Happy New Years to all my readers. Hope that 2010 brings you the best and you fair well in the new year.
Thank you all for the comments also, keep them coming and the letters, also appreciated, even if I can not reply timely to all of them. All are appreciated.
Have the best. I am off to drink and party.
Owner: Stanislav Mishin at stas.mishin71@gmail.com
"Whosoever shall come to us with the sword shall perish by it. Upon this stood and stands the land of Russia".
St Prince Alexander Nevsky, in the 13th century
Romans 8:31
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
2010, The Saga Continues
Once again it is that time of year, where the minds of the world prognoses the future of humanity, for at least a year to come. In light of this tradition and for a second year running, I will endeavor to do the same.
As I said last year, 2009 was a gloomy year, though not quite a bad as I predicted. Of course, this does not mean I was wrong, only that with Herculean efforts, the worst was put off to a bit later, though not stopped only stalled.
Upcoming in this year will be the second fall in the Global Depression. This will start with nations failing in their sovereign debt and will quickly spiral out of control for vast areas, followed by more break down in civil order and war. Oil prices will not rise to much further in real value, though they will to some degree in dollars as inflation kicks in and pushes things up, even as a lack of demand drives prices down. However, by the end of the year, oil will see a large increase due to supply constraints caused by geopolitical issues: first in Mexico, than in Venezuela and finally in the Persian Gulf.
As I said, Russia came through the economic collapse relatively without major pain and exited recession in 3qtr. Russia will face further crisis in 2010, spurred by outside forces, however stability will reign again. The economy will briefly reenter recession and the government will be forced spend much of its remaining reserves to uphold the nation. Revenues will also go down, as world economic demand sinks.
However, being largely self sustaining, Russia will continue through and will continue to lower taxes and regulation on small businesses. Immigration from the EU and the US as well as companies flocking to open new facilities to escape the government strangulation of business in America and Europe and the vast areas of unrest, will pickup.
The collapse of Ukraine and the upcoming war with Georgia will present new opportunities, as well as improving ties with China and Japan. Ukraine will split and much of it will be on its way to absorption into Russia, as is Abkhazia and S.Ossessia. Georgia will be a protectorate.
War and civil war in Mexico, Venezuela and the Persian Gulf will push oil prices up even as demand continues to fall and Russia will be the only safe source on a large scale.
In a word, slow strangulation. First will come the socialized medicine, followed by the cap and trade and finally the forced increase in interest rates, as no one will want to buy the debt of the world's biggest beggar who is busy murdering its own economy.
Many companies will flee the US, shifting their registrations and headquarters from America to other nations with lower levels of insane regulation and taxation. Further, the crunch will force one state after another to bankrupt. The American federal government will find itself in a situation of either letting the suffering spread, before their parliamentary elections or printing money and spending with abandon to avoid the pain around election time and off set it a bit further. Thus will start the final phase of run away inflation.
The American Marxists will face a third "radical" party of conservatives, who will threaten their One Party Two Branch monopoly and will in the end require strong security and military reactions.
Disaster in Afghanistan and renewed major unrest in Iraq will only spur the feeling of instability as additionally, Mexico's civil war will continue to spill over into America.
Strong independence movements will become mainstream in Texas, southern California, Alaska and much of the old Confederacy. Pro independence terrorism will start to appear, along side a vast upsurge of SJS (Sudden Jihad Syndrome) amongst the Islamic members of America. All in all беспорядок.
While Mexico avoided a total collapse in 2009, it situation continued to deteriorate, non the less. In 2010, the Cartels will no longer aim to fight the government's assault upon their business interests but will take direct steps to over throw the central government. Already stealing billions in oil revenues directly from the oil pipelines, the cartels will seek to totally disrupt the last major money maker of the Mexican central authorities. Oil pipelines will be exploded, workers shot. Some time around the summer, Cartel gunmen on speed boats will start to raid Gulf of Mexico platforms, first only Mexican but steadily expanding to the US. Cruise ships, pleasure yachts and fishing ships will also come under fire and raiding.
The US will be forced to pull in its military resources from the Persian Gulf and other areas to deal with this disaster to its commerce. Inadvertently, I believe, this will off rail the Sunni Obama's war plans on Shie Iran. However, the Gulf will still be set ablaze, read more further down.
Crime and attacks will quickly spill across the open borders into America, bringing additional tensions to the USA.
South America
South American regimes will continue to go leftist and will some what consolidate. Venezuela will further bankrupt and its oil output will continue to diminish quickly, as one oil services company after another abandons the country for lack of pay. Chavez is already in arrears over $5 billion with no hope of paying it off, as oil prices will not increase. To take his people's minds off of the state of affairs, he will ratchet up the war talk with fellow Russian weapons client Columbia. This will evolve into a full fledged war. The war will start with a bang as both sides throw everything into it but will grind to a half and drag out as small infantry skirmishes and battles all up and down the jungle.
The collapse will continue to accelerate and the Right wing English BNP,Defense League, UK Independence Party will gain huge moves in popularity. They will be poised to sweep election, even the snap elections that the Labour (Bolshevik)- Tori (Menshevik) two branch system will pull out of the bag at the last minute. Various feel good events and crisis will be held to push the vote to the established police state rulers. Islamics will be harnessed to attempt to intimidate the nationalists and battles will break out in the streets. Elections will go to the establishment, regardless and will be viewed by the majority of the public as stolen.
Street battles between the growing force of nationalists and the Islamic-leftist union will continue to escalate and actual casualties will start to mount. The police will be caught in the middle and will suffer accordingly. Several Islamic terrorist events of mass carnage will finally tip the country, towards the end of the year, into an ethnic cleansing as authority breaks down. There will be mass expulsions and pogroms and out and out engagements between the nationalists and government/leftist/Islamics. Many of the nationalists will choose a royal to rally around, perhaps Prince Harry.
There will be further fighting between the nationalists and various Scottish/Welsh independence groups who will take this chance to make their break.
All in all, England will not have a jolly year.
Spain will have elections and a center right government will win. This will be complimented by at least one mass casualty terror by home grown Islamics. Localized pogroms will ensue.
The government will continue to lean further left, as seems to be the nature of France, on economics while leaning further right on Islamics and immigration. A referendum similar to Switzerland's will be held and the majority of the people will voice their views against Islam. Riots will break out, especially as the recovery will be shallow and will dip back to recession.
France's business and tourism will also suffer from renewed unrest. The government will eventually be forced to declare martial law in affected areas.
Berlusconi's popularity will continue to rise and Italy, especially with the Northern League will take a much more right wing approach to both business, cutting taxes and services and boosting the economy, and immigration, driving out illegals. Violence against gypsies will escalate mark-ably. Italy will continue improving relations with Lybia and will form joint patrols to keep subSahara Africans out of Italy and will aid Lybia to do the same for their southern borders.
Germany will continue developing relationships with Russia at an accelerated speed. They will actively block American drives to get Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey into the EU and will work to curtail America's growing and desperate demands for troops for NATO's boondoggles. German anger at America after the Opel fiasco will continue to grow as the Obama regime makes one blunder after another. Germany will take a very active role in pushing America out of Europe and European affairs and the bad blood will become very thick.
Trade between Russia and Germany will grow faster than at any time in the past 20 years and will go a long way to keeping both economies running while others collapse. German banks will suffer from their exposure to Poland and Hungary.
Turkish violence will continue to rise and the Germans will work actively to clap it down. Vigilantly anti-Islamic violence will also rise. A rise in Catholicism will be the back lash to the Islamic renewals.
Poland's economy will finally get its comeuppance. They have spent very liberally to contain the recession/depression but 2010 will be the year the easy cash finally runs out. Poland's belligerence towards Russia and its puppet status for the US will hurt it severely in economics as Germany and Russia's trade grows, leaving Poland out.
Failed US support and failed bid to lead an eastern portion of the EU will undermine the Polish government. While Poland will remain relatively stable, its economy and prospects will continue to sink.
If the absolute collapse could get any worse, it will in the Baltics. Mass unemployment will worsen until only the minority has jobs. At this point there will be mass unrest and the EU/UN will begin to bring food in to feed the masses.
Lithuania will move markably towards Russia and will attempt to develop some amounts of trade and business. Russia will assist it with loans for Lithuania's new loyalty. Poland and the US/UK will work to counter this and over throw the Lithuanian government through continued instability.
Estonia and Latvia will be swept by Nazi regimes, who will blame everything on the Russian minority. Street battles will erupt, plunging both nations into chaos. EU/Russian peace keepers will be deployed to keep the two sides separate and a UN commission will be launched.
Greece will be the first European nation to default on its sovereign debt. Total economic collapse will follow and rioting will escalate past last year's. By mid summer, the government will be paralyzed and the military, backed by the Orthodox Church will seize power. Islamics will stage demonstrations that will turn bloody and there will be at least a few minor terrorist acts. A full cleansing of the Islamics and Albanians will proceed throughout Greece. Greek relations with Turkey will be on the edge of war.
Romania and Bulgaria
Both will be rocked by continued social unrest sparked by a continuing worsening of the economies and mass corruption of the governments. The Orthodox Church in both countries will gain significant influence.
Tensions in Bosnia will boil over into a low level insurgency between Srpska Republic and the Muslim dominated authorities. The Croats will make protesting and rioting into a common event.
As Serbia's economic woes continue to mount, the Radicals will win the elections, drawing Serbia fully into the Russian camp. Various US/UK media reports will go to extremes to demonize the Serbs. Radovan Karadzic will be found guilty of war crimes and than quickly die from a heart attack in the Hag. Brussels will make more demands for more victims from the Serbs for its kangaroo trials. This will cause a major political stand off between the Radicals and the EU police state, drawing in Russia's weight on the side of the Serbs.
The domino effect will be fast and furious.
Once NATO steps aside and does nothing to loose yet more troops to the Serb army, the signal will be clear. The KLA will flee into Greece, Makedonia and Albania. In Albania, they will destabilize the already weak government and the state, by the end of the year will be in the process of collapsing. Makedonia will find itself once more mired in a civil war. This time, though, a weak US will not be able to stop Makedonia's neighbors from arming the Orthodox Christian state against the Islamic-Narco insurgency.
Turkey's Islamic parties will make a bid for total power and will purge the secularists from the military. The Turkish economy will continue to suffer and will loose the Russian tourism business as Islamic law begins to take full hold. Turkey's insurgency with the Kurds will also escalate and the Turks will make more drives into Iraq's Kurdistan, coordinating with the Iranians. Turkey's northern Cyprus will feel new unrest as southern Cyprus, backed by a renewed right wing Greece begins to agitate for Greek right of return.
Ukraine will be the main story of 2010, as far as absolutely failed states go. The upcoming January elections will not bring stability or peace but will instead exasperate the political infighting further, coupled with economic depression, Kiev will loose total control of the nation. Riots and demonstrations will break out in Kiev, as diehards of all sides seek to gain control of the government. The Rada (Parliament) will be riddled with the infighting and will be absolutely effective in doing nothing.
Crimea will declare out and out independence and will ask Russia for incorporation in to the Russian Federation. Die hard western Ukrainian Nazis will pour in to Crimea, backed by elements of the security forces to "establish" order. This will cause a full scale battle and will bring Russian marines directly into combat with Una-Unso and their Western backers. The US/UK intelligence will activate their Crimean Tartar elements and being a terror jihad on the peninsula. Unfortunately for the less than bright leadership of the Tartars, being on a peninsula, with no Islamic state to run and hide in and being outnumbered 4 to 1 by Russian/Ukrainian people will prove the Jihad a short and bloody affair and result in whole sale expulsion and pogroms of the Tartars. Some terror activity, with Western backing will continue, from the rugged canyons and mountains.
Eastern Ukraine will ask for Russian recognition as an independent state and will be granted it. Moves will begin to form a "union of equal states" of Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, S.Ossessia and East Bank Ukraine. West Bank Ukraine will also fall into bickering and fighting between die hard ultra nationalists and EU puppets as well as Polish backers. Poland will move actively to intervene and dominate the local politics, which, considering Poland's long history of murder and oppression in the region, will spectacularly back fire.
That Saakashvili is still in power, shows how much I underestimated the lack of will and organization of the various opposition. This will continue, as the opposition beats itself in the chest as proud opponents of the regime but proves to be castrated mice, unwilling and unable to do much more than squeak loudly and run away.
However, as the situation worsens in Ukraine, the Obama regime will start to egg the insane Saakashvili to do "something". This something will take the form of aid and munitions to the Islamic jihadists, but at a much larger scale than before, as Washington desperately attempts to ignite the Caucus wars of the the 1990s and draw off Russian resources. This direct aid will be exposed by internal elements opposed to the Saakashvili regime and will spark a diplomatic and military stand off. When Saakashvili, still believing in his Western masters, fails to back down, President Medvedev will be forced to launch an airborne assault into the Pankisi Gorge and this in turn will spark the second Russian-Georgian war. Tbilisi will fall about 1.5 weeks later.
Netanyahu's regime and that of Obama will continue to have a falling out as the US will simply move to conclude a "peace" upon Israel, backed by the UK and EU, though the Germans will be secretly playing a double game. Israel will of course refuse and DC will do everything to undermine the state and government, while giving aid to the PLA. Rocket attacks and terrorism will pickup markably. Israel will continue to make noises about Iran but will not move nor will get directly involved in the Persian Gulf inferno that will sweep the region.
Persian Gulf
The entirety of the region will all into an all out civil war and disruption, a catastrophe for the region, but because of which oil will grow quickly in price, while world jihad, with Saudi money busy at home, will fall off. The final break downs have already begun with Dubai's default on its debts, which will spread and the open war in Yemen between Shia and Yemenis/Saudi Sunnis with Washington's direct military backing and engagement.
The war will spread, first with demonstrations and than fighting by Shia in Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE. UAE's slave labour of Pakistanis, Indians, Filipinos and Afghans will also rise up and demolish the government and Sunni Arab control in the region. Iran will aid all of these directly with intelligence, military and money.
Saudi Arabia will redirect its Jihadist elements at Iran, causing various wide spread mass casualty terror attacks and will attempt to destroy Iran's ports. Between the two, the Straights of Hormuz will be closed and neutral shipping will be endangered. US elements will be engaged with Iran on and off without any full declaration of war, as a break down at home and in the Gulf of Mexico taxes available assets.
Iraq will again explode into full scale civil war as Iran activates its assets and launches a fight to pin down US elements.
US/NATO forces will be unable to control the nation even with extra military assets. The fighting will escalate and so will casualties. The drive to reduce casualties by pulling in the out flung bases will result in the Taliban holding all of the countryside by night, in the central and southern provinces. Russian support will never materialize, as Russian public opinion is strongly against aiding the Americans or NATO. NATO's strain will be such that one nation after another will declare an end to the commitments and begin withdrawals.
Pakistan will continue trending towards full break down. The government will continue to run out of money and will make louder demands on the IMF and the Americans for more cash, staking not only crackdowns on insurgents but threats to aid them directly if not given money. Washington's efforts to turn the government into fully puppets will only cost the central authorities even more control, and insurgents wills stage staggering attacks throughout Pakistan.
N.Korea will finally collapse. The government will be given asylum in China, effectively house arrest. South Korea will reunify the nation. This will cause a strain on resources but an over all boost to the economy. Anti-Americanism will rise sharply as Korea begins talks with the Americans on closing all American bases.
