Love or hate him, Putin is cool, plain and simple. I would love to kick back and down some beer with him, even without speaking politics, but that would be a bonus too. You have got to respect a real man, unlike the alcoholic bafoon we had under Yeltsin, that the West so loved. No wander the West, that is the Anglos, are in fear, they have no real men to stand up to our Putin and no Thatchers to show their metrosexuals how to be real men either.
Out of the blue, Putin shows up on the bike, riding with style with our boys. Bikers hark back to our Rus (Russian/Ukrainian) heritage, to the Cossacks, who are still out there, protecting our borders, from the Western backed Islamic fanatics.
But this is not just some stunt by Putin. As in this case, in 2002, as President, on New Year's Day, while the West's leaders were still laying around drunk and stoned, Putin jumped into a two seater MIG and flew down to the war zone in Chechnya to give out medals personally. Yup, no brigade of special forces and body guards canvasing every turn, every building, and ever tree. No bunch of suited goons frisking all the people, while the emperors fly in $500 million helicopters or in caravans of armoured jeeps, occasionally running down civilians. No bus loads of tag alongs. Heck, unlike the American emperors, Putin does not ask for all of down town London to be closed down when he comes to visit, something the Queen does not even get.
And lastsly, just look at the pictures and compare Putin to the last two Emperors, the last two American Caligulas and Neros. How's that to make the Yanks weep?

Well, if Putin was gold medalist in judo in St. Petersburg, elected Hungarian president Pál Schmitt was world champion in epee (шпага) fencing for two Olympics in a row. Well, at least epee is my weapon of choice.
But in the West there's just a bunch of useless low-testosterone presidents in office, true.
Say no more! LOL!
More significant than the motorcycle riding was his singing patriotic songs to the spies (or what ever the heck they were) who were returned from the US.
Not as macho, but he was telling every Russian intelligence asset out there that he had their back.
The CIA burns assets with no regret, which makes getting new assets more difficult.
I guess Putin riding a Harley is a prestige thing for Russians; I was slightly taken aback to not hear that he rode in on a very Russian (to my eyes) Ural motorcycle, either plain two-wheeled, or a sidecar three-wheeler.
Putin IS cool.
Trikes are not.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but real motorcycles have two, not three wheels.
Ranger is correct. Trikes are for the aged and infirm, who are unable to "keep it up" any longer. As Putin is neither, he sent the wrong message, i.e., "I don"t know how to ride a motorcycle."
Putin is way cooler than several of our (USA) past presidents. Certainly cooler than the guy in office right now.
.... hey Dan, that is such a biased statement, if you had pinnochio's punishment you'd need a tape measure to assess your nasal appendage. Every body knows that as far as Presidents go, Barak Obama is the Jesus of Cool; Harley-Davidsons or not!!
I have to say that is too hilarious!! It would be so nice if we had a real man in the White House - one who could think straight and who actually cared for our country. But, alas, it is not to be for the rot is from the inside out. Russia, you are doing well. We are happy for you.
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