Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Other Reason Greece Must Not Collapse

The Other Reason Greece Must Not Collapse

A lot of smoke and babble has been raised and spread about the absolute need to make sure Greece does not default on its debt and thus does not leave the Euro and possibly the EU. Everything from the Euro to Western Civilization as we know it is at stake, from the economic point of view.

Of course this is ludicrous and bogus. Greece is a pittance economy in comparison to the whole of the EU and its smaller subset Eurozone and even to just the French and German segments. If Greece was to default on its debt, the Euro would still survive and the debt would be written off. The 300-400 billion Euro is a small pittance to the amount of Euros that the EU banks have been pumping out in the past three years. They can most certainly pump out more.

True, Greece leaving the Eurozone would almost certainly translate into Greece leaving the EU. Why? Because any full default in Greece would collapse the government, the two branch one party duplicity that is common in most of the Totalitarian West. This in turn would lead to a new set of power players, waiting in the wings: the military and the Church, which in turn would almost certainly lead to the restoration of the Monarchy. The students rioting in the streets, themselves socialists and anarchists, happy to live off of the government tit, maybe good to bring a government down, but they most certainly are in no position to take power and run a country, nor do they have the temperament for such serious endeavors.

The traditional monarchy returning to power would be a disaster to the neo-Marxists that run all of the Totalitarian Democracies Of Monarchy, Democracy and the Lie of Linear History. It would show the masses that there are alternatives to the modern Western Civilization, something no one in power surely wants. Thus this in turn would spur all the rightest and monarchist parties, oppressed through civil lawsuits, criminal lawsuits or just plain assassinations, in the West.

But worse then that, at least for the West, is the simple fact that a nationalist and or monarchist Greek government would in turn, turn to its only major, historical ally: Russia. This in turn, this reapproachment of two very ancient historical allies, would spell incredible trouble for the US/EU politics in the Balkans. For a reapproachment would mean not just Russia's political and economic presence in the Balkans but also Russia's military presence. Furthermore, pro-Slavic forces in Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria would get an incredible assist and could quite literally overthrow their governments, moving back into the Slavosphere, whose construction and expansion has been in hibernation since 1914.

In this manner, the NATO encirclement of Russia, would be dealt a major and maybe fatal blow. Something the West is willing to destroy the Greek people to avoid.


Anonymous said...

What you say is true . However the reason they are terrified of Greece or Ireland etc defaulting is that it will trigger credit default swaps. No one knows how many, who issued them or where. We can safely guess though that the cesspits of London and New York are heavily exsposed.What a mess.I hope the peoples of Western Europe finally reattach their balls.

Anonymous said...

Lyndon LaRouche predicted in 2008 I think that Greece and Ireland would be first to suffer signalling the collapse of the Euro zone economy as the first stages of as global financial collapse due to British/Rothschild inter Alpha banking system the dominates large portions of Greece, Irish, Spanish and Brazilian economy.

The BRIC alliance is a trap created by Goldman Sachs in the 70’s and pushed forth by Medvedev’s British shock therapy economic advisors lead by Kudrin.

Anonymous said...

Greece is a very beautifull country with many unexplored resources in oil gas gold ... Her geostratigical place in the globe is very important.Many people try through the centuries to concer and posses that important part of the world.The only problem,the Greeks.Yes these annoiyng weird little people.who dare to have the demand to live free and have this beautifull and important country all for themselves.shame on them!for one more time history is repeating and we all know who is winning in the end.Well yes greeks.Why?i dont know maybe because they are the good guys?oil gas gold ... Her geostratigical place in the globe is very important.Many people try through the centuries to concer and posses that important part of the world.The only problem,the Greeks.Yes these annoiyng weird little people.who dare to have the demand to live free and have this beautifull and important country all for themselves.shame on them!for one more time history is repeating and we all know who is winning in the end.Well yes greeks.Why?i dont know maybe because they are the good guys?

guss said...

Greeks do not trust the ex monarchs, the remains of Glücksborgs.
Even the name of this family was not their real name but was invented by the propaganda of Britain.

Anonymous said...

i agree with guss greeks dont like monarchy.monarchs in the past have showed a lot of arrogance to the greek people.although the greeks maybe change their minds if they understand that the monarchy somehow would be the best solution to a critical situation which will demand a strong representation of greece in abroad.maybe in that case will accept the monarchy with some terms of course.of course this is just a scenario.but you never know.