Friday, December 23, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Time to DeLeninize Russia of the Devil Lenin

Sorry this is in Russian, but it was done by the Discovery Channel so I am sure there is an English version. Remember, this devil worked on the coin first of the Kaiser, to create Chaos and get Russia out of the war, but then on the dollar and pound of the Anglo-Masons, to win his demonic revolution.

There is even talk that Lenin was born a still birth that came to life an hour later. Whether it is true or not, the man was full of the Devil, an evil incarnate, a hypocrite of the lower upper class himself, a liar, a murderer and a traitor, who, like a Judas, took the silver of the enemy and buried a knife in the back of his motherland, while she fought in a life and death struggle.

That the Communist party still exists is an affront to everything that is. It is well past time that Lenin and the others, but him foremost, be tried for his murderous crimes. Just like the Soviet Union was deStalinized, it is past time that Russia is fully deLeninized.

Time for Lenin to Go

Lenin, Stalin and Company and Their Backers Must Stand Trial In Russia

The Six Evils of Wall Street and the Suffering of Humanity

The American Lenin

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why Now? The Desperate Anglo Assault on Russia

Why Now? The Desperate Anglo Assault on Russia

One may ask the question, why now and why such a blitzkrieg, by passing all diplomatic norms, of even the worst of the Cold War and the 90s and quite literally fringing on war? Why during a parliamentary election and not the actual presidential? The West, that is the Anglo-West, did not even wait till the votes were counted to start its assault. Some areas were still voting and the OSCE had not yet said a word, when the Hitlery, er Hillery led assault began.

By the way, here is an excellent article from the Sublime Oblivion site, comparing neutral poling results with actual voting results and totally, with statistics, disproving the vapid and Satanic Anglo-American assault. Are Russian Elections Rigged?: Opinion Polls Speak Louder Than Western Rhetoric.

Regardless, this again, does not answer the "why". After all, why spend all of the political clout on the second best important elections and not on Putin? From Fox's blatant lies to America's mad hatter John McCain's insane jabberings on Twitter.

As I mentioned in America's Failed Russian Putsch , the American actions are acts of war, blatant acts of war. If it came to light that Russia, China or Germany had flooded one or another of the US parties with foreign cash, the scandal would never quiet down and that same Jabbering fool McCain would be singing "Bomb, bomb (fill in nation's name)".

But the answer to my question is much more ominous, ominous for my readers living in the West, both the USA and EU and in Japan and China. Quite frankly, the end is here. China is already in free fall for the past three months, with over 200 property retailers closing in Beijing, just this month and real estate prices dropping by as much as 30% in the first tier cities, wiping out the savings of tens of millions in the Shadow Banking market, even as provincial budgets go bust for lack of fees from property sales.

Japan's earth quake and endless nuclear nightmare, with its international hypocrisy are also doomed to stay in the deep trenches.

But the engine of destruction, as most everyone knows, the engine that will bring down the Americans and the Chinese, is the Euro. While the EU itself will not die, and indeed will metamorphosis into something much scarier, the Fourth Reich, it will necessarily first shed its outlying provinces: Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland and such and then turn inwards to build itself back up. In the orchestrated crash and scalping that will be the imploding Euro and its Reich replacement, the US, which is tied to the Euro banks by several trillion dollars directly and which counts on the Europeans for export of its own inflation as well as its few manufactured products, will equally plunge.

However, the US may just face a lot more then just a depression of historic proportions, it has one of two roads ahead of it: absolute Marxist Fascism (the police state organs of which are already in place, including the just passed laws allowing the US military to detail indefinitely and without charges US citizens in the US as well as new Internet censor laws) or a total balkanized collapse.

In short, all major markets are on the edge of total collapse, all with the sole exception of Russia. Russia, which until this past week, as been isolated by lack of membership in the WTO, will of course take a hit from falling energy, steel and machinery exports, but in total these present more of a financing problem for the government rather then for the economy. All three combined represent less then 20% of the economy and no matter what, some energy exports will continue. Energy exports, however, do represent 90% of the government tax base, as they should in any energy rich nation. To counter that end, I bring back my old suggestion of the gold ruble, for which our reserves are plenty big.