India will continue to struggle with its economy. The fact that transports are now moving at 14 knots instead of 24 will create a greater feeling of isolation for many businesses producing physical goods in India, increasing delivery times by 30%. India will also face large scale Maoist rebellions in the undeveloped and poverty strapped country side. The government will be forced to push development into these provinces or face continued and growing security issues. As such, India will move towards developing more internal demand and relying less on exporting to bring in wealth. India will pace much less pressure from Pakistan this year, however, as Pakistan's internal collapse will result in less organized efforts in Kashmir and all along the Indian border. India will also renew its efforts in northern Afghanistan, covertly, along with Russia and Iran, arming and preparing the former Northern Alliance for when the US/NATO retreats.
This is the year that China will face the canary in the mine and ignore it's hanging corpse.
China, who has taken bubble blowing to unprecedented levels. It has masked over capacity by doing something incredibly stupid, increasing that capacity further and further, and using the extra capacity in the creation of yet more capacity. Sure, this puts off judgment day by a few years, but it is coming and 2010 will be that day. World demand has not only not returned to the levels of 2007, and Chinese production capacity is well above what it was in 2007, but what demand has remained, is now being guarded by every economy to make sure its means of satisfying that demand, and thus providing jobs, stays at home. China, reacting like a blind sided, and spoiled brat who is used to everyone pandering to it, has swung out at the world and wound up in trade wars with the EU, US and Russia. Of course, this only further cuts demand for that ever expanding capacity. Judgment day is indeed here, as the majority of China's citizens, who make up the shoeless peasants and the near slave labourers in the plants, will never be able to afford what they produce.
China will react to any growing disruptions the same way they have always, with bullets. For that reason, the Chinese central authorities will continue to hold power but there will be flare ups and open rebellion in one province after another. Beijing's tactics will become as brutal as necessary to hold power.
Beijing will also use the opportunity of N.Korea's collapse and the reunification of the Koreas to push American influence out of the region, working with the Korean government and the new socialists in Japan to rid the area of the Americans, in exchange to wide open market access in China.
Japan will continue to struggle, neither in recovery or recession but in the wavy gray zone in between. Internationally, Japan will move much closer to China and will utilize this trade to grow its economy and keep its citizenry calm. Japan will also move to push the US out of its territories, with rising Japanese nationalism being the major factor.
Japan will work with China and Korea to recreate its Co-Prosperity League, though this time with a lot less Japanese domination involved. If successful, this will be the first stop to pull the rest east Asia in and to dominate it.
As I said last year, 2009 was a gloomy year, though not quite a bad as I predicted. Of course, this does not mean I was wrong, only that with Herculean efforts, the worst was put off to a bit later, though not stopped only stalled.
Upcoming in this year will be the second fall in the Global Depression. This will start with nations failing in their sovereign debt and will quickly spiral out of control for vast areas, followed by more break down in civil order and war. Oil prices will not rise to much further in real value, though they will to some degree in dollars as inflation kicks in and pushes things up, even as a lack of demand drives prices down. However, by the end of the year, oil will see a large increase due to supply constraints caused by geopolitical issues: first in Mexico, than in Venezuela and finally in the Persian Gulf.
As I said, Russia came through the economic collapse relatively without major pain and exited recession in 3qtr. Russia will face further crisis in 2010, spurred by outside forces, however stability will reign again. The economy will briefly reenter recession and the government will be forced spend much of its remaining reserves to uphold the nation. Revenues will also go down, as world economic demand sinks.
However, being largely self sustaining, Russia will continue through and will continue to lower taxes and regulation on small businesses. Immigration from the EU and the US as well as companies flocking to open new facilities to escape the government strangulation of business in America and Europe and the vast areas of unrest, will pickup.
The collapse of Ukraine and the upcoming war with Georgia will present new opportunities, as well as improving ties with China and Japan. Ukraine will split and much of it will be on its way to absorption into Russia, as is Abkhazia and S.Ossessia. Georgia will be a protectorate.
War and civil war in Mexico, Venezuela and the Persian Gulf will push oil prices up even as demand continues to fall and Russia will be the only safe source on a large scale.
In a word, slow strangulation. First will come the socialized medicine, followed by the cap and trade and finally the forced increase in interest rates, as no one will want to buy the debt of the world's biggest beggar who is busy murdering its own economy.
Many companies will flee the US, shifting their registrations and headquarters from America to other nations with lower levels of insane regulation and taxation. Further, the crunch will force one state after another to bankrupt. The American federal government will find itself in a situation of either letting the suffering spread, before their parliamentary elections or printing money and spending with abandon to avoid the pain around election time and off set it a bit further. Thus will start the final phase of run away inflation.
The American Marxists will face a third "radical" party of conservatives, who will threaten their One Party Two Branch monopoly and will in the end require strong security and military reactions.
Disaster in Afghanistan and renewed major unrest in Iraq will only spur the feeling of instability as additionally, Mexico's civil war will continue to spill over into America.
Strong independence movements will become mainstream in Texas, southern California, Alaska and much of the old Confederacy. Pro independence terrorism will start to appear, along side a vast upsurge of SJS (Sudden Jihad Syndrome) amongst the Islamic members of America. All in all беспорядок.
While Mexico avoided a total collapse in 2009, it situation continued to deteriorate, non the less. In 2010, the Cartels will no longer aim to fight the government's assault upon their business interests but will take direct steps to over throw the central government. Already stealing billions in oil revenues directly from the oil pipelines, the cartels will seek to totally disrupt the last major money maker of the Mexican central authorities. Oil pipelines will be exploded, workers shot. Some time around the summer, Cartel gunmen on speed boats will start to raid Gulf of Mexico platforms, first only Mexican but steadily expanding to the US. Cruise ships, pleasure yachts and fishing ships will also come under fire and raiding.
The US will be forced to pull in its military resources from the Persian Gulf and other areas to deal with this disaster to its commerce. Inadvertently, I believe, this will off rail the Sunni Obama's war plans on Shie Iran. However, the Gulf will still be set ablaze, read more further down.
Crime and attacks will quickly spill across the open borders into America, bringing additional tensions to the USA.
South America
South American regimes will continue to go leftist and will some what consolidate. Venezuela will further bankrupt and its oil output will continue to diminish quickly, as one oil services company after another abandons the country for lack of pay. Chavez is already in arrears over $5 billion with no hope of paying it off, as oil prices will not increase. To take his people's minds off of the state of affairs, he will ratchet up the war talk with fellow Russian weapons client Columbia. This will evolve into a full fledged war. The war will start with a bang as both sides throw everything into it but will grind to a half and drag out as small infantry skirmishes and battles all up and down the jungle.
The collapse will continue to accelerate and the Right wing English BNP,Defense League, UK Independence Party will gain huge moves in popularity. They will be poised to sweep election, even the snap elections that the Labour (Bolshevik)- Tori (Menshevik) two branch system will pull out of the bag at the last minute. Various feel good events and crisis will be held to push the vote to the established police state rulers. Islamics will be harnessed to attempt to intimidate the nationalists and battles will break out in the streets. Elections will go to the establishment, regardless and will be viewed by the majority of the public as stolen.
Street battles between the growing force of nationalists and the Islamic-leftist union will continue to escalate and actual casualties will start to mount. The police will be caught in the middle and will suffer accordingly. Several Islamic terrorist events of mass carnage will finally tip the country, towards the end of the year, into an ethnic cleansing as authority breaks down. There will be mass expulsions and pogroms and out and out engagements between the nationalists and government/leftist/Islamics. Many of the nationalists will choose a royal to rally around, perhaps Prince Harry.
There will be further fighting between the nationalists and various Scottish/Welsh independence groups who will take this chance to make their break.
All in all, England will not have a jolly year.
Spain will have elections and a center right government will win. This will be complimented by at least one mass casualty terror by home grown Islamics. Localized pogroms will ensue.
The government will continue to lean further left, as seems to be the nature of France, on economics while leaning further right on Islamics and immigration. A referendum similar to Switzerland's will be held and the majority of the people will voice their views against Islam. Riots will break out, especially as the recovery will be shallow and will dip back to recession.
France's business and tourism will also suffer from renewed unrest. The government will eventually be forced to declare martial law in affected areas.
Berlusconi's popularity will continue to rise and Italy, especially with the Northern League will take a much more right wing approach to both business, cutting taxes and services and boosting the economy, and immigration, driving out illegals. Violence against gypsies will escalate mark-ably. Italy will continue improving relations with Lybia and will form joint patrols to keep subSahara Africans out of Italy and will aid Lybia to do the same for their southern borders.
Germany will continue developing relationships with Russia at an accelerated speed. They will actively block American drives to get Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey into the EU and will work to curtail America's growing and desperate demands for troops for NATO's boondoggles. German anger at America after the Opel fiasco will continue to grow as the Obama regime makes one blunder after another. Germany will take a very active role in pushing America out of Europe and European affairs and the bad blood will become very thick.
Trade between Russia and Germany will grow faster than at any time in the past 20 years and will go a long way to keeping both economies running while others collapse. German banks will suffer from their exposure to Poland and Hungary.
Turkish violence will continue to rise and the Germans will work actively to clap it down. Vigilantly anti-Islamic violence will also rise. A rise in Catholicism will be the back lash to the Islamic renewals.
Poland's economy will finally get its comeuppance. They have spent very liberally to contain the recession/depression but 2010 will be the year the easy cash finally runs out. Poland's belligerence towards Russia and its puppet status for the US will hurt it severely in economics as Germany and Russia's trade grows, leaving Poland out.
Failed US support and failed bid to lead an eastern portion of the EU will undermine the Polish government. While Poland will remain relatively stable, its economy and prospects will continue to sink.
If the absolute collapse could get any worse, it will in the Baltics. Mass unemployment will worsen until only the minority has jobs. At this point there will be mass unrest and the EU/UN will begin to bring food in to feed the masses.
Lithuania will move markably towards Russia and will attempt to develop some amounts of trade and business. Russia will assist it with loans for Lithuania's new loyalty. Poland and the US/UK will work to counter this and over throw the Lithuanian government through continued instability.
Estonia and Latvia will be swept by Nazi regimes, who will blame everything on the Russian minority. Street battles will erupt, plunging both nations into chaos. EU/Russian peace keepers will be deployed to keep the two sides separate and a UN commission will be launched.
Greece will be the first European nation to default on its sovereign debt. Total economic collapse will follow and rioting will escalate past last year's. By mid summer, the government will be paralyzed and the military, backed by the Orthodox Church will seize power. Islamics will stage demonstrations that will turn bloody and there will be at least a few minor terrorist acts. A full cleansing of the Islamics and Albanians will proceed throughout Greece. Greek relations with Turkey will be on the edge of war.
Romania and Bulgaria
Both will be rocked by continued social unrest sparked by a continuing worsening of the economies and mass corruption of the governments. The Orthodox Church in both countries will gain significant influence.
Tensions in Bosnia will boil over into a low level insurgency between Srpska Republic and the Muslim dominated authorities. The Croats will make protesting and rioting into a common event.
As Serbia's economic woes continue to mount, the Radicals will win the elections, drawing Serbia fully into the Russian camp. Various US/UK media reports will go to extremes to demonize the Serbs. Radovan Karadzic will be found guilty of war crimes and than quickly die from a heart attack in the Hag. Brussels will make more demands for more victims from the Serbs for its kangaroo trials. This will cause a major political stand off between the Radicals and the EU police state, drawing in Russia's weight on the side of the Serbs.
The domino effect will be fast and furious.
Once NATO steps aside and does nothing to loose yet more troops to the Serb army, the signal will be clear. The KLA will flee into Greece, Makedonia and Albania. In Albania, they will destabilize the already weak government and the state, by the end of the year will be in the process of collapsing. Makedonia will find itself once more mired in a civil war. This time, though, a weak US will not be able to stop Makedonia's neighbors from arming the Orthodox Christian state against the Islamic-Narco insurgency.
Turkey's Islamic parties will make a bid for total power and will purge the secularists from the military. The Turkish economy will continue to suffer and will loose the Russian tourism business as Islamic law begins to take full hold. Turkey's insurgency with the Kurds will also escalate and the Turks will make more drives into Iraq's Kurdistan, coordinating with the Iranians. Turkey's northern Cyprus will feel new unrest as southern Cyprus, backed by a renewed right wing Greece begins to agitate for Greek right of return.
Ukraine will be the main story of 2010, as far as absolutely failed states go. The upcoming January elections will not bring stability or peace but will instead exasperate the political infighting further, coupled with economic depression, Kiev will loose total control of the nation. Riots and demonstrations will break out in Kiev, as diehards of all sides seek to gain control of the government. The Rada (Parliament) will be riddled with the infighting and will be absolutely effective in doing nothing.
Crimea will declare out and out independence and will ask Russia for incorporation in to the Russian Federation. Die hard western Ukrainian Nazis will pour in to Crimea, backed by elements of the security forces to "establish" order. This will cause a full scale battle and will bring Russian marines directly into combat with Una-Unso and their Western backers. The US/UK intelligence will activate their Crimean Tartar elements and being a terror jihad on the peninsula. Unfortunately for the less than bright leadership of the Tartars, being on a peninsula, with no Islamic state to run and hide in and being outnumbered 4 to 1 by Russian/Ukrainian people will prove the Jihad a short and bloody affair and result in whole sale expulsion and pogroms of the Tartars. Some terror activity, with Western backing will continue, from the rugged canyons and mountains.
Eastern Ukraine will ask for Russian recognition as an independent state and will be granted it. Moves will begin to form a "union of equal states" of Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, S.Ossessia and East Bank Ukraine. West Bank Ukraine will also fall into bickering and fighting between die hard ultra nationalists and EU puppets as well as Polish backers. Poland will move actively to intervene and dominate the local politics, which, considering Poland's long history of murder and oppression in the region, will spectacularly back fire.
That Saakashvili is still in power, shows how much I underestimated the lack of will and organization of the various opposition. This will continue, as the opposition beats itself in the chest as proud opponents of the regime but proves to be castrated mice, unwilling and unable to do much more than squeak loudly and run away.
However, as the situation worsens in Ukraine, the Obama regime will start to egg the insane Saakashvili to do "something". This something will take the form of aid and munitions to the Islamic jihadists, but at a much larger scale than before, as Washington desperately attempts to ignite the Caucus wars of the the 1990s and draw off Russian resources. This direct aid will be exposed by internal elements opposed to the Saakashvili regime and will spark a diplomatic and military stand off. When Saakashvili, still believing in his Western masters, fails to back down, President Medvedev will be forced to launch an airborne assault into the Pankisi Gorge and this in turn will spark the second Russian-Georgian war. Tbilisi will fall about 1.5 weeks later.
Netanyahu's regime and that of Obama will continue to have a falling out as the US will simply move to conclude a "peace" upon Israel, backed by the UK and EU, though the Germans will be secretly playing a double game. Israel will of course refuse and DC will do everything to undermine the state and government, while giving aid to the PLA. Rocket attacks and terrorism will pickup markably. Israel will continue to make noises about Iran but will not move nor will get directly involved in the Persian Gulf inferno that will sweep the region.
Persian Gulf
The entirety of the region will all into an all out civil war and disruption, a catastrophe for the region, but because of which oil will grow quickly in price, while world jihad, with Saudi money busy at home, will fall off. The final break downs have already begun with Dubai's default on its debts, which will spread and the open war in Yemen between Shia and Yemenis/Saudi Sunnis with Washington's direct military backing and engagement.
