Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why NATO is Afraid to Fight Russia

NATO may be good at blowing up wedding parties, but against Russians and Russian technology, they are in for a bloodbath they can not stomach. Sure, they feed the world BS about Russian backwardness but they know the truth and watching these videos, so will you:

And coming soon:


  1. Getting nervous about Russian theft?

    Perhaps Ukraine would have given Crimea back? Now we'll never know ...

  2. Thanks mr Mishin. Now I can relax. The bullies, that's USA and UK, might think again. Russia is not Syria, Libia or any other place where they already introduced their destabilization politics. And know for sure, there are many people all over the world who support Russia in her Christianity policies and the leadership your country have. If they, USA and UK , want to try, let them. It would be a grave mistake. But with their shortsightedness, it could be possible that they would want to try Russia's formidable arsenal.

  3. How To Keep Russia From Invading The Rest Of Europe (For Under $5):)

  4. Where's the red lightsaber?

  5. I hope I am not alone, sir, in having no wish to see those used.

  6. These are the type of people Russia may have pissed off in Ukraine:

    What can modern weapons do in an environment filled with Mosin-Nagants, carbide bullets, and pissed off young people? Shooting invaders in the back works....

  7. You can tell what you want, but (hopefully for them) they are not so stupid. But when they are, that will be a great help for the world as bastards has no rights whatsoever.

  8. There is a statement in English where you don't back a bear into a corner because it will respond violently.

    Ironically Russia is that bear. NATO should NEVER have tried to grab the ex Warsaw Pact countries. In so doing they forced the bear into the corner.

    Now that the bear wants to fight back, they're mad. But they won't last long against a resurgent Russia, for various reasons:

    1. They are at or near bankruptcy and cannot handle a long war financially without printing excessive amounts of euros and dollars, severely weakening their currency at best and defaulting at worst.

    2. The western countries will NOT stomach a long war with thousands of casualties. Cases in point Vietnam, and more recently Iraq and Afghanistan. Compare that with the Russian resolve in the Second World War with millions dead in defense of their motherland. What got the Russians out of Afghanistan was not so much the casualties (a western media lie) but the fact that it had become bankrupt.

    3. A wicked nation is never prospered by God, while a nation that turns back to God is prospered. Case in point last 50 years in the United States versus last 15 or so years of Russia. Even the American politician Pat Buchanan recognizes this...have you read his recent article "Is God on Russia's side?"

    4. Demographics: The West is collapsing even further with the legalization of same sex marriage to compound to an already low birthrate, whereas if I recall correctly Putin has been trying to get the Russians to have larger families, and China, a new ally of Russia is rescinding its one child policy.

    5. Russia could theoretically take over the vast majority of Europe in a matter of weeks...the European armies combined would take months just to get to the outskirts of Moscow...only to suffer the same fate as Napoleon and Hitler...only successful invasions of Russia have been from the EAST, and that was nearly a thousand years ago (the successful country is now an ally).

    6. And most importantly, Russia is a parallel of Assyria of Isaiah, called to go out against a "hypocritical nation" and destroy it, and it will be led by God to do so. However you have the chance to do just that and give the glory just to God. Do so and no one will stop you. Go up in pride just like Assyria did, and you might suffer the same fate as the West in the next few years.

  9. NATO and the USA are not afraid of accordance with their plans they want to draw out Russia into a their own terms...just as Russia... if it comes to that....will want to fight back in its own terms...the same goes for China...and any other country..the world is preparing for war.

  10. You're the only person i know that will give me the real news; how is the war in Syria going? Will Assad crush the rebels? What about Iran and Russia? what's going on there?


  12. 4th June, 2007.

    President putin is wrong when he says that russia should or will target the missile on europe if america goes with anti missile defence plan in Europe.
    Russia must target (rather than should) the nuclear missiles with multiple war heads against all the cities, towns and big villages( including military instalations) of england because this cold war -like the one before- is being started by england for the benefit of english race is race war between the english parasite race versus the rest of the world-the sooner the rest of the world realizes that better it is for the world.
    look how Germany wes vilified soon after fall of soviet union-look how russia is being vilified immediately after Putin made russia strong.

    -such is the evil propaganda of British spies inside america. .
    poland is nothing but a proxy for the british bastards.
    itis no use targeting Poland -target the main villain which is england and the english race which m ust be annihilated from the face of the world.

  13. Russia backward? At least they have their own space program and don't have to catch a ride like the fading banana republik known as Amerika. Nothing backward about those awesome Sukhoi jets. Nothing backward about the S-300 missiles. NATO will talk loud and then hope Amerika will come and save them. Not all in the West are true believer mushrooms who think only what bolshevik presstitute whores tell them for groupthink.

  14. Has nothing to do with your post, and I know it is a Little early in your calendar.


    PS When is Russian Easter anyway?

  15. you say that Russia weapons worse than in Europe and America, that Russia will lose the war. Russia and destroy evroppe America for only a few hours blogodorya its thermonuclear ammunition!!
    For mother Russia!!!

  16. Thank you Stanislav for posting this information. Here in the USA we only get the news that our government wants us to hear. We never get the truth.