As for the collapse itself, the Chinese will be in Chaos for at least a decade, but will recover, albate they will be set back a lot more. The Fourth Reich will come roaring back in its own time, more then likely also nearly a decade, which includes fully rearming a small military. The Japanese will continue to limp. The Americans, though it would be better off for all if they balkanized, will more then likely turn into the Marxist police state most Americans are convinced "can't happen here and only happens over there."

So to what end leaving Russia alone? The end that is that if Russia is left on its feet, by the time the Marxist regimes recover, world balance will have tilted to far for them to continue business as anything as close to usual. To that end, they have already shown a great willingness to destroy the Greeks, to keep Russia out of the Balkans.

But the Balkans are but a secondary theater. The main avenue will be a two pronged Russian resurgency: the return of Ukraine and the destruction of Turkey, thus ensuring a very strong, and ready Orthodox block to counter the Marxists, the Islamics and the Sino-Marxists.

Though, of course, the godless, Satanists of the Western Elite will try their best, they will fail, because, put quite simply: the Third Rome WILL NOT FALL!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

America's Failed Russian Putsch

America's Failed Russian Putsch

The first question we should as is: is this a legitimate act of war by the insane Islamic Marxist regime of the United States?

As we all know so well, the American love affair for intervening in every nation in the world, and wandering why they are despised all over the world, has become an Obamaniac obsession.

Few regimes have been so rogue and evil as that which now occupies the White House, outdoing such notables as Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt, JFK, Carter, Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr. As a matter of fact, it is quite plain to see, as the nose on any man's face, that for the past twenty plus years, the US has been descending further and further into pure evil, with each puppet ever more the tool of Satanic forces.

Now to the Russian elections. Yes, the elections, in which the US media at first could not quite get its story together. Some claimed they were a huge embarresment for Putin, because United Russia did fall from the upper 60s to 49.3% of the parliament, while others were screaming they were rigged, because they fell from the upper 60s to 49.3%. Either way, the political are what they are, four parties, the ruling center right United Russia, the far left Communists who surged to 19.2%, the leftist Just Russia got 13.2% and the right nationalist Liberal Democratic Party got 11.7%, while three other parties did not get the minimum 7% of the vote to take their place: the neo-liberals of lets steal everything Yeltsin fame Yablako, and the right wing parties: Right Cause and Patriots of Russia.

Compare this to the pathetic American Congress, where 96% of the votes are held by the One Party Two Branch Democrat-Republican money machine with a tiny sprinkling of independents, many, like the Himmler wanna be Lieberman are still animals of the machine who were previously replace or side lined by even more loyal animals.

Screams of corruption echoes out right of the bat. The funny thing is, they came from all of America's favorite Marxists. After all, the Red Plague that is Washington DC is the new ComIntern, spreading itself (along with its Jihad Islamic branch) throughout the world as a modern day virus, one infestation at a time.

The Communists, the architects of the one candidate 100% vote system of 70 years, were screaming about how these elections were not fair. Seems the protest vote was not big enough to put the maniacs promising a return to "Stalin's Best Days" in true power so they must have been corrupt. Following them were the pathetic Yablako bloc of spineless opportunists and clueless 20 something intelligentsias working for the opportunists, all equally happy to flee Russia if things fall apart, just like their 1917 soul mates did. Lastly came America's most favorites, the New Jersey resident and Russohater extrodinaire Kasparov and his Nazi ally Limonov and his National Bolshevik (Socialist) Workers' Party aka Nazis. From the Russian Nazis to the US Tax Payer: Thank You.

The tried and true instrument of the Western banking cartels, Mikhail Gorbachev could not keep out. Instead of going off to some dacha, preferrable in California, and dieing in solitude, this man, who destroyed the nation he was given charge of, while accepting prize monies from Clinton and doing BMW and Gucci commercials and giving lectures on why Socialism is a darned brilliant idea (a favorite topic in modern USSA) had this to say:

"More and more people are starting to believe that the election results are not fair," he told Interfax. "I believe that ignoring public opinion discredits the authorities and destabilizes the situation."

