It has come to the attention of the world press, and was promptly ignored by the Western ministries of propaganda and their pet journalists, that the Georgian government sponsored a meeting of terrorist groups from the Mid East and Europe, in December 2009, to coordinate the efforts against Russia. These efforts, with Jihadists arriving from even Kuwait, shows that the war against Orthodox Christian Russia, by the West's favorite sock-puppet and doubtlessly with their support, continues. The lives of 39 people in Moscow may be directly linked to this meeting.
An interviewer with James George Jatras, a former U.S. Foreign Service officer, who had previously placed a page long advert into the Washington Time Georgia Imbroglio: And a Choice For the United States had this to say, to Julia Gorin of Republican Riot, on the whole issue of terrorism and the West's duplicity in mass murderer:
“Newsworthy”? Why? We supported jihadists in Bosnia and Kosovo, and it was still the right thing to do, right? This meeting in Tbilisi wouldn’t have been hosted by Saakashvili without our knowledge and at least implicit green light.
The idea is, it’s ok to use jihadists against countries we don’t like. First, the USSR. Then Serbia. Is it ok to use jihad against Russia, if we can? China? Iran? North Korea? In principle, if we can do it, what would the objection be?
As we should have learned, we can’t turn them on and off like a spigot, and the monster we’ve been feeding has a mind of its own. I’d tend to think of supporting jihadists like poison gas or bio war: something you don’t do even when it might seem advantageous.
Daily it is becoming more and more obvious that Georgia is and will continue to be the main staging base for anti-Russian terrorism and destabilization. The amazing idiocy of this is, as I stated in To Georgia's Good Fortune, Russia is Winning if the Jihadists were to ever win, Orthodox Georgia would face Islamic Jihad itself, from 3 different directions and the people of Georgia, who have been lousy fighters for almost a thousand years, would quickly be over run and crushed, with Washington looking on approvingly, just like they did to allies Macedonia, Cypress and Lebanon.
Thus, Russia must demand the arrest and hand over of the war criminal Saakashvili and his band of madmen for trial and execution, or Russia should move in, remove him by force end this threat. Upon the completion of hostilities, that is, the conquest of Georgia, efforts must be prepared to return stability and normality. After a relatively short period, say three month, a foreign monitored referendum should be conducted, oblast by oblast, to determine which parts want unity with Russia and which parts want independence.
Either way, this immediate threat to Russia will be ended. The main routes for entry of Jihadists shut off and any follow on government in Georgia or any other neighboring country will think more than a few times before committing the same crimes against the Russian people.
Great article as usual, Mr. Mishin.
ReplyDeleteThis brings to mind Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's quote where he described the messy dissolution of the Soviet Union as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century".
By the way, just as a heads-up, it appears that the timestamp on this post is off. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteHope you are somewhat pacified by what Putin did to USA in kyrgiztan as reply for the moscow and caucasus bombings.
Ahhh C'mon,
ReplyDeleteDon't you ever tire of conspiracy theories? Most Americans would have a very hard time even pointing to a map with Georgia on it - yet this is still some grand plan?
And this Jatras? While I don't pretend to know anything about him, Googleing that name outlines a person who might be typically regarded as "standard Washington lobbiest/opportunist". He's a hired gun - likely with no loyalties...or ideas of his own. A talk monkey.
Frankly, it pains me that *any* Russian, even one as extreme as our own Rush Limbaugh, would even consider the idea that "those damn Amelikans" set loose these jihadists on Russian schools or subways.
What's next? Did "Amelikans" setup Stalin to be invaded by Hitler? Did we slip something into east European water supplies to make them fear Russia so?
"unity with Russia"???...с абсолютно закрыл границы!!!...и они могут продемонстрировать подлинную свободу, обеспечения их собственных границ!!! P.S.Сильные заборы создают хороших соседей ... это jест радикальное отрицание самого существования проклятой америки!!! БОГ ПРОКЛИНАЕТ ИХ ВСЕ!!!
ReplyDeleteYes because the US has not been working with Bin Ladin and international Jihadists has it.
