhere else in the first world, you will be replaced by another generation who doesn't have such irrational fear or complete lack of understanding of those who don't share their lifestyle. I'm guessing that you probably have the same enlightened philosophy toward the role of women in society...which will fortunately eliminate any possibility of you reproducing.

    In the meantime, feel free to join the ranks of such respected western ranters as Rush and Newt...on their way to the dustbin of history.

    Interesting...I was forwarded your column by my father...yes, the twilight of your generation in the US...hope you still can find some relevance in the new world...

  80. Please don't paint all Americans with the broad brush of its' notoriety. The silent majority here doesn’t get much notice but our beliefs mirror yours in many ways. We are in the majority but we have lost focus on the underpinnings of our freedom as we go about our lives simply enjoying that freedom. We are beginning to become distressed in great numbers about our decent into social and fiscal madness. We will awake like a sleeping giant to right our ship as we have been bred not to tolerate madness. Look to our most liberal state, California, to further support my claim of American social reticence. The citizens of that state defeated by a landslide the liberals efforts to normalize through marriage homosexual unions and firmly voted no to a large round of huge tax increases by its’ state government. As a whole, we are a God loving, conservative people, busy working hard to improve our lot in life and we have been distracted by that pursuit which has allowed the inmates to run the asylum. We will not be satisfied with that outcome nor will we allow it to continue much longer. We will intercede before we get too much farther down the Fascist path our nation has turned onto. Your post on Pravda was quite on the mark and we also have seen what you see with the same wisdom. On a side note, not to correct you but because I believe you would like to know, you use the word “then” when you should choose the word “than” frequently.

  81. Accusing your opponent of being an anti-semite or world conspiracy theorist doesn't cut it anymore here in America. We live in the age of the Internet where labels do not do their magic as they used to just a few years ago.

    If I am to be called an anti-semite and world conspiracy theorist, then you cannot object if I were to call you an anti-anti-semite and a world conspiracy poo-pooist (credit to Edward Griffin for the term). The later group is a ridiculous bunch, indeed, in view of the fact that conspiracies are so common throughout history. Very few major events of the past have occurred in the absence of conspiracies. You need to grow up, man.

    And about you being honored to be a Russian - I would have much more respect for you if you have openly declared being proud to be a Jew, like Einstein did:

    Not only did he not make it a secret, Gutfreund explains, but Einstein was proud of his ethnic origin, of belonging, which he perceived as a cultural tradition based on moral values, a long tradition of learning and the pursuit of truth.

  82. Mark:

    You don't get it, do you? You do realize it was Wall Street that funded the Bolsheviks, right? So lose the moral high-ground.

    And what are you talking about when you say 'we at least managed to replace our previous incompetent administration with an intellect'? If you think the Bush 'administration' or the 'Obama administration' is the ultimate harbinger of power in the States, then keep dreaming. These politicians are irrelevant and interchangeable - Bush did not run anything, Obama certainly does NOT run anything and if anything is even more dumb and foolhardy than Bush. Notice he can only read off a teleprompter - he can't even put a well-constructed sentence across without it.

    Go read Jacques Ellul's 'The Technological Society', 'Propaganda' and 'The Political Illusion'. Three old books I'm sure, but if you do not know the past you have no hope in hell of knowing the present.

    Fact is that the US is run by a technocratic money elite - they run the president, they run their cabinets - and presidents are nothing more than 'yes-men' to these people. There's one agenda - and both the left and the right serve it. And if you can't deal with that - tough - that is the reason why they talk down to the public like 'children'. The children wouldn't understand - that's why they need to keep fooling you and give you 'reasons' and 'excuses', excuses that you can then parrot with conviction even though no thinking or discernment was involved on your part.

  83. Mark:

    It's quite something for an American to lecture a Russian on the atrocities of the 'Soviet Union'. He's most likely too dumb and propagandized to figure out it was the US that funded the whole operation.

    Once again, read Antony Sutton's 'Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution' 'Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930'. This is mainline history - it's not just taught in the propaganda schools.

    Zbigniew Brzezinski even refers in his books to Antony Sutton's works, and admits Wall Street set up the Soviet Union financially.

    So please - drop the moral superiority, and look at yourself in the mirror collectively for a change.

  84. @Farmboy

    Equating the oligarchs to businessmen/capitalists is like equating the american mafia to the same, there is little difference, except that under Western control, the alcoholic Yeltsin gave away most national resources to this men.

    The worst of the lot fled Russia, men like Brezensky, who dubbed self as the Tsar maker and who armed Chechen Islamics to keep the war going, while he was making billions from it. Men like Kodorkhovsky who illegally sold Russia's biggest oil fields to Exxon. The deal was destroyed and he went to jail. His vice (in the US) and his sec chief (in jail) ran a murder ring, killing off not only business rivals but also former executives of Yukos, who left the company knowing to much.

    The less corrupt, reformed and began running businesses only, not playing other games.

  85. Daniel

    Yes, I have read that book, it is on line. Very interesting and I did use that as part of my basis for my article on the 6 Evils of Wallstreet. There is much more information out there on these scum who equally backed Hitler and the Nazis after ward.

  86. Who is Brezensky? I guess you meant to say Jew boy Boris Berezovsky who, after having converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity, calls himself Platon Elenin. He is probably honored to be a Russian as well.

    Stan, when you get angry your English becomes incomprehensible. Relax, man. Take your time. Haste makes waste.

    I hate to admit thought - you are better than I have expected. I was certain that you would delete all my posts but you didn't. I respect that. Credit should go where credit is due.