But yet this rather contradicts with this from the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who's observers painted a rather different picture. The Foreign Minister, who was in Moscow this week, stated that According to the report, Lieberman said that he shares the view of the Israeli observers who oversaw the election in Russia, who said they were fair and democratic.

Or the statement by Riccardo Migliori Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe’s OSCE security organization, who stated that he had found no irregularities at polling stations, but had received reports of logistical mishaps. These, Mr Migliori said, are easily understandable in a vast country like Russia.

Whom shall we believe?

Then came the protests. While there were many, they were never nearly as serious as what the US was funding and trying to establish, just a few hundred to a few thousand demonstrators here and there, with the police mostly keeping them from blocking traffic. Of course, this was not enough for the US press which was and is running endless headlines of revolution in Russia. I quite assure you there is non and with a 6.4% overall unemployment rate and lots of new corporate investments, there will not be any.

Neocon megolomaniacs in the US are calling for US intervention into Russia, with oped pieces such as America Should Side With Russian People Against Putin or Foreign Policy: Russia's Decemberists (NPR)

Which interestingly gives light to the lie of mass protests with its opening statement of:

Tonight is the first night without protests here since some 6,000 young people gathered Monday night to express their frustration with the electoral fraud in Sunday's parliamentary elections and, more broadly, the institution of Putinism. They came out again Tuesday night, where they were met by thousands of drum-beating pro-Kremlin youth activists. And again on Wednesday.

The demonstrations themselves followed the following line. The organizers had a permit for 500 people, they brought in the 5,000. Ok, authorities let that slide. As they were chanting "Russia without Putin", Ilya Yashin of Solidarity called on the crowd to march on the headquarters of the Central Electoral Commission. It is at this point that they moved out of their permitted area and started blocking traffic and disrupting the city. OMON moved in, arresting some 200-300 of the over 5,000 who refused to move and continued blocking traffic. Considering this is a fraction of what the "leaders of the free world" do in NYC and every other American city to their own serfs, er citizens, why has the Kremlin not stated its concerns for the state of American democracy, while pouring in hundreds of millions to the US radicals?

So the massive protests in Moscow, a city of 14 million, were a "staggering" 6 thousand. Considering how much money the US piles into NGOs you would think they could do better. (NGOs, Agents of US Empire) Incidentally, the US is now attacking the Israelis for doing the same things that Russia did to curtail American NGOs, that disrupt and corrupt the host society and government in which they operate.

Then there is this cry to battle by the Canadian New Socialist Now the streets must become the arena of political struggle. Russia will either take its place in the global anti-capitalist movement, or again sink into apathy and stagnation.

Hillery Clinton, a US politician of incredible fame for her wanton corruption at every level, as Secretary of State, launched the US paid for Russian demonstrations with these words at the election-monitoring Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), when she said: “Russian voters deserve a full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation. … Regardless of where you live, citizenship requires holding your government accountable.”

We should, of course, pay no attention to what the demagogues and madmen and their police thugs in America do to any protests and protesters. From Bush era Free Speech Zones, cordoned off by fencing and two or more blocks away from Bush and his goons, to the Obama era steel boot crushing of pro-democracy demonstrators with batons, rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray and mass arrests, all done by laughing, giddy cops of steroids

The NPR piece goes on to further describe the incideous poisonous Western media plague:
"the Western press is scrambling to tag this phenomenon with something, anything — the "Slavic Spring," "OccupyKremlin," or "White Revolution" for the white ribbons organizers are handing out — to make it digestible, classifiable, understandable."

However, it is one thing to write hollow words for the US/UK serfs, but sooner or later they want to see "proof" in pictures. Faux News took steps to provide such non-existent coverage by relabeling its Athens news coverage, masked as Moscow. It did not take long to unmask this blatant American lie. FOX, lies & the wrong videotape: What’s NOT happening in Moscow and “Greek protests” on Moscow streets . We can forgive the stupid and uninformed dupes that pass for American journalists in not knowing the difference between Greek and Cyrillic, they do kinda look similar, or in finding out that the big golden lettered sign at the end of clip say "Bank of Greece" or that the plastic police shields, as opposed to the black steel ones in Russia, say Athens Police, but not to notice that Molotov throwing youths running around in the streets, in jeans and t-shirts, amongst tall palm December Moscow? Really? Can you possibly be that sloppy or your audience that stupid? Well we do know the answer to both, do we not, dear readers?