The US has the Chechen government on its payroll including all its media, propaganda, “human rights” groups, etc through NED/USAID, etc and in April 1997 established a Caucasian investment fund, in Washington registered as the Caucasus-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Lord McAlpine - Representative of the Financial Group at Goldsmiths’ - promised to invest 3 billion dollars in the Chechen oil industry.
The US and western intelligence has been training and setting up terrorist networks in Russia and abroad to fight in the Caucasus starting in Bosnia in 89 and preparations since 87 in Vienna, Austria through the Third World Relief Agency as a base and transit hub for Jihadists to fight in Chechnya financed by sex and drug trafficking routes through the Balkans through KLA/Albanian groups in Europe.
For what purpose? Read Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard.
The Georgia regime is a Soros puppet regime where is government and military are dominated by British/US and Israeli personal where US contractor MPRI was responsible for Operation Storm in Krajina is training Georgian. And the fact that the US let Jihadists import there bases from Afghanistan into the Panski Gorge in Georgia in 2003 impossible without US complicity.
“What's next? Did "Amelikans" setup Stalin to be invaded by Hitler? Did we slip something into east European water supplies to make them fear Russia so?”
No but the US did help install Communism in Russia.
New York banker Jacob Schiff through his Kuhn, Loeb bank and Friend of Russian Freedom organisation financed Trotsky and exiled Marxist refugees in New York to the tune of a billion dollars to set up the Red Army and conquer Russia.
Foreign intelligence reports:
Report of the American Expeditionary forces to Siberia, March 1, 1919. Captain Montgomery Schyler, speaking of events following the decline of the First Provisional Government, says:
“These hopes were frustrated by the gradual gains in power of the more irresponsible and socialistic elements of the population, guided by the Jews and other anti-Russian races. A table made in April 1918 by Robert Wilton, the correspondent of the London Times in Russia, shows that at that time there were 384 “commissars” including 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number, 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial government.”
Captain Schyler then provides a personal reflection:
“It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States, but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type, who have been in the United States and there absorbed every one of the worst phases of our civilization without having the least understanding of what we really mean by liberty.”
Is it not US constantly pushing the Russian threat conspiracies in the mass media, blogs, etc?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm not buying it. We're not that "good". Besides, if any of this really happened - it would have been leaked everywhere :)
Never confuse foolishness (kids playing with dynamite) as "grand plans". That's where most of these arguments fall flat on their face.
And I'd reckon there are as many fools in Russia as anywhere else, including many who fan agrieved parties to suit their needs.
Don't know any vaccine for free speech - other than skepticism. We must endure propaganda here too. Fortunately, most don't believe it. Usually most is right.
Classic Amelikan junk food:
Try to track it down. Have a smile before the next conspiracy.
ReplyDeleteAnother good overview article.,-Madrassas,-HeroinTerrorism
Go to Andy Wilcox site and read the Milosevic trail reports and read all the information and facts for yourself.
If you want to know the scale of terrorism in Russia and its foreign backers read Wolves of Islam Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terrorism by former CIA counter terrorism agent in Russia Paul Murphy very detailed quoting sources themselves in some instances of foreign countries and intelligence agencies.
Seeing how I am British not Russian and live in Britain I receive the same mass media propaganda as you although not as bad.
What do you mean that “good” the blowback from these networks and organisations has been a disaster especially since 9/11 and including that attack most of which working either through the Third World Relief Agency and Abu Haf network who sends foreign fighters to Iraq diverting them from Chechnya offshoots of this Bosnian-Chechen network.
What propaganda are you talking about?
That we sponsored the Marxist overthrow of the Tsarist regime or since 79 we have been sponsoring Islamic terrorism for strategic oil and gas control as revealed by FBI whstle blower Sidel Edmonds.
And TGC would just be geo-political theory if it were not for the fact that that he and his family clan were/are at the forefront of steering US policy towards Russia since 89.
Go to Andy Wilcox site and read the Milosevic trail reports and read all the information and facts for yourself and the ISSA website under the Balkans section.
If you want to know the scale of terrorism in Russia and its foreign backers read Wolves of Islam Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terrorism by former CIA counter terrorism agent in Russia Paul Murphy very detailed quoting sources themselves in some instances of foreign countries and intelligence agencies.
