Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite tv dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blindth the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barrack Obama/ His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barrack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.


David Macko said...

I wish that the average American understood what is happening in the United States one-tenth as well as you do.
One of the fascist George Bush's worst crimes my be to have created the conditions which caused the majority of American voters to elect the communist Barack Hussein Obama.
However, don't count us out just yet.
The American people have a long tradition of procrastination before they straighten out very bad situations.

vonbach said...

The average american is a lot more awake than you think. A lot more just don't know what to do. As for the sheeple. Sheeple isn't quite the right term for the people your thinking of. Zombies would probably be a better word. They just go through the motions in a daze and hope no one bothers them.

frances snoot said...

Americans ARE doing something: they are arming themselves and stocking up on ammunition. The fight to come will show the world whether or not we are only sniveling cheeto eaters. Really, tiring downtrodden Americans are individuals kept in line by a tyrannical police state. Did you not see the DNC protests in Denver last year? Do you not know our sorrow is very great? To take our people as a whole and denigrate them for the simple folly of those who know not better is quite childish, really.

There is a mass that is deceived by Obama, but that great crowd voted Obama in for mostly altuistic reasons or to better their own race. Their pain is great.

Gary Thompson said...

I agree that America has been duped. But it started long before most of us were ever born.

1913 marked the inception of the United States Federal Reserve; an INDEPENDENT bank operating under the guise of a Federal arm.

Thus, began a slide into special interest and big bankers directing federal practice. The second nail in the coffin shortly thereafter was the creation of the IRS. An agency created with the express purpose of raping and pillaging the American citizen.

Both are WHOLLY unconstitutional with respect to the way our founders set up our country. Benjamin Franklin said that "...Bankers are more of a danger to liberty than standing armies."

Rockefeller said "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who passes the laws."

The 20th century saw the systematic erosion of liberty set in place by America's own leaders handing control over to special interest. And now it just continues.

Stanislav said...

Actually, it all started under Lincoln and the Red Republicans.

Thomas said...

There is no Marxism involved in handing an economy over to parasitic bankers and transferring wealth from the taxpaying lower classes to the super-rich.

And there is no linkage between conservative Russian Orthodox Christianity and American capitalism.

The end.

Anonymous said...

Oh my godness... what in the hell has marxism to do with "Communist"Russia?????
Have you guys ever read one original text of Marx????
Apparently no, because then you would not come even slightly to the idea that Marx can be connected to any fascist system!!!!!!
Please people, step behind your ignorance and learn firstly about the things which you want to write about!!!
No wonder that you all will be dumped!!! so much ignorance ....

Anonymous said...

if you wanna know something for sure, please read what Marx was about:
written by the ERICH FROMM:

Thomas said...

I disagree with Georg the obvious Trotskyite about Marxism not being related to the USSR. The USSR was not a fascist system like Italy and Germany, and most the similarities that were there were strongest under Brezhnev, not Stalin.

Yes, people should read Marx as they should read all the thinkers who changed this world. And you will see little there in direct contradiction with Soviet policy. The bureaucracy in this system was not greater than in Imperial or modern Russia, and Trotsky supported the nationalised, bureaucratised system until it turned against him.

However, he is right to reiterate my point that Marxism has nothing to do with handing your money over to the bankers.

TheArchitect said...

Marxism does have everything to do with handing over power to both corrupt business interests and those behind an increasingly powerful government.

The collectivist viewpoint that Marx and Engles expressed was one that could only be carried out by a strong central state. Marxism's natural outcome will be a strong central state to which the most dreadful personality types will seek to use it to control others and gain power for themselves.

The Msrxist/Collectivist thought constructs are merely a mechanism used to dupe a population into subjectively allowing such centralization of power to happen.

One would have to understand a counter viewpoint (antithesis) to fully grasp how Marxism can be used against a people. Perhaps Bastiat's 'The Law' or the critiques of Marxism by Mises or even Thomas Sowell.

Cory Brickner said...

It's a very thoughtful post. Like David said, I do wish the average American understood what was happening to them, but public schools, news propaganda, and a general sense of entitlement are preventing the citizens of our country from understanding the train wreck that is approaching.

Yes, those that do understand are buying firearms and there is no ammunition on the shelves, but as long as we insist on Democracy (mob rule) as a method of preservation of inherent individual, those that cherish liberty will always be on the short end of the stick.

Unknown said...

Brilliant piece, right on the money.

And Dwight Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture, a severe anti-Socialist, and anti-Communist, told of this as it had been boasted to him by Nikita Khruschev.

Listen to that audio here:

Then, listen to an excerpt of the stunning 1965 address of Secretary Benson telling of massive treason from within here:

And an excerpt of an address circa 1977:

Yes, America is "falling like overripe fruit" into their hands? And who is they? The bankers who bankrolled the Bolshiveks and endless other communist regimes in coming to power through the last century. These laugh and laugh at American foolishness. David Rockefeller gloats over his "treason against the best intersts of the United States" of which he writes in his autobiography "Memoirs" on page 405, published in 2002. He also there boasts of being part of a "secret cabal" working to bring about this ruination we see today, a globalization. Sickening. Shameful. Damning to all America once stood for in terms of her Constitution and adherence to Biblical Christianity. She now embraces socialistic communism, the greatest anti-Christ power on earth today, and America is encircled by its tentacles and therefore is ripe for speedy destruction, as warned of by living prophets of God in 1979.

Brian said...

Please learn the proper usage of the words "then" and "than." It is a sign of ignorance.

The Bike Hut, San Francisco said...

Senator Barney Franks?

Lance said...

I'm an American, and I fully realize this destruction of capitalism.....but I'm not sure if the rest of my country even knows......

fromscratchmom said...

Very astute.
I salute you for recognizing what has happened in my homeland and calling it what it is. I pray constantly for my country, but also that God's will be done even if it means that America declines and God's word spreads throughout the world more as a result. The early days of this country were so blessed, but America has turned its back on God and shows little sign of repentance.
In my own life I have found precious few who truly want to follow God rather than men or their own "worldly wisdom" which leads them to corrupt God's will into what they want it to be, many times fewer who can see the long history of our march toward marxism stretching back over the last century.
I thank you for your essay.

Phoenix Arizona Maricopa County said...

It is true.
The American people were warned decades ago of the Communist Conspiracy to destroy our way of life, and thereby disolve our Union, our Republic. The agenda was made clear enough. The Ruskies set out to braid the rope, and The Chinese would sell the U.S. the rope it would use to hang the American's them selves.
They, the Eastern powers accomplished all they said they would. They destroyed our educational system, by inflitrating the departments that make U.S. Policy. The local schools have been taken over, for all intents and purposes by Federal mandates.
The pressures of an economic system that fosters a culture of secular consumerism has reduced all to wage slaves, and perpetual debtors, who have no time to raise a family; love and respect thier spouse, look after the young, and old.
So, by the time I entered my teen age years ( I am 47 now) the extended family, and the traditional, immediate family, the nuclear family situation no longer existed. People threw thier kids out into the street, sink or swim, at age 18. As result of this economic disparity, every town and city in American is plagued with Homeless men, women, and children;elderly, and veterans too. No one is immune from the poverty rampant in the U.S. today. People are too busy pursuing thier "own thing", to find time to consider God, or go to church.
Besides, American churches are for all intents and purposes empty pews. Places for the nearly dead, and the newly wed.
So, the East over came the the West by systematically destroying those values and traditions that made us strong in the first place. Our schools, our families, and our churches.
President Obama was correct when he declared the the U.S. is NOT a christian nation. No one in America bothered to argue with him.

Thomas said...

