Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Green, The New Name of Totalitarianism

As record cold strikes the world, from freezing temperatures and snow, in late May, covering central North America, to snow storms in May in Yekaterinburg and other areas of western Siberia (and no, unlike what most people think, that is not normal) to record cold temperatures in Australia and New Zealand, the Global Warming ruckus is being proven by nature to be nothing but lies. When it is said, record cold temperatures in Australia, that means, since colonization, thus some 200 years. This when by the standards of the Green screech, all life should have self combusted in the Australian wilderness, yet snow covers the ground.

The list of records goes on and on, from once in a hundred year snow falls in Saudi Arabia and Jordon, falling twice in a row now, to snow in Morocco and on the Gulf Coast East Texas (even if it only lasted a single day, it was still an event of rarity for the area). From an "empty" North Pole recovering all the ice it lost over the past fifty years, in one single winter and building up more. To glaciers, in Alaska and New Zealand, growing so fast, that their movement down hill is measurable in meters per day: sit back, drink a couple of liters of beer and watch the glacier actual move towards you.

The only part of the world that has experienced warmer temperatures has been Russia and Eastern Europe, and then only European Russia. Why? Simple, the Siberian winds have been mostly blowing east over into North America and not West into Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe.

Interestingly enough, the sun has been silent for almost a year: no sunspots. Why does that matter? easy: sunspots cause increases in solar radiation (heat), thus no sunspots, less heat and another major hole in the man made global warming lies.

But, dear reader, I digress. What is Man Made Global Warming (MMGW)? Why nothing more than the latest manufactured crisis by the Watermelons (Green on the outside, Marxist Red on the inside) to control humanity and not just in a few Western nations but world wide. With little or no real science but with a world class fear mongering PR machine, the Watermelons have scared the average sheeple (citizen) of most major nations, into willingly sticking his and or her neck into the noose of totalitarian control, all in the name of saving the world from a crisis that does not exist. Outside the fact that carbon dioxide (read: plant food) is a green house gas on a Lafler Curve...thus diminishing returns, and considering that water vapor holds ten times as much heat and that plant food and water means more (gasp) plants, thus a greener, richer planet, the obvious trend in the climate is not warming, but quite the opposite.

Yet the scared public, foolish in their self love, that they are capable of controlling God's creation as only God can (but humanism killed God, as if hubris could) is more than willing to let an elite answerable to none, dictate and control how they live, love and procreate (because population control is always part of these "solutions").

As I demonstrated in, Sustainable, Green Development Means the Death of Russian Progress , this route, for Russia will be nothing more than an absolute disaster.

Combined with the world wide economic collapse, the Green Threat of MMGW, will prove the final nail in the coffin of human freedom, dignity and hope. Now there is some serious change!


  1. Watermelons. Green on the outside, Marxist red on the inside. That's great.

  2. Yes, I too think we should start referring to Greens as Watermelons.

    With Al Gore heading to North Korea, I am hoping that Our Dear Leader decides to keep him there to do the twelve years of hard labor and send the cute young ladies back. It would be a more productive use of Al Gore's talent to have him digging holes and busting rocks than trying to grasp science.

  3. Someone beat me to the watermelon description.
    All "green" is just a new spin on communism.

  4. Haha, great post! I'm in the process of learning about Global Warming right now. Thanks so much for your input!

  5. Those of you living in northern hemisphere nations of what once was described as Christendom and are now nothing more than cogs in the secular materialist NWO global wheel are now connecting the dots, but time is running short.

    Those of you who are game for Paradigm Change on a grand scale might give some thought to emigration to the Southern Cone, the West's "final frontier."

    Interested? Please pay a visit to www.fromthecatacombs.info, where more and more info on resettlement in South America, its advantages and disadvantages, the nuts and bolts of it, and much else will be offered as topics of present and upcoming posts.

    Don't go "green," go rural; there's all the difference in the world.

  6. Stanislov,
    I have just added your site to my blog roll at http://discussionofissues.wordpress.com/ . Your posts are so thought-provoking and spot on. Watermelons is a perfect name for the green movement. Please keep up the sensible writing! Something some of us in the West are searching and hungry for.

  7. Visual perfection...watermelons!! Food for thought! Melon ball salad? If only! :-)
    Thanks for more of your great writing!

