America Does Not Deserve Men Like Snowden
Nor does it deserve Manning or any of the dozens of others who are now imprisoned or dead for trying to expose the hypocrisy of the police state that is now their jailer or murderer and is your owner.
For you, Americans are an owned slave race, as few have ever been. As I closed in my well published, oft repeated article on American Capitalism, Gone With a Whimper
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.
you truly are a slave mass, deeply sunk into your own illusions of freedom and self-righteousness to preach to the world how they should live.? Off of your examples? I hardly think so. It's a pathetic example.
What Snowden, Manning and others have been foolish about is actually believing those myths that you teach your children and in believing that if only they exposed the lies and hypocrisy of your rulers and owners,ou would in shook rise up and retake your mythical freedoms.
How absolutely wrong they were and are. We went into the slavery of Marxism, that your elites, coincidently funded and shilled for, with a brutal 4 year civil war that left five million dead. You go happily and quite willingly, as long as the state gives you goodies and missile footage to watch, your bread and circuses.
One has only to scroll through the hundreds and thousands of postings on the various "conservative" forums to see what is meant by American conservatism: blind statist and obedience in the name of security from "them" and them is about any boogeyman the state media organs can create. The American "con"servative cares only really about 1- his paycheck, 2- being on the winning team of the One Party Two Branch System and 3- his self opinion as an AMERICAN...the kings of the world, which their media is more than happy to fill their heads with, so they don't notice that they have no jobs, everything is rotting and their kids can't read but are experienced at poking each other in the privy or bumm.
Men like Snowden should be given Russian citizenship, they are much more valuable than aging bloated French movie stars and deserve a better people to call their own.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about Manning and Snowden, and the pathetic response most Americans have given these heroes.
I was at a family/friend breakfast a few weeks ago, and the latest NSA scandal came up. Not surprisingly, most of my "liberal" relatives supported or make feeble protests against the unconstitutional overreach of the government. "Obama must have learned something that changes his mind..." etc.
Another, much older friend, who is a Christian and a liberal, said, "Well, I trust Obama to make the right judgments", etc.
The same pathetic justifications you hear in the press and from the government. Finally, I said, "whatever fairy tales you need to tell yourselves to get to sleep at night...
That stopped the conversation, with an uncomfortable silence.
It's obvious the main purpose of the spying is to spy on American citizens. The other goal, which may be even more primary, is to scare Americans to censor themselves, so the government doesn't have to. Even in the 19th century, Tocqueville remarked how democratic Americans censored themselves, for fear of the opinion of the majority. Now, in addition to the immense pressure to conform, there is the nagging fear that the expression of a political opinion, especially a libertarian or constitutional opinion, will cause the searing eye of the government's robotic spy machine to turn on you.
Americans who express support for constitutionalism, or for rights protected in the Bill of Rights, are now basically designated as terrorists by the government.
There is an underground and undercurrent of resistance, but it has yet to make itself known.
You may not see it from Russia, but there may be a sleeping giant that will awaken. It remains to be seen.
Most Americans will not resist tyranny until their televisions no longer turn on, or they can't afford to pay their cable TV and Internet bills.
America is bigger and more diverse than most people from other nations understand, however, and there are many areas of the country that would not willingly submit to dictatorial powers.
The Eastern seaboard is lost, however, with the exception of New Hampshire and maybe Maine.
This was worth the read Mr Mishin. More than the truth. The decay in America is so emense, I think no one will be capable to describe it. What's left to cheer America for? Nothing! I agree that Mr Snowden deserves better. But how on earth can't the American people see this? Are they just stupid or are they waiting for some miracle to rescue them? Surely, as you said, they are engineering their own downfall. I also read on other sites that Obama requested 15,000 Russian troops for one or other disaster that would happen in the near future. Do you have anything on that?
ReplyDeleteI believe Stanislav, regarding the 'Russian troops' stories, that unfortunately MChs has been used as a pawn by this Obama Administration to 'troll' patriots with fears that the Russian Army is going to invade and come take their guns -- ala the 1984 film "Red Dawn" which started with ridiculous jingoism but at least if one watched the whole thing admitted that almost everybody dies in war and those who survive lose something (John Milius also wrote the screenplay for Francis Ford Coppola's Apocolypse Now).