  87. If you do not know really how a muslim believes i will place the fact here,even a muslim said this was is very sad to be made to believe a lie based on some sort of tradition.There is only one God!The God of Heaven & earth.who sent His son Jesus to die for you and me,

    ISLAM: "Allah" is a Pagan Moon God

    Research concludes from a diversity of solid historical sources that:

    1. "Allah" was the name of a demonic moon god prominent in that tribal group well before Muhammad was even born.

    2. When Muhammad received his "revelations" he himself considered them likely to be from demons. His cohorts, friends, relatives, persuaded him otherwise and essentially encouraged him to co-opt

    "allah" as the sole surviving tribal god into a new religion AS A MEANS OF EMOTIONALLY ENERGIZING MASSES OF PEOPLE TOWARD POLITICAL AND GEOGRAPHIC CONQUEST. He thought that was a great idea.


    A) running 7 times around the temple of the moon god called the Kaaba.
    B) stones were thrown at the devil.
    C) a crescent was a key religious symbol.
    D) praying toward Mecca five times a day.
    E) kissing the black stone.
    F) killing an animal in sacrifice to the moon god.
    G) fasting for the month which begins and ends with the crescent moon.

    But essentially "Allah" is NOT the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    The historical record - FROM ISLAMIC SOURCES - is quite clear. There's nothing iffy or fuzzy about it. The sources are not celebrated these days in Islamic circles for obvious reasons. But they have been considered accurate and authoritative for many hundreds of years.

    "Allah Akbar!" means Allah ak bar which at its Semitic root means: God is without a son or rendered more colloquially "God has no son".

    "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle." (Qur'an:8:12)

    Why is there a crescent moon on the front of every mosque? To this day, a crescent moon can be found at the front of every mosque, acknowledging that Allah was, and is the moon god.

    In conclusion, ISLAM is founded on the worship of a pre-Islamic pagan moon god elevated to the one sovereign god by Muhammad's vision.

    In Mecca, circling around the cuboid stone mimicks the energy needed to open a portal in a spirit world. ISLAM is unwittingly opening evil doorways and inviting themselves to become more possessed by Satanic forces.

  88. The state run media and political correctness is destroying America ...

    Your posts are incredibly interesting.

  89. OK, Stan, I admit - I was a little harsh on you. Your wonderful audience is probably getting tired and bored by our constant pecking at each other. Why don't we have a good laugh instead. There is nothing I enjoy more than a sparkling Jewish humor. Nobody can beat Jews in the art of humor and satire - remember "The Golden Calf" by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov. I have accidentally stumbled upon this hilarious piece of entertainment: Ahmed The Dead Terrorist. I would be very much surprised if the author - the stand up comedian Jeff Dunham turned up to be a gentile. Only Jews can be so fricking funny. I hope your readers will enjoy it as much as I did.

  90. Ivan de Coward: You think Jews are so funny as 'comedians'. Well, to list one example, I find Sacha Baron Cohen in his 'Borat' act incredibly grating - the same lowest common denominator jokes repeated ad nauseum doesn't strike me as some kind of innate Jewish knack for comedy.

  91. Daniel,

    Agreed. Cohen in 'Borat' is absolutely distasteful to say the very least. I didn't find it funny at all. Generally, when a comedian, Jewish or otherwise, picks sex or any kind of perversion as the main theme of his/ her act it's a good sign of lack of talent at best or an attempt to distort the culture of the host nation at worst.

  92. @IJN

    If most people are not pleased with Obama, in America, than why did most people vote for him? True, you gave yourselves a choice of two degrees of Marxism and as a society you choose the worst of the Marxists, but choose him you did and you chose the left of the leftists for congress.

    --But much goes on in Russia,with their slavery of people and much more,no! ---

    Slavery of whose people? What are you talking about? More Anglo MSM nonsense?

  93. here here, stanislav! (mat rodina) i couldn't have said it better myself. although, i would have said that there are as many americans willing to stand up and shout against the overbearing politically correct thugs, as there are russians, apparently. unfortunately, the media here is populated by liberal jug-heads who stalin used to call "useful idiots". these losers want to look good in the eyes of a dying world because they think it will "help" us. the only thing that will help us is salvation. and the only salvation comes by Jesus Christ.

    i wish i could come to russia and see how you are doing. i feel a connection with it like i never have before.

    keep fighting the good fight!


  94. Your article and blog has been making news with Glen Beck and freedom meetings in my area. The average American cannot see themselves, but when it comes from the former Soviet Union people start to listen. This is not in our mainstream news as our news is owned by the leftists and Obamanistas. The mainstream news had nothing but praise for Obama and the sheeple listened and are still listening. If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. Obama recieved free coverage from all three major networks. If Obama sneezed it got coverage. That is the power of the press. The election is over and some people Hopefully are waking up. Your blog was on a tea party meetup group message board and read at meetings.

    American Capitalism gone with a whimper

    You can read the whole article here on this site. This is scary stuff. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what is going on in this country. Obama and his minions have made very good progress turning us into good little children. We are so brainwashed, that we are living in a total nanny state.