Phonenix Maricopa Co.,

I think you are crazy. You think this is a Russo-Chinese Communist conspiracy???????
I definitely won't blame (not mostly anyway) the mass American populace, however, the problem lies with American elites who are NOT Marxists. Bankers stealing the national wealth is not Marxism.
The bankers did the same thing to Russia in the , when you all were celebrating post-communism, and they have only started to repel them (after which we have unleashed a slew of propaganda against their govt).
The family, meanwhile, was a stronger unit in the heyday of Stalinism or Maoism or the New Deal here. It is capitalism, not socialism, that made women enter the workforce in the US, and it is liberalism that told women they don't need men for families. Now the New World Order criminals (neither communist nor free market but criminal) will try to finish off the family by controlling us. Destroy all institutions that stand in the way is the rule they play by.
But empty church pews??? Church attendance is not that low by historical standards and was extremely low during the Revolution. That has nothing to do with any Communist plot. The bigger problem here is the capture of American Christianity by happy-clappy evangelicals (they give the weak-minded what they want to hear, 'everything is okay and smile') and kill-the-world-now Zionist extremists.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pravda-Author and/or Stanislav Mishin, your observations are quite keen and perceptive and you have stated many truths about the elites and bankers of America (or any nation really!), and you have correctly delineated the attempted destruction of American traditions. However! I have a different viewpoint on what is happening here, having lived here all my life and having closely felt the pulse and heartbeat of America these many years. You should understand first, because it concerns the fundamental essence of America, that American spirituality is very far from dead, and that the appearance of anti-religious sentiment here is mostly a fraudulent projection perpetrated by the ACLU, and instigated by the Bilderbergers and other elites, and by the effete termites of the CFR. Barack Obama was elected by a quite narrow margin, made possible only by the unnatural cohabitation of the news media with the elites, and by the inevitable consequences of the long war/occupation in Iraq. And we can just add to that, by the burning wave of red-hot hate directed against America for years, a shattering force that did nothing but harm, to America and to the world. There is an extremely powerful and wide reaction developing in this country to the policies of Obama and his minions and masters, because it is the founding principles of the nation that are being insulted by his presumption. It is known here that he is an alien, probably illegal, a foreigner, and most offensively, that he has no love or patriotic loyalty for America. The ridiculous bubble of adoration that was created around him has already burst without even a pop, and all that remains is a very lame president trying to work with a not very cooperative Congress. Americans in general have not changed much, and they are not so stupid and uneducated as you appear to believe. You are correct that they have been cheated of a proper education in recent years, but on the other hand, America has never been about the past, and has always been about the future. Please listen, Mr. Rodina/Motherland/Mishin/Pravda, Americans rejoiced very much when the Soviet government fell, and they were rejoicing not at the defeat of a supposed enemy, but for the freedom and opportunity of the Russian people. This is the true spirit of the American people, and it can be defined in two words, friendliness and generosity. If you don't see this truth, then God bless you, it's a pity. In the meantime, the next election is 44 months away, the false shining aura has disappeared from Barack Obama, the honeymoon is already over, and the American people really, really, really don't like Marxism. Despise America if you will, sneer at the intelligence and education of the American people, as most Europeans and Russians do, count America out if you must, but try to understand that you do not in the least comprehend the true basis of America. In all your astonishing penetration into the affairs of America, still you have failed to see the critical elements that ensoul the nation and the people, and you have concentrated instead on the miserable betrayals and trickery that have been practiced by the same brutally selfish cabals and subtle thieves that have existed in every age and in every nation from the beginning of time. If these omnipresent elites have offended the Russian government and the Russian sovereignty, then that is their sin alone, and what is the use of mocking the American people, when they have wanted to extend the hand of friendship to you for a long time?

Unknown said...

It is my hope that your great-grandchildren are someday able to teach my great-grandchildren the grace we may not deserve, and help us out of the abyss, once the average American learns of the mistakes we just made.

Once your nation has been strengthened by capitalism, while the scales tilt away from America's once shining beacon, leaving her populous to live hand-to-mouth, fighting for food like a dog in the gutter.

I pray that my children survive this dark period.

I like to believe our president Reagan, while tough on Russia's Marxist leadership, showed grace and honor to Russia's people when your difficult struggle toward liberty and prosperity first began.

I like to believe our potential as a great nation will not be forgotten once the starving masses overthrow their elected leaders and try to rebuild, embracing free enterprise once again. America's markets have not been pure for several decades now. Every time we allow a communist through the door, we correct it by swinging back to the right without fixing any of the damage just caused. Put a band-aid on the severed limb. It will grow back.

Most of FDR's criminally doomed social welfare experiments are still in full swing, allowing a good groundwork for simpletons such as Obama to build upon.

Our current communist problem, Obama and his putrid cabinet, have already done more than we can walk away from, still claiming to have survived it.

Either way, thank you for your words. It's a shame they won't do any good now.

Former Liberal Rants said...

A very true blog article.

The average American is watching Idol, while they lose their future prosperity to socialism.

Only the few are paying attention, and to speak the majority is like talking to a block wall because they find politics boring.

Some must always learn their own lessons.

Jamesschwartz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamesschwartz said...

You talk a nice line, but, like most Russians I have met, you know little more than rhetoric. In fact, your country is a ganster nation, a country of lazy ingrates who are squandering the freedom which the Pope and Ronald Reagan bought for you.

In fact, Russia is a grossly unequal society where a few people are vastly wealthy and most of the value of the average worker's labor goes to further enrich the wealthy few, in which the masses are brainwashed by commercial advertising in a fruitless search for happiness in material form, and that which steals resources and exploits people throughout the Europe, using gansterism power to further profit the already wealthy at the expense of the common people

Maybe Russians should put down the Vodka and put in a day of hard work, instead of pining for the days on which you were on the dole.

Nevertheless, Stan, beneath your words lives a genuine desire to reform the US. I appreciate your passion and am saddened that your Slavic race is so inferior to the hard-working nations that the USSR conquered and enslaved: East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Finland and others.

Are you an America-phile in disguise?

Anonymous said...

You have so aptly penned what I have tried to explain that I may very well just link my site to yours. I have re-posted your article on my site with full credit and backlinks. I thank you for so eloquently kicking me in the face. This country needs to wake up soon or when we do we will find ourselves so deep in the abyss that return is impossible without revolution. If you abject to my reposting of your article pleasse contact me and I will begrudgingly but graciously remove it.

sfc mac said...

"...70 years of this Western sponsored horror show"

Western sponsored? Funny, I thought it was a combination of Lenin, Stalin, and a parade of subsequent Soviet totalitarians that created the 70-year Russian horror show.

Unknown said...

I am very pleased with the way each of you handled the situation. Me personally, I would have went off. Some of you have said things much better than I ever could. And yes, we are getting ready to fight this 'war' on America. Some of us are creating teams A.K.A. militias. We will not go down without a fight.

Former Liberal Rants said...

"Rhetoric" is what someone above said in a comment. Yeah, maybe.
However, there is also some truth pointed out from someone on the outside. Those bits of truth are what stand out, and make the blog a worthy visit.

It's very interesting to see how people are responding.

I'm not a militia member, but I know a bunch of crazy people with guns. Does that count? J/K

al miller said...

You all have it wrong folks! It is not Socialism, Marxism, Fascism,or Capitalism that is the problem. The problem is LIFE ON EARTH! We are living in space prison, and feeling the emotions of our individual lives, is our payment we owe to the Lord. Does it make a difference if your misery is caused by politics or by the harsh reality of fighting nature? Both are beyond the control of man. Not one feeling in our life was ever accidental.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard last week, that North Korea's king Kim Jong Il "nominated" his successor to lead his country?

His son will assume the throne and become the new "Dear Leader".

I'm sure that Castro's brother Raul will be sending him a cigar and congratulations.

So, do any of you really entertain any illusions about what Marxism actually is? Do you really believe it isn't anything more than medieval feudalism?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan, you are as ignorant as, well to be honest i have no comparison to you, well maybe I can compare your ignorance with the one which G.Bush tried to represent!

Ever thought about that such people like castro or the ones in north korea just used the name Marx to justify their actions????
You might compare the same with the western world, we use the word democracy but how much democracy to we actually have????

try to educate yourself!!!

Your children would benefit from it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Marx's concept of socialism follows from his concept of man. It should be clear by now that according to this concept, socialism is not a society of regimented, automatized individuals, regardless of whether there is equality of income or not, and regardless of whether they are well fed and well clad. It is not a society in which the individual is subordinated to the state, to the machine, to the bureaucracy. Even if the state as an "abstract capitalist" were the employer, even if "the entire social capital were united in the hands either of a single capitalist or a single capitalist corporation," [89] this would not be socialism. In fact, as Marx says quite clearly in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, "communism as such is not the aim of human development." What, then, is the aim?

Quite clearly the aim of socialism is man. It is to create a form of production and an organization of society in which man can overcome alienation from his product, from his work, from his fellow man, from himself and from nature; in which he can return to himself and grasp the world with his own powers, thus becoming one with the world. Socialism for Marx was, as Paul Tillich put it, "a resistance movement against the destruction of love in social reality." [90]

Anonymous said...


Thomas said...


North Korea follows the Juche Idea, an ideology created by Kim Il Sung. It is not strictly Marxist (does not focus on dialectical materialism or class conflict) but rather is a vehicle for extreme isolationism and leader worship, DRAWING ON KOREA's TRADITIONAL CULTURE.
This is rather different from the USSR. However, while the USSR existed, the DPRK was not doing so badly and had lots of support abroad, not least among the Korean diaspora in Japan (this is when S. Korea was also a dictatorship but a mixed capitalist-feudal type and under obvious foreign occupation continuing to this day). With the advent of more decadent leadership plus the famines, etc., and the moderation/partial-democratisation of the S. Korean govt, this has reversed itself. Now Korean diaspora is overwhelmingly pro-ROK.

