Wednesday, July 17, 2013

John Sokoloff - Commonwealth (Orthodox Russian Churches)


  1. For the peace and stability of our Holy Catholic Apostalic Churches of God, our blessed Priesthood and Clergy and the blessed Body of Christ, Grant this O Lord.

  2. OT: Mat, I would be very interested in your take on Alexei Navalny. I certainly don't trust any filtering by the Western media, and since they are making him out to be something of a hero, I'm deeply suspicious.

  3. Don't know, don't know the man personally and hard to tell fact from falicy. That the courts are often rigged is true. That these types of opposition candidates are often bought by foreign powers, is also true.

    One fact came out, the blogger opposition leader do gooder and so on, had a salary last year of 9 million rubles, which is just shy of $300K. Owns several apartments and about 4 cars, all of top marks.
