A Pussy Riot Roundup
Well, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, our poor performance artists, who accidentally chose Christ the Savior Cathedral, for their latest stunt, and are sorry for it, got two years. What they are sorry for, is of course the 6 months pretrial and 24 month post trial detention. Neither they, nor their big brother group Voina and the rest of the neo-Bolshaviks they call family, care one whit about the private property they trespassed on. About the peace of the worshipers they desturbed. About the sanctity of anything that does not have something to do with their Satan and empty souls and getting their smug faces all over the world press.
By the way, you can go here to see what these tramps and anarchists are: having sex with a frozen chicken, burning police cars, assaulting people, throwing stray cats into restaurant kitchens, having orgies in biology museums (even when you are 4 days out from birthing your child)...all in the name of a "political" goal that is a typical leftist excuse for doing unto others as they please. The "freedom" of Satan. Voina's idiot gallery
But these little strumpets were not alone, oh no. The whole Western world came out to celebrate their depravity, well that is, those of the Western world who make decisions for the silent, spineless "conservative" masses who are always to busy to actually make a stand, outside of whining on a chat room forum.
In Ukraine, we had the vapid, clueless, spaghetti brained Femens cutting down a cross of Christ, with her tits swinging. You can never tell with the so called journalists, who give light to these mental light weights, if they are there just to see some blond bimbo with her tits hanging out or are actually "interested" in the "story/protest".

Again, like a good Western trained, mindless Leftist, she and her two butch dyke buddies, cared little about the fact that this was someone else's cross or that they would offend. That was and is their goal, the employment of Soviet tactics against religion, now with the full backing of the West. Neither of course did anyone in the media care to point that fact out, they were either to busy priding themselves on their open mindedness or staring at the blonde's tits.

But good men came forth and put a temporary cross up in the place of what these twits destroyed.
Of course, outside the West and the cultural vessels, in places like Brazil, even under a communist president, this sort of thing is hardly tolerated. Note the pain and shock on the face of the stupid Femen on the ground, finding out what Brazilian police enforcement is.

outside the Russian consulate in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012
And of course all the top names of the West came out to support their fellow Leftist Pussy Riot goons. Madonna, the self righteous trollap of America, the one woman crusade to make talentless sluts and whores acceptable, read out a political speech, while pushing Homosexuality on minors, during concerts in St.Petersburg and Moscow, while stumping on an Orthodox cross. She also handed out pink armbands and then, against the law of propagandizing homosexuality to minors, screamed out: "If you are with me, I wanna see your pink armband. If you are with me, raise your arm and show your love and appreciation for the gay community. Are you with me?"
Luckily, we, in Russia, finally figured out how to properly hit back. Morality lectures to these corrupted fools are pointless. Pointing out their hypocrisies is pointless. Protesting them is pointless. What isn't pointless? Sueing them and their sponsors for $10 million by a coalition of three parties: Union of Russian Citizens, the People's Assembly and the New Great Russia party.
Alexander Pochuyev, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs, answered Madonna the Cross Stumper's comment that he and the rest of us Russians who take offense to her Marxist Homosexuality and all around fascism are living in the dark ages, with the perfect retort:
"We are using civilized, modern methods to defend our rights. No one is burning anyone at the stake or carrying out an Inquisition," Pochuyev was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying. "Modern civilization requires tolerance and respect for different values."
Hear that you Fascist Homosexual slut? Tolerance is not just for you but everyone, something you can not and will never understand.
In Finland, a professor and head of the Political Science Department at the University of Helsinki,, one Teivo Teivanen and his students, decided to do a copy cat crime, planning on smearing piss on the alter of the Orthodox Cathedral of Assumption in Helsinki.
And in other news, the EU, ever hungry for our resources and our money to support their failed socialist economies and free spending, low working manners, were more than happy to pile on. Even the so called, Right of Center, Merkel, who heads a supposed conservative coalition, was more than happy to complain about the horrid prison sentence. Never mind that the same action in Germany would have fallen under hate speech laws (Section 130 of the Strafgesetzbuch, ection 130 makes it a crime to publicly incite hatred against parts of the population or to call for violent or arbitrary measures against them or to insult, maliciously slur or defame them in a manner violating their (constitutionally protected) human dignity. Thus for instance it is illegal to publicly call certain ethnic groups "maggots" or "freeloaders". Volksverhetzung is punishable in Germany even if committed abroad and even if committed by non-German citizens, if only the incitement of hatred takes effect within German territory,).
Well, is it illegal under German law for me to call Merkel a two faced hypocrite?
Poland even specifically single out as Hate Speech, those who offend the feelings of the religious by e.g. disturbing a religious ceremony or creating public calumny.
Canada is even worse, with punishment of up to 14 years in prison. (In Canada, advocating genocide[15] or inciting hatred[16] against any 'identifiable group' is an indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada with maximum prison terms of two to fourteen years. An 'identifiable group' is defined as 'any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.' It makes exceptions for cases of statements of truth, and subjects of public debate and religious doctrine. The landmark judicial decision on the constitutionality of this law was R. v. Keegstra (1990).)