Anonymous said...

TRUE!!!! this is exactly what is happening here in the US.

as for george shiller (and his kind), the only way for marxism to work is to oppress everyone equally! it sure isn't a natural evolution like mr. marx said it would be. besides, if one is inclined to put all one's money, passion, influence & energy into creating sociopolitical change, is it really "natural"? sounds like a synthetic movement to me!!!

viva freedom! viva liberty! free market is the only way to live!!!!

A. Dumas said...

Mat, I find myself in complete agreement. How this can be so clear to people around the world, yet sheeple of (the US) cannot see what is happening directly under their noses, is beyond belief.

Apparently, is is quite difficult to see below one's proboscis if it is turned at a constant upward angle. Hypocrisy is perhaps the last American export. We spend too much time telling others how to live, and too little time living up to our own morals.

I am saddened and disheartened that so many "americans" take what we have for granted. The last fifty years of prosperity has made much of this country fat, lazy, and complacent.

It was a shocking to me, spending time in other countries, to even briefly glimpse what true squalor and poverty was. There were times I claimed to be Canadian, in order to avoid uncomfortable confrontations on the "evils of America". Do not misunderstand, for I love my country, and am always glad to return home.

The reign of Obama will prove to be one of the most painful chapters in American history. His every move steers us unwaveringly toward his goal of a Socialist society. Yet the brain-dead Obama-worshipers continue to live in denial, and follow his every utterance as if were delivered from the heavens.

I do not see how this country can survive in its present state, and I feel sorry for our children who will inherit this mess and will never have the chance to enjoy the benefit of the freedom and prosperity that we allowed to be plundered.

There are many of us who resist the barrage of bullshit raining upon us from Washington. I can only hope that more of us will shake off Omama's hypnotic hold, and can then effect change we can ALL believe in.

David B. Carvalho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David B. Carvalho said...

Dear Stanislav,

I've translated this article to Portuguese in my Catholic blog. This article is dynamite. Have you ever seen the videos by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov? I'm the guy that posted them on YouTube. Just go there and search for the channel "hermitcleric". My blog is

God bless you! said...

Jamesschwartz said...
"You talk a nice line, but, like most Russians I have met, you know little more than rhetoric. In fact, your country is a ganster nation, a country of lazy ingrates who are squandering the freedom which the Pope and Ronald Reagan bought for you.

In fact, Russia is a grossly unequal society where a few people are vastly wealthy and most of the value of the average worker's labor goes to further enrich the wealthy few, in which the masses are brainwashed by commercial advertising in a fruitless search for happiness in material form, and that which steals resources and exploits people throughout the Europe, using gansterism power to further profit the already wealthy at the expense of the common people"

This is how it starts. People like Jamesschwartz don't see all the gains the Russian people have made. They don't see the stores stocked full of goods, where there used to be lines. He doesn't see the ever rising prosperity of the average people. He only sees the Wealthy who helped make it happen. He believes that all the people who invest time, money and take risks should be just like everyone else and not make a dime off their efforts.
This is exactly the kind of attitude that is causing the collapse of the U.S.
He sees no problem with a SINGLE Company in the U.S. (Exxon-Mobile) paying more in taxes than HALF OF ALL Working Americans. He thinks this is Just. He sees no problem with the Government Robbing the Economy of all the Capital that it takes to create jobs, because he thinks that somehow this is "Fair", and punishes those who would dare to become successful.

Remember the Ninth Commandment not to covet they neighbor's house, wife, or anything that he has.

Americans have been convinced that it is Trickle Down economics that has brought us down to where when in fact it was Trickle down economics in the early 80's that saved the U.S. economy. It is in fact what lifted us from the failed Tax and Spend policies of the Left in the 70's led by then President Jimmy Carter.
Tax cuts left more money in the hands of the Capitalists to do what they do. What do Capitalists do? They wish to create more Capital. How do they create more Capital? By investing in or creating new Business Opportunities. What doe new Business Opportunities mean to your average Joe? It means more Jobs and more money in his pocket. If they Capitalist get Rich off of that Formula, what business is that of anyone?
It's a very simple theory, which any logical person can easily see how it will succeed, but our leftist media has convinced the people that this model in fact never did work, and that the Accumulation of Wealth that we experienced during the Reagan Revolution was a fantasy, that somehow, Reagan, Not the two Bush's and Clinton was the root of our problems here in America!

Stanislav said...

Jamesschwartz said...
Quote:"You talk a nice line, but, like most Russians I have met, you know little more than rhetoric. In fact, your country is a ganster nation, a country of lazy ingrates who are squandering the freedom which the Pope and Ronald Reagan bought for you.

In fact, Russia is a grossly unequal society where a few people are vastly wealthy and most of the value of the average worker's labor goes to further enrich the wealthy few, in which the masses are brainwashed by commercial advertising in a fruitless search for happiness in material form, and that which steals resources and exploits people throughout the Europe, using gansterism power to further profit the already wealthy at the expense of the common people"

Russians are richer now than in the past 80 years. Gansterism is to 90s style, welcome to the next decade, time to upgrade your reality check. Lazy ingrates? Ha, considering your elites have done all they can to destroy us for these past 20 years, you should talk. Clean your own welfare house before you come to lecture us.

Markustee said...

I think that your post is quite insightful, even if it is a bit caustic. Perhaps caustic will cause the cleansing that we need here in America. I am an American, and proud of it, but I am much more a Christian and a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. As such, I realize that God has placed me here, in America, in this time, for a purpose, and I am not troubled in heart. This time is a time of great change, and I am not thinking that the change is a good change, but a change that will cost us our freedom. In truth, there is only a little that I can do about it as a citizen, and I do what I can. I vote. I write. I blog. I tell the truth. I have taken to calling the Kenyan citizen usurper of the Presidency "King Obama" - he seems to think that he is a Czar, not an elected public servant. However, in a democracy, there are two things that are certain - when the electorate figures out they can vote the treasury, the economy will collapse, and when the nation fails to control its borders, the foreigners will come and vote the treasury. That is happening here - we are being voted to death by people that are not even citizens, and the politicians - greedy for power and wealth - promise them everything and do nothing to help the nation.

Mr. Obama does not value the freedom of America. He wishes to rule the earth. That is what being "progressive" means.

It will not last for long. It cannot. We are an experiment in self-government, but the King is coming. I hope it is soon. If not, I am getting aged, and will unlikely see the complete collapse of this great Nation that I love so much.

And by the way, for you in Russia - I neither fear you nor despise you. I respect you as people. I wish you knew that most of my countrymen feel as I do - that you are not my enemies, nor have you ever been. It is governments that create wars, it is people that propagate love for one another. I salute you from my true citizenship, those of you that share it, that of the King of Kings, and the Kingdom of God.

Thomas said...

James Schwartz is super offensive. I lived in Moscow for two years. Most Russians are very hard working. They have to be, because the cut-throat capitalist economy installed there now forces many to work unbelievably long weeks in sometimes rather menial jobs. If you compare the Russian work ethic to England or even Norway where I live now, or more obviously Italy, I don't think they come out the lazy alcoholics of Europe.

That said, Stanislav is WRONG about something. There may be more paper asset wealth in Russia now, but RUSSIANS mostly don't benefit from it. Certainly, half of Moscuvites might have higher purchasing power now, but 80% of the country does not. It is poorer. Sorry, but it is true. And gangsterism totally dominates the cities, this is extremely obvious. They just don't have shootouts on every street corner anymore. Yay., your economics is genocidal. You want to quote the 9th commandment (improperly here since there is no question of coveting), how many quotes are there in Old and New Testaments, and especially from Church fathers against the rich and usurers? said...

Stanislav said...

Russians are richer now than in the past 80 years.

Stanislav, you don't understand where Jamesschwartz is coming from. He doesn't care ONE BIT that everyone's lives have improved, just like here in the U.S. We have the absolute HIGHEST standard of living in the world, What matters to people like him is the fact that SOMEONE is able to get Rich. People like him only applaud Rich Entertainers and Government Officials. If you became Rich in the marketplace, well then you must have stolen it. Just as Obama says, "We must Return America's Wealth to it's rightful owners".

Here in the U.S. less than 3% of all workers earn Minimum Wage, the vast majority of them are kids still living with their parents, the average family pulls down $48,000.00 a year. Enough to pay for a nice dwelling, 2 cars, Mobile phones for everyone in the family, eating out every once in a while, a couple of vacations a year and lots of disposable income to buy whatever they please.