The war will spread, first with demonstrations and than fighting by Shia in Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE. UAE's slave labour of Pakistanis, Indians, Filipinos and Afghans will also rise up and demolish the government and Sunni Arab control in the region. Iran will aid all of these directly with intelligence, military and money.
Saudi Arabia will redirect its Jihadist elements at Iran, causing various wide spread mass casualty terror attacks and will attempt to destroy Iran's ports. Between the two, the Straights of Hormuz will be closed and neutral shipping will be endangered. US elements will be engaged with Iran on and off without any full declaration of war, as a break down at home and in the Gulf of Mexico taxes available assets.
Iraq will again explode into full scale civil war as Iran activates its assets and launches a fight to pin down US elements.
US/NATO forces will be unable to control the nation even with extra military assets. The fighting will escalate and so will casualties. The drive to reduce casualties by pulling in the out flung bases will result in the Taliban holding all of the countryside by night, in the central and southern provinces. Russian support will never materialize, as Russian public opinion is strongly against aiding the Americans or NATO. NATO's strain will be such that one nation after another will declare an end to the commitments and begin withdrawals.
Pakistan will continue trending towards full break down. The government will continue to run out of money and will make louder demands on the IMF and the Americans for more cash, staking not only crackdowns on insurgents but threats to aid them directly if not given money. Washington's efforts to turn the government into fully puppets will only cost the central authorities even more control, and insurgents wills stage staggering attacks throughout Pakistan.
N.Korea will finally collapse. The government will be given asylum in China, effectively house arrest. South Korea will reunify the nation. This will cause a strain on resources but an over all boost to the economy. Anti-Americanism will rise sharply as Korea begins talks with the Americans on closing all American bases.
India will continue to struggle with its economy. The fact that transports are now moving at 14 knots instead of 24 will create a greater feeling of isolation for many businesses producing physical goods in India, increasing delivery times by 30%. India will also face large scale Maoist rebellions in the undeveloped and poverty strapped country side. The government will be forced to push development into these provinces or face continued and growing security issues. As such, India will move towards developing more internal demand and relying less on exporting to bring in wealth. India will pace much less pressure from Pakistan this year, however, as Pakistan's internal collapse will result in less organized efforts in Kashmir and all along the Indian border. India will also renew its efforts in northern Afghanistan, covertly, along with Russia and Iran, arming and preparing the former Northern Alliance for when the US/NATO retreats.
This is the year that China will face the canary in the mine and ignore it's hanging corpse.
China, who has taken bubble blowing to unprecedented levels. It has masked over capacity by doing something incredibly stupid, increasing that capacity further and further, and using the extra capacity in the creation of yet more capacity. Sure, this puts off judgment day by a few years, but it is coming and 2010 will be that day. World demand has not only not returned to the levels of 2007, and Chinese production capacity is well above what it was in 2007, but what demand has remained, is now being guarded by every economy to make sure its means of satisfying that demand, and thus providing jobs, stays at home. China, reacting like a blind sided, and spoiled brat who is used to everyone pandering to it, has swung out at the world and wound up in trade wars with the EU, US and Russia. Of course, this only further cuts demand for that ever expanding capacity. Judgment day is indeed here, as the majority of China's citizens, who make up the shoeless peasants and the near slave labourers in the plants, will never be able to afford what they produce.
China will react to any growing disruptions the same way they have always, with bullets. For that reason, the Chinese central authorities will continue to hold power but there will be flare ups and open rebellion in one province after another. Beijing's tactics will become as brutal as necessary to hold power.
Beijing will also use the opportunity of N.Korea's collapse and the reunification of the Koreas to push American influence out of the region, working with the Korean government and the new socialists in Japan to rid the area of the Americans, in exchange to wide open market access in China.
Japan will continue to struggle, neither in recovery or recession but in the wavy gray zone in between. Internationally, Japan will move much closer to China and will utilize this trade to grow its economy and keep its citizenry calm. Japan will also move to push the US out of its territories, with rising Japanese nationalism being the major factor.
Japan will work with China and Korea to recreate its Co-Prosperity League, though this time with a lot less Japanese domination involved. If successful, this will be the first stop to pull the rest east Asia in and to dominate it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Why a Strong US Dollar Foreshadows Economic Doom in 2010
Normally, in what passes for orthodox economics, a strong currency for a consumer nation is a good thing, a positive development. And America is the biggest consumer, and one of the smallest producers, in human history.
However, in these turbulent times, this economic train wreck that has been on an acceleration course since mid 2007, a strong currency or rather, specifically, a strong dollar is an absolute disaster. Allow me to explain.
Nothing has actually changed in the US economy since the absolute collapse and nationalization of the US banking firms, and along with it the British banking houses, of 2008. Indeed, in America, the exact same games that brought down the private banks are still being played by the now government owned (or is it that they own the government...that is for another thesis) entities and this is called now called recovery. Case in point: several major banks are paying back their TARP funds and the US press is screaming to the high heavens about the wisdom of the Marxists running America. True, many of the fools that are still the majority, though shrinking, of the electarite, buy into this, but let us look closer. The TARP fund is being paid back in one of two ways: 1. unspent TARP monies are being given back to the government (note I do not say owners, since the taxserfs will never ever see this cash again) and this is called recovery or 2. the banks are selling new stock through new IPOs to pay back the debt, which in turn delutes the value of the old stock which is held by the government, thus giving with one hand and mugging with the other, again, this is called recovery. None of the other US economic indicators have improved, especially when DC's fluff and out right lies are removed.
Now having established the continued progression of the US financial collapse, why than has the USD grown in strength so much in the past 2 weeks and continues to do so? For that we must look a the world wide picture and to the foundation of the next tidalwave that is about to sink us all.
The great Anglo Heist, the out right con job and mugging of the entire world by the Anglo Saxons (US/UK) has kicked out the supports of a lot of other nations, many of whom were dancing on supports of smaller EU and Gulf Arab con jobs. These have spent all of 2009 trying to balance themselves on a single stilt that itself is rotten through and through and again, the Western press has called this recovery or at least survival.
That all is about to change and the first dropping shoe, in what is about to be a shoe storm, was Dubhai. Simply, it defaulted on most of its debt and told its debt owners that it was their fault, which it was also, for giving it money and not its fault, is the heroine junky ever at fault for his addiction -- well yes, for spending it on failed indoor winter wonder lands, artificial islands and hundreds of near empty sky scrappers.
Following this came the news of Greece's down grading and eminent demise. Greece is part of the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain) all of whom are on the edge. But in Europe, they are not alone, they are in a club that also includes Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland and possibly Denmark, Poland is also well on its way with massive government deficits for a "recovery". Healthy or recovering EU economies are faced with massive losses and bailing out nations who, like drowning men, will pull the healthier economies into the Abyss with them.
Behind these stand other nations, such as Georgia, Turkey, Venezuala, Mexico, Columbia, Nicaragua, Argentina, as well as much of Africa.
Than there is China, who has taken bubble blowing to unprecidented levels. It has masked over capacity by doing something incredibly stupid, increasing that capacity further and further, and using the extra capacity in the creation of yet more capacity. Sure, this puts off judgement day by a few years, but it is coming and 2010 will be that day. World demand has not only not returned to the levels of 2007, and Chinese production capacity is well above what it was in 2007, but what demand has remained, is now being guarded by every economy to make sure its means of satisfying that demand, and thus providing jobs, stays at home. China, reacting like a blind sided, and spoiled brat who is used to everyone pandering to it, has swung out at the world and wound up in trade wars with the EU, US and Russia. Of course, this only further cuts demand for that ever expanding capacity. Judgement day is indeed here, as the majority of China's citizens, who make up the shoeless peasants and the near slave labourers in the plants, will never be able to afford what they produce.
So, with all this happening, nations are running to buy the USD in a false hope of its stability. This in turn strengthens the USD, killing further any recovering local industries, while giving government the means to further indebt the whole of the nation. With moves like their new socialist health care and Cap and Trade, the Americans will smother their own industry, creating millions more unemployed and raising anger to a boil, all ahead of the November 2010 parlimentary elections. The temptation to spend with abandon, to ease the anger, at least until the elections are over, will be impossible to resist.
The hangover that will be felt, first by the Americans, than by anyone who owns their debt, pretty much everyone, on January 2011, will make every other year of the past 1,000 seem like a warm spring day.
However, in these turbulent times, this economic train wreck that has been on an acceleration course since mid 2007, a strong currency or rather, specifically, a strong dollar is an absolute disaster. Allow me to explain.
Nothing has actually changed in the US economy since the absolute collapse and nationalization of the US banking firms, and along with it the British banking houses, of 2008. Indeed, in America, the exact same games that brought down the private banks are still being played by the now government owned (or is it that they own the government...that is for another thesis) entities and this is called now called recovery. Case in point: several major banks are paying back their TARP funds and the US press is screaming to the high heavens about the wisdom of the Marxists running America. True, many of the fools that are still the majority, though shrinking, of the electarite, buy into this, but let us look closer. The TARP fund is being paid back in one of two ways: 1. unspent TARP monies are being given back to the government (note I do not say owners, since the taxserfs will never ever see this cash again) and this is called recovery or 2. the banks are selling new stock through new IPOs to pay back the debt, which in turn delutes the value of the old stock which is held by the government, thus giving with one hand and mugging with the other, again, this is called recovery. None of the other US economic indicators have improved, especially when DC's fluff and out right lies are removed.
Now having established the continued progression of the US financial collapse, why than has the USD grown in strength so much in the past 2 weeks and continues to do so? For that we must look a the world wide picture and to the foundation of the next tidalwave that is about to sink us all.
The great Anglo Heist, the out right con job and mugging of the entire world by the Anglo Saxons (US/UK) has kicked out the supports of a lot of other nations, many of whom were dancing on supports of smaller EU and Gulf Arab con jobs. These have spent all of 2009 trying to balance themselves on a single stilt that itself is rotten through and through and again, the Western press has called this recovery or at least survival.
That all is about to change and the first dropping shoe, in what is about to be a shoe storm, was Dubhai. Simply, it defaulted on most of its debt and told its debt owners that it was their fault, which it was also, for giving it money and not its fault, is the heroine junky ever at fault for his addiction -- well yes, for spending it on failed indoor winter wonder lands, artificial islands and hundreds of near empty sky scrappers.
Following this came the news of Greece's down grading and eminent demise. Greece is part of the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain) all of whom are on the edge. But in Europe, they are not alone, they are in a club that also includes Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland and possibly Denmark, Poland is also well on its way with massive government deficits for a "recovery". Healthy or recovering EU economies are faced with massive losses and bailing out nations who, like drowning men, will pull the healthier economies into the Abyss with them.
Behind these stand other nations, such as Georgia, Turkey, Venezuala, Mexico, Columbia, Nicaragua, Argentina, as well as much of Africa.
Than there is China, who has taken bubble blowing to unprecidented levels. It has masked over capacity by doing something incredibly stupid, increasing that capacity further and further, and using the extra capacity in the creation of yet more capacity. Sure, this puts off judgement day by a few years, but it is coming and 2010 will be that day. World demand has not only not returned to the levels of 2007, and Chinese production capacity is well above what it was in 2007, but what demand has remained, is now being guarded by every economy to make sure its means of satisfying that demand, and thus providing jobs, stays at home. China, reacting like a blind sided, and spoiled brat who is used to everyone pandering to it, has swung out at the world and wound up in trade wars with the EU, US and Russia. Of course, this only further cuts demand for that ever expanding capacity. Judgement day is indeed here, as the majority of China's citizens, who make up the shoeless peasants and the near slave labourers in the plants, will never be able to afford what they produce.
So, with all this happening, nations are running to buy the USD in a false hope of its stability. This in turn strengthens the USD, killing further any recovering local industries, while giving government the means to further indebt the whole of the nation. With moves like their new socialist health care and Cap and Trade, the Americans will smother their own industry, creating millions more unemployed and raising anger to a boil, all ahead of the November 2010 parlimentary elections. The temptation to spend with abandon, to ease the anger, at least until the elections are over, will be impossible to resist.
The hangover that will be felt, first by the Americans, than by anyone who owns their debt, pretty much everyone, on January 2011, will make every other year of the past 1,000 seem like a warm spring day.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Georgia's Future Built on Death of Glory and Blood of Innocents


Today, in-spite of severe opposition, the US puppet, mass murderer and all around lunatic, Saakashvili moved his dream of dictatorship one step further, a foundation that is not only already set in the ruined rubble of Georgia's sacrifice against the Nazis but in the blood of an innocent mother and her eight year old daughter. Like everything this son of NYC and DC does, the Georgians pay in their blood for it.
Georgia's murderous tin pot dictator decided to "invest" in the western parts of Georgia, specifically the run down town of Kytaisi, by building a second parliamentary building there, and to move his one party rule there, well away from the main city, home of 25% of the population and center of anti-Saakashvili protests.
Worse, and there is always something worse when an Anglo Vassal is involved, he decided to have it built on top of a 100m tall grand monument to the 300,000 Georgians who lost their lives fighting Hitler's Nazi Germany. Why this spot? Why not? After all, throughout the West's puppets, be they the Baltics, Romania, Hungary or western Ukraine, the Nazis are in, hip and being white washed. After all, Hitler and his Leninist-Trotskyte brand of Marxism is what runs America and the EU. After all, the 18 December UN resolution, brought forth by Russia, to stop the glorification of Nazis had 127 backers, 54 abstains and only one "nah": the United States of America.
Of course, this plan, to blow up the monument on the 21st December, the birthday of Michael "eater of ties" Saakashvili and his idol Stalin, was going to meet a massive protest action as angry Georgians, who fought and survived or whose fathers, brothers, uncles and sons fought and died, streamed into Kytoisi to stage massive protests and block the demolition. Amongst the opposition where the Justice Georgia Party, the New Right, the People's Party, the Republican Party, and the Democratic Movement of the United Georgia party.
Not to be out done, this NYC Lawyer had his goons blow up the monument 2 days earlier. The blast not only caught the locals unaware, but was so badly planned and carried out, without any thought to the local population, that debris showered local homes and resulted in the death of a mother and her eight year old daughter, who were out for a stroll.
So once again, the Western puppet, the pathetic coward who ran and hid from the sound of his own fighter planes, in Gori, the pathetic liar and bully, has set another project on the dust of Georgian sacrafices of past and the fresh blood of his satanic souless rule of present. The Western media was quick, as a good tool of the various Ministries of Truth, to cover up this incident, ignoring the mass protests that have already occured in Georgia and only mentioning Russian anger. After all, by Western standards, pissing off Russia is the consoldiation prize when more malicious attempts upon our nation fail.
That the Georgians can not seem to get rid of this homicidal embarrassment shows that the modern Georgians, well those 4 million left in Georgia and not the 1 million educated and talented Georgians now living in Russia, simply do not have the strength of character or the wisdom or wit to free themselves of this parasitic worm and his infestation in the body politic of Georgia.
The Devil Came Dressed As a Hippie
Most people, in the Christian world, have an image of the Devil as some kind of demonic monstrous figure or alternatively as some slick, handsome lawyer/salesman type figure. I would like, dear readers, to raise an alternative view: the Devil came as a smelly, hairy, love child hippie.
Of all the assaults on Christianity, none have been so successful, so powerful and so subtle in its effects than the West's flower power disease.
When the Islamic hordes came jihadding, the Satanists reared their heads or the atheist Marxists marched in the streets, the Christian world tended to pull in, sharpen its swords and push back out. Not so with the hippie, whom most people tended to dismiss as harmless.