  95. to Stanislav
    Sometime in the next few days, I will come back to this site and try to set you straight on which of us is sucking the most wind and propaganda. I will just comment for now that surely the U.S. of full of propaganda as issued by every major network (how many networks does Moscow have?-don't kid me, google is a pretty good source). One other thing which I will not wait to refute:
    My birth birth statistics mentioned were not mine but from a published book "America Alone" written by Mark Styne, a Canadian.
    Yes we have plenty of problems but NOTHING to compare to Mat Rodina's
    I must really really got your goat since you had to attack in at least a half dozen different paragraphs, so that is the way I will respond when I have some more time to waste on your re-education. My FATHER and his headquarters 42nd Tank Batallion unit of Patton's Third Army he fought with, saved literally hands only filled of emaciated and near death Jewish and other political prisoners at Mauthausen and would have been FIRST into Berlin were it not for Roosevelt's directly ordered slow down and LET the Russians into Berlin First order. That coming AFTER they freed up the 82nd Airborne at the Battle of the Bulge which also saved Russian soldiers from having to face another 27,000 dead and wound German troops, mostly tankers and infantry who had broken out and surprised American forces in the ARgonne Forrest of Belgium on the border shared with Germany. Read up on that Mother Russia. And that is NOT propaganda, that is HISTORY BUT THEN Mother Russia has truly known anything truthful about the rest of the world UNLESS it came after the end of Glasnost and the death of Stalin.
    Tell me about "Glasnost" Mother Russia, i would be interested in your version.

  96. Please contact me. I would like to ask your kind permission to use a few of your quotes on my blog. Thank you.

  97. Mat,
    I'm a long winded blogger, and when I am not spouting off at Sanity's Bluff, I'll be following your blog. You speak the truth in love Mat, some times if you love someone you must chasten. God chastens, (How well I know) and sometimes has to chastise. My parents didn't spare the rod, and it only took 60+ years for the lessons my parents tried to teach me to sink in. I'm a slow learner, fast typer and a speed limit driving truck driver. I love America. I'll be reading your blog Mat. Way back in 2005 I started blogging but have slowed down since then, but it's still out there. May you have a double blessing of the peace that passeth all understanding. John

  98. Quote:" Count Busy said...

    NoSocialism, where did you find EdRob's blog, his profile isn't available."

    I didn't, I was responding to a post that he put here ... It's up near the top somewhere.

    Quote:"Farmboy said...
    So, .. Russia lecturing the US on its internal conduct.. after the demise of your capitalists, the oligarchs .. Mr. Putin and his puppets. ..."

    So Farmboy, what difference is there between the old style Soviet Oligarch's who bought up state wealth on the cheap, in the transition to a private economy, and the Obama Team's Union buddy's who ended up illegally obtaining MASSIVE chunks of Chrysler and GM? YES, I say ILLEGALLY, because if this would have been done legally, they would have gone through the courts, and the Banks, who are SUPPOSED to be FIRST to get paid would have gotten the lions share of the reorganized companies. Only because the Obama administration stepped in and CHANGED the rules, did they end up with MUCH, MUCH larger shares of the companies than they would have ever obtained legally.

    Quote:"Farmboy said...
    ... And, while we're on that topic .. Russia's economy is in even worse shape than the US.... we at least managed to replace our previous incompetent administration with an intellect...and the nerve to use it; even when confronted with an unprecedented economic collapse."

    How is the Russian Economy in worse shape than the U.S.? Let me lay out some facts, so you understand the circumstances.
    The Russian Economy's collapse is NOT more spectacular than the U.S. They are on par, with one HUGE exception. Most Russian's didn't overleverage themselves when it came time to buy a home and are not in danger of losing their homes, as is the case in the U.S. Additionally, the average U.S. household is saddled with an ever expanding debt load, not only personally, but in addition a cool HALF MILLION Dollars in FEDERAL Debt. The Russian Government until last year has been running a Surplus, and so they have no such debt. Who do you think will be in a better position to handle a world wide economic depression? Here in the US, with our MASSIVE debts built up over DECADES of irresponsibilitty by BOTH the Democrats and Republicans, or over there in Russia with ZERO Debt? .... Oh and BTW, you call that INTELLECTUAL, to go from a 250M a year deficit to a TRILLION Dollar a year deficit?!?! WHAT is intellectual about that. I call that SHEER STUPIDITY. This spending will only mean ONE thing, HYPER-INFLATION. Why do you think the Dollar is at an all time low right now?

    Quote:"Farmboy said...
    In the meantime, feel free to join the ranks of such respected western ranters as Rush and Newt...on their way to the dustbin of history."

    Shows how much you know Farmboy, since Obama's election, Rush's ratings went through the Stratosphere, climbing from 20 Million to well over 30 Million listeners, so much for Rush headed for the Dust Bin.

  99. Ditto to everything said.

  100. Count Busy: NoSocialism, where did you find EdRob's blog, his profile isn't available.

    This guy has what it takes to become a good police informer - a knack for sniffing out political dissent. Unemployment is something he doesn't have to worry about in the upcoming Policed States of America.

  101. Stanislav,
    Why most people voted for Obama is very simple. Three Reasons:
    #1. The VAST Majority of media outlets in the U.S. are Pro Big Government and Pro Democrat, so they always reported things dealing with Obama in a very positive light.
    #2. American's always vote for who they think will lower taxes. Obama successfully fooled the people into thinking that he would lower taxes on most while raising taxes on the very wealthy.
    #3. The left loves to employ a System of "Class Warfare" where they get one group pitted against another.