To people like him, that doesn't matter, what matters is that the top guys are making TOO MUCH, their success needs to be limited. Why? Jealousy? Who knows. This is the misguided belief system now destroying the U.S. Class warfare, "Look at that guy... he has more than you... You should hate him" said...

Stanislav said...

Russians are richer now than in the past 80 years.

Stanislav, you don't understand where Jamesschwartz is coming from. He doesn't care ONE BIT that everyone's lives have improved, just like here in the U.S. We have the absolute HIGHEST standard of living in the world, What matters to people like him is the fact that SOMEONE is able to get Rich. People like him only applaud Rich Entertainers and Government Officials. If you became Rich in the marketplace, well then you must have stolen it. Just as Obama says, "We must Return America's Wealth to it's rightful owners".

Here in the U.S. less than 3% of all workers earn Minimum Wage, the vast majority of them are kids still living with their parents, the average family pulls down $48,000.00 a year. Enough to pay for a nice dwelling, 2 cars, Mobile phones for everyone in the family, eating out every once in a while, a couple of vacations a year and lots of disposable income to buy whatever they please.

To people like him, that doesn't matter, what matters is that the top guys are making TOO MUCH, their success needs to be limited. Why? Jealousy? Who knows. This is the misguided belief system now destroying the U.S. Class warfare, "Look at that guy... he has more than you... You should hate him" said...

Maxime said..., your economics is genocidal. You want to quote the 9th commandment (improperly here since there is no question of coveting), how many quotes are there in Old and New Testaments, and especially from Church fathers against the rich and usurers?

Exacty how are my Economics Genocidal? Reagan employed "my economics" in the 80's and what was the result?
Lower Gas & Oil prices,
Lowest inflation in DECADES,
Lowest unemployment in decades
More people moving out of poverty and into the middle class than at any other time in History.
More millionaires created than at any other time in history.
The expansion of Freedom around the world.
The collapse of the oppressive Soviet Empire, and their disgraceful wall to keep their countrymen in.
So exactly what part is Gonocidal???

Oh and BTW, I made a mistake, that's the 10th commandment.

While on that issue, YES the BIble DOES in fact say that you should not envy what your neighbor has. Please let me know in what part it says that we should in fact STEAL from the Rich, since we envy them so and since they are sinners?

Jesus encouraged the wealthy to give, not for others to take form them. And guess what, the U.S. GIVES more money to people around the world than ANY Nation on earth ever has.

EVERY country, without exception, that has major problems with poverty, it is NOT because the wealthy are "stealing" form them. It is in fact because their own corrupt government is stealing from them. Look at what is going on in the U.S. right now, how Obama gave the Unions the Lions share of GM and Chrysler. While you may applaud this, do you REALLY think that in the future ANYONE would risk their capital with a troubled company, knowing that the Government just might bypass 200 years of established law and give the company away to their "political friends".

This is the types of games played in Third World countries, where the "connected elite" get government spoils. This is why our founding fathers wanted the smallest government possible, because they knew the kinds of problems that a huge centralized bureaucracy brings.

No, I believe history is on my side, the only Genocides we've seen have all been from large centralized Government bureaucracy's not from open and free markets.

Thomas said...

"Reagan employed "my economics" in the 80's and what was the result?"

---Yeah, he did a lot to kickstart (well Carter actually got the party going with Volcker...) the MESS WE ARE IN NOW!!!

"Lower Gas & Oil prices",

---These are manipulated by investment banks and foreign owners.

"Lowest inflation in DECADES"

---Inflation was not so low and this was achieved by REDEFINING INFLATION, which has been done a couple times since as well, leading to a massive social security rip-off (

"Lowest unemployment in decades"

--You mean how it was around 10% (and this is U3) for years falling to maybe 6-7%? That was higher than the Carter average.

"More people moving out of poverty and into the middle class"

---You mean much deeper income inequalities.

"than at any other time in History."

---You smoke crack.

"More millionaires created than at any other time in history."

--That is probably true (for its time), but nothing to brag about. Debt spiralled out of control (private even more than public).

"The expansion of Freedom around the world."

--Death squads, IMF robberies, Third World dictatorships...? Oh wait, only 'Communist' parties are bad, I forgot.

"The collapse of the oppressive Soviet Empire"

--"The Greatest Geopolitical Disaster of the Twentieth Century", the freedom of Slavic women to be sex-slaves in the West or work 70 hrs a week at 24-hr shitty kiosks to make no money.

"So exactly what part is Gonocidal???" (SPELLING!)

---The mass robbery of the poor and working classes domestically and the poor countries internationally since the mid-1970s. Reagan is just a small link in this chain and thus I did not invoke him. Obama continues the tradition at an accelerated speed.
International financiers run the show. They bought the govt some time ago and are using free trade and part of Austrian economics (minus money supply) as a front for their mass theft.
They and their smokescreens are anti-Christian.

Thomas said...

"Look at what is going on in the U.S. right now, how Obama gave the Unions the Lions share of GM and Chrysler. While you may applaud this, do you REALLY think that in the future ANYONE would risk their capital with a troubled company,"

---Yo, wake up! Obama made them trade their tangible PENSIONS BENEFITS for WORTHLESS STOCK (or soon to be worthless) that does not allow them a proportional representation on the board.

If you think the rich are always persecuted and Obama is a communist you need to put the drugs down and come into the real world. He is screwing the unions big time and soon only the public sector unions will remain.

Thomas said...

"He doesn't care ONE BIT that everyone's lives have improved, just like here in the U.S. We have the absolute HIGHEST standard of living in the world,"

(1) Everyone's lives in Russia have improved?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Most lives are markedly worse. Living standards for most rose throughout this past decade (but fell in the last) but they had fallen so dramatically in the 1990s bandit privatisation period the Western free marketeers all supported that most people have not recovered their former standard of living. Only a few large cities are better off. The countryside is ruined.
You have never been to Russia, you just operate off ideological pre-programming.

(2) Norway, Switzerland, and Luxembourg have higher standards of living...and a couple Gulf states. Anyway, see how high it will be once the dollar is abandoned as the standard currency for international trade. Then America will be about the same as Germany, France, etc., but with less future since it has no manufacturing left!
You can't have an economy based only on restaurants, trading foreign goods, and parasitical financial services.

"the average family pulls down $48,000.00 a year. Enough to pay for a nice dwelling, 2 cars, Mobile phones for everyone in the family, eating out every once in a while, a couple of vacations a year"

---Maybe in Dirt County, Oklahoma. From family experience (VA - about avg. cost of living for the country), this income will pay for a decent home and food on the table and one used car w/o car payments, maybe Chinese takeaway or cheap Mexican restaurant. We did not vacation.
There is an excellent book written recently about how the rise in cost of living (vs. stagnant wages and women being forced to work) has eroded the American quality of life.
People earn less money than they used to and our lack of regulation allows the parasites to trap Americans in a web of debt. When the bubbles pop and the debts are called in, people lose everything. This is happening now. Wake up!

Peninsula Virginia Law said...

Where were all of you people when Bush bailed out AIG,et al.? Where were all you people when Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson insisted that AIG's chief executive, Robert Willumstad, step aside? Your anger is misplaced because your fellas--Bush/Cheney--started this whole fiasco. Nothing has changed since January 20, 2009, except the principal players. The policies are exactly the same. You're just being partisan.

Thomas said...

Right on, fellow peninsular! said...

Maxime said...

---Yeah, he did a lot to kickstart (well Carter actually got the party going with Volcker...) the MESS WE ARE IN NOW!!!

Everything Carter did was an UNMITIGATED DISASTER... Remember his "Energy Czar"? How do you think we ended up with lines for Gas back then? His "Central Planning". Central planning has NEVER worked for any government EVER.
Maxime said...
"Lower Gas & Oil prices",
---These are manipulated by investment banks and foreign owners.

So the fact that Reagan deregulated the business and removed hurdles for Oil exploration left over from the Great Depression, when they were trying to get the price of Oil to go up... That didn't help? Do you even know what you're talking about here?
Maxime said...
"Lowest inflation in DECADES"
---Inflation was not so low and this was achieved by REDEFINING INFLATION, which has been done a couple times since as well, leading to a massive social security rip-off (

So the fact that before Reagan, we had a 12 to 15% inflation rate, and then afterwards we didn't... That's somehow faked? Well if that was possible, why didn't Carter do it?.... I guess we have a Conspiracy Whack Nut here.
Maxime said...
"Lowest unemployment in decades"
--You mean how it was around 10% (and this is U3) for years falling to maybe 6-7%? That was higher than the Carter average..