Harmless hardly, anti violent, not at all. Sure they may have shied away from charging police lines or military cordons, but when they out numbered their opponents, these love children had no problems letting a little of that love flow out their boot heels, as they kicked people's teeth in.
But worse, their nihilistic culture, their New Age "religiousness" and their hedonistic and egotistic self importance and self love have undermined and corrupted every Christian culture that ever tolerated them. In this, God spared us Russians, as even as we were under the heel of the Stalinists, we were even more so insulated from the insidious hippies.
The Flower Power gave way to Godless statism, paganism, abortion, a new drive in Eugenics, euthanasia based on the perceived "quality" of life, absolutely moraless greed (from the very same hypocrites who railed against material wealth) and now the evil of ultra national, globalist organizations and the global warming lie and power grabs.
They have destroyed the moral fiber of Christianity with revisionism and homosexuality until Churches like the Anglicans are not much more than hedonistic flop houses with gay priests and bishops teaching their corrupt "morality", while the reformed post Vatican II Catholics and the modern Lutherans wink and nod in the same direction.
In the sum of things, this love power has insidiously, like a syphilis infection, first diseased the body and than rotted the brains of one Christian nation after another, into a Satanic, Godless tyranny of the "enlightened".
Trully, the hippie was the most powerful tool of the Devil and destroyer of Christianity.
Of all the assaults on Christianity, none have been so successful, so powerful and so subtle in its effects than the West's flower power disease.
When the Islamic hordes came jihadding, the Satanists reared their heads or the atheist Marxists marched in the streets, the Christian world tended to pull in, sharpen its swords and push back out. Not so with the hippie, whom most people tended to dismiss as harmless.
Harmless hardly, anti violent, not at all. Sure they may have shied away from charging police lines or military cordons, but when they out numbered their opponents, these love children had no problems letting a little of that love flow out their boot heels, as they kicked people's teeth in.
But worse, their nihilistic culture, their New Age "religiousness" and their hedonistic and egotistic self importance and self love have undermined and corrupted every Christian culture that ever tolerated them. In this, God spared us Russians, as even as we were under the heel of the Stalinists, we were even more so insulated from the insidious hippies.
The Flower Power gave way to Godless statism, paganism, abortion, a new drive in Eugenics, euthanasia based on the perceived "quality" of life, absolutely moraless greed (from the very same hypocrites who railed against material wealth) and now the evil of ultra national, globalist organizations and the global warming lie and power grabs.
They have destroyed the moral fiber of Christianity with revisionism and homosexuality until Churches like the Anglicans are not much more than hedonistic flop houses with gay priests and bishops teaching their corrupt "morality", while the reformed post Vatican II Catholics and the modern Lutherans wink and nod in the same direction.
In the sum of things, this love power has insidiously, like a syphilis infection, first diseased the body and than rotted the brains of one Christian nation after another, into a Satanic, Godless tyranny of the "enlightened".
Trully, the hippie was the most powerful tool of the Devil and destroyer of Christianity.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Where is the Butt?
And on a different note, than I usually take, I would like, dear readers, to approach a question that has long bothered me, with no answer and I fear that in this prose, I will again not give an answer, as I have none, but I will pose the delima.
In my various travels to the West, particularly the Anglo West, I have noticed something very peculiar, about the Butt. No, not that many are as wide as a school child's table or that some have flesh, as seen at the beaches, that looks like rutted asphalt, all bumpy and wavy. No, it is something much more puzzling and maybe a key to explaining the dour character that is a trait of the Anglos, almost as much as horse teeth amongst the British: the question, dear reader is this: where is the Butt?
What do I mean by this? Simple, if one looks at the Anglos, one can not help but notice that about one in four white Americans and about every second or third Brit has no Butt. That is correct, absolutely nothing. The pants hand there, as if a butcher had come by and simply chopped it off. It is something to see an otherwise attractive woman missing her posterior. It just feels wrong, like a ripple in the universe, as if to say, no, this is not reality but a mutated alternate dimension.
After all, how could people not have Butts?
Sure, it must be a genetic trait and obviously from its prevalence, a rather strong one, though one restricted mostly to western Germans and on through to the British isles and the descendants of the British in other lands. You will not find it in most other places, not amongst other Europeans, nor Africans or Latins. Sure, some Chinese have no Butt, but those are usually flat all over and have a figure of a board anyways, so some how that is not as striking.
But that again brings us back to character and national personality. Now we all know that Anglos are dour, serious folk, ever so tame on emotion and in control, except when they drink like fishes and fight. So, could this be because of the Butt or rather there lack off?
Follow me on this: if one has no Butt, than what does one sit on? Sure one sits on the back end, what else? But with no Butt, there is no cushion of muscle and fat and thus one can only suppose that these misfortunates sit directly on their bones, their leg, hip and back bones. Surely, this can not in any sense be comfortable. Surely? So, maybe this lack of Butt is what has been such a determining factor in the Anglo behavior and dourness?
Just food for Butt...er...thought.
In my various travels to the West, particularly the Anglo West, I have noticed something very peculiar, about the Butt. No, not that many are as wide as a school child's table or that some have flesh, as seen at the beaches, that looks like rutted asphalt, all bumpy and wavy. No, it is something much more puzzling and maybe a key to explaining the dour character that is a trait of the Anglos, almost as much as horse teeth amongst the British: the question, dear reader is this: where is the Butt?
What do I mean by this? Simple, if one looks at the Anglos, one can not help but notice that about one in four white Americans and about every second or third Brit has no Butt. That is correct, absolutely nothing. The pants hand there, as if a butcher had come by and simply chopped it off. It is something to see an otherwise attractive woman missing her posterior. It just feels wrong, like a ripple in the universe, as if to say, no, this is not reality but a mutated alternate dimension.
After all, how could people not have Butts?
Sure, it must be a genetic trait and obviously from its prevalence, a rather strong one, though one restricted mostly to western Germans and on through to the British isles and the descendants of the British in other lands. You will not find it in most other places, not amongst other Europeans, nor Africans or Latins. Sure, some Chinese have no Butt, but those are usually flat all over and have a figure of a board anyways, so some how that is not as striking.
But that again brings us back to character and national personality. Now we all know that Anglos are dour, serious folk, ever so tame on emotion and in control, except when they drink like fishes and fight. So, could this be because of the Butt or rather there lack off?
Follow me on this: if one has no Butt, than what does one sit on? Sure one sits on the back end, what else? But with no Butt, there is no cushion of muscle and fat and thus one can only suppose that these misfortunates sit directly on their bones, their leg, hip and back bones. Surely, this can not in any sense be comfortable. Surely? So, maybe this lack of Butt is what has been such a determining factor in the Anglo behavior and dourness?
Just food for Butt...er...thought.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Олигархи и Космос
Господа, я хочу задать вам вопрос: “Когда вы были детьми, когда вы были маленькими, вы никогда не мечтали, о космосы и о кораблях, которые могли бы летать к Луне или к Марсу?” Кончено вы мечтали! Все мальчики мечтают. К тому же разве вы не были горды, своей страной, когда мы были первыми в космосе?
Конечно, с развалом России, все поменялось. После того, что наша вторая космическая станция закрылась, больше у нас ничего не осталось, чём можно было бы гордиться. Больше десяти лет прошло, и вдруг опять открылась возможность стать первыми в космосе. Это предоставляет возможность нашей родине взять будущее космоса в свой руки и не отпускать.
Американская Спйес Шатл, которая вот взлетела, на свою предпоследнею миссию, больше летать не будет. Американцы планируют стройку нового корабля, но это не реально до 2013ого года, а считая, что Америка обанкрочена и цена больше $30 миллиардов, наверняка реальная дата ближе к 2015му или 2017му годам. После этого, они планируют построит, базу на Луне, ближе к 2030 году и под цен $500 миллиардов.
Это наш шанс захватить эту гонку, этот конкурс в наши руки.
Русское космическое агентство работает на двух проектах, которые имеют потенциал дать нам это будущее, первый называется Клипер. Этот корабль в два раза больше Союза и будет перевозить шесть пассажиров и тонну материала в космос, на Зенит ракеты. Корабль, должен быть, закончен в 2010. Второй проект над космическим ядерным кораблем, для миссий к Луне и Марсу. Конструирование должно быть закончено в 2013ом году и сам корабль в 2020ом. Быстрее закончить, возможно, но этот проект страдает от той же самой проблемы как Клипер, не достаточно финансовых вложений.
Суммы большие, но не огромные. Клиперу нужно меньше $400 миллион, а ядерному кораблю только $1,5 миллиарда. У государства, котороё борется с кризисом и работает поставить Родину на ноги и на уровень первого мира, нету таких денег. Но есть у элиты.
В такие времена, это патриотическая задача элиты вступить и поднять Родину на высший уровень. В России одна из самых богатых элит, в мире, и в то же самое время, самая не патриотическая. Время показать себя иначе, время заткнуть критику о нашем обществе, и лучший способ этого, это добиться, чем поднять нашу страну на самый высокий уровень в космосе. Что может быть лучше, чем вернуть честь и гордость народу?
И в конце, скажите правду, вы великаны нашей экономики, кто среди вас не хотел бы показать своим детям или внукам эти корабли и сказать “Без меня, этого никогда бы не было”.
Конечно, с развалом России, все поменялось. После того, что наша вторая космическая станция закрылась, больше у нас ничего не осталось, чём можно было бы гордиться. Больше десяти лет прошло, и вдруг опять открылась возможность стать первыми в космосе. Это предоставляет возможность нашей родине взять будущее космоса в свой руки и не отпускать.
Американская Спйес Шатл, которая вот взлетела, на свою предпоследнею миссию, больше летать не будет. Американцы планируют стройку нового корабля, но это не реально до 2013ого года, а считая, что Америка обанкрочена и цена больше $30 миллиардов, наверняка реальная дата ближе к 2015му или 2017му годам. После этого, они планируют построит, базу на Луне, ближе к 2030 году и под цен $500 миллиардов.
Это наш шанс захватить эту гонку, этот конкурс в наши руки.
Русское космическое агентство работает на двух проектах, которые имеют потенциал дать нам это будущее, первый называется Клипер. Этот корабль в два раза больше Союза и будет перевозить шесть пассажиров и тонну материала в космос, на Зенит ракеты. Корабль, должен быть, закончен в 2010. Второй проект над космическим ядерным кораблем, для миссий к Луне и Марсу. Конструирование должно быть закончено в 2013ом году и сам корабль в 2020ом. Быстрее закончить, возможно, но этот проект страдает от той же самой проблемы как Клипер, не достаточно финансовых вложений.
Суммы большие, но не огромные. Клиперу нужно меньше $400 миллион, а ядерному кораблю только $1,5 миллиарда. У государства, котороё борется с кризисом и работает поставить Родину на ноги и на уровень первого мира, нету таких денег. Но есть у элиты.
В такие времена, это патриотическая задача элиты вступить и поднять Родину на высший уровень. В России одна из самых богатых элит, в мире, и в то же самое время, самая не патриотическая. Время показать себя иначе, время заткнуть критику о нашем обществе, и лучший способ этого, это добиться, чем поднять нашу страну на самый высокий уровень в космосе. Что может быть лучше, чем вернуть честь и гордость народу?
И в конце, скажите правду, вы великаны нашей экономики, кто среди вас не хотел бы показать своим детям или внукам эти корабли и сказать “Без меня, этого никогда бы не было”.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
No Rubles to The Climate Cons
After suffering 70 years under the Western implemented and financed yoke of Marxism, after suffering another decade under the Western backed Yeltsin clepto regime and its out and out theft of everything, Russia has finally begun to get back on her feet and straighten out her skirts, only to be bum rushed by the latest Anglo world con job that has caused the second world wide depresiion. Even through that, Russia survived and is again standing up, only to hear the knock on her door, a knock from these ravens and jackals who either directly or indirectly raped and pillaged our society, enabled the over throw of the holy saint martyr Tsar and the mass murder of our people, who even today do their best to destroy our culture, society and most importantly our faith in God.
But now they did not come alone, but backed by a motley crew of various third world vagabonds and riff raff, demanding, not even asking, but demanding that Russia strangle her economic growth, murder her prospects for a better future for our people and even give away some of her wealth to these very same third worlders, all on the alter of the latest Western Paganism: Gia and her jihad of Global Warming.
I can not fully express my thoughts on this, as women and children also read my works, but I will say this: Russia must give a swift kick to the bottoms of these thieves, liars and tyrants and throw them out on their noses.
What will they do to us for saying "Hell NO!"? Nothing, even less than nothing. First, they, these Western idol worshipers will not stop buying our goods, as most of them do not buy any, anyways. Our industries feed our own demand. If they stop selling, all the better, more room for our own producers to grown and hire our own people. They will not close their factories in Russia, either, as they are the few profitable points for most of these bloated Western corporations. They will not stop buying our gas, either, winter is still cold and there are no alternatives. They will not kick us out of the WTO, we are not in it and have no need for that globalist, Marxist monstrosity.
What will happen, besides us keeping our wealth, and growth, is that many of those Western corporations will come to us, kissing our feet, to produce in Russia, where taxes are lower and carbon tax does not make slaves of these men, thus profits are better.
So I say, to these Western elites, these thieves, fools, pagans and liars, o their third world riff raff and the traitors, shills and knuckle skulls amongst our own people, go starve and murder your own future on the Alter of Gia and leave Holy Christian Russian alone.
But now they did not come alone, but backed by a motley crew of various third world vagabonds and riff raff, demanding, not even asking, but demanding that Russia strangle her economic growth, murder her prospects for a better future for our people and even give away some of her wealth to these very same third worlders, all on the alter of the latest Western Paganism: Gia and her jihad of Global Warming.
I can not fully express my thoughts on this, as women and children also read my works, but I will say this: Russia must give a swift kick to the bottoms of these thieves, liars and tyrants and throw them out on their noses.
What will they do to us for saying "Hell NO!"? Nothing, even less than nothing. First, they, these Western idol worshipers will not stop buying our goods, as most of them do not buy any, anyways. Our industries feed our own demand. If they stop selling, all the better, more room for our own producers to grown and hire our own people. They will not close their factories in Russia, either, as they are the few profitable points for most of these bloated Western corporations. They will not stop buying our gas, either, winter is still cold and there are no alternatives. They will not kick us out of the WTO, we are not in it and have no need for that globalist, Marxist monstrosity.
What will happen, besides us keeping our wealth, and growth, is that many of those Western corporations will come to us, kissing our feet, to produce in Russia, where taxes are lower and carbon tax does not make slaves of these men, thus profits are better.
So I say, to these Western elites, these thieves, fools, pagans and liars, o their third world riff raff and the traitors, shills and knuckle skulls amongst our own people, go starve and murder your own future on the Alter of Gia and leave Holy Christian Russian alone.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Western Race Hatred Laws: Keep the Caucasians Down
Throughout the totalitarian West, the Marxist internationalist elites, while busily flooding their countries with tens of millions of third worlders, have introduced specific measures to keep the native populations down and in check.
These measures have come in the form of Hate Crimes Laws. The laws state that a crime is not just a crime if we can find a deeper motive, such as hate of a specific race, sex, religion or sexual orientation. Thus the Lords of Humanity have given themselves the power of God to know what is inside the hearts of men.
In practical terms, what this means is 1. A murder is not just a murder if hate is involved. Say again? This than means certain lives are worth more than others, a protected class, another insult to Christ and justice. 2. If the local jury trial is considered to lenient, than those globalist elites of the West can try the person again for "hate" or rather in actuality for the same crime, twice. Again, an insult to justice that Western serfs bow, grin and bare.