And so on. You get the point, dear reader, hypocricy of the West is alive and well.
Meanwhile, the Great Leader, the Big O of America, through his mouth piece, the electrician's reset Hillary, expressed their disappointment in the Russian court decision and the state of Freedom in Russia. This, even as a Michigan street cop firing squad of six cops guns down a slightly deranged man, with a knife, who is 6 meters away from them, and has turned his back on them and is walking away. Over forty rounds were fired and of course not one of the executioners were or will be punished. Of course that his mother was an anti-police abuse activist, investigating a rash of previous police shootings, surely did not help the man's cause.
So as usual, from the morally decrepit, Christless West and its silent "Christians" to busy to actually stand up for what they supposedly believe in, we get what we get and only what we can expect to get.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, our poor performance artists, who accidentally chose Christ the Savior Cathedral, for their latest stunt, and are sorry for it, got two years. What they are sorry for, is of course the 6 months pretrial and 24 month post trial detention. Neither they, nor their big brother group Voina and the rest of the neo-Bolshaviks they call family, care one whit about the private property they trespassed on. About the peace of the worshipers they desturbed. About the sanctity of anything that does not have something to do with their Satan and empty souls and getting their smug faces all over the world press.
By the way, you can go here to see what these tramps and anarchists are: having sex with a frozen chicken, burning police cars, assaulting people, throwing stray cats into restaurant kitchens, having orgies in biology museums (even when you are 4 days out from birthing your child)...all in the name of a "political" goal that is a typical leftist excuse for doing unto others as they please. The "freedom" of Satan. Voina's idiot gallery
But these little strumpets were not alone, oh no. The whole Western world came out to celebrate their depravity, well that is, those of the Western world who make decisions for the silent, spineless "conservative" masses who are always to busy to actually make a stand, outside of whining on a chat room forum.
In Ukraine, we had the vapid, clueless, spaghetti brained Femens cutting down a cross of Christ, with her tits swinging. You can never tell with the so called journalists, who give light to these mental light weights, if they are there just to see some blond bimbo with her tits hanging out or are actually "interested" in the "story/protest".
Again, like a good Western trained, mindless Leftist, she and her two butch dyke buddies, cared little about the fact that this was someone else's cross or that they would offend. That was and is their goal, the employment of Soviet tactics against religion, now with the full backing of the West. Neither of course did anyone in the media care to point that fact out, they were either to busy priding themselves on their open mindedness or staring at the blonde's tits.
But good men came forth and put a temporary cross up in the place of what these twits destroyed.
Of course, outside the West and the cultural vessels, in places like Brazil, even under a communist president, this sort of thing is hardly tolerated. Note the pain and shock on the face of the stupid Femen on the ground, finding out what Brazilian police enforcement is.
outside the Russian consulate in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012
And of course all the top names of the West came out to support their fellow Leftist Pussy Riot goons. Madonna, the self righteous trollap of America, the one woman crusade to make talentless sluts and whores acceptable, read out a political speech, while pushing Homosexuality on minors, during concerts in St.Petersburg and Moscow, while stumping on an Orthodox cross. She also handed out pink armbands and then, against the law of propagandizing homosexuality to minors, screamed out: "If you are with me, I wanna see your pink armband. If you are with me, raise your arm and show your love and appreciation for the gay community. Are you with me?"
Luckily, we, in Russia, finally figured out how to properly hit back. Morality lectures to these corrupted fools are pointless. Pointing out their hypocrisies is pointless. Protesting them is pointless. What isn't pointless? Sueing them and their sponsors for $10 million by a coalition of three parties: Union of Russian Citizens, the People's Assembly and the New Great Russia party.
Alexander Pochuyev, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs, answered Madonna the Cross Stumper's comment that he and the rest of us Russians who take offense to her Marxist Homosexuality and all around fascism are living in the dark ages, with the perfect retort:
"We are using civilized, modern methods to defend our rights. No one is burning anyone at the stake or carrying out an Inquisition," Pochuyev was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying. "Modern civilization requires tolerance and respect for different values."
One plaintiff, Darya Dedova, says, "She (Madonna) had been warned with words that she should behave in line with the law and she ignored it. So we will speak in the language of money. Of course, it is difficult to measure moral damages and suffering but maybe people who earn money regardless of moral rules will better understand this."http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2012/08/18/madonna_sued_by_insulted_antigay_activ
Hear that you Fascist Homosexual slut? Tolerance is not just for you but everyone, something you can not and will never understand.
In Finland, a professor and head of the Political Science Department at the University of Helsinki,, one Teivo Teivanen and his students, decided to do a copy cat crime, planning on smearing piss on the alter of the Orthodox Cathedral of Assumption in Helsinki.