When Reagan took office, unemployment was at around 11%, it then went up another 1 or 2 percentage points as the administration Raised interest rates to choke off inflation... (Raising Interest rates is the ONLY way to force inflation down... however, it CAUSES unemployment). That's the Primary reason he was not so popular his first 2 years in office, but Reagan didn't care about Popularity, he cared about doing was was right, something sorely missing from Politics these days.
Maxime said...
"More people moving out of poverty and into the middle class"
---You mean much deeper income inequalities.

So what you're saying is that you would rather have a large portion of people living in Poverty, just as long as no one is allowed to become Rich?.... And you say that I'M THE ONE SMOKING CRACK?!?!?!? said...

Maxime said...
"More millionaires created than at any other time in history."
--That is probably true (for its time), but nothing to brag about. Debt spiralled out of control (private even more than public).

WRONGO Again! Both personal AND public debt DID in fact hit new all time high's, but AS A PERCENTAGE of income, they had actually gone down substantially.
Maxime said...
"The expansion of Freedom around the world."
--Death squads, IMF robberies, Third World dictatorships...? Oh wait, only 'Communist' parties are bad, I forgot.

There has always been and there will always be wars, crime, robberies and corruption. To deny that this is part of the Human condition is to live in complete and utter denial. This world belongs to Satan, and to expect this world to somehow become heavenly when the Prince of Darkness rules it, is just sheer stupidity. That being said, YES freedom definitely spread around the world because of Reagan.
Maxime said...
"The collapse of the oppressive Soviet Empire"
--"The Greatest Geopolitical Disaster of the Twentieth Century", the freedom of Slavic women to be sex-slaves in the West or work 70 hrs a week at 24-hr shitty kiosks to make no money.

How many people died under Lenin's and Stalins Rule? How many Millions? What was so different between their USSR and Brezhnev's? Corruption breeds corruption and the more centralized the government the more corrupt it becomes.
It's unfortunate the Evil that men do, but what is better, Government sponsored Genocide, where entire armies can be employed in the practice, or thuggery on a smaller scale that with some backbone on the part of the public and be easily put to an end.
Maxime said...
"So exactly what part is Genocidal???"
---The mass robbery of the poor and working classes domestically and the poor countries internationally since the mid-1970s. Reagan is just a small link in this chain and thus I did not invoke him. Obama continues the tradition at an accelerated speed.
International financiers run the show. They bought the govt some time ago and are using free trade and part of Austrian economics (minus money supply) as a front for their mass theft.
They and their smokescreens are anti-Christian.

Yes I do agree that they are Anti-Christian, especially Obama, but Obama is the polar opposite of Reagan. Obama is more like Bush in his Big Government Stance, just further to the left of Bush, but not too far.

As for stealing from the poor, that's the real smokescreen. People like Obama will tell you that he is defending the poor, when in fact he is using the Government as a tool to steal from the Rich, to give to other Rich Guys that are well connected with the government. This is what Big Government ALWAYS does. Look at Standard Oil. A GIANT company in the early 20th century that paid all of their employees DOUBLE the national Average. John D. Rockefellar in inflation adjusted terms was worth about TEN times as much as Bill Gates. When the Government ordered it's breakup, of a supposed monopoly, who got the peices? Government connected company's. Why steal from the poor who have nothing, when you can legally steal BILLIONS from Billionaires. said...

Blogger Maxime said...

"Look at what is going on in the U.S. right now, ...

---Yo, wake up! Obama made them trade their tangible PENSIONS BENEFITS for WORTHLESS STOCK that does not allow them a proportional representation on the board.

If you think the rich are always persecuted and Obama is a communist you need to put the drugs down and come into the real world. He is screwing the unions big time and soon only the public sector unions will remain.

I never said that Obama was a Communists, He is more a Statist, or a believer in Corporatism, where the government has a hand in severely regulating Corporations, so that they are being run for "The Good" of the State. More in line with Fascism, like what Mussolini and Hitler did with their Corporations. said...

Maxime said...

"He doesn't care ONE BIT that .... We have the absolute HIGHEST standard of living in the world,"

(1) Everyone's lives in Russia have improved?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Most lives are markedly worse. Living standards for most rose throughout this past decade (but fell in the last) but they had fallen so dramatically in the 1990s bandit privatisation period the Western free marketeers all supported that most people have not recovered their former standard of living. Only a few large cities are better off. The countryside is ruined.
You have never been to Russia, you just operate off ideological pre-programming.

Did you think there would be no price to pay for 70 years of Corruption, destruction of Wealth and Centralized planning? Did you think that the day after the USSR fell apart it would be all apples and sunshine. But it's me who needs to wake up?!?

Maxime said...
(2) Norway, Switzerland, and Luxembourg have higher standards of living...and a couple Gulf states. Anyway, see how high it will be once the dollar is abandoned as the standard currency for international trade. Then America will be about the same as Germany, France, etc., but with less future since it has no manufacturing left!
You can't have an economy based only on restaurants, trading foreign goods, and parasitical financial services.

"the average family pulls down $48,000.00 a year. Enough to pay for a nice dwelling, 2 cars, Mobile phones for everyone in the family, eating out every once in a while, a couple of vacations a year"

WRONGO AGAIN!!!, Norway Switzerland and Luxemburg may have higher INCOMES, but NO ONE around the world has more DISPOSABLE income, (money left over after paying bills) thatn the average U.S. family. said...

Maxime said...

---Maybe in Dirt County, Oklahoma. From family experience (VA - about avg. cost of living for the country), this income will pay for a decent home and food on the table and one used car w/o car payments, maybe Chinese takeaway or cheap Mexican restaurant. We did not vacation.
I live in South Florida, where it's about 25% higher to live here than in North Florida, Florida is the second most populous state in the U.S. (not everyone lives in NYC).
Let's see what an average family would pay in bills here:

Hmmm, let's see if my numbers add up....

2000Sq. Ft. Home - Mortgage Taxes & Insurance:
---1400.00 a month
Ford F150 Super Cab (Best Selling Vehicle in U.S.)
---300.00 a month
Toyota Camry (Best Selling Car in U.S.)
---250.00 a month
Insurance & Gas for both cars (10K miles a year each)
---300.00 a month
Cellphone Service for 4 people (2 adults, 2 kids)
---200.00 a month
Health Insurance
---300.00 a month
---400.00 a month
Utilities (Electric, Water, Garbage)
---200.00 a month
Social Security, Medicare & Fed. Taxes
---400.00 a month

Grand Total...
$550.00 a month in DISPOSABLE income... That's over $6600.00 per year in money that can be used on whatever the family needs or wants. More than your average Chinese family makes in a year.

That was me and my family 10 years ago, I saved $5000.00 a year for 4 years and used that money to start a computer business. Today my household income is nearly tripled. Should I not be rewarded for my risk taking? Should I be punished for my success, since I obviously "Stole" it from someone? Or was it that I realized that I was fullfilling the dream of my Boss and making HIM rich and decided that I needed to take control of my destiny and work for myself instead of working for someone else to fulfill their dream.

Maxime said...
There is an excellent book written recently about how the rise in cost of living (vs. stagnant wages and women being forced to work) has eroded the American quality of life.
People earn less money than they used to and our lack of regulation allows the parasites to trap Americans in a web of debt. When the bubbles pop and the debts are called in, people lose everything. This is happening now. Wake up!

"Forced to work?" 100 years ago the vast majority of Americans' worked for themselves. They were Independant, Slaves to no one. Masters of their future and their environment. The Corporatists and Statist convinced everyone that the "American Dream" was getting a college education and working for a big company and get plenty of benefits. Who's fault is it if you fell for that lie? They've promised that they will take care of you, but that's a lie. They promised that they would give you a good job, but that's a lie. Employers will only pay you just enough to keep you from quitting and employees will only work hard enough, not to be fired. Neither is good. You need to get back to freedom. Work for yourself or your family business. Stop selling your souls to Wal-Mart for a measly $10 to $12.00 an hour. No one is forcing you to work for these blood sucking monstrosities, only your lack of faith that God will provide keeps you going back to them.

YOU are valuable commodity. Who do you think would pay you more for your valuable time, yourself and your family, or some Giant Corporation, that seeks to maximize their own profits? It's time for you to wake up. said...

Peninsula Virginia Law said...

Where were all of you people when Bush bailed out AIG,et al.? Where were all you people when Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson insisted that AIG's chief executive, Robert Willumstad, step aside? Your anger is misplaced because your fellas--Bush/Cheney--started this whole fiasco. Nothing has changed since January 20, 2009, except the principal players. The policies are exactly the same. You're just being partisan.

As I've said before, there's practically not a dime's worth of difference between Bush, Obama and McCain. They're all Statist and Corporatists. The only thing that matters to them is how big the Government can get, how much of it they can regulate and how much they're going to funnel back to their friends. With Bush it was Haliberton and GE. With Obama it's his Union Buddies and GE. Neither one of them believe in free markets, neither one of truly believes in smaller government and less taxes and central planning.