But this gets worse, since in practice, the elites decide who is a racist and who is not, they use these laws sparingly to keep the native population down, shackled and paranoid of the knock on the door.
In America, anti white violence is exploding, an average of 12 people per day are killed by their illegals and three times more whites and Asians are killed by blacks than vice verse. The same can be found in England. The head of the Justice Department, Hader, even stated that he approved the double standard used on whites. He did this in front of a parliamentary committee, with no real out cry by the totalitarians. As if any should be expected.
When five blacks kidnapped a white couple, raped and murdered the man, than kept the woman for further rapes and poured bleach down her throat to kill her, there was no hate crime, even though those five became the idols of black racist groups in American. When blacks in Los Angeles target Koreans for robbery and murder, also nothing. Nor when Mexican gangs ethnically cleanse one street after another. When Islamic Pakistanis in England beat an Anglican priest almost to death, in front of his church and screamed how they were going burn down the church, or when other Islamics poured acid in the face of a raped school girl, nothing happened. No hate crimes. When Islamic Turks murdered the white, Christian boyfriend of a Turkish girl, in Germany, not a hate crime. When Arabs and Pakistanis in Athens attack and burn Greek Orthodox businesses, not a hate crime. When the director van Gogh is brutally murdered by an Islamic assailant, not a hate crime. However, his dutch film, showing the plight of the women under Islam, beat and abused, well, most definitely that is a hate crime...the film, not the wife beating, that's just quaint multiculturalism, supported by the Western femiNazis, who have a secret lusting for this type of treatment.
Luckily, in Russia, Ukraine, Serbia and all none EU, none West Christian nations, this idiocy does not exist. Murder is murder, regardless of what is felt by the killer and defense of the local culture is paramount.
Westerners, truly I believe, you deserve this, since the vast majority of you take it and swallow it, like the good little castrated serfs you are. Enjoy your extinction, as you loaf around on your Chinese couches.
These measures have come in the form of Hate Crimes Laws. The laws state that a crime is not just a crime if we can find a deeper motive, such as hate of a specific race, sex, religion or sexual orientation. Thus the Lords of Humanity have given themselves the power of God to know what is inside the hearts of men.
In practical terms, what this means is 1. A murder is not just a murder if hate is involved. Say again? This than means certain lives are worth more than others, a protected class, another insult to Christ and justice. 2. If the local jury trial is considered to lenient, than those globalist elites of the West can try the person again for "hate" or rather in actuality for the same crime, twice. Again, an insult to justice that Western serfs bow, grin and bare.
But this gets worse, since in practice, the elites decide who is a racist and who is not, they use these laws sparingly to keep the native population down, shackled and paranoid of the knock on the door.
In America, anti white violence is exploding, an average of 12 people per day are killed by their illegals and three times more whites and Asians are killed by blacks than vice verse. The same can be found in England. The head of the Justice Department, Hader, even stated that he approved the double standard used on whites. He did this in front of a parliamentary committee, with no real out cry by the totalitarians. As if any should be expected.
When five blacks kidnapped a white couple, raped and murdered the man, than kept the woman for further rapes and poured bleach down her throat to kill her, there was no hate crime, even though those five became the idols of black racist groups in American. When blacks in Los Angeles target Koreans for robbery and murder, also nothing. Nor when Mexican gangs ethnically cleanse one street after another. When Islamic Pakistanis in England beat an Anglican priest almost to death, in front of his church and screamed how they were going burn down the church, or when other Islamics poured acid in the face of a raped school girl, nothing happened. No hate crimes. When Islamic Turks murdered the white, Christian boyfriend of a Turkish girl, in Germany, not a hate crime. When Arabs and Pakistanis in Athens attack and burn Greek Orthodox businesses, not a hate crime. When the director van Gogh is brutally murdered by an Islamic assailant, not a hate crime. However, his dutch film, showing the plight of the women under Islam, beat and abused, well, most definitely that is a hate crime...the film, not the wife beating, that's just quaint multiculturalism, supported by the Western femiNazis, who have a secret lusting for this type of treatment.
Luckily, in Russia, Ukraine, Serbia and all none EU, none West Christian nations, this idiocy does not exist. Murder is murder, regardless of what is felt by the killer and defense of the local culture is paramount.
Westerners, truly I believe, you deserve this, since the vast majority of you take it and swallow it, like the good little castrated serfs you are. Enjoy your extinction, as you loaf around on your Chinese couches.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Nightmares of the Persian Gulf Princes
With the collapse of Dubai's cad house of debt and lies, another aspect has been finally brought to light: the slave labour that was used and exploited by the Islamic Arabs of the Gulf to build their kingdoms, fueled by their petro dollars.
Men from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Philippines are lured to Dubai and the other Persian Arab states with promises of high pay. They arrive to have their passports taken and to find only a tenth of he pay and slave like living conditions. On top of that, the initial debt to bring them there takes years to pay back. Equally, women are brought from other nations, such as Moldova and Georgia and find themselves in similar conditions, with their only option being marriage to a local as escape.
In Dubai, the workers out number the Arab citizens 3 to 1 and so on for most of the smaller states. Even in the local behemoth, Saudi Arabia, they are a bit over fifty percent of the population. These workers have no rights and are considered non entities, even non humans, chattel for the physically weaker but monetary richer and protected Muslim Arab masters.
Thus the crux of the delima for the petro fueled tyrants: if their slaves ever rose up, the Arab Persian states would quickly stop being Arabic. However, they can not get rid of the slaves, as their own population is to lazy and spoiled to actually work, nor do they have the skills. As it stands, with the well educated expats leaving in droves, the so called "brain" trust of the regimes is also leaving, again, created by luring foreigners in. To make matters even worse, the Sunni leaders are often time themselves, even amongst the Arab population that is home grown, a minority or a majority over a much smaller percentage of the population, the rest being oppressed, second rate citizen Shia.
In Yemen, this oppression has already exploded into full blown civil war, in to which the Saudis have launched another murderous jihad. In Saudi Arabia, further, the Shia occupy the same territory as the key oil fields and may receive arms from neighboring Iran.
Between the Hindus, Buddhists, Christian slaves and the Shia second class, the Persian Gulf is a tinderbox, awaiting the final spark that will wash it in flame and blood and will forever wipe out the Sunni Arab and to some degree, all Arab presence in their own homeland. The dust bin of history awaits.
Thus, the very petro dollars that have made these tyrants stinking rich and have allowed them to wage a murderous series of genocidal jihads, while under the absolute slave like protection of the Masonic American elites and their UK puddles, may indeed bring about their own destruction by the very slaves upon whose labour and misery these petro fueled jihaders and slavers live. An entrepreneurial enemy, may even seek to aggravate these issues to a boiling point, knowing that if the Sunni Arabs choose to kick out all non Sunni Arabs, their own societies would die either way, by revolt or by the weight of their own combined ineptitude and sloth.
Grill some shashliks, pour some beer, this is going to be one hell of a show to watch.
Men from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Philippines are lured to Dubai and the other Persian Arab states with promises of high pay. They arrive to have their passports taken and to find only a tenth of he pay and slave like living conditions. On top of that, the initial debt to bring them there takes years to pay back. Equally, women are brought from other nations, such as Moldova and Georgia and find themselves in similar conditions, with their only option being marriage to a local as escape.
In Dubai, the workers out number the Arab citizens 3 to 1 and so on for most of the smaller states. Even in the local behemoth, Saudi Arabia, they are a bit over fifty percent of the population. These workers have no rights and are considered non entities, even non humans, chattel for the physically weaker but monetary richer and protected Muslim Arab masters.
Thus the crux of the delima for the petro fueled tyrants: if their slaves ever rose up, the Arab Persian states would quickly stop being Arabic. However, they can not get rid of the slaves, as their own population is to lazy and spoiled to actually work, nor do they have the skills. As it stands, with the well educated expats leaving in droves, the so called "brain" trust of the regimes is also leaving, again, created by luring foreigners in. To make matters even worse, the Sunni leaders are often time themselves, even amongst the Arab population that is home grown, a minority or a majority over a much smaller percentage of the population, the rest being oppressed, second rate citizen Shia.
In Yemen, this oppression has already exploded into full blown civil war, in to which the Saudis have launched another murderous jihad. In Saudi Arabia, further, the Shia occupy the same territory as the key oil fields and may receive arms from neighboring Iran.
Between the Hindus, Buddhists, Christian slaves and the Shia second class, the Persian Gulf is a tinderbox, awaiting the final spark that will wash it in flame and blood and will forever wipe out the Sunni Arab and to some degree, all Arab presence in their own homeland. The dust bin of history awaits.
Thus, the very petro dollars that have made these tyrants stinking rich and have allowed them to wage a murderous series of genocidal jihads, while under the absolute slave like protection of the Masonic American elites and their UK puddles, may indeed bring about their own destruction by the very slaves upon whose labour and misery these petro fueled jihaders and slavers live. An entrepreneurial enemy, may even seek to aggravate these issues to a boiling point, knowing that if the Sunni Arabs choose to kick out all non Sunni Arabs, their own societies would die either way, by revolt or by the weight of their own combined ineptitude and sloth.
Grill some shashliks, pour some beer, this is going to be one hell of a show to watch.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Where Is the Outrage of Yet Another Saudi Jihad
For more than half a century, primed by the damned oil they sit on and protected by American Masons, the Saudis have driven one jihad or another across the face of the world.
They have been usually the backers financially and the providers of Jihadist irregulars, but now in Yemen, they have sent in the US armed and trained ground troops to massacre the Shias, whom the Sunni Saudis despise.
For fifty years, with NATO's and Washington's backing and bombs, the Saudis has waged jihad not only against Orthodox Serbs (Bosnian via the Bosniaks and the province of Kosovo via the Albanians), Orthodox Macedonians (western Macedonia via the Albanians), Orthodox Russians (via the Chechens in the majority of the north Caucus), the Ethiopian Orthodox through the Eritreans, against Orthodox of southern Sudan via the Sudanese government and the Orthodox and Protestants of Kenya via Barack Obama's father's people the black Somali Arabs of Kenya, not only against Hindus through the Pakistani militants, against the Catholic Philippines, against the Confucius Chinese via the Weigers and not only against the foolish Americans dieing to protect the masters who despise them and stab them, but against plenty of other Muslims: Iraq's Bathists, Egypt's Muslim brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Algerian insurrection, the Turkish radicals, the Afghan Taliban, the Pakistani Taliban and the list goes on.
But now, the Saudis, (usually to cowardly to fight directly, such as their absence on the Arab battle fields verse Israel, where all the other Islamic Arab states were trounced, except for financiers of Jihad), have marched off to massacre civilians in Yemen.
Over the weekend, the Saudis bombed suburban Saqayn district of the Shia-populated Sa'ada Province, massacring dozens of civilians, and did it on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of the Sacrifice). Meanwhile, the US trained and equipped Saudi army has been fighting the Shia Houthi militia, which has been fighting for their people's equal rights against the oppressive Yemeni tyranny. Again, where is the outrage?
The simple fact that the Saudis are massacring civilians to make sure their own 30% of the population that is Shia do not rise up, is plain to see. But where is the world outrage?
Oh, yeah, cowards of so call Christians, fine, we won't expect the hypocrisy that is modern Islam, the "moderates" and the fanatics, to say anything, but the Christians? The Western Christians? The ones who have no problems screaming about the poor Bosniak Muslims or the poor Albanian Muslims or the poor Palestinian Muslims or the poor Chechen Muslims, are all equally quiet now. Hypocrites of the highest order, the lot of you.
They have been usually the backers financially and the providers of Jihadist irregulars, but now in Yemen, they have sent in the US armed and trained ground troops to massacre the Shias, whom the Sunni Saudis despise.
For fifty years, with NATO's and Washington's backing and bombs, the Saudis has waged jihad not only against Orthodox Serbs (Bosnian via the Bosniaks and the province of Kosovo via the Albanians), Orthodox Macedonians (western Macedonia via the Albanians), Orthodox Russians (via the Chechens in the majority of the north Caucus), the Ethiopian Orthodox through the Eritreans, against Orthodox of southern Sudan via the Sudanese government and the Orthodox and Protestants of Kenya via Barack Obama's father's people the black Somali Arabs of Kenya, not only against Hindus through the Pakistani militants, against the Catholic Philippines, against the Confucius Chinese via the Weigers and not only against the foolish Americans dieing to protect the masters who despise them and stab them, but against plenty of other Muslims: Iraq's Bathists, Egypt's Muslim brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Algerian insurrection, the Turkish radicals, the Afghan Taliban, the Pakistani Taliban and the list goes on.
But now, the Saudis, (usually to cowardly to fight directly, such as their absence on the Arab battle fields verse Israel, where all the other Islamic Arab states were trounced, except for financiers of Jihad), have marched off to massacre civilians in Yemen.
Over the weekend, the Saudis bombed suburban Saqayn district of the Shia-populated Sa'ada Province, massacring dozens of civilians, and did it on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of the Sacrifice). Meanwhile, the US trained and equipped Saudi army has been fighting the Shia Houthi militia, which has been fighting for their people's equal rights against the oppressive Yemeni tyranny. Again, where is the outrage?
The simple fact that the Saudis are massacring civilians to make sure their own 30% of the population that is Shia do not rise up, is plain to see. But where is the world outrage?
Oh, yeah, cowards of so call Christians, fine, we won't expect the hypocrisy that is modern Islam, the "moderates" and the fanatics, to say anything, but the Christians? The Western Christians? The ones who have no problems screaming about the poor Bosniak Muslims or the poor Albanian Muslims or the poor Palestinian Muslims or the poor Chechen Muslims, are all equally quiet now. Hypocrites of the highest order, the lot of you.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monarchists Seize the Day
All around us, on a daily basis, we are surrounded by the wrecks and failures of the modern liberal state. Empty or half filled promises, grown on the backs and suffering of a degraded peasantry. What began with the American masonic revolution of 1776 and sputtered on and off in Europe and the world through the 1800s, taking firm hold in the 1900s, first as a pseudo republicanism, than as war fascism, communism and socially liberal corporate capitalism (aka modern democracy or rather corporate-state fascism) has brought us endless wars, cultural destruction (as Americans like to call it: destructive creativity), moral depredation, spiritual death and a society of angry, childless, degraded, shamed and spineless Caucasians of every European stripe, up to their ears in meaningless things, without the stable families, children or friends to enjoy them with. This in short, is the modern version of success: crime, death, despair, loneliness, Godlessness and no moral or spiritual purpose of being, outside that of a worker ant.
In short; the anti traditionalism, anti Church and thus Anti Monarchist society of the new liberal (wym)myn of the 1900s and early 2000s is dieing, bringing with its demise an ever quickening decline into a soulless, Godless, poverty and state barbarianism, where the value of the the life of a piss ant peasant (that would be 98% of you) is only valued in how it serves the state and the 2% Alpha population leading their own Godless, valueless and deprived lives. In other words: all you modernisms are nothing but the bowl movement waste products of the Devil to whom the West as a whole is ever more on its knees groveling, like a drug addict suffering withdrawal before the likes of his drug seller master.
Now compare this to the majority of the monarchies of the end of the pre World War One age. Not the propaganda spewed by the endless line of new Liberalism's propagandists but to actual fact. To do this, we must tear away the propaganda of the liberals, specifically the Americans and the Wall Street uber machine of Christless profit at any and all costs. Furthermore, we must pull away the veil of the daily miseries that were in no way the fault of the monarchies in specific and their societies but were suffered equally in America and other areas due to a lack of technology that would have come along regardless, to remove them from the human experience.
