The Boy Brat That Would Be King of France
What can I say, dear reader? Republicanism/Democracy has shown once again its ugly and faulty face, this time in the coming to power of one Francois Hollande, an inexperienced politician, a sore winner, a blind ideologue and worse yet, a spineless fool who is already taking his place groveling at the feet of Islam, even as he epitomizes everything that is wrong with the European ruling class, as I outlined in The Age of the Man-Gods.
Hollande campaigned on a platform of job creation, through strangulation of business with insane taxes, and massive government spending. After all, we have seen all over the world, for the past hundred years, how well government run economies, with massive tax burdens have brought great equality to the people. The unfortunate part of this is that equality has been in shared misery not prosperity.
Here we see again, the problem with a republican/democratic system, where charlatans or worse ideologues with little understanding of the laws of reality, promise what ever they believe will get them elected, to equally illiterate masses, who believe all they need to do is "hire" the right hozien to give them whatever they want, irregardless of where it comes from or how it must be gotten.
Already, the Boy Brat has plans to tax those with earnings of more than €1m at 75% tax rates, on top of the 45% rate for those earning over €150,000. This is a Marxist confiscatory rate that has already started to drive top earners, and in this case, business owners, out of Paris and France as a whole.
Hollande is a man who was quoted as stating "I don't like the rich." Of course this is typical of a socialist, who himself owns three holiday homes on the Riviera, including a palatial villa in Mougins, and would be considered by most people a very rich man. This is not some Christian saint who would lead by example and sell his holdings and give to the poor. No this is a self righteous Marxist, who will keep and enjoy his own wealth while stealing from those not of his political circle. A typical “gauche caviar".
But what is to be expected from a man who broke French protocol and showed himself a sore winner by refusing, as per French tradition, to escort the outgoing president to his auto, parked in the courtyard. In stead Hollande, turned, shook Sarkozy's hand and turned his back on him, walking into the palace. Than during his speech, where he listed off all of France's previous presidents and their accomplishments (there have been only 7 of the 5th Republic) he refused to say a word about or even mention the name of Sarkozy. The only thing he did not do is stick his tongue out and put his fingers in his ears. A spoiled brat in every sense.
In the inauguration party, afterward, he showed his disdain for family values by not even bothering to invite his children to their father's inauguration, and what can be said about the rest of his family's absence? Of course he spared no time putting his political lackeys into power as soon as humanly possible.
This is a man who spurs everything that France was built upon: tradition, family, hard work. This is a man who like a good charlatan promises that which the masses want but what will, without doubt, in a very short end, kill them. A sweet, intoxicating poison, but a poison non-the-less.
God seems to have showed his disdain for this petty man by literally raining on his parade. This was followed up by a lightening strike on his plane, the same day, as he flew to Germany.
Doubtlessly, this little demigod took no notice, because he equally wasted no time in groveling like a spineless slave of the uneducated, third world perpetually offended riff raff that represents Jihad in its finest. This man-godling has already, in power less than a week, forbade any pork dishes, a food that the French have historically eaten, from all government offices, so as not to offend the perpetually offended illiterate third worlders who overwhelmingly voted for him. The meat that will be allowed will, of course, be halla, served by good dhimmis to their illiterate masters.
The French electorate had a choice, they could have voted for Mari Le Pen, that is the 82% that did not, instead they decided to whore themselves for freebies and damn their children to poverty, slavery and cultural extermination.
Congratulations, now go lay in the grave you dug yourselves.
What can I say, dear reader? Republicanism/Democracy has shown once again its ugly and faulty face, this time in the coming to power of one Francois Hollande, an inexperienced politician, a sore winner, a blind ideologue and worse yet, a spineless fool who is already taking his place groveling at the feet of Islam, even as he epitomizes everything that is wrong with the European ruling class, as I outlined in The Age of the Man-Gods.
Hollande campaigned on a platform of job creation, through strangulation of business with insane taxes, and massive government spending. After all, we have seen all over the world, for the past hundred years, how well government run economies, with massive tax burdens have brought great equality to the people. The unfortunate part of this is that equality has been in shared misery not prosperity.
Here we see again, the problem with a republican/democratic system, where charlatans or worse ideologues with little understanding of the laws of reality, promise what ever they believe will get them elected, to equally illiterate masses, who believe all they need to do is "hire" the right hozien to give them whatever they want, irregardless of where it comes from or how it must be gotten.
Already, the Boy Brat has plans to tax those with earnings of more than €1m at 75% tax rates, on top of the 45% rate for those earning over €150,000. This is a Marxist confiscatory rate that has already started to drive top earners, and in this case, business owners, out of Paris and France as a whole.
Hollande is a man who was quoted as stating "I don't like the rich." Of course this is typical of a socialist, who himself owns three holiday homes on the Riviera, including a palatial villa in Mougins, and would be considered by most people a very rich man. This is not some Christian saint who would lead by example and sell his holdings and give to the poor. No this is a self righteous Marxist, who will keep and enjoy his own wealth while stealing from those not of his political circle. A typical “gauche caviar".
But what is to be expected from a man who broke French protocol and showed himself a sore winner by refusing, as per French tradition, to escort the outgoing president to his auto, parked in the courtyard. In stead Hollande, turned, shook Sarkozy's hand and turned his back on him, walking into the palace. Than during his speech, where he listed off all of France's previous presidents and their accomplishments (there have been only 7 of the 5th Republic) he refused to say a word about or even mention the name of Sarkozy. The only thing he did not do is stick his tongue out and put his fingers in his ears. A spoiled brat in every sense.
In the inauguration party, afterward, he showed his disdain for family values by not even bothering to invite his children to their father's inauguration, and what can be said about the rest of his family's absence? Of course he spared no time putting his political lackeys into power as soon as humanly possible.
This is a man who spurs everything that France was built upon: tradition, family, hard work. This is a man who like a good charlatan promises that which the masses want but what will, without doubt, in a very short end, kill them. A sweet, intoxicating poison, but a poison non-the-less.
God seems to have showed his disdain for this petty man by literally raining on his parade. This was followed up by a lightening strike on his plane, the same day, as he flew to Germany.
Doubtlessly, this little demigod took no notice, because he equally wasted no time in groveling like a spineless slave of the uneducated, third world perpetually offended riff raff that represents Jihad in its finest. This man-godling has already, in power less than a week, forbade any pork dishes, a food that the French have historically eaten, from all government offices, so as not to offend the perpetually offended illiterate third worlders who overwhelmingly voted for him. The meat that will be allowed will, of course, be halla, served by good dhimmis to their illiterate masters.
The French electorate had a choice, they could have voted for Mari Le Pen, that is the 82% that did not, instead they decided to whore themselves for freebies and damn their children to poverty, slavery and cultural extermination.
Congratulations, now go lay in the grave you dug yourselves.
"The French electorate had a choice, they could have voted for Mari Le Pen, that is the 82% that did not, instead they decided to whore themselves for freebies and damn their children to poverty, slavery and cultural extermination.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, now go lay in the grave you dug yourselves."
How do you think Frances relationship will be towards Russia?
Frankly I think it will be negative as France has a love affair for Muslim causes despite the blowback from its Algerian population.
With the entire Western world going into a debt super cycle collapse the French people have committed national economic suicide by electing a Socialist that will expand the State further. France, being controlled at the local level by Socialists, and now nationally, is on its way to economic and cultural ruin along with the rest of the Western world.