“A criminal case was launched under two articles of Finland’s Criminal Code: infringement on religion’s inviolability and hindering religious rites,” said human right activist Johan Baeckman, who was among a group of public figures who initiated the case. Finnish laws ban any attempt to hinder religious rites, as well as to wear masks in public places or organize unauthorized public events. http://en.rian.ru/world/20120815/175235190.htmlThey face up to two years under Finish law. Of course not a critical word from the EU/US hypocrites, after all, these are Fins not barbaric Russians.
And in other news, the EU, ever hungry for our resources and our money to support their failed socialist economies and free spending, low working manners, were more than happy to pile on. Even the so called, Right of Center, Merkel, who heads a supposed conservative coalition, was more than happy to complain about the horrid prison sentence. Never mind that the same action in Germany would have fallen under hate speech laws (Section 130 of the Strafgesetzbuch, ection 130 makes it a crime to publicly incite hatred against parts of the population or to call for violent or arbitrary measures against them or to insult, maliciously slur or defame them in a manner violating their (constitutionally protected) human dignity. Thus for instance it is illegal to publicly call certain ethnic groups "maggots" or "freeloaders". Volksverhetzung is punishable in Germany even if committed abroad and even if committed by non-German citizens, if only the incitement of hatred takes effect within German territory,).
Well, is it illegal under German law for me to call Merkel a two faced hypocrite?
Poland even specifically single out as Hate Speech, those who offend the feelings of the religious by e.g. disturbing a religious ceremony or creating public calumny.
Canada is even worse, with punishment of up to 14 years in prison. (In Canada, advocating genocide[15] or inciting hatred[16] against any 'identifiable group' is an indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada with maximum prison terms of two to fourteen years. An 'identifiable group' is defined as 'any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.' It makes exceptions for cases of statements of truth, and subjects of public debate and religious doctrine. The landmark judicial decision on the constitutionality of this law was R. v. Keegstra (1990).)
And so on. You get the point, dear reader, hypocricy of the West is alive and well.
Meanwhile, the Great Leader, the Big O of America, through his mouth piece, the electrician's reset Hillary, expressed their disappointment in the Russian court decision and the state of Freedom in Russia. This, even as a Michigan street cop firing squad of six cops guns down a slightly deranged man, with a knife, who is 6 meters away from them, and has turned his back on them and is walking away. Over forty rounds were fired and of course not one of the executioners were or will be punished. Of course that his mother was an anti-police abuse activist, investigating a rash of previous police shootings, surely did not help the man's cause.
So as usual, from the morally decrepit, Christless West and its silent "Christians" to busy to actually stand up for what they supposedly believe in, we get what we get and only what we can expect to get.
I hope the journalist along with the dim bulb woman that cut down the cross both go to prison.
Cheers for the Russians that gave the West the finger and put those women in prison.
(Mat: it took me about ten attempts to post this comment; the verification text is nearly impossible to read)
Attacks on Christianity will continue and actually will increase for many reasons. The simpletons may think that these movements are a way to vent or a way to attract attention, to shock and make money at the same time. This is only a barely the syrface of a well orchestrated system of attacks not only on Christianity but on Humanity itself but the rulers of this world.
New world order doesn't want Christianity and especially Orthodoxy to be strong,so it attacks it any way it can...It is so obvious that Christians are persecuted in many ways worldwide while Muslims or other creeds are let to flourish or even supported by laws or human rights organizations...Just look at Syria,Tunisia where Christians are butchered and no''human rights'' organizations intervene...
The West really seized defeat from the jaws of victory and handed Putin a major public relations victory. Instead of a restrained call for mitigation, the depraved West launched in xenophobic and hysterical attacks on Russian Christianity and blamed the victim. But the more we found about this group of pornograpic satanists, it was amazing how at many persecuted Christians in the West are now applauding Russia and Putin!!! In fact, don't be so lenient next time.
After reading your article about Pussy Riot, I just wanted you to know that our newspapers and even articles on the internet about them, did not tell us the truth. The News made them out to be a women's punk rock band that said they didn't like Putin and that they were arrested for talking against him. No where, did I read that they were cutting down crosses or that they were gay, or were against Christianity. Our current administration is taking us down the wrong path and I try to inform others. With so many that I know not liking or wanting our Current President, the only way he could win again is by fraud at the voting polls, which is a possibility. I pray he doesn't get another term. Please pray with us that we have a new President come this November. Thank you for your truth. I look forward to reading more of your blog. ~Caroline from Arizona/United States
Here in the West (USA), times are much worse then admitted: major religious speakers - not the usual easy to spot b. grahams or j. hagee - preach with absolute 'solemnity' that Jesus demands we 'tolerate' and open our 'hearts' -they seem to mean gushing emotion here- to 'gay' people and, then, multiple times, there is admonishment to 'love' multi-race families.
Is this hyperbole? No. Check out the pastor Andy Stanley & Rick Warren among many others.
I expect a call to donate for the freedom of expression of the Pussy Riot-ettes...
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