Monarchies and monarchistic societies of the 1800s and the early 1900s were on average stable, content and purpose driven societies. People born into them were assured of a world order in which they had a place, in which they could move up or down by their own hands, steadily if not quickly, but in which they were relatively sure that stability and sanity would reign as assuredly as the sun would rise and settle. In almost all of them, they were also assured of a steady conservative but undeniable improvement in their lives.
In Russia, for example, under Catherin the Great, the first worker rights laws were passed in Europe, forbidding child night labour and women and children from working in dangerous state enterprises, such as mines and munitions plants.
Economies were also stable, with few major bubbles and little loose monetary policy. The most famous exception of this was the Spanish monarchy after getting its hands upon the South American gold. Spending with abandon and collapsing its economy. Coincidentally, they also practiced the first real instance of Free Trade, allowing most of their goods to be produced outside of their economy and imported in. Of course it worked just as well in the 1600s as it did in the 1900s and 2000s, in other words, an abject failure. After its economic collapse, sanity and mercantilism returned quickly.
Another famous example is France during the American Masonic Revolution. The Masonists convinced the French king to leverage France dangerously to sponsor their revolution, a move that only fed the revolutionary elements in France. In return, France, besides being able to stab long time foe England, would also get exclusive trade rights with the Americans, which would more than repay their leverage.
The American colonies, which were out of ammunition, supplies, uniforms, canon, rifles and hope, were replenished with everything they needed, including fighting men and a real navy, ala France.
In exchange for their aid, the French were backstabbing by the American Masons, more concern with profit and revolution rather than honor, when they ran to the British and singed a separate piece from their allies, giving the English exclusive trading rights.
This, of course, led to the bankruptcy of the French government and the French Revolution, also on Masonic lines, which descended into immorality and tyranny, under the liberal Robespierre. Surely, this was seen as a great victory to Washington's Masons and a profit to boot, as Washington than refused to pay back any of its French loans that were made by the king. See Phony War, which was a raiding war that lasted for quite a while after this.
As a matter of fact, most monarchies were based upon mercantialistic economic models, placing the well being of their peoples and nation as well as assuring value producing employment for their people, as their primary priorities. Even Masonic Americans followed this policy initially, a lingering left over from their days under the reign of English kings. Unfortunately, the further they got away from this, the more liberal they became as newer generations no longer had a cultural memory of the monarchist days and Masonic "creative" destruction drove them to the Christless ideology of profit at all and any cost.
Look at the Weimer Republic, for a prime example Removing the conservative kaiser and his crrcle, the new liberals in a hyper rush to liberalization and blaming everything conservative and thus evil on the Kaiser, in turn devalued and debased German culture into a nihilistic, superficial society, with almost the same speed as they devalued the Deutsch mark from a leading world currency into an international joke, fit only for heating ovens, in large stacks. Of course the end result of all this neo-liberal debasement is the coming of a vegetarian, animal rightest, anti-smoking, anti drinking tyrant, surrounded by homosexuals, drug addicts and child molesters, in the name of Adolf Hitler and his campaign of "HOPE and CHANGE!".
It is with a saddened heart that I must remember that we Russians even beat the Germans with the speed of our own debasement as led first by Alexander Kerensky and his Labour Party and their Cadet Party allies and than by Lenin and his Marxists, all sponsored by the masonic American elites, through Wall Street and the American State Department, coincidentally, the same types who than brought Hitler to power and other neo-liberal fascists, throughout Europe. Interestingly, Kerensky's father was also Vladimir Lenin's school teacher and the two families were close.
Monarchies provide stability to both economic and social aspects of their societies, by their very nature. As a patriarchal society, based on a furling family, they elevate the nuclear family to the center point of all that is culturally good and holy. The evils of abortion, immorality, homosexuality, crimes of perversion and even out of wed lock births as well as the present sky rocketing social violence, only began to appear in societies as the monarch was removed and society moved away from its roots, in the direction of liberalism, retaining only the dim memory that things were once better before, but not of the reasons why.
Another key of this is tradition, a cultural norm that binds the actions of the king, the elites and the peasantry and everyone between and thus lends a societal norm in which a person can prosper without the paranoia and insecurity of the modern man and his dieing state built upon humanism.
Traditional societies also function better in business, requiring fewer lawyers, as agreements verbal or written are expected to be honoured in spirit as well as word and a man's word is worth his weight in gold. There is also less back stabbing and covering one's back as lines of command and responsibility are direct, established and clear, everyone knowing upon whom responsibility will land.
Of course, religion always played a very dominant roll, specifically the Christian faith that reminded the monarch that his actions and that of his people were and are always answerable before the Supreme Judge and His Judgment, something all together missing in the Liberal Dieing West built upon Humanism or Man Is God theology. Thus, God is a mediating effect gone from modern politics even if the politicians occasionally visit churches for photo ops. Prime Minister Putin seems to be the rare exception, a man of actual strong faith in Christ.
The Church provides a frame work of morality, controlling the excesses of human nature. God being the King of the Kingdom of Heaven provides a frame work and justification to the government, other than the whims of the masses or the power elites. The Church also provides the people a purpose in life, greater than the self or mere survival, while assuring the people of their place in the after life.
Liberal humanism, that was meant to replace God, by the Liberals, who ousted the marches, has done none of this. Instead, the more "humane" the goals, the more "liberating" its philosophy, the more barbaric, animalistic and Luciderian its results and products, leaving humanity not masters of their own destiny but as little more than sadistic, paranoid and self loathing intelligent apes, slaves to their animal desires and the whims of the moralless top 2%.
Under a monarch, societies also had a strong, historic and optimistic self view. Some of the greatest architectural and scientific achievements came fro these societies. Societies that were not ripped apart by multiculturalism, even when other cultures and races inhabited the state, there was always one dominant culture everyone aspired to.
Even in the post colonial Africa, the locals adhere as strongly to the old Imperial culture and languages, as their own organic. The educated masses (or rather the thin layer) even more so. I have had several educated Negro Africans tell me flatly, that they wished the old imperial powers would return. But those old cultures are dead or dieing in their own homelands, what can they possibly return to?
While a monarchy is not the cure all for a society's ills, it does provide the critical stability and frame work to achieve the needed cures.
So, Monarchists, carpi deum, as liberalism falls all around us, dieing and dragging humanity into the grave, with it. It is time for us to step forward and bring that old time, but sound and true idea back into the world's norm.
In short; the anti traditionalism, anti Church and thus Anti Monarchist society of the new liberal (wym)myn of the 1900s and early 2000s is dieing, bringing with its demise an ever quickening decline into a soulless, Godless, poverty and state barbarianism, where the value of the the life of a piss ant peasant (that would be 98% of you) is only valued in how it serves the state and the 2% Alpha population leading their own Godless, valueless and deprived lives. In other words: all you modernisms are nothing but the bowl movement waste products of the Devil to whom the West as a whole is ever more on its knees groveling, like a drug addict suffering withdrawal before the likes of his drug seller master.
Now compare this to the majority of the monarchies of the end of the pre World War One age. Not the propaganda spewed by the endless line of new Liberalism's propagandists but to actual fact. To do this, we must tear away the propaganda of the liberals, specifically the Americans and the Wall Street uber machine of Christless profit at any and all costs. Furthermore, we must pull away the veil of the daily miseries that were in no way the fault of the monarchies in specific and their societies but were suffered equally in America and other areas due to a lack of technology that would have come along regardless, to remove them from the human experience.
Monarchies and monarchistic societies of the 1800s and the early 1900s were on average stable, content and purpose driven societies. People born into them were assured of a world order in which they had a place, in which they could move up or down by their own hands, steadily if not quickly, but in which they were relatively sure that stability and sanity would reign as assuredly as the sun would rise and settle. In almost all of them, they were also assured of a steady conservative but undeniable improvement in their lives.
In Russia, for example, under Catherin the Great, the first worker rights laws were passed in Europe, forbidding child night labour and women and children from working in dangerous state enterprises, such as mines and munitions plants.
Economies were also stable, with few major bubbles and little loose monetary policy. The most famous exception of this was the Spanish monarchy after getting its hands upon the South American gold. Spending with abandon and collapsing its economy. Coincidentally, they also practiced the first real instance of Free Trade, allowing most of their goods to be produced outside of their economy and imported in. Of course it worked just as well in the 1600s as it did in the 1900s and 2000s, in other words, an abject failure. After its economic collapse, sanity and mercantilism returned quickly.
Another famous example is France during the American Masonic Revolution. The Masonists convinced the French king to leverage France dangerously to sponsor their revolution, a move that only fed the revolutionary elements in France. In return, France, besides being able to stab long time foe England, would also get exclusive trade rights with the Americans, which would more than repay their leverage.
The American colonies, which were out of ammunition, supplies, uniforms, canon, rifles and hope, were replenished with everything they needed, including fighting men and a real navy, ala France.
In exchange for their aid, the French were backstabbing by the American Masons, more concern with profit and revolution rather than honor, when they ran to the British and singed a separate piece from their allies, giving the English exclusive trading rights.
This, of course, led to the bankruptcy of the French government and the French Revolution, also on Masonic lines, which descended into immorality and tyranny, under the liberal Robespierre. Surely, this was seen as a great victory to Washington's Masons and a profit to boot, as Washington than refused to pay back any of its French loans that were made by the king. See Phony War, which was a raiding war that lasted for quite a while after this.
As a matter of fact, most monarchies were based upon mercantialistic economic models, placing the well being of their peoples and nation as well as assuring value producing employment for their people, as their primary priorities. Even Masonic Americans followed this policy initially, a lingering left over from their days under the reign of English kings. Unfortunately, the further they got away from this, the more liberal they became as newer generations no longer had a cultural memory of the monarchist days and Masonic "creative" destruction drove them to the Christless ideology of profit at all and any cost.
Look at the Weimer Republic, for a prime example Removing the conservative kaiser and his crrcle, the new liberals in a hyper rush to liberalization and blaming everything conservative and thus evil on the Kaiser, in turn devalued and debased German culture into a nihilistic, superficial society, with almost the same speed as they devalued the Deutsch mark from a leading world currency into an international joke, fit only for heating ovens, in large stacks. Of course the end result of all this neo-liberal debasement is the coming of a vegetarian, animal rightest, anti-smoking, anti drinking tyrant, surrounded by homosexuals, drug addicts and child molesters, in the name of Adolf Hitler and his campaign of "HOPE and CHANGE!".
It is with a saddened heart that I must remember that we Russians even beat the Germans with the speed of our own debasement as led first by Alexander Kerensky and his Labour Party and their Cadet Party allies and than by Lenin and his Marxists, all sponsored by the masonic American elites, through Wall Street and the American State Department, coincidentally, the same types who than brought Hitler to power and other neo-liberal fascists, throughout Europe. Interestingly, Kerensky's father was also Vladimir Lenin's school teacher and the two families were close.
Monarchies provide stability to both economic and social aspects of their societies, by their very nature. As a patriarchal society, based on a furling family, they elevate the nuclear family to the center point of all that is culturally good and holy. The evils of abortion, immorality, homosexuality, crimes of perversion and even out of wed lock births as well as the present sky rocketing social violence, only began to appear in societies as the monarch was removed and society moved away from its roots, in the direction of liberalism, retaining only the dim memory that things were once better before, but not of the reasons why.
Another key of this is tradition, a cultural norm that binds the actions of the king, the elites and the peasantry and everyone between and thus lends a societal norm in which a person can prosper without the paranoia and insecurity of the modern man and his dieing state built upon humanism.
Traditional societies also function better in business, requiring fewer lawyers, as agreements verbal or written are expected to be honoured in spirit as well as word and a man's word is worth his weight in gold. There is also less back stabbing and covering one's back as lines of command and responsibility are direct, established and clear, everyone knowing upon whom responsibility will land.
Of course, religion always played a very dominant roll, specifically the Christian faith that reminded the monarch that his actions and that of his people were and are always answerable before the Supreme Judge and His Judgment, something all together missing in the Liberal Dieing West built upon Humanism or Man Is God theology. Thus, God is a mediating effect gone from modern politics even if the politicians occasionally visit churches for photo ops. Prime Minister Putin seems to be the rare exception, a man of actual strong faith in Christ.
The Church provides a frame work of morality, controlling the excesses of human nature. God being the King of the Kingdom of Heaven provides a frame work and justification to the government, other than the whims of the masses or the power elites. The Church also provides the people a purpose in life, greater than the self or mere survival, while assuring the people of their place in the after life.
Liberal humanism, that was meant to replace God, by the Liberals, who ousted the marches, has done none of this. Instead, the more "humane" the goals, the more "liberating" its philosophy, the more barbaric, animalistic and Luciderian its results and products, leaving humanity not masters of their own destiny but as little more than sadistic, paranoid and self loathing intelligent apes, slaves to their animal desires and the whims of the moralless top 2%.
Under a monarch, societies also had a strong, historic and optimistic self view. Some of the greatest architectural and scientific achievements came fro these societies. Societies that were not ripped apart by multiculturalism, even when other cultures and races inhabited the state, there was always one dominant culture everyone aspired to.
Even in the post colonial Africa, the locals adhere as strongly to the old Imperial culture and languages, as their own organic. The educated masses (or rather the thin layer) even more so. I have had several educated Negro Africans tell me flatly, that they wished the old imperial powers would return. But those old cultures are dead or dieing in their own homelands, what can they possibly return to?
While a monarchy is not the cure all for a society's ills, it does provide the critical stability and frame work to achieve the needed cures.
So, Monarchists, carpi deum, as liberalism falls all around us, dieing and dragging humanity into the grave, with it. It is time for us to step forward and bring that old time, but sound and true idea back into the world's norm.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
America Creates Serfdom Through Cap and Trade
As I have stated before, when dealing with the American government, expect only the most illogical extremes.
The so called Land of the Free, has decided to recreate the ancient and rejected art of serfdom. As anywhere in history, serfdom was set in gradually with restrictive laws that slowly or quickly ate away at the right of the people to move freely, thus guaranteeing the government a stable tax base and its favorite enterprises, a stable work force to exploit, one that can not walk away.
In America that is about to be done by their new Cap and Trade Law, that will more than likely go into affect next year. Only one of the chambers of the parliament has passed it but the other will soon.
In the name of all things green, humans in the Anglo-sphere will be turned into serfs. How interesting. The Greens or rather Watermellons, Green on the outside, Marxist Red on the Inside have found the perfect tool with which to leverage the futures of all peoples in advanced nations. No longer is the cry of power to the people, as the cover for the power grab of the more equal amongst the "equals" but instead it is the cry of Power to the Plants and the Fishes and the little buggy things that fly around and annoy you....oh and it will cost the future of yourselves and your children, but Gia will love you when you are decomposing in her belly, serf.
But how will this be done?
In the giant, unread "democratic" bills that the American parliament loves to pass, some with literally up to ten thousand pages of unread and undebated laws. (and the Americans were only ranked 19th on the list of the most corrupt nations?) To be specific, Cap and Trade (American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009) will force all home owners to make extremely costly efficiency upgrades to their homes, for energy efficiency, before the government will give the serf, er citizen, a license to sell their home. Of course, before the process begins, the serf must get and pay for a government inspection and another after the upgrades.