Olympian said...

The irony of this is disgusting, really. A Russian is calling it that America is drifting straight into Marxism/Socialism/Communism. ...and he's absolutely right.

I was screaming left and right throughout Bush's presidency and people just called me a liberal goon. I'm screaming left and right now and people just call me a conservative goon.

Makes one wonder what the hell happened to people standing up and screaming at their government when they fuck up.

I actually sent a fax to all of my state senators and representatives as well as my federal ones, and even sent one to Pelosi about the original Porkulus Bill. The fax was a picture of a poorly drawn pig, that looked more like the dog in "Puppy Whirl" than anything, and it said "Communism is Bad for Amerika, no blud 4 oil k".

It of course fell on deaf ears. Lobbyists, Corporations, Corrupt Politicians, and Unions control this country. Basically, the mob. Lets not forget the Environmentalist idiots.

All of these things they are doing "for you", while stealing away your rights and freedoms and liberties.

Bringing things down to the point where people can't afford to buy their guns, ammunition, enough so that they can get their bans in before people get them.

Next thing we know, there's going to be confiscation and that's when the slaughter starts.

So much truth in such a small place. Russia helped us once, during our civil war. I wonder if they will assist us in a second.

Anonymous said...

All this blathering on about God and country and how this so called almighty god is the hallmark of everything makes me want to puke.
If this so generous and wondrous god were actually anywhere near any of us we wouldn't be in the trouble we're all in. Russia is in no better shape than the US. China is teetering on all out civil war at times and all the time we squabble amongst ourselves while the elite and filthy rich keep us constantly at each others throats so they, the rich can run away to the bankers and laugh at all of us.
The simple truth is it makes not a dimes worth of difference which nation you live in as long as you happen to have a few billion dollars, rubles, pounds, rupees or whatever currencies your country uses.
They put one ruthless puppet in place after another and allow us to think politician X is the savior or politician Y is the devil and all the time we keep purchasing their shoddy goods so we can feed our families and live in relative comfort.
In many ways we can scream at the injustice, but at the same time the world has never been so open and free at any time in recorded history.
When I was a child, I'm 50 or will be in a week or so, it was utterly unheard of to read the ramblings of the average Russian citizen and the same was also true of Russians reading the ramblings of the average American.
Now we can freely debate these issues without fear of some governmental goon squad beating down our door to haul us away and we can also change jobs without having to tell an employer what political ideology we follow and don't have to belong to the "party" if you don't want to.
You can think that belief in god will save your ass, but the true masters live in absolute opulence in penthouse suites and fly from nation to nation making deals that until recently were completely unheard of. More people are feed today with healthy food available to almost everyone and yes, we're slammed with ads of bigger, brighter, better until we want to barf, but the reality of it all is I wouldn't trade it for the old ways for a minute.
Nobody is knocking at our borders ready to take us over anymore. Armies cost just to damned much to operate so we send small forces to remote areas to try to keep the extremists at bay instead of giant armies slaughtering billions at a time and why? Our armies are to damned big, we have nuclear weapons and frankly, nobody wants to be blown off the map.
Put your guns and bullets away because you have to pay to play. The world is an expensive place. If a giant army did come across your borders do you REALLY think your collection of Smith and Wesson is going to stop an A-1 Abrams tank or a squad of highly trained, well armed soldiers whose soul job is to kill as many of [insert enemy here] at a time? Get real.
Pay your taxes, complain all you want because you can and be damned happy we no longer live in WW II or the cold war world.

Unknown said...


I think you have a thoughtful stance.

I thought of the beginning of "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens when you speak of how things are much improved. Indeed, the human race marches on, wiser in some respects, and seemingly more stupid in others.

"IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

And about God? Well, He indeed exists, but the whole point of our existence here is to learn and to choose between good and evil. God will not, perhaps he cannot interfere and violate our free choices, our agency. In giving us all agency, some choose great evil and the rest of us pay dearly for the consequences, though with faith, some divine intervention can and has come forth to help curb the evil and wicked designs of the evil one. I know there is a Devil in hell, for I have felt of that dark and wicked power, which if I tried to go into that subject matter here you'd think me a lunatic. I too know that there is a marvelous, potent, and divine power opposite that darkness, and that power constantly roots for us, and that Creative power took on flesh and subjected himself to the vilest of men who have walked the earth, even demons in human guise. Then, He rose triumphant from the grave and today He guides and directs events for good that some, including myself, are not even aware of. Even with how wretched the world is, He is working for our interest and ultimately the powers of darkness are subjected to Him, and he has placed bounds upon how far those dark works can go. He too has decreed that in a coming day he will "destroy the works of darkness from off the face of the land."

I guess, M, you don't care for my theological lesson or belief, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

RMaker said...

The second to last post on this is the only one worth reading. Stop with all the god stuff and the other terms that most have no idea what the truley mean. Obama has been president for 7 months, 200 years of American prosperity has been brought down in 7 months, wow he is amazing.

I'm 35 now and cons/neocons have been running the show for 20 of my 35 years, things are worse now than I have ever seen them but then again I didnt need a mortgage in the 1980's when interest rates were 14% or more. Big busines is the problem they control the people that are supposed to represent you. Not one politician from your local guy all the way to the top wants to live YOUR life or your kids life. None of us are truley represented in Washington and this is not new.
I dont hate prosperous companies, but profitting off of misery is wrong, you good christians should agree with that, ever look in to how our country's energy policy effects others around the world, how many peole have to die so you can have all that nice stuff.
Stop all the hating and try actually working together instead of casting stones.

One planet, One world, One People.

Thomas said...

If this be Socialism, why are the banks getting free money and controlling the economy? Sounds like centralised, parasitic FINANCIAL CAPITALISM to me. Just because the upper middle class has slightly higher taxes doesn't mean society is more egalitarian. After all, the biggest tax increases will be the ECO taxes on everyone, regressively hitting the POOR.

M, the Cold War was not all that bad. For most of the Cold War, life got better for average Americans, average Soviet citizens, and most Third World countries (since they could barter their geostrategic positions). In a unipolar world, we STILL have mass nuclear arms, but also encourage the neocon bandits. Putin is totally right when he warns about this and it is one reason Russia, China, and the EU should strengthen their regional spheres of influence.

ShaunKnapp and Ryan, you are each largely correct in your own ways. One must take a stand for good against evil, that is real Christianity (not blabbering about how you are already saved and want the Jeeeeezus to come back and snatch you). Standing up against big business, particularly parasitic sectors, and their alliances with politicians is one of most Christian acts one can do in today's USA.

Ellie said...

I don't know what to say. It's scary the way this administration and "all" govt have taken us down a path of debt, spending & slowly taking away our freedoms. I agree that they have "dumbed" America down. I just hope that the American people are not asleep at the wheel and turn this freight train around by voting every last one of those politician out of office and bringing in some new blood who are truly interesting in protecting the rights of the American people and truly care about the Constitution and getting this country back on track both fiscally and conservatively. We the People shall prevail! With God by our side! God Bless America.

Bekki said...

Very Thought provoking- I normally don't get involved in politics- this was e-mailed to me and I think there have been some very good points made.(in the article as well as comments following). I don't have the power or the answers to change all of this but I have faith that God will protect our nation as his will allows.

Unknown said...

Hahahahhah how utterly pig ignorant of you. Marxism in the United States? Can you even point out the United States on the map? Your political and historical (indeed inverted into ahistorical!) ignorance truly shines.

You may mire in your extreme psychological, fascist dissonance, while the rest of the intellectual world strives to return to Marx. Keep your idiotic thoughts on the American serfs and the new Russian serfdom to yourself. Or better yet, publish in

Unknown said...

Karl Marx was a degenerate enemy of the human race who let his own daughters starve and was the "father' of the b*st*rd system of communism which was responsible for over 100 million deaths in the twentieth century and the enslavement of billions of people.
As for the United States being Marxist, we have had a heavy graduated income tax and a central bank for almost a century, and government schools even longer. The government owns a million square miles of land outright and zones, taxes and otherwise regulates most of the rest. Likewise, labor and commerce.
Perhaps you should read your hero's Manifesto.
As I stated previously, Bush set up the structure for a police state, including FEMA camps, which the "messiah" is building on. So far, Obama has communized banking, finance, the auto industry and is working on medicine, drugs and energy with his communist Congress.
I don't always agree with Mr. Mishin but he is a fellow Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot and has a much better understanding of America than most of my fellow Americans.
If someone could manufacture a Hawaiian birth certificate for him, perhaps he could run for president.

