The Blowback of America's Blind Ideology of Democracy

As you my dear readers know, I view republicanism and democracy in low esteem, being a constitutional monarchist. Most of all, as I stated in previous articles, Democracy as an ideology is as much a failure for the ills of this world as Communism. America's blind, ideological adherence to it, has wrought havoc on the world, brought us to the brink of disaster in recent years, and has harmed her in blow back after blow back.
Unfortunately, her politicians fail to ever learn and the people equally fail to wake up. The recent wave of embassy attacks and the murders of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens only further demonstrates and underscores this.
America's politicos, many of themselves children of Marx, either through the Stalinist vein (democrats) or the rulers of the Republicans, the Neocons, through their Trotskyte vein, fully believe in the Marxist fallacy of the linear march of history, where humanity and culture can only move in one direction, towards the bright, Godless utopia on Earth. This I covered in my article Of Monarchy, Democracy and the Lie of Linear History and in Of Monarchy and Democracy: Or the Goddess that Wasn't.
As you my dear readers know, I view republicanism and democracy in low esteem, being a constitutional monarchist. Most of all, as I stated in previous articles, Democracy as an ideology is as much a failure for the ills of this world as Communism. America's blind, ideological adherence to it, has wrought havoc on the world, brought us to the brink of disaster in recent years, and has harmed her in blow back after blow back.
Unfortunately, her politicians fail to ever learn and the people equally fail to wake up. The recent wave of embassy attacks and the murders of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens only further demonstrates and underscores this.
America's politicos, many of themselves children of Marx, either through the Stalinist vein (democrats) or the rulers of the Republicans, the Neocons, through their Trotskyte vein, fully believe in the Marxist fallacy of the linear march of history, where humanity and culture can only move in one direction, towards the bright, Godless utopia on Earth. This I covered in my article Of Monarchy, Democracy and the Lie of Linear History and in Of Monarchy and Democracy: Or the Goddess that Wasn't.
The past several years, under the Obama regime, has seen the full flowering of this lunacy, in what has been called, in a genius of marketing: The Arab Spring. It was sold, to the ever gullible, ignorant and brain washed unwashed masses of the West, as the final collapse of evil tyrannical regimes and the coming of the Golden Age of Democracy and Human harmony in all the world and that from these Arabian lands, the waves would march over all the world and bring forth the great world wide
Instead, we now have, what many cynics are calling, the Arab Winter, where one US/EU armed and US/EU funded Al Quida or Muslim Brotherhood regime has taken power after another. Of course, all such regimes have taken power democratically, no differently than the Musallines, Hitlers, Stalins (yes he too was elected Secretary of the Soviet Union), and other such despotic regimes. This is no different than the fact that the sooner or later despotic regime that will rule America and the UK will equally be or already has been, freely elected.
But than again, if one is an astute student of history, one knows that all republics and democracies always end this way, with their final tyrants and murderers freely assuming power on the shoulders of the masses, the very masses that they will soon beat down and slaughter into serfdom.
The effects of the over throw of the secular rulers of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, the removal, democratically, of the secular rulers of Turkey and now the war on the secular rulers of Syria, has already unleashed secondary wars and jihads throughout the region, fueled by renewed Sunnie Islamic fervor like never before. From the continuing civil wars in Libya, to wars in northern Mali, where Jihadists from Libya have flown in, to the Islamic Jihad against the Christian majority in Kenya or the renewed Sunnie mob murders in northern Nigeria, the spill over has just begun. Than there is the greater chance if not the absolute certainly of the upcoming great regional war with Turkey, as I have written about in: Events Flow and Prophesy Will Not Be Denied.