But the big news is being broken in Israel, itself an endless victim of DC power mongers and Islamic appeasers. Artuz Sheva 7 in Clinton Admits Meddling in Moscow quotes Her Imperial Vileness as saying:

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on Thursday, openly admitted the US had encouraged protests in Russia after Vladimir Putin's United Russia party held on to power in the most recent elections.

Clinton didn't deny Putin's accusation that she was stirring up trouble and backing protests in Russia. Instead, she responded by saying her having done so "doesn't justify Russian military counter-measures" taken once the protests erupted.

Maybe she and her half Arab boss are to stupid or to power drunk to understand that this is an out and out act of WAR? Maybe the American people should be asked how they like the prospect of not just fighting some Arab country with bombs from 3,000 meters, but a nice fat world war with hundreds of thousands if not millions of casualties. Well, it would sure solve the 20% US unemployment and those military-industrial companies, the only ones still really making anything in the US, would be fat and happy. What is the worst that could happen? A nuclear war?

Americans, that is, the tame, lame serfs of a population, had better wake the hell up and take control of their power mongering rogue regime of a government, as they have crossed all Rubicons, at this point.

And do not forget: you have elections coming up, you have a spring coming up and at 20%+ unemployment, it really will not take much international meddling, that is pay back, to crack that rotting back.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Russia Votes, a Comparison

The Yanks love to lecture. They love that holier then thou, you dirty mangy apes of humanity, feeling. After all, they're God's gift to humanity, and yet they do actually call themselves that and believe it all, and it is their lot in life, nah, their mission, to teach all us stupid savages how to live and work and police ourselves, even if they have to kill half a nation to do it. Its for our own good see.

So, while the Yank press is busy running one worthless splat of self righteous gibberish after another, about our elections or system of elections, I, dear readers, figured we should do a small comparison on the parliamentary election system of the two nations:

To begin with:

Number of parties running: 7 parties in every oblast (province/state) of our nation.
US? A normal load of 2, with an occasional local third or ever so rare fourth. Between the One Party Two Branch system of America, those two, basically the same groups control over 98% of the parliament.

Day of Elections: Sunday in Russia, so everyone can make the polls. In America? A work day and most employers do not give their workers times to get to the polls, so you have to do it on your own time. The whole point is to discourage any but the die hards: the fanatics or those without jobs, whose votes are already bought. If you can get bad weather its even better.

Places of Vote: Russia: government centers, hotels, schools, shopping centers, anywhere where it is convenient to get to. In the US it is usually done at a fire house, or a school or some other municipal building. Some what convenient but not overly. In the US the lines are outside, under the elements, and hours long. Voters wait up to three or four hours on their time to vote, so turn out is always very low.

Where to Vote: Everyone is assigned, in Russia, by their district. However, if that person happens to be outside of his district, such as on a business trip, he can call his district (an operator will put you through) and then fax a photo of his ID and have his voting place moved to where he is and do it even the day of voting. In the US, you have your one over crowded spot, where lines are long and usually outside under the elements, to wait and vote. Period. Can not be there, get an absentee vote, but you have to plan it out and you have to be far away, that is in another country.

If a voter in Russia is to sick or an invalid or to old to stand in line, they register ahead of time and a volunteer with a witness will come to their house to have them vote and place the vote in a lockbox (yes paper not forgable computer votes). In the US? Well, if you're in one of those classes of people, it would seem you should not be voting anyways, after all, who really wants your vote anyways?

If you are overseas, the Russian voter can go to his embassy or consulate and vote, on the same day as the vote in the nation and get counted at the same time. In America, the voter, that is the American overseas, gets an absentee card he then sends off and it will never get counted anyways. That is how the American military constantly does not really get to vote.