    You see, we here in America LOVE to Discriminate. We discriminate mostly and universally against the Wealthy, especially those who create the most Jobs and make the most money. Instead of doing like Russia does and having ONE Fair flat tax for all (I believe in Russia it's 12.5% for all income over $10,000.00). We instead tax the Rich at a rate MUCH higher than everyone else. As one example, Exxon-Mobile paid more in taxes in 2007 years than HALF of the ENTIRE working population of the United States! ONE Single Company. On top of all that, any distributions to Shareholders was TAXED AGAIN, on an individual basis... and who knows how many Billions that raked in. Then people wonder why Exxon-Mobile is not drilling for Oil in the U.S.!!! It's a little bit difficult to divert resources to more exploration when you have to pay over 32 BILLION in taxes. I wonder how many more people could have been hired if they were allowed to keep a bigger share of that... I wonder how many more Oil Wells they could have put online with the ability to keep just a bit more of that Cash (of course more Oil wells means more supply and lower prices) .... Oh well I'm SURE the Government will put that money to GOOD use.
    - Hide quoted text -

    On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Stanislav wrote:

    Stanislav has left a new comment on the post "Once More, Russia Says "No" To Western Perversion":


    If most people are not pleased with Obama, in America, than why did most people vote for him? True, you gave yourselves a choice of two degrees of Marxism and as a society you choose the worst of the Marxists, but choose him you did and you chose the left of the leftists for congress.

    --But much goes on in Russia,with their slavery of people and much more,no! ---

    Slavery of whose people? What are you talking about? More Anglo MSM nonsense?

  102. This is the funniest blog I have come upon in a long time – thanks for a good laugh, dude. It is ridiculous how, living in the West and partaking of its glory and its good fruits, you seem to enjoy spitting in the well. A lot of Russian emigrants tend to feel that way; however, I know of no one who has left back for the dump they call Russia, where people are poor, hateful toward each other, corrupt to the T, and where all of us, who have left for the US and the West in general, are considered traitors. So, blog on my young friend (for, quite clearly, you’re a pup). In Russia they’d jail you for your propaganda stand. Enjoy the freedom to trash the society you live in, my friend.

  103. This is the funniest blog I have come upon in a long time – thanks for a good laugh, dude. It is ridiculous how, living in the West and partaking of its glory and its good fruits, you seem to enjoy spitting in the well. A lot of Russian emigrants tend to feel that way; however, I know of no one who has left back for the dump they call Russia, where people are poor, hateful toward each other, corrupt to the T, and where all of us, who have left for the US and the West in general, are considered traitors. So, blog on my young friend (for, quite clearly, you’re a pup). In Russia they’d jail you for your propaganda stand. Enjoy the freedom to trash the society you live in, my friend.

  104. Piotr P.,
    You are both incredibly wrong and incredibly Naive. I came here to the States from the Dominican Republic, where they believe that Big Government is a GOOD thing. They also have 25% unemployment and are constantly blaming the "Rich" for their woes. I came the the U.S. not really by choice, but because my Parents wanted a better life for me, but I've gone back there and have come to realize that what makes the U.S. so great is the Capitalistic and Free Market society we live in. At 42, I've opened and closed several businesses throughout my lifetime, I've had boom and bust cycles and I've NEVER once looked to the Government to "Bail me out". When a business I opened went down the drain, I'd take my licks and try again. YES I live comfortably, and I've probably paid more in taxes than you average Joe will pay in his enitre lifetime.

    What you don't seem to realize is that it is precisely people like Obama who is "living in the West and partaking of its glory and its good fruits", while they "seem to enjoy spitting in the well". Let's face it. Obama became VERY wealthy in the U.S. and then started complaining that people like himself CAN'T make it in the U.S.! So what does he do? He comes in, takes over and begins to move the U.S. Radically to something that we are not. A Quasi-Socialist country where we will need to run companies like GM. Did we not learn ANYTHING from the government running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? You do realize that those two government agencies were the prime forces behind the financial meltdown. YES, this was a Government induced travesty. Even President Bush and John McCain, both BIG Government proponents realized that Fannie and Freddie were headed for disaster 5 years ago. They tried their best to institute new regulations to stave off disaster, but Politics, NOT BUSINESS SENSE prevailed. THIS is the problem when you have Governments running businesses. Solutions are not practical, or the best for the Company or even the Nation. Solutions instead are political.

    On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Piotr P. wrote:

    Piotr P. has left a new comment on the post "Once More, Russia Says "No" To Western Perversion":

    This is the funniest blog I have come upon in a long time – thanks for a good laugh, dude. It is ridiculous how, living in the West and partaking of its glory and its good fruits, you seem to enjoy spitting in the well. A lot of Russian emigrants tend to feel that way; however, I know of no one who has left back for the dump they call Russia, where people are poor, hateful toward each other, corrupt to the T, and where all of us, who have left for the US and the West in general, are considered traitors. So, blog on my young friend (for, quite clearly, you’re a pup). In Russia they’d jail you for your propaganda stand. Enjoy the freedom to trash the society you live in, my friend.

    Post a comment.

    Unsubscribe to comments on this post.

    Posted by Piotr P. to Mat Rodina at June 4, 2009 5:22 AM

  105. Did someone really state "enjoying the fruits of the West"?Was that deliberately funny? If any purported American really believes that America is stronger today than it was in 2000,you're too stupid to be talking to adults.If anyone denies that Russia is stronger today than it was in 2000,you're either a liar or just misinformed. So why should reviving Russia emulate a rotting America? Answer:it shouldn't and it won't!! Carry on Mr. Mishin--without compromise.

  106. Piotr P. said...

    "Simply put – yes, I do believe America is stronger today than it was then, and I will explain why"

    Still waiting for that explanation... Also, you are equating Russia with the now defunct Soviet Union. They are two completely different entities. That's like saying that Japan is nothing but an Imperialistic country looking to take over all of Asia, or that Germany is indoctrinating everyone to love and admire Hitler. Yes, they are both true statements, but things that occured in the past.