Thomas said...


1. A graduated income tax, govt ownership of (some rural) land, etc., do not equal Marxian communism. Even in the Manifesto these are listed as steps advanced industrial nations will soon take *as a dialectical necessity* to modernise their economies.

2. The PRIVATE banks control the US govt, not vice versa. That is a major difference from state socialism. A Goldman Sachs rep says something and the govt quakes in ITS boots and accommodates, possibly while saying something populist but meaningless out the other side of its mouth about corporate pay (basically unregulated still for those getting big TARP money). If the State were powerful, it would tell business what to do under threat of nationalisation, which would be followed by KICKING OUT the current overpaid, failed boards of directors. Instead they are the ones "too big to fail".

3. Even the health care bill is not socialising or communising anything. It will basically put private insurance companies under govt protection.

4. If you believe in the FEMA concentration camp threat, I recommend you listen more to Alex Jones and read He has a wide range of guests, but most of them (and his own opinion) is that this is closer to fascism than socialism (i.e., it is a cartel of private corporations which do what they want protected by the State). Also listen to Webster Tarpley's commentaries.

5. Being Orthodox Christian does not command one to be ultra anticommunist to the point you fail to see fervent communism has not taken over the role of the root of all evil from the love of money.

I take it you are a convert.

Unknown said...

1.The federal government owns over one-quarter of all of the land in the United States and controls the rest, along with state and local governments. Marx defined communism as the abolition of private property in land. A graduated income tax steals much of the rest of our property.They are both major steps to communism.
2. The relevant issue is that the banks and the government both control us in a very unholy alliance. Nationalization, in the manner which you describe, would be too obvious and awaken the American people, so they control us, for the time being, through subterfuge.
3. The government controls 60 % of the health industry now. Obama's scheme will move it much closer to 100%.
4. I regard Alex Jones as a very well-informed, dedicated patriot. Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution. Fascism is a form of socialism.
5. I have no argument with you regarding the sin of love of money.
However, communism was a most malignant manifestation of evil throughout the twentieth century and even now. I was born into the Church, drifted away for a while and am in the process of coming back.

Shelly Wilson said...

It is not the "dire" situation you describe. This is what bothers me most. People like you.. I mean, OUTSIDERS like you, have all the answers and ignore all the bad things your own nation did.

In fact, this is the case in every country in the world. Everyone else knows. Us. You. Them. Everyone else has the answers. The criticism.

But worst of all, you hate them. You hate the people you are bashing. What is wrong with you?


I never ridiculed or demeaned the Russian people, because I have always been smart enough to know it is the leaders.. and I knew that the Russian people were helpless but struggling and finally, even though they hurt themselves with some of their own stupid actions, they finally did it and emerged. To a certain point.. then started falling apart again. But that is due to the leaders, not the people. My heart always cried for the people.

I resent your hatred of the American people. Shame on you.

John said...

What do you mean "Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America." ????

Adolfo Giurfa said...


It is written:

the American decent into Marxism

It should be written:

the American descent into Marxism

It is written:

rather then the classics

It should be written:

rather than the classics

Alessandro Machi said...

The "sheeple" as you call americans, have an infrastructure already set up, and this makes it much more difficult to wrest it away from the bought out politicians without destroying it.

The "sheeple", as you call it, do not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

You say nothing of illegal immigration into america, which has greatly contributed to the sheeple aspect as well.

Those who risk coming to america illegally do so because it means an instant upgrade in their way of life, and for this, they will gladly be sheeple if they are also left alone.

Unknown said...

to say that a few greedy bankers and the following tighening of rules along with a fix for the economy is bringing the US down is not realistic--the sky is not falling

lilo97423 said...

Have you been shopping at Walmart lately?

Everything is wrapped in the same white generic plastic, paper or whatever. You can't even see the the food in it any more.

It's like it was shopping in Russia or as it was in the DDR. Everybody gets the same merchandise.

Welcome to Communism in America!

Unknown said...

The current administration, the Obama administration, is not communist. They are Fascists. Most of the members of the so called 'Democrat' party that Obama now leads are Fascist. The Democrat party philosophy has been a top down centralized government control system for at least the last 80 years.

In the early years Democrats went to war with Republicans (The Cival War) in effort to retain a slave economy. There underlying goal has always been to control people because they think they are smarter than everyone else. So they switched from overt slavery to creating and promoting poverty and government welfare to control people.

The Obama administration may feint this way and that with policy maneuvers but their ultimate goal is to run private business through more and more government regulation. I believe this is the Fascist model. The proof is here to see when you look at Democrat actions and their claim that U.S. healthcare is broken. If they can't get control of the healthcare system right away they will control it with regulation and decide who gets paid and how much they get paid. Through that they will bankrupt the system then claim it is more broken ant they will take it over. Maybe then communism is the next step?

Freedomvoice said...

I feel it does not matter the name as to Socialism, Marism, etc. It is a government take over of it people and to bring America to it's knees. There will be a fight but it may be too late to take it back.

Walter said...

I must say that it has taken awhile but we are waking up to the seriousness of our situation.

The average American are an outstanding group of people but at times we get complacent. The people who supported him and voted for him many have "seen the light" as to who President Obama really is.

I truly believe that his tactics have awaken the sleeping tiger.

Zack said...

While many of us Americans are "asleep" or "sheeple" there are many many of us who are crying out against the awful changes. We are being shut up, or conveniently overlooked.... sometimes called radicals, or even anti-American. We haven't given up, and I hope that maybe your article will perhaps help our cause. Thank you!

Phoenix Arizona Maricopa County said...

In my country, the U.S., what we need desperately is another Franklin
Roosevelt. Someone with a heart for the poor.
What Obama supports only benefits the middle class. Who, for the last
3 decades have rode on the gravy train of selfish,irresponcible
avarice and greed; on the backs of the truly needy.
And now, it is the Red Chinese, and Russians who sit pretty on real
economic strengh. The Russians, with minimal debt, and fat petrol
dollar cash reserves. And the Communist Chinese who have American
T-Bills under the perverbial sword of Damocles.
I think you are correct about the sleeping giant. In this case it
is the unwashed masses. We must experiance social umrest not seen in
this country for decades. Before it gets better-if it is going to get
better-it is going to have to get worse.
Sad. But true.

Anonymous said...

WOW Yes another FDR is exactly what we need! HAve you not seen anything Obama has done? It's straight from FDR's playbook, well and Saul Alinsky's too. Obama is too brilliant to accidently allow America to fall. That is by design. The only accident was when he got elected. We will forever feel the error in that mistake as America will never be the same. I have a great respect for Russia for thay have endured true evils such as Stalin while America has been fortunate to have not. Bravo to the author of this for pointing out what many Americans, myself included have been trying to point out for a year and a half.

Thomas said...

Some things people say are absolutely ridiculous.

1. Obama is not a communist. He works for the bankers who are destroying and offshoring American industry, leaving us nothing but low-paid, crappy service jobs where we compete with illegal immigrants brought in en masse, govt functionaries (who multiply as society is imploded by the lack of productive labour), and million-dollar parasitic finance jobs.

2. The Republicans have participated in this long-term trend, so if Obama is a communist, what does that make them?

3. Oh, and it is hard to see what difference the libertarian platform would make! If there is no regulation and total free trade, there would be eventually total offshoring, even more immigrants with whom to compete without a minimum wage, and not even any welfare or unemployment insurance to fill in the gaps....hmm, so then there would be job/food riots and people would demand a strong, authoritarian state!

4. FDR was not wholly successful and we can debate his programme endlessly, but he did have programmes to put people to work building infrastructure that is a lasting investment. If only Obama would do this?! Please! Instead, you get a few paper-pushing bureaucrats, more police to arrest the growing poor and feed them to the prison-industrial complex, and most of the money goes to banks and insurance companies! That is communism?!?!?!?! Or corrupt, crony-capitalism!?

5. Instead, we get this idiot debate between people who say that giving money to banks and insurance companies is good and people who say it is communism and we should have no regulation of anything.
No, we need to redistribute income to people who will invest/spend it in THE UNITED STATES. We need to produce tangible goods within the country, not base the economy on financial speculation and meaningless pieces of paper.
For the result of the latter is a banana republic with no middle class and requiring a police state to preserve the status quo.

Star3 said...