I have written about this for years, and have as many other such Cassandras, been ignored by the blissfully ignorant masses, believing in the fairy tales their masters mouth pieces spin for them. However, now that the
It is telling that the death of the ambassador was self made, after all, if he had not played a leading role in the unleashing of Islamic Jihadist forces in stable and prosperous Libya, he would still be enjoying the sun light on his face. It is equally telling that the West, on all its channels of propaganda: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC, SKY NEWS, Euronews and so on, are quickly spinning the fairy tale that this was all because of a badly made clip on youtube criticizing Islam. The insanity of this deserves the laugh of a cynic, though the masses continue to eat it up.
Will the post Christian, mindless and soulless masses of the West ever wake up to the reality of their masters? I fear not.
See Also:
US/UK/France, One More Blow Against the Nation State
Russia-Iran, the Finger Wagging of US Conservatives
Hollbrooke, the Handmaiden of Allah: His Jihad is Finally Over
The Wikileak Assange and the American Mullahs
The Kaffir of America
The Queslings of the Anglo-Right
Axis of Evil, a matter of Perspective
Team Obama Backs Another Jihad
The American Drum Beat to Christian Extermination, Drums On
Kosovo and Bosnia, the Ghetto of Christianity
Precisely how have you figure all of this out relating to this topic? I enjoyed scanning this, Ill must visit other pages on your own site straight away.
I have read several of your postings. Interesting point of view from the outside of our country.
At this point, I'm almost ready to welcome true tyranny in the U.S. Because I think only through that kind of maelstrom can the West rise again in America.
Yes, the first tyrants will be ultra-Leftists, very possibly with Obama as figurehead (the idea of such a weakling as a true tyrant is risible). But a complete suppression of freedom by a Leftist cabal may be the last, best hope for awakening what's left of the American spirit. So from that coup, a counter-coup may follow, a truly nationalist one dedicated to liberty as it used to be known in America (pre Civil War era), rolling back all the perversity that the "rights" mania has brought us.
I don't think this likely, but surely we will never reverse the Progressive degeneration any other way than through a dictatorial transition.
Stan...You are a never ending source of rational insight and commentary on the mindless/witless governing of western civilization. Who would ever have believed 30 years ago that the US electorate would place an islamo-marxist pompous ass in the Whitehouse in 2008 and actually tolerate his presence for 4 years? Keep up the good work. May God grant you many years.
The war(s) are progressing according to plan(s). These plans have been set in motion very long time ago. The lies perpetuted on humanity have been so deep and for so long that hatred runs amock wihtin many groups of controlled societies. WWI, and WWII, and so forth were all wars for control using humanity while they laughed. The present wars and WWIII will also use humanity. It is well enrained so that the antichrist can present himself as the peace maker unifying religions and stoping wars, while he is declared the absolute 'ruler' or 'president' or 'monarch' or 'patriarch' 'mesiah' depending or one's own flavor of the day. Then they want to control and open the pores to the inner earth the Tartara. This will happen. But not as they wish it. They have their plans, but God has his plans. The massive CME from the sun will bring some Justice and Justice shall be delivered by the broad sword thereafter. The nonsence will end humanity will learn the truth, and we get to choose Christ's second comming. Amen.
Станислав, объясните, пожалуйста, почему Вы пишите по-английски, а не по-русски? Для патриота-монархиста, согласитесь, это как-то странно. У меня есть догадка, и я хочу знать права я или нет. Спасибо.
Станислав, почему Вы пишете в своем блоге по-английски? Или английский для Вас родной? Хотелось бы увидеть что-то и по-русски, а то как-то непатриотично.
@ Irina
Ответ простой: на английском все читают и так могу весь мир достать.
Как раз-то, раньше я на русском писал и почти не кто не читал.
I often use this Tom Lantos quote but it is worth mentioning again in light of the Libyan fiasco that sums up US foreign policy since the late 70’s.
“Let me just raise a few items, Mr. Secretary. The first one: just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led governments in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all color and hue. The United States' principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe."
