Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Serpents of the Whore of Babylon

The Serpents of the Whore of Babylon
The Devil is back, stocking about the world and feeling his oats. His strength, is waxing once more. The whore who rides these snakes is herself a simees twin.
Who are the snakes?
One is the European Union, a fascist organization, swallowing the freedom and sovereignty of one member nation after another. Utilizing the global economic melt down, the snake has swallowed up the souls of the slave nations. Already gone, as independent states are Greece and now Cyprus and Spain is being swallowed, with Portugal and Italy on the dinner plate. While its regulators looked the other way and its banks encourage local government socialism, the EU made sure that most of its member nations were well set for collapse, when the Whore's global meltdown occurred.
Even in collapse, as local governments fought to try to contain the issue, the Snake continued to push them down the road to collapse. An example of this is the first trench payments to keep Greece afloat, where Greece was forced to further buy 6 French warships and 200 French and German tanks, non of which it can afford.
In all of this, one over arching theme has been voiced over and over again: further integration aka giving up your freedom and cultural individuality to the autocrats in Brussels to save yourselves from the very crisis they and the WHORE created. In the post Christian Europe, this is the prime motivator for another round of the evil empire.

And the other Snake? Her tail is equally emanating from between the legs of the WHORE: the Islamic Caliphate. Nation after nation has collapsed  to the Muslim Brotherhood and their various off-shot organizations. All the revolutions were equally started due to the global economic melt down, which in turn led to the rise of food prices, the Achelli's Heel of each and everyone of these states. With generous monetary backing from the Whore and from her first snake and from direct military action of the Whore's slaves, Islamic radicalism has never, since the age of Mohammed himself, had this much power in its hands. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, the PLO, northern Nigeria and northern Mali are already Islamic psycho states, led by a re-islamicized Turkey and the House of Saud, the most evil and despicable regime on earth. As for other nations, such as Maraca and Jordan, they are teetering on the brink and one small spark away from take over, even as Syria fights for its life and as Afghanistan falls back into the hands of the Taliban and Pakistan is rocked by daily Islamic violence.

These two snakes, come from between the legs of the Whore twins.

And who is the Whore?

Why no other than the twins joined at the hip, Wall Street and DC. Wall Street created the world financial melt down, quit cognoscente of what they were doing and thus giving the spark for the two snakes to start their growth and feeding frenzies, while Washington, the den of inequity, corruption and Satanic power, has armed, and prodded its children forward to swallow the world and extinguish the light of Christ from this world. The so-called Christian nation of America has shown herself to be the true handmaiden of the Anti-Christ.
So, Christians of the East, gird on yourself with the Armour of Knowledge, hold fast your Shield of Christian Faith and lift high your flaming blade of the Righteous God, the Father and prepare yourself for the Battle to come. For the Devil is stocking once more and it will be up to us to defeat his two serpents and bring back Christ to those lands and send his whore packing back to her own corner.


  1. Twas the night before Marxmas, and all through the grad,
    Not a worker was working; the market’s too bad.
    The stockings were empty and that’s how they’d stay,
    Because presents were rationed and coal went away.

    The children were thinking of the people’s school,
    Where they praise Comrade Chairman because that was the rule.
    Momma was trying for kid number six,
    To bump up her check and pay for her fix.

    When out in the Square there arose such a clatter,
    Was another spy caught? What could be the matter?
    I expected to see another traitor denounced,
    But instead, a man, his beard quite pronounced.

    The moon shone bright on the snow on each home,
    Global warming had chilled us, right down to the bone.
    When, what my wandering eyes did see,
    Was a detachment of men from the NKVD!

    With a full bearded leader, his face not quite dark,
    I knew in a moment it was Comrade Marx!
    More rapid than eagles his enforcers came,
    They knocked on my door and demanded my name.

    They yelled “Open up, Comrade!” in their angry tone,
    Suspicious that Bibles might be in my home.
    They kicked in the door and what did they see,
    But a computer, its browser on Moonbattery!

    I said, “My neighbor, he did that, if you want to know.
    “Me, myself, I love Barry O!
    “For him? I cast ballots at least counting eight.
    “My neighbor? Likes Limbaugh, and thinks he is great.”

    His Tok, how it twinkled, his men, how they stared,
    Looking at nothing, the whole flat was bare.
    He said, “Well done, comrade!” with a pleasing tone,
    “We go roust that bagger right out of his home.

    “Your word is enough, all charges will hold.
    “Traitor be shipped down Siberian road.
    “For praying to Jesus and clinging to guns.
    “And keeping money he makes from a business that runs.

    “For voting for Mitt and LTC West.
    “We shall give this traitor his much needed rest!”
    With a snap of his fingers he beckoned his guard,
    But not before filling my EBT card.

    They spoke not a word as they went to work,
    As they kicked in the door and arrested the jerk.
    Handcuffed and bleeding, and dragged out in fright,
    And thrown into a trunk in the middle of the night.

    He sprang to his ZIL, and put it in gear,
    Taking my neighbor away to just disappear.
    But I heard him exclaim, just as off he drove,
    “Merry Marxmas to all, and stay poor, dear tov!”

  2. @ Anonymous said...

    << You are the Ex-Soviet Union - that murderous country of the 20th century. I advise you not to mention the Prophets name in your future lectures or to speak about Islam. >>>

    Advice heard and thank you for your opinion, which frankly you can take and shove up your arse.

    We were the Soviet Union, now we are Russia and we will be the Holy Russian Empire again, the fear of all Islamic regimes who dared harm Christians.Cossaks walk our streets again and the Church is becoming once more triumphant.

    Here is my advice to you: you can live as our neighbors in peace, but launch a Jihad and we will exterminate you off of the face of the earth.

  3. Amen and Amen, Stanislav!!
    Isa 26:10
    "Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord." KJV
    The only thing the wicked understand is brute power. They have no fear of God - but the sword they fear.
