Thursday, January 28, 2010

Magnetic North Pole Goes to Russia

God may be sending humanity a not so veiled message, though the masters of the West will refuse to see it.

For thousands of years, the magnetic North Pole has been at the tip of the North American continent, leading travelers there. Some have interpreted this to mean that God's favor was on the North Americans. Indeed, the rise of North America, particularly the USA, over the past four hundred years, has been spectacular.

However, that nation has fallen into evil and decadency and the faster it falls, the faster God's favor and the signal of the magnetic north pole, his sign, has moved away and to the land that holds the future of Christianity and Salvation in its hands: Russia.

The earth's magnetic North Pole is generated by the liquid iron core of the earth itself, which is in flux and can only be controlled by God, Himself. In 1904, as America's slide to decadence was beginning, the magnetic North Pole lurched eastward at a slow pace of 15km a year. By 1989, as the evil of the Soviets was ending its chapter of our long, Russian history and American decadence was manifest and legendary, the Pole sped up significantly. By 2007, as our Holy Orthodox Church became again the prominent morality of our culture, while the West hit new lows of nihilistic sleaze, the magnetic North Pole took off at full gallop, speeding at 55-60km per year. That means, that is has moved, approximately, since 1904, 1,670km and should cross into Siberia by the end of the new decade.

Praised be the Holy Father and His ample sings. Surely those few believers still in the West must quake knowing how His favor has left them. One needs only to open one's eyes to see that reality.


  1. One interesting thing for you Stanislav. Over the years I have heard multiple prophecies of the end times.
    All of them that I can think of involve Russia. Usually
    in a central role. Some see you as a savior others as a destroyer. One called Russia "the salvation of the world." Another said something like that the awakening of the Russian faith is key to the salvation of the world. From what I see of Russia now I think you will be our saviors.

  2. You need to open a science book once in a while in addition to or instead of your magic bible.

  3. By 2007, as our Holy Orthodox Church became again the prominent morality of our culture, while the West hit new lows of nihilistic sleaze,

    What happened in 2007?

  4. I hope you're right. The West is crumbling almost as fast as Building 7. I hope Russia is willing to take in valuable refugees from Babylon in the future.

  5. Stanislav...While Russia may well be "chosen" of the Lord to lead the world to salvation, I hope the "body of Christ" in the West will not be forsaken. While "abomination" of every imaginable type is widespread in the West, Christs flock is still very large.

  6. Top graph here
    shows that Magnetic South Pole (located in the North Hemisphere) until 1990 was in the area of Hudson Bay, but since about year 2000 its proper location is in Central Siberia, north of lake Baikal. Graphs are sweep around the globe at steps of 10 longitutinal degrees, at 10 year intervals from 1600-2000.
    See also:

  7. Stan, thank you for making me laugh today! Best wishes to you and all of Russia.

  8. The lord tested and tried the faith of the Russian people for 70 years under communism and yet, after so many years of state atheism and oppression, the orthodox church stands strong in Russia today. We are God's chosen people for salvation and as the west succumbs to a collapse in morality and the spread of marxist - fuelled decadence, the Russian orthodox church shall rise to greater heighs than ever before and all Christians of the world shall one day turn to holy Russia in awe.

  9. The US is definitely decadent and corrupt, there is no doubt about that. It has been against God since its inception, born in an illegitimate revolution against rightful authority and embodying 'enlightenment' values of liberalist humanism. Living here, I wonder how long this materialistic status quo can continue?

  10. Someone has to ask, what is Russia's policy on immigrants from The West? I know many American companies do business in Russia and must move some of their employees there.
    Many of us Americans are quite well conditioned to four seasons including a cold winter. I wouldn't be surprised if many of us started migrating back to the Old World, and to the country in the Old World with the best policies and most economic opportunities(Russia!). Also, Slavic women are incredibly beautiful, and I don't mean to sound crude but that will convince more than a few Western men to stay and lay down roots.
    As always I enjoy your insights!

  11. Why go to all the trouble of shifting the Magnetic North Pole, when He can simply send a massive fireball to obliterate the demonic abomination known as the US (and Israel)?

    One can only hope--and pray.

  12. America was founded in faith. It was a revolution to get out from under the jewish banking industry.

  13. @NR

    Because God does not destroy whole nations on whims. He wants men to redemption, not destruction. Furthermore, there are plenty who do not deserve destruction and do his work in both the Americas and Israel.

    If it was only fireballs, than Germany of 1938, and Poland and Hungary it's allies, would be gone by 1939.

  14. @vonbach

    While the American people were religious at the founding of your nation, the majority of your fathers were Masons. Further, even the Republican party of America was mostly started by the 48ers, Prussian minor aristocrats who had thrown their lot in with Marx and tried revolutions in Germany in 1848, only to be crushed and run to the US.

  15. The lincoln era was when America as it was founded really died. I don't know what you mean by Masons.
    As far as I know they disappeared for quite a while right after the revolutionary war. America was founded as a Christian nation they just didn't want a state religion. Any nation though can be warped from what it was originally given time. Especially when it is given help.

  16. Having triumphed in the cold war, the West appears to have turned it's destructive energy on itself. The culture here is one of ego and godless predation. We are sliding into perpetual, grinding misery.