It is quite puzzling that Zionist and/or Jewish politicians and journalists in the West are pushing for and promoting Arab democracy in the Mid East and Africa (Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc) and Muslim separatist movements in Europe and Eurasia (Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Central Asian stans and Xinjing) like the Neocons (Pearle, Kristol, Wolfowitz, etc) and Zionist/Jewish politicians/journalists (Bernard Levy, Holbrooke, Albright, Lantos, J. Lieberman, etc) despite the fact that they bring Islamic parties to power or affiliated with individuals linked to jihadists.
Why do you think that is?
Lieberman “We will not let extremists divide Muslims and the West”.
Thank you for sharing. Not to many people in your position are so gracious. Your article was very poignant and understandable. It helped me to understand very clearly. Thank you for your help.
So, what's your agenda anyway? You are obviously not Russian. You write like a Brit, have a passion of an Italian. You aim to shock, you lead people to believe you are actually in Russia. Is it all purely attention-getting? Very strange indeed...
Nice anglo last name. You write like an American, think like one, well a troll from America. Get your kind here every half year or your handlers a favour and bugger off, use their monies somewhere else.
My project? Besides a Great Russia? Monarchy and an end to your marxist DemInt. You left Russia, if you ever were here, fine, stay there and but out of our lives. And take your "ananymous" that posts same as you and 7 minutes later, with you.
А сестричка, с Луны прилетел. На метле прилетел. Твои глазки сесть, хозяйка.
А какой Ваш проект? Пишите как американка, мыслите как американка...о и хорошая англо фамилия: РИИС...и если были каплю честный увидели что вначале по русскому писал а не кто не читал. Под индексом можешь найти. Но тем как Вам, троликам, нужно на что-то или кого-то нападать. На которую контору там в США работаешь? И твой второй аноним...также пишет, также мыслит и за 7 мин позже Вас...очень глупа и примитивно, сестричка. Тролики как ты, они тут появляются каждый пол годика .
I didn't try to hide who I was, but the "comment moderation" feature is a new one for me, so I re-posted because I didn't think my comments went through. The fact that you didn't publish my comments, however, speaks volumes. Your Russian is pretty good, but you won't fool me. Your English is much better than your Russian. Your articles have multitudes of British-only vocabulary. For example, the word "sheeple" is not something that is generally used in the US. There are other examples, as well. Why are you trying to pass for a Russian monarchist is a puzzle to me. Anyway... continue to have fun... or not, depending on how you look at it. )
My english sounds English probably from studying at an Oxford program in school and university.
Sheeple is not Oxford silly you now sound. Actually, some earlier on claimed I invented it, but no, sorry not that either.
In truth I picked it up from your Glen Beck off of a youtube video of him. Its one of your yank words.
You have a good weekend too. I'll be at the chilli cook off at Hudson Bar, on Butyrsky Val. I'll have a good german beer for you.
Бутырский Вал... Оксфорд... Глен Бек...
ну-ну )))
(I do believe the Oxford part, by the way. Not the English-language program but the actual school. Those guys can outbullshit anybody lol)
Have a good weekend, enjoy your beer. Don't forget to chase it with a healthy dose of vodka.
Oxford itself? Ha, hardly. No oligarch. My father made 128 rubles/month as an engineer and my mother not much differently as a teacher. Our family wealth was taken from our hands by the nice men with red stars, back in the early 20s.
I have a family with children, vodka is not on the menue. Its reserved for only a few times per year.
Just to be fair, what your parent's' alary was in the 70s is irrelevant. This may come as a surprise to you, but everybody made roughly the same back then. Most of who are now called oligarchs came from essencially the same modest background .
80s, to begin with, not 70s. Secondly, my father was not immoral, nor I, to do what it took to be an oligarch of the 90s. Maybe that is lost on some, especially in a society that teachs grab what you can.