    Do I need to remind you that the Soviet Union fell apart? Why do you think that happened? Maybe, just maybe it was because they were SPENDING way more than was sustainable? Just as a Certain Federal Government is doing now?

    So please explain to me how America is stronger today than in the year 2000, when the Average household today is in PERSONAL Debt to the tune of $121,953.00 PLUS each household is also responsible for a FEDERAL Debt of $546,668.00. A combined total of $668,621.00. Exactly how are we as a nation "Stronger", owing that much money? Think about this for a moment. With the Average household in the U.S. generating about $50.000 a year, IF we were taxed at 50%, it would take around 22 years to pay that all back, IF IT WERE INTEREST FREE, WHICH IT IS NOT!!!. Keep in mind that doesn't even take into account the Social Security mess, which will be bankrupt in about 4 to 5 years. So please explain to me how exactly it is that we are "STRONGER" now?

  107. Let me make it clear, first of all – I am not socialist, and I am strongly against the runaway spending that our government has engaged in. Just for the record though, it was Georgie W. who got us into this mess, not Obama (although Obama’s policies do not help, quite clearly). The $600K+ of debt (combined private and public) that each family supposedly carries on is meaningless. These are the dollars that we print ourselves, as the country, right? , so, inflation will take care of it. One thing for sure – do not pay off your mortgage and car loans – in a year or two your $100K mortgage will be worth much much less. It is NOT good for the country’s image, I agree, but it is the step in the right direction; namely, to make the amount of currency on the market so absurdly huge that it will become meaningless. These are just meaningless numbers – don’t stress over them too much.
    As far as Russia – well, it is still the Soviet Union in its goals, psyche, leaders, and methods. It still has no industry to speak of, no infrastructure, no culture of hard work and honesty, and a lot of imperial ambition. This blog is about Russia and how it will rise as the US falls. The premises themselves are idiotic. My dad used to say: “When a fat man shrinks, a skinny one withers away”. Before the US will disintegrate (which is not to be in any near future, I am certain of it), the Russian Federation will fall apart. Besides, they don’t need people (hence such low taxes) – for 93% of their government’s revenue comes from oil and gas, it is a fact.

  108. @Piotr P

    "Just for the record though, it was Georgie W. who got us into this mess, not Obama"

    Um, for the record, it is the US congress which makes the budget and economic rules, not the president.

    The current economic mess is the result of congress ordering banks not to engage in the immoral act of "loan discrimination" which denied minorities and others access to loans. Check out the Community Reinvestment Act.

  109. Count Busy: NoSocialism, where did you find EdRob's blog, his profile isn't available.

    This guy has what it takes to become a good police informer - a knack for sniffing out political dissent.

    What the hell are you talking about? He mentioned that the guy was a blogger and, like I do with EVERYONE who comments where I do, I like to check their sites.

    Dude your whole thinking is warped with paranoia.

  110. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  111. Good for Russia for refusing to celebrate perversion and immorality. It is so sad that Americans refuse to learn from history. One of the great founding fathers of the United States, Thomas Jefferson warned that a Republic could be maintained only upon the virtue of the people. America has lost its virtue, and I fear that now we shall lose our Republic.

  112. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied. (Mt 5-6-7)


    You have a gun
    And I am hungry

    You have a gun
    I am hungry

    You have a gun
    I am hungry

    You can have a gun
    You can have one thousand bullets and even another thousand

    You can waste them all on my poor body You can kill me one, two, three,
    two thousand, seven thousand times

    But in the long run
    I will always be better armed than you

    If you have a gun
    And I
    Have only hunger

    Guatemalan poet Manuel Arce

  113. Piotr P. said...

    Quote..."Let me make it clear, first of all – I am not socialist, and I am strongly against the runaway spending that our government has engaged in. Just for the record though, it was Georgie W. who got us into this mess, not Obama (although Obama’s policies do not help, quite clearly)."

    So the fact that both the Congress and Senate, who have been run by the Democrats since 2006, even though THEY are the ones who actually write and pass the budget, they bear no responsibility. Of Which Obama was one of those Senators!? Also, Under Bush, the ANNUAL budget deficit was running around 250 Billion a year, until last year when the Economy collapsed, it ran closer to 400 Billion, and now under Obama, he's run that figure up .. SO FAR ... to around 1.8 TRILLION!!!!

    Piotr P. said...

    Quote..."The $600K+ of debt (combined private and public) that each family supposedly carries on is meaningless. These are the dollars that we print ourselves, as the country, right? , so, inflation will take care of it. One thing for sure – do not pay off your mortgage and car loans – in a year or two your $100K mortgage will be worth much much less. It is NOT good for the country’s image, I agree, but it is the step in the right direction; namely, to make the amount of currency on the market so absurdly huge that it will become meaningless. These are just meaningless numbers – don’t stress over them too much."

    You are obviously a child and don't remember the 70's. Back then Carter decided to burden Every American household with massive amounts of debt as well, not anywhere near the numbers we have today, but as a percentage of our income is was stifling high. What happened you ask? High levels of inflation, and before you say that it doesn't affect you consider this. If you had to pay 24% interest to buy a car, the car payments would double. Same for your house. Back then the problem was MUCH smaller, yet it still caused 12% unemployment and a lot of misery. Every year, wages could not keep up with inflation, and people never had enough to buy just the Basics. So please don't tell me that it doesn't matter, because I remember what things were like in the 70's and 80's and hell YES it did matter. Why don't you ask your parents what kind of homes they lived in or what kind of cars they drove, I can practically guarantee you that your parents lived in a home that was half the size of the home you live in now and their cars were no where near the luxury of the cars we drive today. The reason we've been able to do this is because our low inflation has kept interest rates low, which in turn allows us to buy more expensive cars and homes with lower payments. If this goes away, we will have destroyed our standard of living.