ReplyDeleteI have informed other patriots to beware that the increasing prevalance of Tula works .223 and .303 among U.S. gun buyers may not be an accident. Perhaps the Dept. of Homeland Security wants to create a future scenario where they can dupe gullible old Cold Warriors into thinking that 'Putin is arming the bitter clingers to fight their own government'. Clifford Kincaid of the so-called 'Accuracy in Media' website is one of these people, the anti-globalists at who certainly don't trust Putin or the Chinese have broken with him publically over his NSA bootlicking, even to the nauseating point that Kincaid praised Sen. Dianne Feinstein while pretending to be a conservative.
It's disgusting. But there are many Fake Right-wing operatives like Kincaid, J.R. 'prepare for nuclear war with Russia/China don't bother doing anything else to resist but digging a bunker' Nyquist and the like. They are all either useful idiots or active dupes for the globalist takedown of America. Ultimately the globalists will not need foreign troops if they have an army of domestic scum, the most sadistic cops and psychotic TSA and gangbangers to choose from to fight us.
Stanislav if you talk to anyone in Russian government please inform them that the DHS/NSA/CIA will all try to exploit any friendly Russian gesture to convince America's alert patriots that 'Russian invasion is imminent'. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES let this Obama regime use Russians for any purpose on American soil! The Russian and American peoples are not enemies but there are corrupt globalists attempting to infiltrate the Kremlin!
I believe Stanislav, regarding the 'Russian troops' stories, that unfortunately MChs has been used as a pawn by this Obama Administration to 'troll' patriots with fears that the Russian Army is going to invade and come take their guns -- ala the 1984 film "Red Dawn" which started with ridiculous jingoism but at least if one watched the whole thing admitted that almost everybody dies in war and those who survive lose something (John Milius also wrote the screenplay for Francis Ford Coppola's Apocolypse Now).
ReplyDeleteI have informed other patriots to beware that the increasing prevalance of Tula works .223 and .303 among U.S. gun buyers may not be an accident. Perhaps the Dept. of Homeland Security wants to create a future scenario where they can dupe gullible old Cold Warriors into thinking that 'Putin is arming the bitter clingers to fight their own government'. Clifford Kincaid of the so-called 'Accuracy in Media' website is one of these people, the anti-globalists at who certainly don't trust Putin or the Chinese have broken with him publically over his NSA bootlicking, even to the nauseating point that Kincaid praised Sen. Dianne Feinstein while pretending to be a conservative.
It's disgusting. But there are many Fake Right-wing operatives like Kincaid, J.R. 'prepare for nuclear war with Russia/China don't bother doing anything else to resist but digging a bunker' Nyquist and the like. They are all either useful idiots or active dupes for the globalist takedown of America. Ultimately the globalists will not need foreign troops if they have an army of domestic scum, the most sadistic cops and psychotic TSA and gangbangers to choose from to fight us.
Stanislav if you talk to anyone in Russian government please inform them that the DHS/NSA/CIA will all try to exploit any friendly Russian gesture to convince America's alert patriots that 'Russian invasion is imminent'. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES let this Obama regime use Russians for any purpose on American soil! The Russian and American peoples are not enemies but there are corrupt globalists attempting to infiltrate the Kremlin!
ReplyDeleteTo sidestep the thrust of your argument there are two aspects of the Snowden case that might come into focus once the man's safety is assured. Firstly, how did he have access to such a variety of sensitive data? In fact, how did he get a security clearance anyway?
The second aspect is the halting of the airplane of the President of Bolivia. This is an insult to the international order and a mockery of the billiard ball system of States that arose from the Treaty of Westphalia. This Treaty ended the Thirty Years War in the mid 1600's and is described as fundamental to the modern system of independent States. The reality that one country can intervene so violently at the highest levels during peacetime demonstrates the dangers of a unipolar world.
It remains for those of us who have not come to the attention of the authorities to fully comprehend the fact that we live under complete surveillance.
Is it ironic then how one lone ordinary American Mr.Ed Snowden with no formal education or pedigree can change the course of the entire world without taking a life or firing a shot? For this Mr. Snowden has lost his country but not his countrymen. For Mr. Snowden I feel proud that he is an American in a way I have not felt in a long time. let this be a lesson to everyone who feels they are not important or in a position to make positive changes in the world. Take good care of him, I hope Russia does the right thing.