This article makes some valid points, however, don't ever make the mistake of under estimating the American people. They are well aware of what is going on, and are just as prepared to fight for their freedon as they are for anyone else's who ask for our help, and we like to believe we have friends who will offer their help to us when we need it, as well. This is a very emotional and stressful time in our country at the moment, with blame being placed on just about everyone in the political arena, and I'll bet that George Bush wasn't even aware he was so powerful as to have accomplished all the things attributed to him. The truth is, America has had to fight for it's right to be free since it's foundation, and we have been ridiculed as being arrogrant, which is a false perception. What some perceive as arrogrance is nothing more than people enjoying their well earned rights, and wishing to share them with anyone who wants the same, but legally! Every country has the right to decide for themselves which tyoe of lifestyle will work best for them, and to do so without interferance. Yes, we are well aware that there are those amonge us who do not appreciate their freedom, and do not want to allow anyone else to have freedom, except what they are willing to give, yes we are aware of that problem, and we are dealing with it; we are decended from strong, determined ancestors who came from many countries to establish a home for themselves where they could interact with others who wanted the same free lifestyle, and with the various talents gathered from the many different cultures, we have become successful. If our demise is what God wants, then we will accept that, but we will not accept it from any self imposed "god". Yes, we do feel God blessed our country, just as he did for every country in the world, but due to laziness or some cone head attempting to be a dictator instead of a leader, all of us could easily lose our blessings. Americans will deal with the current situation, and will prevail to become even stronger emotionally, and, hopefully, more united. If the rest of the world "snickers", then we will snicker right along with them at the irony of a mere little group believing they could actually convince us to become their sheep. We(most of us) follow one leader---Jesus Christ, and those whom He puts in charge. Thanks for the opportunity to express my thoughts

Unknown said...

"the average family pulls down $48,000.00 a year. Enough to pay for a nice dwelling, 2 cars, Mobile phones for everyone in the family, eating out every once in a while, a couple of vacations a year"

I cannot believe that someone was foolish enough to even make this statement. $48,000 a year after taxes is not enough to pay for a family lifestyle as noted at all. House? 2 cars? Vacations? How?

I have a hard time listening to anything else someone has to say after making that comment.

On the topic of the article, this mess came about well before Obama stepped in office. Capitalism gone in a whimper? That is a crock, there are individuals and corporations making more money than ever, and screwing over the poor and middle class. Greed. That is what is actually killing the way of life in the US.

All thw while while the looting and fleecing was going on, people seemed to be sleep walking, then Obama gets in office, and all of a sudden...oh crap! Everything is falling apart! Obama is the devil! Communist, and all other terms whipped up by the media popped up. Where was the outrage when all those people lost there jobs and retirement in 2001? (Enron, Worldcom, etc.) Where was the outrage when the educational systems were stripped bare over the past 8-10 years? Now at the point of collapse, children are getting the bare quality of education. How can they compete on a global scale?

Where was the outrage when billions were blown on stupid, endless, nonsense projects well before Obama? Taxpayers money went up in smoke. Why get mad all of a sudden, when the screwing and control has been going on for many years prior to now?

Are the American citizens that inept to see this was going on well before now? How long does it take to wake up?

I am more curious as to why the sudden outrage, and not some years ago. I for one have been noticing this for over 8 years now...

Francine R said...

Love the article American Capitalism Gone with a Whimper. Thought it was brilliant. One post I read by Jer was also even more brilliant. have skimmed some of the posts. Americans have gotten lazy, ignorant, an way past their thinking ability. Not all Americans, mind you, thank God, more and more are waking up. Just wish they were awake when it was election time and we would have this crazed dictator for a President who is taking our country down bit by bit. I will agree I need to read up more on Communism, Facism, and Marxism before I say more than I know. What I do know is that none of these work, they all are by dictators, they all run the people and keep the people poor and under the 'gov'ts' thumb. We in America do not want this. However, there are those who don't even recognize Socialism which is what is happening more and more. We are allowing the gov't to take over everything and run our lives under the false premise 'it's for our own good.' Well our own good is to stay as Free People with free choice and to think for ourselves and not rely on a Welfare society which is what this Country has mostly become. This is very sad. People want everything for free without wanting to work for it or earn it. There are those, way to many, who think the gov't owes them a living and should take care of them so they can sit home on their lazy butts, do nothing, rake in the welfare checks, get all the food they want, liquor they want, drive fancy cars (they do), fact is good bit of people on welfare eat better than those of us who used to be called 'middle class' that work hard to earn a paycheck, or try to be self employed. I don't agree with every one here or all the comments, but do with a lot of them. We as Americans do have an inbred strength to fight for what is right and not let our freedoms be taken away. I just pray that more and more people wake up in time to get this Country back on its feet and defeat this man in 2012 with someone who thinks Conservatively and doesn't bend to pressure of wrong thinking in that it's up to the gov't to take care of us all cause we're too stupid. We're not stupid for the most part. We need someone who believes in less gov't, less spending, no pork spending, no hidden dollars, no bailouts, believes in the American people and is a true American who believes in America, this United States and our Constitution. This man who was elected doesn't know what the Constitution is or stands for and wants to tear it apart. The shame is all the men and women who died to defend this Country and our Constitution will have died in vain.

Star3 said...

I did post a comment, but don't think it took.

Star3 said...

(In case my original comment did not post)

Sorry you're having a bad day, Angelo, hope you'll be better tomorrow.

Angelo, aren't you doing exactly what you accuse us of doing---listening to other people's opinions of the situation, and basing your beliefs on what you are told? How do you know any of the things you mention, such as GM paying back the loan, or the head of Chrysler being an "idiot", unless you, personally witnessed the transaction with GM, or have personal knowledge of the head of Chrysler's mental condition? So, you see, we all are dependant upon others to research things and past their findings on to the public, its called news. We are the ones, then, who decide whom we will believe to tell us the straight facts, who we will trust, plus we will do our own research on the subject. We accept what rings true to us, so how is that any different from what you do? Why is what we listen to BS, but what you listen to is gospel? Before I continue, I'd like to comment on your use of implied vulgarity when commenting; it does not empower you, nor make your statement more valid, it only serves to cause you to sound immature, and as having a limited use of the language. If something can not be conveyed without gutter language, then perhaps it isn't worth the effort. Now, back to politics...Say what you want about the Teabaggers, but, they at least, have the courage to stand up for what they believe, it was this kind of courage which our country was founded on, and which made our forefathers fight for the right be a free nation, and for that right, we continue the fight. No, we have not lost our freedoms yet, as you pointed out, and we intend to keep it that way. You call us shumcks, yet you fail to see that the health care bill is nothing more than a smoke screen they gave us to focus on, in hopes we would not notice their more important plan of "change". If Somalia's government system works for them, we are happy for them, but we do not plan to take your suggestion of moving there, we intend to remain in our own country, and to deal with our own government. Also, as to your offer of sage wisdom to us...thought about that for a nano second, and decided we are not ready for "Answers From Angelo", just yet, but thanks for the offer. It seems that some politicians, once elected, assume they, then own the house they occupy, and that they can make any kind of new rule which strikes their fancy; like bratty kids, they, falsely, believe they do not have to answer to anyone for their actions. The Tea Party Movement is working to educate them in the more realistic area of their jobs. Politicans need to understand they work for the public, we, the people are their boss. Angelo, next time you feel like sharing your version of truth with us, perhaps it might be a good idea, to, first, learn what truth really is. Thank you.

rkyobo said...


I agree totally with you. The liberals really do seem to use a lot of potty-talk in their attempts to express themselves. My mother always told me that the people who curse are doing it because they don't have a good enough vocabulary to use proper words in their communication. I don't agree with everything said by Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or other conservative pundits, however they make a whole lot more sense than any of the liberal persuasion I've heard. I've never attended a tea party, since I currently am living outside the continental USA, but I applaud their patriotism and their desire to keep our nation free. Good for them!

One more thing, Stanislav - I am happy for the Russian people that they are no longer living under Communism. Hopefully, your article will cause more Americans to wake up and smell the roses about what is happening in our country. The American Spirit is definitely still alive though. You only hear what the liberal media wants you to hear. The majority of Americans do not agree with the "change" Obama has been trying to bring to our nation. We love freedom, and are unwilling to give up any of our freedoms to a socialistic government system. Thank you for your article.

bill1942 said...

Makes me glad I'm old. Probably won't live to see what my children and grand-children have to go through. I remember when there was no question that we could trust our government and what it told us. Our moms and dads had just saved the world from Germany, Italy, and Japan, and were ready to take on Russian Communism. Now, every statement from the government turns out to be a lie. We have a president who despises our country and is doing his damnedest to destroy it. The House of Representatives doesn't represent anyone but themselves, and the Senate of the United States, once the finest governmental body on Earth, has allowed the regime to turn on our allies, lie on a daily basis, encourage the murder of unborn babies, demean and mistreat the men and women who defend our country, and deny the very existence of Almighty God. The Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves. And, Heaven must be weeping to see a land that had, and gave, so much being dismantled by those who just want a free phone.