If by "some" you meant me then I'm sorry to disappont you. I was brought up in a society that taught us -- all of us, including the present day oligarchs -- quite the opposite, yet with the collapse of the system it was proven that people are the same wherever you go -- be it Russia or America or anywhere else. When "grabbing" is made possible by political and economic circumstances, people will grab. Pure and simple. Not everybody, mind you. There are lot of non-grabbers in the US. But you call them "sheeple". )
you obviously have no idea what I stand for. I call US voters sheeple, as well as most of the West, BECAUSE they vote for the same thieves and grabbers, over and over again, like a good flock of mindless brainwashed bafoons.
Most people in Russia didn't grab, most continued to work hard, even as the system beat them down. My aunts are great examples: they continued to teach school even without pay, or what passed for pay, the occassion couple of bags of flour and such. Maybe you missed that in the US, but soon enough, you'll get to live through it also, or rather much worse, in the land of grabbers...think LA Riots or New Orleans.
No, I don't know what you stand for, I already told you I'm totally perplexed. You keep insisting on your "Russianness", yet any native Russian speaker can easily spot the little quirks in your Russian texts and comments and expose you as a foreigner. Some of your English-language articles are very well written (although I can't say I always agree with their content), while your comments have none of that same eloquancy. I'n beginning to think there's more than one person who write for this blog.
Great piece. The scorched earth , failed state factory of the West keeps rolling right along.
This Irina is either an idiot or an NSA Artificial Intelligence Algo. I dont know which is worse.
Hell , I ll have beer with you next time I'm back in the Motherland.
Yes, dear, I'm the foreign borg collective...hahaaaaa. You've been reading to many romans.
I've got plenty of other Russian readers, real Russians, not American-Russian somethings, who obviously lived there most of their lives from total lack of quarks in your english.
Here we go again. Your last comment sounds like it was written by a 14-year old. Lots of emotions and no substance.
I have yet to see any comments from your Russian readers in Russian.
Most of visits to this blog are from the United States, followed by Greece of all places... Russian hits are at the bottom of the list. Maybe when I said that you write like a Brit but have a passion of an Italian, I wasn't too far off geographically?
Yes, speaking of Americans, you do provide quite a few of those hits which agency or "project" do you work for? Hahaaa.
You are something alright. Get a clue and actually read my previous posts if you want to knwo why so many Greeks or what I stand for...not that I'd expect that. More than likely, you're like my cousin and quite a few others out here who go to these "White" revolution USAids sponsored crap (yes the $22 million per year)...brain washed to believe in democracy, aka pseudo organized mob rule.
My politics is simple: White Guard. If you were ever a Russian, my doubts exist quite a bit, you'd know what I'm saying. My bet is you're clueless.
Are you familiar with the phrase "Iupitter eratus ergo nefas"(Jupiter, you are angry therefore you are wrong) I forgot who said that...
In any case, I never said anything about any conspiracy, you keep putting words in my mouth and accusing me of being a spy.
There have been more than 130000 hits from the US. Are all of them spies? Or is a spy someone who dares not agree with what you post?
I didn't accuse. I stated a fact: you misrepresent yourself by leading others to believe that you Russian, living in Russia. People who read your posts might get an impression that you represent the majority opinion, where in fact you don't.
The reason you've been getting hits from the US lately is because your article on is making rounds again. Somebody e-mailed it to me and asked my opinion, so I gave it to them.
I don't misrepresent jack, I state who and where I'm from, you are the nut job who thinks I'm british or some such. As for majority opinion, that I never stated. I represent my opinion and it is shared by many people, not that I think you have a clue of what Russians think or Russian opinion or Russia itself.
Now be humble enough to bugger off. I've wasted enough time on the likes of you.
Yes, I think my mission here is complete. The link to this discussion is available online, so people can come and form their own opinion. Good bye.
Oh gasp Irina, I am so really .... what a brilliant threat/promise from your side. Wow.
Here is a kopeka for your thoughts, all the conversations are on the internet and can be read....that's the point of a blog.
Now go annoy someone else. Не кто не помнит вчерашний хлеб или вчерашних троликов.
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