I will remind you that it was the FSB that created and supported the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance and provided information and NA itself for US led operation in Afghanistan after 9/11.
“Don't know any vaccine for free speech - other than skepticism. We must endure propaganda here too. Fortunately, most don't believe it. Usually most is right.”
ReplyDeleteWhen I am feed propaganda that does not conform to the facts then I base my opinion on my own logical assessment from authoritative sources like main stream media news reports, Intelligence publications, trail transcripts, etc.
Unfortunately most do like yourself and it is always wrong in regards to foreign reporting at least.
The best propaganda is when you don’t know that it is.
Yet you believe there is an international Islamic terrorist organisation run by Bin Ladin and the Pakistani’s and Saudis two US allies and long standing intelligence partners although all the evidence for the 9/11 attack goes back to Bosnia not Afghanistan. Even the FBI can’t find any evidence to charge him with 9/11.
9/11 itself was part of this Bosnian-Chechen network which all the hijackers or at least most originally destined to fight in Chechnya and the Hamburg cell had Jihadist recruitment videos to fight in Chechnya and Abu Qatada which the Daily Mirror of August 2005 revealed to be in the payroll of MI5/6.
Not only that but they worked through Abdullah Bin Ladin’s Benevolence Fund and other front NGO’s that finance Chechen terrorism and some were trained by Louai al-Sakka responsible for training and transferring militants from camps in Afghanistan through Turkey into Chechnya and featured in US own 1998 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Intelligence Information Report (IIR) regarding international Islamic terrorism in Russia. This when there was no war and Chechnya had de facto independence.
So perhaps you should do your own research before making naïve statements.
Have scanned the wiki for Georgia+ most mentioned links. While I'm sure this material doesn't communicate much of the passions in play there, I suspect most outsiders would just be left with a headache. For what it's worth, I personally can't imagine a US representative fanning *any* side of this incomprehensible mess. That whole area appears nothing but a minefield. Outsiders would only be in awe.
ReplyDeleteOn a different note, you might be interested in this current affairs coverage:
Naive eh?
ReplyDeleteSome observations then....
You're no less reliant on "other people's" observations than anyone else here.
You're also no closer to the truth - since you're likely configuring data to fit a preconceived view.
Some of those websites you list are peddling that same tired old "jews in control of the world" thread. If that isn't a red flag for someone with too much time on their hands - don't know much which can trump it.
Could say something incendiary at this point - but won't, because I believe your initial intentions were helpful.
Still maintain that a lot of this activism nonsense can be explained away simply by "people without bigger fish to fry". Unemployed, unemployable, or dead enders....
Nothing more pathetic than an out of work "freedom figher", KGB or CIA employee, even an ex soldier. Inevitably, they gravitate toward making trouble to justify their bullshit jobs. Wanna find the real reason this stuff happens? Track down the guy's mother. She knows - even if she won't tell.
ReplyDelete"Naive eh?
Some observations then....
You're no less reliant on "other people's" observations than anyone else here.
You're also no closer to the truth - since you're likely configuring data to fit a preconceived view.
Some of those websites you list are peddling that same tired old "jews in control of the world" thread. If that isn't a red flag for someone with too much time on their hands - don't know much which can trump it."
One website I reference that discusses Jews was in reference to the Bolshevik revolution not terrorism or western support for it in the Balkans.
The one Christian website truthtellers which I referenced because that has all the declassified foreign intelligence report statements in one article. And the reports are real.
Andy Wilcox is pro-Jewish and links to Jewish sources and commentators so how exactly is he anti-semetic? And his postings on his news site are from main stream news sources like BBC, Der Spiegel, etc and intelligence review publications and Milosevic trail reports from there own biased trail funded by Soros and NATO countries which he also links to Hague Tribuneral’s own video archive of the trail.
Paul Murphy does not get any profit or money running RETWA or linked to any political think tank or foundation like the Jamestown Foundation or AEI.
ISSA is run by Yossef Bodansky, Israeli-American political analyst. Advisor for the Middle East and terrorism the foremost expert of terrorism in the Balkans and organisation ISSA and team of anti-terrorism experts consults with experts and government officials in Washington and around the world.
Seems like you don’t like the info so you just dismiss it.