  114. Piotr P. said...

    Quote..."As far as Russia – well, it is still the Soviet Union in its goals, psyche, leaders, and methods. It still has no industry to speak of, no infrastructure, no culture of hard work and honesty, and a lot of imperial ambition. This blog is about Russia and how it will rise as the US falls. The premises themselves are idiotic. My dad used to say: “When a fat man shrinks, a skinny one withers away”. Before the US will disintegrate (which is not to be in any near future, I am certain of it), the Russian Federation will fall apart. Besides, they don’t need people (hence such low taxes) – for 93% of their government’s revenue comes from oil and gas, it is a fact."

    Again you show your ignorance here. The Soviet Union has been experiencing an Industrial revival of epic proportions over the past Decade. I bet you were not even aware that an apartment in the middle of Moscow is now more expensive than in the middle of Manhatten did you? Of course not, since you're living in the past. Truth is, the United States has MASSIVE energy reserves, and has ZERO NEED for imports, but no will to drill for those reserves, so instead we enrich our trading partners in the Middle East and In Canada at our expense. We have enough Coal to power every single home in America for a thousand years, and Enough Oil in the Gulf of Mexico to power every car for the next 100 years. But we don't tap it. Why not? Enviro-Crazy's that would have us all living in Mud Huts.

    Our insane levels of Taxation, where the bottom 38% pay NOTHING and the top 5% pay 67% of the bill is absolutely insane. It's a system that robs from the MOST productive citizens to reward the laziest and least productive. It's a system that is completely unsustainable.

  115. @Piotr P

    --As far as Russia – well, it is still the Soviet Union in its goals, psyche, leaders, and methods. It still has no industry to speak of, no infrastructure, no culture of hard work and honesty, and a lot of imperial ambition.--

    Why do you post in your profile you are Russian? You obviously dispise what you are. No industry? Come to the Ural Mountains or European Russia and I will show you no industry. Russia is the 3rd largest producer of steel and steel products, presses, hammers, heavy equipment in the world. It produces quite a bit of the fertilizer the US uses. It can feed itself and cloth itself, unlike some.

    Russia is the 4th largest automobile market in Europe and most are built in Russia.

    Boeing's design department is primarily out of Russia. IT is huge, also, the main competitor to India.

    Nuclear civilian industry, space industry, shipping (most American military equipment rides on Russian or Norweign ships).

    You know nothing, your posts are worse then the worst russophobic bigot, which, you being Russian and advertising it shows how pathetic that really is. But there is a place in the world for lapdogs too...maybe if you are patted on your head for spewing filth about your own people long eough, you forget your own self hatred.

  116. @piotr p

    --“When a fat man shrinks, a skinny one withers away”. Before the US will disintegrate (which is not to be in any near future, I am certain of it), the Russian Federation will fall apart. Besides, they don’t need people (hence such low taxes) – for 93% of their government’s revenue comes from oil and gas, it is a fact.--

    Yes, let us see which nation is more stable: the one that is 95% the same ethnic group with one main language and 85% the same religion, with massive reserves of cash and one that has survived Khazar, Mongolian, Polish, Swedish, Arabic/Turkish, Persian, Japanese, German, British, French, Prussian invasions or the one that has hundreds of ethnic-Americans, ethnic of choice to add there, that has regions that have very radically different cultures, that has no one langauge, that has some 10% of the population illegally from a totally different culture concentrated primarly next to their mother country and demanding that the Europeans get out, a nation that has no unifying religion and no longer one unifying culture and whose economy is at best in stagflation, with no reserve having to borrow money from everyone in the world and print it with such speed forests disappear...which nation will survive....history tells us the first sure as hell will.

    You say history is your hobby, not much of one it seems.

    --This is the funniest blog I have come upon in a long time – thanks for a good laugh, dude. It is ridiculous how, living in the West and partaking of its glory and its good fruits, you seem to enjoy spitting in the well. A lot of Russian emigrants tend to feel that way; however, I know of no one who has left back for the dump they call Russia, where people are poor, hateful toward each other, corrupt to the T, and where all of us, who have left for the US and the West in general, are considered traitors. So, blog on my young friend (for, quite clearly, you’re a pup). In Russia they’d jail you for your propaganda stand. Enjoy the freedom to trash the society you live in, my friend.--

    First, I am not in the US. Second, I've been to the US. Third, I know plenty of people who came back to Russia and come back.

    Fourth, when you left as a small child, which I am sure you did, and your daddy tell you stories, did you ever wonder, to stop your self hatred as a Russian yourself, and maybe go see reality? No? Well, you prove yourself a fool and a self loather with your words and lies.

    Arrested? I can walk to any media stand and buy any one of a dozen different news papers daily, all with different political views, many opposed to the government. i can turn on TV and watch 4-6 local news channels (depending where you live) and see various views and there is also on my cable CNN, Deutchawella and BBC.

    What do you know but stupid propaganda and half truth from the 1970s? That you advertise on your profile you are Russian and then dirt talk Russians, Russian culture and everything else, shows just how pathetically tormented your mind is.

    Better you go practice the "kinky sex" you advertise as your first hobby, rather than talk with adults on adult realities...being a professor has kept you from a ticket to Russia and go get a clue.