  8. Great post... couldn't agree with you more. Have you read the book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming? It expresses similar ideas.

  9. The Marxist character of Warmism is poorly appreciated by the public at large. Most fail to recognise that Warmism is simply the economic side of the Political Correctness project, more accurately described as Marxism-Leninism of the Frankfurt School - itself a child of the Left-Wing Communism that Lenin characterised, correctly, as "an infantile disorder".

    The acolytes of the Frankfurt School - having almost effortlessly infiltrated the elite, educational and managerial classes of the West, and successfully pursued without serious impediment the pathologising of the civilised social values of two and a half millenia - have accurately identified the energy needs of advanced economies as now the juicy systempunkt inviting attack. And Warmism is their weapon.

    This should come as no surprise; for Marxist theory gives primacy to the economic over the social.

    What is most interesting is that the strategy and tactics of these attackers are those of Fourth Generation Warfare. They are the same tactics as those of Al Qaida and the Mexican drug cartels. This is a serious point; and if it disturbs some readers, so it should. The PC-Warmists do not seek to replace the advanced industrialized State. Rather, exactly like the terrorists and drug lords, they seek to undermine it, to hollow it out, to de-legitimise its morality, to position leeches on its arteries, until finally there results a cascading collapse.

  10. @Sublime Oblivion

    Can you point us to a proposal to restrict global warming by a Green that doesn't involve more government regulation, bureaucracy, litigation, picking and choosing technologies for subsidy by ivory tower genius wannabes, and central planning based on bureaucratic elites, ... anything that isn't typical paleo-leftist / quasi-Marxist doctrine?

    As for your post mentioning "tens of thousands" of climate scientists ... obviously you are still operating on notions of science picked up in kindergarten. Academics (frequently erroneously labeled as scientists) must obtain government contracts to get tenure, and that means groveling and doing whatever is needed to land some funding. Alarmism is the only way to get politicians to put funding into the pot. I spent 30 years in high tech R&D. That is how it works.

  11. Great post--I, too, love the watermelon analogy.

    As I sit here and see the new snow on Pikes Peak--very unusual for mid-June--I must agree.

    We must not listen to the climatologists, who can't even predict tomorrow's weather, but rather the geologists who understand the longer-term trends. You're right: this is all just a scam.

  12. I love watermelons ;)


    "Can you point us to a proposal to restrict global warming by a Green that doesn't involve more government regulation, bureaucracy, litigation, picking and choosing technologies for subsidy by ivory tower genius wannabes, and central planning based on bureaucratic elites, ... anything that isn't typical paleo-leftist / quasi-Marxist doctrine?"


    But that is not equivalent to disputing anthropogenic global warming.

    Let's keep the science and the politics separate.

  13. @Sublime Oblivion,

    "But that is not equivalent to disputing anthropogenic global warming."

    Is there anyone alive who has a competency to support "anthropogenic global warming" with whom I could dispute the topic?

  14. Do not forget that a large push for recognition of global warming is being made by big business (GE) who stand to make a killing by selling carbon caps.

  15. "With little or no real science but with a world class fear mongering PR machine, the Watermelons have scared the average sheeple (citizen) of most major nations, into willingly sticking his and or her neck into the noose of totalitarian control, all in the name of saving the world from a crisis that does not exist."

    Well said; and Mr. Alexandrov, your analysis is well put and very thought provoking.

  16. Am I the only one out here that believes Al Gore is the biggest hypocrite on the planet? Like a circus barker he is running around the world making millions of dollars a year yelling the sky is falling. B.T. Barnum was right when he said: "A Sucker is born every minute."

    Gore is the same moron whose tie breaking vote now taxes Social Security and the same idiot whose administration committed Ecocide on the people of Serbia.

    During bombing of Serbia we dropped more bombs on them in 78 days then were dropped on Yugoslavia in the entire 4 years of the Second World War... a bit of over kill maybe? In the process we emptied out all of our storage warehouses of these killing weapons, a bonanza for the share holders of the industrial military complex that President Eisenhower warned us against.

    Gore bombed the oil refineries along the Danube river that poured thousands of tons of oil into the river polluting it for 1,700 miles through 9 countries. And now Gore wants us to save the planet? What Chutpzah, Serbia will require a $100 billion dollars to clean up of their contaminated soil and to rebuild their country, and forget their water table, that is destroyed for the next century.