The level of "efficiency" will be set by the law and will rise yearly, but an appointed commissar, a national Environmental Protection Administrator, will have a further power to raise the standards as high as "needed". In other words, if the indebted, cash strapped peasants of America suddenly find ways to make those improvements and regain mobility, well, we will just raise the bar even further, steal their mobility and bleed them for more cash. This will of course result in a trained and educated work force wedded for life to their present residence, as is intended by Section 202 Building Retrofit Program. Major local employers, in the pocket of the Anglo states (or are the states in the pocket of the local paymasters?) will have a captive work force to squeeze. This will be especially true in mill towns where other choices of employment will be non existent. As for the uneducated masses, and almost half Americans never finish basic school, dropping out, they are not going anywhere anyways.
Of course, an unintended consequence will be that many more people will simply abandon their houses, as they migrate to seek work.
Might the Land of the Not Quite Free reinstates another quaint age old custom: debtor prisons? Surely, this might make sure that the serfs do not run away.
The so called Land of the Free, has decided to recreate the ancient and rejected art of serfdom. As anywhere in history, serfdom was set in gradually with restrictive laws that slowly or quickly ate away at the right of the people to move freely, thus guaranteeing the government a stable tax base and its favorite enterprises, a stable work force to exploit, one that can not walk away.
In America that is about to be done by their new Cap and Trade Law, that will more than likely go into affect next year. Only one of the chambers of the parliament has passed it but the other will soon.
In the name of all things green, humans in the Anglo-sphere will be turned into serfs. How interesting. The Greens or rather Watermellons, Green on the outside, Marxist Red on the Inside have found the perfect tool with which to leverage the futures of all peoples in advanced nations. No longer is the cry of power to the people, as the cover for the power grab of the more equal amongst the "equals" but instead it is the cry of Power to the Plants and the Fishes and the little buggy things that fly around and annoy you....oh and it will cost the future of yourselves and your children, but Gia will love you when you are decomposing in her belly, serf.
But how will this be done?
In the giant, unread "democratic" bills that the American parliament loves to pass, some with literally up to ten thousand pages of unread and undebated laws. (and the Americans were only ranked 19th on the list of the most corrupt nations?) To be specific, Cap and Trade (American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009) will force all home owners to make extremely costly efficiency upgrades to their homes, for energy efficiency, before the government will give the serf, er citizen, a license to sell their home. Of course, before the process begins, the serf must get and pay for a government inspection and another after the upgrades.
The level of "efficiency" will be set by the law and will rise yearly, but an appointed commissar, a national Environmental Protection Administrator, will have a further power to raise the standards as high as "needed". In other words, if the indebted, cash strapped peasants of America suddenly find ways to make those improvements and regain mobility, well, we will just raise the bar even further, steal their mobility and bleed them for more cash. This will of course result in a trained and educated work force wedded for life to their present residence, as is intended by Section 202 Building Retrofit Program. Major local employers, in the pocket of the Anglo states (or are the states in the pocket of the local paymasters?) will have a captive work force to squeeze. This will be especially true in mill towns where other choices of employment will be non existent. As for the uneducated masses, and almost half Americans never finish basic school, dropping out, they are not going anywhere anyways.
Of course, an unintended consequence will be that many more people will simply abandon their houses, as they migrate to seek work.
Might the Land of the Not Quite Free reinstates another quaint age old custom: debtor prisons? Surely, this might make sure that the serfs do not run away.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Is America's Ft. Knox Full of Fake Gold?
Considering that Ft. Knox stocks gold for not only the USA but also for many countries, international relations could very well be in jeopardy, not to mention many economies. The question of whether officials at Ft. Knox are storing tungsten filled gold bars, so called "salted" gold, which hold a small fraction of the normal cost of the bullion, were recently brought up by an American media company, CNBC, during an interview of Howard Ruff by Joe Herman.
Howard Ruff is a financier investor and advisor who advocates for hard currency, that is, currency backed by valuable commodities, such as gold or silver. He is also an economics writer with many published works, who is an expert on hyperinflationary economics.
Also on another American media company, Fox, the issue was also brought up, in this case, whether there still is gold at Ft. Knox, an institution that has not had an independent audit for 50 years. As the interview states, much of the gold may not be there, or may not even have been there in many years.
While these have been conspiracy theories for many decades, the questions have now gone mainstream. At $16 per kg, and with the exact same density and weight, as gold, tungsten makes for a perfect filler. Simply weighing a gold bar, with cutting it, will not allow for distinction from true bullion.
Such a breach of public and international trust may doom more than just key relationships, but also the international credit rating of the US, which would suddenly find itself in hundreds of billions of dollars of additional debt, while allied governments and economies who relied on that gold would quickly start to fold.
One of the models upon which America hails itself: Athens, had done the exact same thing. After the first Pelopinesian Wars, Athens guarded the island treasury of its alliance of city states. Instead of acting in good faith as guardian, it quietly stole from the vaults and built many great works, such as the Parthenon, with that stolen gold. Of course this drove many of its allies to side with Sparta in the next war.
Again, as stated, the facility of Ft. Knox, has not had an independent audit in over 50 years and as such no one really knows what is or is not there. The US Congress has demanded audits, but just like the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department has refused to tell the people of America and especially in this case, the World, the truth. Requests by members of the American parliament to physically inspect the facility, have equally been turned down for almost 20 years.
If the members of Congress are not allowed to find out the truth and there is no accountability in the American government, than it is truly time for an international organization, backed by all interested and affected parties, such as the UN or World Bank or IMF to demand a full inquiry and pressure the rogues in the Obama Regime to come true.
Howard Ruff is a financier investor and advisor who advocates for hard currency, that is, currency backed by valuable commodities, such as gold or silver. He is also an economics writer with many published works, who is an expert on hyperinflationary economics.
Also on another American media company, Fox, the issue was also brought up, in this case, whether there still is gold at Ft. Knox, an institution that has not had an independent audit for 50 years. As the interview states, much of the gold may not be there, or may not even have been there in many years.
While these have been conspiracy theories for many decades, the questions have now gone mainstream. At $16 per kg, and with the exact same density and weight, as gold, tungsten makes for a perfect filler. Simply weighing a gold bar, with cutting it, will not allow for distinction from true bullion.
Such a breach of public and international trust may doom more than just key relationships, but also the international credit rating of the US, which would suddenly find itself in hundreds of billions of dollars of additional debt, while allied governments and economies who relied on that gold would quickly start to fold.
One of the models upon which America hails itself: Athens, had done the exact same thing. After the first Pelopinesian Wars, Athens guarded the island treasury of its alliance of city states. Instead of acting in good faith as guardian, it quietly stole from the vaults and built many great works, such as the Parthenon, with that stolen gold. Of course this drove many of its allies to side with Sparta in the next war.
Again, as stated, the facility of Ft. Knox, has not had an independent audit in over 50 years and as such no one really knows what is or is not there. The US Congress has demanded audits, but just like the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department has refused to tell the people of America and especially in this case, the World, the truth. Requests by members of the American parliament to physically inspect the facility, have equally been turned down for almost 20 years.
If the members of Congress are not allowed to find out the truth and there is no accountability in the American government, than it is truly time for an international organization, backed by all interested and affected parties, such as the UN or World Bank or IMF to demand a full inquiry and pressure the rogues in the Obama Regime to come true.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Russian Space Tech Surges Forward
With the next to the last flight of the American space shuttle in the air, the US will soon be retiring their space shuttles to replace them with a new vehicle, scheduled for 2013. Of course, seeing how things always delay in America, it is more likely 2023 is a better year. Until then, the Americans will be riding on Russian Soyuz capsules. But the Soyuz itself, a 40 year old technology with many modernizations, is on its way out, to be replaced with bigger better platforms.
The replacement of the Soyuz will be the Kliper, a ship carrying 6 crew and a half ton of cargo. It is scheduled to fly its maiden voyage some time in 2010. The ship is about twice the size of the Soyuz and will require much larger rockets, most likely the Zenit class of booster rockets, in order to make orbit. It will return to earth by extending wings and gliding down, for a soft landing.



Interestingly enough, if things go according to plant, the new, larger Kliper, will actually save money. The present Soyuz missions run between $20 to $30 million each (compared to the American space shuttles at around $300 million each). Kliper flights are supposed to move more equipment and people for less money, but even it the costs stay the same, with more room on the ship, there will be room for more space tourists and at $20 million per pop, the ships will earn a profit, with just one added passenger.
Development of the Kliper is also priced at the low cost of $1 billion, compare that to the $10 billion for the American Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), which is still on the drawing board.




But the Kliper is only the first modern step in a new plan by the Russian space agency to conquer the inner sphere of our solar system. Next on the development board is a manned spacecraft powered by a nuclear electric engine. Russia and the Soviet Union before, had developed, for decades, nuclear powered satellites, which did not have to rely upon easily damaged solar arrays, for power. Of course those put out only kilowatts of power, while this ships engines will have to run on the megawatt range. Of course, after40 years of working on this technology, this is a very realistic capability.
The ship's design is scheduled to be complete by 2012 and a finished by 2021, at an estimated cost of 17 billion rubles, or 580 million USD. More realistic estimates put the price tag at 1 to 1,5 billion USD, over the next decade.
The ship is aimed at flights to the Moon and to Mars, with a trip estimated to take about 39 days, one way. Nuclear electric rockets are twice as efficient as chemical rockets and most importantly, carry only a fraction of the weight in fuel. The Head of the Russian Space Agency, Anatoly Perminov was quoted as saying: "The project is aimed at implementing large scale space exploration programs, including manned missions to Mars, interplanetary travel, the creation and operation of planetary outposts."
True, the space budget is below these requirements, but there have been moves from President Medvedev down to the Duma to find funding and to find partners. If the Germans or Japanese can be brought into these projects, there is no end to the possibilities. NASA astronauts may be riding in Russian ships into the very far future, especially when counting how bankrupt the Americans are.
The replacement of the Soyuz will be the Kliper, a ship carrying 6 crew and a half ton of cargo. It is scheduled to fly its maiden voyage some time in 2010. The ship is about twice the size of the Soyuz and will require much larger rockets, most likely the Zenit class of booster rockets, in order to make orbit. It will return to earth by extending wings and gliding down, for a soft landing.



Interestingly enough, if things go according to plant, the new, larger Kliper, will actually save money. The present Soyuz missions run between $20 to $30 million each (compared to the American space shuttles at around $300 million each). Kliper flights are supposed to move more equipment and people for less money, but even it the costs stay the same, with more room on the ship, there will be room for more space tourists and at $20 million per pop, the ships will earn a profit, with just one added passenger.
Development of the Kliper is also priced at the low cost of $1 billion, compare that to the $10 billion for the American Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), which is still on the drawing board.




But the Kliper is only the first modern step in a new plan by the Russian space agency to conquer the inner sphere of our solar system. Next on the development board is a manned spacecraft powered by a nuclear electric engine. Russia and the Soviet Union before, had developed, for decades, nuclear powered satellites, which did not have to rely upon easily damaged solar arrays, for power. Of course those put out only kilowatts of power, while this ships engines will have to run on the megawatt range. Of course, after40 years of working on this technology, this is a very realistic capability.
The ship's design is scheduled to be complete by 2012 and a finished by 2021, at an estimated cost of 17 billion rubles, or 580 million USD. More realistic estimates put the price tag at 1 to 1,5 billion USD, over the next decade.
The ship is aimed at flights to the Moon and to Mars, with a trip estimated to take about 39 days, one way. Nuclear electric rockets are twice as efficient as chemical rockets and most importantly, carry only a fraction of the weight in fuel. The Head of the Russian Space Agency, Anatoly Perminov was quoted as saying: "The project is aimed at implementing large scale space exploration programs, including manned missions to Mars, interplanetary travel, the creation and operation of planetary outposts."
True, the space budget is below these requirements, but there have been moves from President Medvedev down to the Duma to find funding and to find partners. If the Germans or Japanese can be brought into these projects, there is no end to the possibilities. NASA astronauts may be riding in Russian ships into the very far future, especially when counting how bankrupt the Americans are.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Lands of Sponge Bob Square Pants and His Wonderful Bubbles
Like the American cartoon that has flooded our televisions, for those who have cable and get the US channel Nickelodeon, and the minds of our children (yes I saw a Sponge Bob walking around taking photos with tourists on Red Square, right beside the Stalin and Lenin look alikes...very disturbing), watching the American financial leadership is like watching the Sponge Bob show. I am still assigning roles, mind you, but Bernanke, the chief of the private pirate bank called the American Federal Reserve is definitely Squidward the Squid and Gerthner head of the misnamed Treasury Department (a ministry that has no treasure outside of little pieces of debt paper it sells for other paper) is Sponge Bob, the ever eager, ever ready, ever energetic numb skull who loves most of all to blow his wonderful bubbles.
Not to be out done by the previous generation of American and English bubble blowers, who for the past 20 years have solved one train wreck after another, by constantly switching from one rail road to a yet bigger gage rail road, pulling a yet a bigger train to wreck. Now, with the US/UK and really the world economies in free fall from the insane housing/hedge fund/debt bubbles, these slap stick comedy characters have decided to solve it all with one more, one great, one magnificent, stupendous and stupefying bubble of all bubbles. But unlike Sponge Bob's $.25 bubbles, this mother of all bubbles (mother as Lilith was/is the Mother of all Monsters) is a King Bubble built upon tens of trillions of dollars of created debt and cash, all manufactured in a short 10 months and still being churned out at an incredible rate.
The mother of all this is the creation, for the first time, of the USD Carry Trade. What is a Carry Trade? It is where one can borrow money from a country at a zero or near zero rate and invest it with abandon into other higher paying investment and than repay the original debt for little loss. Add to this buying on leverage and you have a bigger disaster than ever.
What? Leverage buying is alive and well?
Well yes, absolutely. The Yanks and Limeys, you see, have done absolutely nothing, zip zero nothing, to fix the issues that got them and then pulled all of us, into this fine mess. Instead of fixing the giant corruption, the capitalism, which is nothing more than corporate fascism and instead of reimplementing real free markets, real free enterprise and a mercantalistic system, they have instead told their biggest thieves and destroyers of the common man's life that hay: You are to big to fail: so here, have plenty of more cash and debt and we will continue selling it to the suckers and fools of the world. In this category, I place our central bank, which for the life of me, I will not understand why, continue to invest in American debt.
Thus they created a giant American carry trade, which in turn has spurred a giant run on commodities, yet again, a continued selling of toxic assets and a new housing boom in the US. Yes, all those old bubbles are back, but linked together by the American Carry Trade monetary bubble, creating a yet even bigger disaster for the world. But how bad could a carry trade bubble collapse really be? Ask the Japanese, their decade old carry trade bubble collapsed a year ago and in the process, they lost 38% of their manufacturing output in 4 months and for the first time since the end of WW2, have shanty towns.
Of course the US can not loose the equivalent amount of industrial production that Japan lost, it no longer has it, it will have to start an industry borrowing, just to have enough to shut down and foreclose upon.
This will of course, again pummel our economies, as our central banks and investment funds, for some God forsaken reason and blind faith in American debt, continue investing in what has become the world's biggest money pit. But for all our suffering, the darkness settling on the Anglo world will be much, much worse.
Is it any wonder than, that my friends and contacts in America tell me everyone is buying up ammunition and weapons in insane numbers?