  117. Better you go practice the "kinky sex" you advertise as your first hobby, rather than talk with adults on adult realities...being a professor has kept you from a ticket to Russia and go get a clue.

    Oh man! I am still laughing out loud as I type this! A Russian bear sized smackdown!

  118. Stanislav said...
    Yes, let us see which nation is more stable: the one that is 95% the same ethnic group with one main language and 85% the same religion"

    From what I've read, less than 20% of Russians are Christian, the vast majority are still Agnostic or Atheist. (Though I know you're having HUGE gains over there and for that I congradulate you). Now, Despite what Mr. Obama says, nearly 80% of all American's are Christian and despite what you may have read, there is practically zero animosity between the different branches of Christianity here in the U.S. Generally speaking the only time that Religion becomes an issue, is when couples are dating that are from different Religions entirely, such as when my cousin dated a Jewish guy. It became an issue for his family, because they wanted him to marry a Jewish girl. Generally, if two people are of different denominations of Christianity, there's almost NEVER any issue whatsoever.

    Throughout the world, Religion is an area of a lot of strife, not so in the U.S.

    Our problems here, are PURELY financial. Our biggest issue is that the Corrupt politicians have crafted the Tax code into a weapon of mass financial destruction, solely designed for the purpose of getting THEMSELVES re-elected. So called Campaign Finance Reforms have created such incredibly archaic rules, that you need to hire an attorney just to be able to run for any office, so you don't run afoul of the myriad of Campaign Finance Rules. Again, another weapon used to keep themselves in Power.

    History has shown us that lower taxes, less regulation and smaller government, such as the reforms instituted by Ronald Reagan, result in huge increases in government revenue by virtue of increased economic activity. This legacy has been perverted and subverted by the Left Wing Media, who want to engage in Class warfare as a means of gaining political power.

  119. Actually, in polls, over 80% of the population identify self as Orthodox Christian. True many know very little about their faith, but it will get fixed as an issue, with time. Sunday schools are opening everywhere and voluntary classes are offered in schools on Orthodox Christianity.

  120. That's fantastic to see such a Revival in Russia. A decade ago when the Collapse of the Soviet Union Occurred, I was afraid that with so many Muslims surrounding you in the *stan countries, you might fall victims to their falsehoods. It's great to see that the Marxist could not completely stamp out your Christian Values and with them finally out of the way, the truth can now be spoken again.

  121. God bless Holy Mother Russia. I hope you keep your conviction, I pray you make very clear to the sodomites that they are not welcome to parade around your capital city. They start off by saying, all they want is to march, and in the forst few years that is all they will so, then they will start parading around naked and commiting sex acts on each other in the middle of the street as they do here in the west. The time to stop them is before they start.

    I have a great hope that Russia can be an example to the west when the inevitable collapse comes, when we are rebuilding our nations, then Russia can be the example of what we should be. Our morality is gone, our economies are wrecked by international finance, our governments riddled with traitors.

    god help us

  122. Mat,
    I live in the USA and I am in agreement about much of what you say. I sense that you think you are a Christian and yet the tone and bravado in some of your rants indicates you are not. If you are a believer you apparently have appointed yourself as judge over a lot of Christians not to mention unbelievers here in the US. Real Christians do not care for the direction Obama and the Liberal Democrats are taking our country but unfortunately the voters have spoken. (A lot of the voters were fraudulant but that is another subject.) Until a few years back I recall Russians were unable to cast a ballot except for a candidate in the Communist party. Your freedoms were none existent yet your citizens remained arrogant for no reason. Now that you have achieved a measure of success you have become unbearable. I have met many of your ex-citizens in the United States who have become citizens of the US and they don't seem to be too upset to be here. I'm not aware of a huge number Americans trying to become citizens in Russia though. Perhaps that is because the KGB still lives on in the form of Vladamir Putin. He still calls the shots and is waiting in the wings to retake his position over Russia once again. I suspect your freedoms are watched very carefully. I have noticed most Russians that I have met, but not all, display the same angry atittude that you have. Why is that? For a smart guy you don't seem to realize that constant bragging about Russia becomes obnoxious very quickly. If it was such a paradise you would have the same kind of illegal immigration policy the US has. Remember, Pro 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Tone it down a bit. Your points are well taken.

  123. Thank you for speaking the truth. Some of us do realize that here in the US, we do live in the midst of nearly complete moral decay. It is agony for those of us who see the perversion for what it is. Pray for us.

  124. And I, an American citizen, will stand behind you.

    Thank you for your honesty and stance for the truth. It's a comfort to hear that not everyone is falling into this vat of deception and sin. Hats off to you!

    And, on a side note to a poster, I don't believe there is an obsession with the end of the world here. Only an awareness that the Biblical accounts are indeed coming to pass and that our eyes and ears can perceive something is going to happen. It would be foolish to ignore it especially considering all that this post entails.

  125. harry chides stanislav, getting his name wrong in the process...

    " apparently have appointed yourself as judge over a lot of Christians not to mention unbelievers here in the US."

    then harry follows this admonition with some apparently proper form of judgement...

    "...your citizens remained arrogant for no reason. Now that you have achieved a measure of success you have become unbearable.

    harry, when a man is speaking the truth don't let his manner bother you.

  126. [For Archer]
    The name may be wrong; I saw Mat Rodina which in English could very easily have been a proper name. My apologies to Stanislav. The point is you can get the message across without using as much acid in your comments, unless your intent is to stir up anger and resentment instead of exposing truth. It is not becoming on anyone to be nasty just because they are capable. If you go far enough I see you may not be published at all on this blog. Civility is always a good idea. Your influence will be greater and will be given more weight if you can do it as a gentlemen.