ReplyDelete"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
ReplyDeleteJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Thank you. I read some of your earlier articles and shared. Sad to see that you use the same term I chose, "bread and circuses". Some people don't see because the reality is too terrifying ... and this (my) generation and those younger, have no real idea of deprivation or how to live without the "necessities" that didn't even exist a mere 20 - 30 years ago. Families and marriages are destroyed, men and women at war with one another, the races, as well ... the "church" overall is become a tool of the system, not a shepherd or refuge. Politicians DON'T respond to problems or concerns. We pay corporations and the corporations pay fines (kickbacks) to the govt, from time to time ... keeping the "system" going. It is sad to see people screaming over past slavery ... not even realizing what is being done, presently. Even sadder to try to explain and learn that many people don't know how to think or reason ANYTHING out. But, they can recognize "elephant" and "donkey" and will fight fiercely with insults and vulgarity, to preserve their "honor". So many still ask (expect?) God to "bless" America without even asking, "Why should He?"
ReplyDelete"For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie" ... that is about the only way I can make sense of what I am seeing and what is going on. Those who refuse to reckon God into their equations will never come to a solution; only delusions and lies. I believe some, or many, of the founders of the nation realized this, but those today are so much more sophisticated and "wise". They are not ... and yet,
"Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time."
Snowden and others are speaking; some are listening. Those who are listening are not being distracted by the outward show of success or disgrace; rather, we are looking at the fruits and the efforts. And looking to the author of Truth, as it is not easy to know what to do when all you've ever believed has been set on its head or outlawed, But it's fairly easy to know what NOT to do ... and that is to countenance evil, even though it may be legislated into being through the Federal gov't itself.
Here's a quote from Ermes Trismegistos thousands of years ago...
ReplyDelete' Εστιν ουν πατερ. αληθεια και εν τη γη; (και ου ασκοπως)
Σφαλλη, ω τεκνον, αληθεια μεν ουδαμως εστιν εν τη γη, ω Τατ
ουτε γενεσθαι δυναται, περι της αληθειας νοησαι ενιους των
ανθρωπων, οις εαν ο Θεος την θεοπτικην δωρησηται δυναμιν
Is there Father, Truth and on earth? (and without purpose)
You are in error, oh my child, for Truth does not exist on the earth, oh Tat, nor is it possible to be existing, whereas only a few men(humans) will get an understanding of the Truth, to those that God will give the gift to see (know) the divine.
The same system that existed then exists now. Not only Americans, but Humanity has been deceived, the praetorians existed and exist now. They were there when Jesus Christ was Crucified and are here now to finish the 'JOB' to finish Humanity. Only the uniforms and the weapons changed. Hopefully Russia will continue the path of Christendom because I can assure there is God the Father, and Christ Jesus EmmanouEL will Judge All in the Higher Court, none shall escape.
Many years and a happy marriage to a beautiful Russian wife to Mr. Snowden! God bless and protect him!
ReplyDeleteTrapped in America, and reduced to poverty, I find myself without hope. For to what country should I flee? Where can an American file for asylum? We have fewer rights than citizens of the lowliest, third-world nations do. Men my age are dying of suicide and preventable diseases in record numbers, as we are exterminated by the rulers. I despair of life myself. Only faith gives hope, but it does not feed me or grant me work. Russia has shown its peoples' grandeur, and America has shown its peoples' corruptions.
ReplyDeleteWell, we have plenty of corruption too, unfortunately. However, I do believe it will be beaten down...though you can never really get rid of all of it.
As for what to do? While you can, start looking for jobs here. There are plenty. Start learning Russian too. Easiest way to get here is on a professional visa, but you'll need to find a sponsor. If you are a student, apply to university here.
Excellent post. Excellent.
ReplyDeleteRussia is a lovely awesome country but come ON, man! It's not as if you Russians have a golden past when it comes to being enslaved by the State. And mass murder of tens of millions by the State. Not to mention the slaughter of the Orthodox Church... by the State.
ReplyDeleteSheesh. Look in the mirror. Trust me, it would not take much to return Russia to the USSR ~ how well did the Russian citizens do to prevent that the first time around? So the Russian people would magically stop it from happening again... how?
Individual Americans, like myself, are very very different then the corrupted secular MINORITY that demand that offenses against God be enshrined in law.
This is cool!