    No one in the media wishes to discuss the fact that birth defects in Serbia are 3,000% higher today then the year prior to bombing. Or that peacekeepers from Kosovo are dying mysterious deaths. The Cancer Foundation of Belgrade reports that the mortality rate has risen nearly 40% in the 10 years since the bombing.

    But let us take a closer look at what Gore, Clinton and Albright bombed: 78 industrial facilities, 42 energy plants, 64 telecommunications stations, 66 bridges, 147 healthcare facilities and over 200 Serbian schools. Gen. Wesley Clark use illegal cluster bombs on civilian populations and NATO refused to provide the maps of the bombing runs to the Serbian government for the past ten years as hundreds of victims loose their arms and legs or their lives. These were all war crimes not military targets.

    Canadian Professor Chossudovsky has provided compelling evidence that at the Pancevo PVC Plant "Nato willfully blew up with meticulous accuracy the containers of toxic chemicals with the intention of creating an ecological nightmare." On April 17th and 18th, 1999 in bombing Pancevo we released massive amounts of carcinogens into the atmosphere. These levels of toxic VCMs were recorded at 10,600 times above normal three days after the bombing over an area with a population of 80,000 people. The down wind effect hung over Belgrade for a week with 2 million residence who were already suffering from the US withholding of food and medicine. The American Red Cross under Elizabeth Dole even refused to send blood to Serbia, politicizing that organization for the first time in its history. As a person with a rare blood type who has a record of donating 5 gallons of blood in my life I refuse to give one more pint and I encourage the 1.2 million Serbs in the U.S. to follow my lead.

    But don't take my word that Al Gore is the biggest hypocrite on earth—let the man speak for himself.
    This is what Gore said on "Earth Day" in 2000, just a few months after bombing Serbia:

    "When it comes to our air, our water, and the earth itself, we all have a responsibility to look not just to ourselves, not just to politics or profits of the moment but to future generations. We have to stand against the apologists for pollution, those who believe in the old politics of environmental irresponsibility."

    I rest my case.

  17. 1. I don't like Al Gore. And for the record I haven't even watched his documentary.

    2. "Do not forget that a large push for recognition of global warming is being made by big business (GE) who stand to make a killing by selling carbon caps."

    Do not forget that a large push for non-recognition of global warming is being made by big business (old companies) who stand to make a killing by selling oil.

    3. "Is there anyone alive who has a competency to support "anthropogenic global warming" with whom I could dispute the topic?"

    I'm sure there is.

  18. Greenpeace cofounder Rod Marining said the following, early on in his long and undistinguished career as environmental propagandist:

    “I’m not a Red, I’m a Green.” In fact, though, some people, myself among them, consider people like Rod Marining as neither entirely red nor entirely green but watermelon-colored — which is to say, green on the outside, but red on the inside. Of course, as I’ve also always said: “It’s all pink on the inside.”

  19. Greenpeace cofounder Rod Marining said the following, early on in his long and undistinguished career as environmental propagandist:

    “I’m not a Red, I’m a Green.” In fact, though, some people, myself among them, consider people like Rod Marining as neither entirely red nor entirely green but watermelon-colored — which is to say, green on the outside, but red on the inside. Of course, as I’ve also always said: “It’s all pink on the inside.”

  20. What a great comment, A. Alexandrov!

  21. The dirty little secret here is that it's not about saving the planet as the minions of useful idiots clamor to buy spaghetti lightbulbs that are poisonous if broken and some Hollywood starlet moron who urge people only to use only 4 sheets of toilet paper (translation, use more water and detergent to wash your underwear) to help save the planet and save the trees.

    Ha ha, the watermelon comparison although correct is getting a little old and has a tendency to diminish the seriousness of the issue to those who are not well informed as to the true intent of the Green movement and that is to control people!

    Don't even get me started on what I believe to be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind and that is man-made global warming, the cycle of excessive solar activity has fallen back to almost nothing but see if the controlled media informs the people.

  22. Spot on, my friend ... and as the AGW scam continues to lose credibility, its proponents are now fighting harder than ever to discredit those of us who know it to be nothing more than statist politics masquerading as science.