  127. harry you are a very sensitive fellow if you view my comment as "uncivil" and "acid". And pray tell how you have seen my pointing out your hypocrisy as "intent to stir up anger and resentment"?

    i have simply, by means of illustrating your hypocrisy using your own words, objected to your strutting in here with an air of religious superiority making silly accusations.

    then, instead of responding to the substance of my comment, you make similar silly accusations against me. you then have the gall to threaten that somehow you will see to it that if i don't behave myself according to your standards that i will be forbidden to "publish on this blog".

    may i just say in all civility and with no intent to anger, harry, you are an amusing and pompous ass.

  128. Since you both seem to be turning this into a cat fight, I'd like to try and retract the claws if I may...

    First off, I am a Christian not merely in name but in every sense of the word according to the basis for Christianity -the Bible. I agree that many people that call themselves "Christian" are nothing of the sort. I have met many of them and I'm sure forever will. However, THAT was not the point of this post. Please stop the argument over something so trivial as it is making you two look worse than the writer here apparently has. No offense.

    The point of this post, if I read it right (and Mat, please correct me if I'm wrong), is to point out the stupidity and proof of such perverse acts as well as make it clear that Russia has been there and done that and will not return to their vomit -so the West should stop trying.

    And forgive me, but Mat's passion and zeal here does not change this message or make it any less true. Honestly, it only further solidifies it in my opinion. You, Harry and Archer, have proven this by your own manner of speaking as well. And now with this post, I am.

    In exposing truth, you will always stir up some sort of reaction -whether it's said one way or another- because not everyone wants to hear the truth. Perhaps Mat could have said it a little more gently, but then again, what kind of post would it be? This issue is not something to be taken lightly, especially in their situation from what it sounds like.

    Judging??? What, may I ask, are you doing right this very minute by accusing Mat Rodina of the very same thing, Harry?

    Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that his intent was to judge Christians in the US with this post? No.

    Are you then certain that anything he says is false? As I already stated, there is truth behind his words that Christians are not always, as you say, "real Christians."

    Mat's honesty should not be considered nasty nor judgmental. He's got more guts than I've seen in anyone, I dare say. That's commendable. And again, his passion speaks for itself in accordance with the truth.

    Thank you again, Mat Rodina.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Thank you all for your comments. My manner is my manner, I do not apologize for it nor do I praise it, it is what it is. The message is the same. It is the truth, or at least the truth as I, in my own humble way, see it or what element of it that I do and am able to see, only God being the whole truth.

    Also --

    Mat Rodina means Mother Land. The name of the writer, my name, is Stanislav Mishin.


  131. llp, i appreciate your comment but find it odd that you refer negatively to my interaction with harry, as a "cat fight", and then go on to repeat my objections and disagreement almost exactly.

    i'm not into emotionally charged, bitter interaction which i think is what the expression "cat fight" denotes, and have had my say regarding harry's complaints and intended, and intend, to leave it at that.

  132. Archer
    You have assumed my comments were directed at you. ALL of my comments were concerning the post by Stanislav and not yourself. I do not have, nor ever had any interest in your input on the subject but I do agree that I too was judgmental. On the other hand you seem to think you are the center of attention! Why is that? I have to conclude you are a legend in your own mind. The world is your oyster and I wish you much fame for your clever critical analysis. Somebody has to do it. It might as well be you. [Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me]

  133. Stanislav & Co:

    In a recent set of comments, it was suggested that America has an illegal immigration problem unlike Russia.

    In point of fact, a good number of former Soviets outside Russia have either entered into that country, or are considering such a move.

    I've yet to find someone who I completely agree with. That said, I'm glad Stanislav Mishin is expressing his views. He's a relief to some of the crap getting propped at some high profile English language venues.

  134. I apologize, Archer, if I have offended you. However, you were a part of the discussion with Harry so I felt it was only fair to include you as well. And, technically, you were spurring him on.

    Your support of this blog I'm sure is greatly appreciated, but let's keep topics on topics, shall we? No matter what people may say, it does us no good to go down a rabbit trail about something that has very little to do with the initial conversation (I.E. this post). If Harry wants to assume, let him. It's comparable to the animals at the zoo in a way (not that you're an animal, Harry)... It would be wise not to feed them.

    But again, my deepest apologies. Please, keep up the good work! I enjoy reading your comments.

    And I must apologize to you as well, Stanislav Mishin, for the confusion of your blog name being your own. Had I read all the comments, I would have seen it and spared myself the embarrassment. Lol Sorry! It's nice to meet you!

  135. @Francis

    Because it is not enough for you to stay in your house and do what ever it is you do, it is never enough. You seek to pervert society, recruit the sodomite parades where vile acts are performed in the streets of Western cities. Like the sodomite day at Disney world....since you are all so brave, why do you not go have one in Baghdad or Cairo?

    We as a society do not want your perversion, but you care nothing about who or what any other wants, only what you want, everyone else be damned. In the post-Christ West, you have already shut the churches up and have Christians arrested for preaching, not going to happen here.

    Do not like it? Do not come here. If you do, keep your sex to yourself and you won't be bothered, shove it in my face and you'll be more than bothered, that I promise.

    Bigot? Me? Yes, you alternatives are all so welcoming of free ideas, as long as they are just like yours...otherwise it is bigot, racist, what ever you can think of.

    Bigot yourself. That your egotistical brain can not even concieve that other societies do not want to be like yours is obviously beyond your scope and ability to comprehend.
