At first thought, one may consider that oil is to low and the US is trying to hammer the cost up to raise profits for its own oil giants, but this reasoning seems rather hollow. However, as more and more seem to realize the true nature of the American president, the more obvious reason emerges.
For many people, it is becoming obvious that once more America is leading the West, by setting a new trend: America is the first Western nation under the rulership of a Muslim and more specifically a Sunni Muslim. Outside the fact that Obama's father was Muslim, a Somalie black Arab, to be specific and his step father was Muslim, a Pakistani Sunni, and the fact that he studied as a child in Madras, there can be no doubt that he is a Muslim. It is Islamic Shari law that any child or bride of a Muslim is thus themselves a Muslim, which is why Solemn Rushdie is condemned as a apostate or heretic Muslim, even though he has never practiced the faith: but his parents did.
Further, it is state in the Koran, that apostates must be put to death, and if Obama had left the faith, surely some one out there, by now, would be issuing Fatawas against him. Since there is an absolute lack of such, it can only be concluded that there is no need for them, due to the fact of his faith.
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 260:
Narrated Ikrima:
Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn ‘Abbas, who said, “Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, ‘Don’t punish (anybody) with Allah’s Punishment.’ No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, ‘If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.’
Sahih al-Bukhari Haddith
Volume 9, Book 83, Number 17:
Narrated ‘Abdullah:
Allah’s Apostle said, “The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.“
Sahih al-Bukhari Haddith
They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them.
Koran 4:089
Thus, if we accept the fact or supposition that Obama is a Sunni Muslim, as thus are his wife and children, it can be seen that America is once again leading the West, in degenerating its Christian roots and civilization and throwing out everything that was fought in defense of for the past 1300 years. But as the American president said in Cairo and as I have often stated; America is no longer a Christian nation or anything actually resembling one.
But, dear reader, I digress. Back to the question at hand: if Obama is a Sunni, this will go a long to explaining the new ever more militant stand of the Americans toward Iran, a nation of Shiite Muslims, the age old enemies of Sunnis. This is a hatred that sprung from a schism amongst Muslims following the very death of their prophet about how the succession should work: hereditary by Shiite standards or elected (as in he who grabs the most power and destroys the most enemies) by Sunni standards.
As such, America may be the only Sunni Islamic or rather pseudo Sunni Islamic nation that can stop the Shiite Iranians. Thus the American will go from enabling Sunni Jihad in places such as our own southern Russia, Turkey, Bosnia, southern Serbia, Albania, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Israel, Lebanon and so on, to actually leading a Jihad, quite a move forward in the route to full conversion of the dhimi population.
This may also explain why the American forces are suddenly in no hurry to leave Iraq, after all, a sudden or any departure would fully enthrone Shiites in power in Iraq, a thought that a Sunni Muslim such as Obama, surely can not ingest.
As a nation, Russia should now do several things: prepare for and deal with a rising surge of Jihad that is surely in one way or another sponsored by the Sunnis in charge of America, and indeed that Jihad has suddenly resurged, most notably this year, where it was all but destroyed and only sparking occasionally for the past 5 years. Russia must also, along with an alliance of other Orthodox nations, push forth in missionary work in America, as only the Orthodox Church remains true enough to Christ's faith and morally strong enough to fight off and conquer against Islam. If that fails, than she must be prepared to evacuate the faithful and any willing to convert, from the new American Caliphate that is forming under our very gaze.
It is obvious that Obama is a stealth Muslim but I hadn't given any thought to the possibility that he is pro sunni or pro shiite in his implementation of policy. I think he is putting on a show that he is getting serious about Iran, but he won't do anything and won't let Israel do anything to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
ReplyDeleteSo that is why Michelle Obama wears a veil all the time!
ReplyDeleteMy sense is that Obama was primarily influenced by America's extreme leftist culture. In Biblical terms, they are the spiritual descendants of Esau, not Ishmael.
Another possibility is that the current administration really does believe that Iran would use a nuclear bomb to zap Israel, but this would irradiate land needed by Palestinians and also offend Mother Earth! A war that shuts down the Straights of Hormuz would also make Obama a hero with the enviro-crazies.
I am not sure what to believe.
Obama is a mrxist. That is his religion.
ReplyDeleteHe was a muslim, but he became a follower of black liberation theology, the political movement masquerading as religion, started by the KGB in South America, with the stated goal of destabilizing the USA.
The results are visible today, as Obama is prime minister of the USA and Messiah of the World..
God, help us all!
ReplyDeleteIs that why he's pushing the Israelies to full surrender and having the US state dept guys drive around and pick out what if any new construction is there so Obama can demand it's end?
He took donations from everyone, I am sure, like any politician, but he gives mouth service to only Islamics.
Furthermore, as for any of his Jews, there were plenty of religious Jews massacred and shot by Marxist Atheist Jews....what is your point on that?
Serbia and Israel, by the way, just signed a friendship treaty and the Israelies refuse to recognize that US made Islamic monstrocity called Kosovo.
ReplyDeleteThat was communists, but then again, judging from this guys actions, regardless that he fought (I thought I read that he was just a spokesman, so hardly fought) but by his actions and the statements of his brother on killing off the old, I'd say they are hardly any kind of religious but typical secular marxists.