Not to be out done by the previous generation of American and English bubble blowers, who for the past 20 years have solved one train wreck after another, by constantly switching from one rail road to a yet bigger gage rail road, pulling a yet a bigger train to wreck. Now, with the US/UK and really the world economies in free fall from the insane housing/hedge fund/debt bubbles, these slap stick comedy characters have decided to solve it all with one more, one great, one magnificent, stupendous and stupefying bubble of all bubbles. But unlike Sponge Bob's $.25 bubbles, this mother of all bubbles (mother as Lilith was/is the Mother of all Monsters) is a King Bubble built upon tens of trillions of dollars of created debt and cash, all manufactured in a short 10 months and still being churned out at an incredible rate.
The mother of all this is the creation, for the first time, of the USD Carry Trade. What is a Carry Trade? It is where one can borrow money from a country at a zero or near zero rate and invest it with abandon into other higher paying investment and than repay the original debt for little loss. Add to this buying on leverage and you have a bigger disaster than ever.
What? Leverage buying is alive and well?
Well yes, absolutely. The Yanks and Limeys, you see, have done absolutely nothing, zip zero nothing, to fix the issues that got them and then pulled all of us, into this fine mess. Instead of fixing the giant corruption, the capitalism, which is nothing more than corporate fascism and instead of reimplementing real free markets, real free enterprise and a mercantalistic system, they have instead told their biggest thieves and destroyers of the common man's life that hay: You are to big to fail: so here, have plenty of more cash and debt and we will continue selling it to the suckers and fools of the world. In this category, I place our central bank, which for the life of me, I will not understand why, continue to invest in American debt.
Thus they created a giant American carry trade, which in turn has spurred a giant run on commodities, yet again, a continued selling of toxic assets and a new housing boom in the US. Yes, all those old bubbles are back, but linked together by the American Carry Trade monetary bubble, creating a yet even bigger disaster for the world. But how bad could a carry trade bubble collapse really be? Ask the Japanese, their decade old carry trade bubble collapsed a year ago and in the process, they lost 38% of their manufacturing output in 4 months and for the first time since the end of WW2, have shanty towns.
Of course the US can not loose the equivalent amount of industrial production that Japan lost, it no longer has it, it will have to start an industry borrowing, just to have enough to shut down and foreclose upon.
This will of course, again pummel our economies, as our central banks and investment funds, for some God forsaken reason and blind faith in American debt, continue investing in what has become the world's biggest money pit. But for all our suffering, the darkness settling on the Anglo world will be much, much worse.
Is it any wonder than, that my friends and contacts in America tell me everyone is buying up ammunition and weapons in insane numbers?
Friday, November 13, 2009
To Georgia's Good Fortune, Russia is Winning
Since the mid 1990s and maybe even earlier, the leadership of Orthodox Christians Georgia has been in bed with the Saudi backed, Western facilitated, Turkish trained Sunni Islamic Jihad in Chechnya and other parts of Russia's Caucus.
It is not that the Georgians themselves or their various leaders are sympathetic to the Islamic jihadists, who pass through their lands with Georgian visas or whom the Georgians give comfort to in camps on their side of the Russian border. Hardly would this be the case, however, since this harms Russia, the Georgians consider this a good thing, payback for transgressions both real and imagined (most falling into the imagined category). Besides, the masters of Georgia, those who own the Georgian soul on a parchment signed in Georgian blood, sit in DC, London and Brussels and they fully approve of this jihad.
Luckily for the Georgians, a people and leadership who have been guided by their pride and ego, failed to consider what would happen if the jihad ever was successful. What if a caliphate was to sweep across the northern Caucuses?
In short, the Georgians would be like rats cornered in a box, surrounded by hungry cats. From the North and East, they would have the new radical Caucus Caliphate. To the South East, a hard line Sunni dictatorial Azerbaijan and to the South West, imperialistic, fascist and genocidal Sunni Turkey. Only the Armenians, directly South are Christian and considering the racism of the Georgians towards the Armenians, there would be no friendship there. We are assuming that the Orthodox Ossessians and Abkhazians would be already suffering under the Caucus Caliphate.
In short, the Georgians would be cornered, with only the Black Sea to the West "waiting" for them to be driven into it. Georgians, being lousy soldiers for the better part of the past thousand years, would quickly discover the value of alliance with the West. They would discover, to their chagrin, two basic facts: 1. The Muslims can guard the oil pipeline whiteout having any Georgians around, to the satisfaction of the West and 2. The West has a very long history of sacrificing small Orthodox Christian peoples to keep the Islamic beast sedated. At 4 million, the Georgians are a pretty small people, indeed.
Thus, while acting out like an angry teenager, blind to the folly of his own actions, the Georgians are lucky that Mother Russia is strong enough to clean up their mess.
It is not that the Georgians themselves or their various leaders are sympathetic to the Islamic jihadists, who pass through their lands with Georgian visas or whom the Georgians give comfort to in camps on their side of the Russian border. Hardly would this be the case, however, since this harms Russia, the Georgians consider this a good thing, payback for transgressions both real and imagined (most falling into the imagined category). Besides, the masters of Georgia, those who own the Georgian soul on a parchment signed in Georgian blood, sit in DC, London and Brussels and they fully approve of this jihad.
Luckily for the Georgians, a people and leadership who have been guided by their pride and ego, failed to consider what would happen if the jihad ever was successful. What if a caliphate was to sweep across the northern Caucuses?
In short, the Georgians would be like rats cornered in a box, surrounded by hungry cats. From the North and East, they would have the new radical Caucus Caliphate. To the South East, a hard line Sunni dictatorial Azerbaijan and to the South West, imperialistic, fascist and genocidal Sunni Turkey. Only the Armenians, directly South are Christian and considering the racism of the Georgians towards the Armenians, there would be no friendship there. We are assuming that the Orthodox Ossessians and Abkhazians would be already suffering under the Caucus Caliphate.
In short, the Georgians would be cornered, with only the Black Sea to the West "waiting" for them to be driven into it. Georgians, being lousy soldiers for the better part of the past thousand years, would quickly discover the value of alliance with the West. They would discover, to their chagrin, two basic facts: 1. The Muslims can guard the oil pipeline whiteout having any Georgians around, to the satisfaction of the West and 2. The West has a very long history of sacrificing small Orthodox Christian peoples to keep the Islamic beast sedated. At 4 million, the Georgians are a pretty small people, indeed.
Thus, while acting out like an angry teenager, blind to the folly of his own actions, the Georgians are lucky that Mother Russia is strong enough to clean up their mess.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Betrayal, Obama Style
German Chancellor Merkel had a surprise waiting for her, when she returned from what was a positive visit to the Americans and specifically the regime of one Barrack Obama. Upon arriving home, she was back stabbed by her ally over the GM Opel deal, upon which Merkel had placed so much of her and her party's reputation.
GM had agreed to sell Opel to a combination of Canadian parts manufacturer Magna and Russian bank Sberbank. In turn, the new owners planned to cut fewer jobs in Germany and other European countries and keep all four German plants open, than a GM restructuring plan that will see one or more and perhaps all four of the plants close and up to twice or more of the 4,500 layoffs planned by Magna.
To facilitate the deal, Germany ponied up 1,5 billion Euros (approximately 2,2 billion USD) as a bridge and another 4,5 billion Euro to facilitate the actual purchase. The 1,5 billion have already been delivered.
So in effect, GM, which is owned by the US government and thus by the Obama regime, grabbed the money and ran, back stabbing Chancellor Merkel's government and ripping off the German tax payer as well as raking Russian and Canadian investors over the coals and wasting their time and money. Needless to say, the Russian and Canadian governments, who helped sponsor these deals, have also had mud slung in their eye.
Than again, gentlemen, what did you really expect? If the American Marxist regime ignored American contract law and raped the owners and investors of the GM and Chrysler, its own citizens, to gain control of those companies, why would they not do the same to us, a bunch of foreigners?
Obama's betrayal also cuts into Spain's Opel operations, another US ally, whose workers made major pay concessions to facilitate the deal and are equally screwed, facing total or massive layoffs. Spain's Industrial Minister Miguel Sebastian was quoted as saying "Spain is not willing to go back to square one. We are not willing to budge even an inch."
The only ones in Europe who will benefit, surprise surprise, are the practitioners of the same brand of absolute corrupt corporate-state capitalism, the American fellow Anglo-Marxists, the British. Any real surprises there?
Look, after the hundreds of billions the US/UK government/finance cartels have cost us, why is anyone still shocked that they would try to screw the lot of us out of a few billion more?
GM had agreed to sell Opel to a combination of Canadian parts manufacturer Magna and Russian bank Sberbank. In turn, the new owners planned to cut fewer jobs in Germany and other European countries and keep all four German plants open, than a GM restructuring plan that will see one or more and perhaps all four of the plants close and up to twice or more of the 4,500 layoffs planned by Magna.
To facilitate the deal, Germany ponied up 1,5 billion Euros (approximately 2,2 billion USD) as a bridge and another 4,5 billion Euro to facilitate the actual purchase. The 1,5 billion have already been delivered.
So in effect, GM, which is owned by the US government and thus by the Obama regime, grabbed the money and ran, back stabbing Chancellor Merkel's government and ripping off the German tax payer as well as raking Russian and Canadian investors over the coals and wasting their time and money. Needless to say, the Russian and Canadian governments, who helped sponsor these deals, have also had mud slung in their eye.
Than again, gentlemen, what did you really expect? If the American Marxist regime ignored American contract law and raped the owners and investors of the GM and Chrysler, its own citizens, to gain control of those companies, why would they not do the same to us, a bunch of foreigners?
Obama's betrayal also cuts into Spain's Opel operations, another US ally, whose workers made major pay concessions to facilitate the deal and are equally screwed, facing total or massive layoffs. Spain's Industrial Minister Miguel Sebastian was quoted as saying "Spain is not willing to go back to square one. We are not willing to budge even an inch."
The only ones in Europe who will benefit, surprise surprise, are the practitioners of the same brand of absolute corrupt corporate-state capitalism, the American fellow Anglo-Marxists, the British. Any real surprises there?
Look, after the hundreds of billions the US/UK government/finance cartels have cost us, why is anyone still shocked that they would try to screw the lot of us out of a few billion more?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Рублю Нужен Официальный Знак Валюты
Как знают все серьезные экономисты, никто не принимает валютную систему серьёзно на мировом рынке, если, она не имеет своего индивидуального знака. Почему нужнен символ? Просто. Не только каждый раз не нужно выписывать название валюты, но и человек, который не знает названия валюты, все равно, будет знать, какая страна производит эту валюту. Кроме этого, глобально принятый символ придает чувство значимости валютной системе, а без этого чувства, где же был бы доллар США?
Так что, я предлагаю знак русского рубля!
Так что, я предлагаю знак русского рубля!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
HIV Epidemic, What Epidemic?
World wide, the Anglo press is at it again, slamming Russia and attempting to discourage investment and tourism to undermine the recovery that has been built upon by smart economic moves of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin.
The latest weapon of choice is the supposed AIDS epedemic that is sweeping Russia. In no time at all, the Anglo media has spared no print space expense to cast Russia in a seedy, diseased light. The proclamation are that the disease HIV has doubled in the totla infected, in the past eight years. News such as this is at the top of any long "analytical" piece published. Actual rates of infection are at the bottom, if anywhere at all.
The conservative absence message of the government is criticized by "world experts" as pointless and inefficient. Robin Gorma, executive director of International AIDS Society, was quoted as saying that [in Russia] "it does appear ideology is getting in the way of public health care policy."
Chris Beyer of John Hopkins said of Russian officials that they "have never really embraced needle exchange, free condoms and other harm reduction techniques." Beyer went on to say that this is the reason why Russia continues to have one of the most sever epidemics in the region.
The chorus of Western and Westernphile voices is, of course huge, and damning of a conservative Christian Russian government. Even the so called conservatives on such media outlets as Fox and the UK Telegraph, join in in a mindless Russia blasting, regardless that they hypocritically support the exact same policies at home...their hatred of Russia rots their brains and displays their absolute double standards and duplicity. More on these so called Western Christians and Conservatives in a separate piece to follow.
But what do the statistics say?
Russia's numbers, surely to low, recorded 501,000 cases in total, while the UN, surely to high, recorded 1,1 million. So lets take it at the midpoint of 800k. Russia's legal population is 145 million, so this infection rate is 0,6% That is correct, six tenth of a single percent and that is if you consider that all recorded infections belong to the 145 million legal citizens and residents and none to the five to eight million illegals, which is far from reality. But surely, in the world of HIV, this must be a stellar high infection rate, correct?
Sure on the igh end of the scale, according to the CIA World Factbook are Lesotho at 28,1% infection rate, followed by Swaziland at 26% and Zimbabwe at 24%. In Europe, the highest rates are Ukraine at 1,06% and Spain at ,7%. Russia's ,6% places it in the same category as the United States and Latvia.
As far as being the "leader" in the region, in the CIS that is easily shown a lie, as Ukraine with 1,06% holds that title and Russia is a distant second. Much of the increase is due to the inflow of heroine into Russia, through the "democratic" Afghanistani US puppet regime and various other US puppets in the region.
So, once again, simple statistics lay waste to Anglo-Marxist lies: Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil.
The latest weapon of choice is the supposed AIDS epedemic that is sweeping Russia. In no time at all, the Anglo media has spared no print space expense to cast Russia in a seedy, diseased light. The proclamation are that the disease HIV has doubled in the totla infected, in the past eight years. News such as this is at the top of any long "analytical" piece published. Actual rates of infection are at the bottom, if anywhere at all.
The conservative absence message of the government is criticized by "world experts" as pointless and inefficient. Robin Gorma, executive director of International AIDS Society, was quoted as saying that [in Russia] "it does appear ideology is getting in the way of public health care policy."
Chris Beyer of John Hopkins said of Russian officials that they "have never really embraced needle exchange, free condoms and other harm reduction techniques." Beyer went on to say that this is the reason why Russia continues to have one of the most sever epidemics in the region.
The chorus of Western and Westernphile voices is, of course huge, and damning of a conservative Christian Russian government. Even the so called conservatives on such media outlets as Fox and the UK Telegraph, join in in a mindless Russia blasting, regardless that they hypocritically support the exact same policies at home...their hatred of Russia rots their brains and displays their absolute double standards and duplicity. More on these so called Western Christians and Conservatives in a separate piece to follow.
But what do the statistics say?
Russia's numbers, surely to low, recorded 501,000 cases in total, while the UN, surely to high, recorded 1,1 million. So lets take it at the midpoint of 800k. Russia's legal population is 145 million, so this infection rate is 0,6% That is correct, six tenth of a single percent and that is if you consider that all recorded infections belong to the 145 million legal citizens and residents and none to the five to eight million illegals, which is far from reality. But surely, in the world of HIV, this must be a stellar high infection rate, correct?
Sure on the igh end of the scale, according to the CIA World Factbook are Lesotho at 28,1% infection rate, followed by Swaziland at 26% and Zimbabwe at 24%. In Europe, the highest rates are Ukraine at 1,06% and Spain at ,7%. Russia's ,6% places it in the same category as the United States and Latvia.
As far as being the "leader" in the region, in the CIS that is easily shown a lie, as Ukraine with 1,06% holds that title and Russia is a distant second. Much of the increase is due to the inflow of heroine into Russia, through the "democratic" Afghanistani US puppet regime and various other US puppets in the region.
So, once again, simple statistics lay waste to Anglo-Marxist lies: Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Keep Your Hands Inside the Coaster, We Are At The Top Of The Second Hill
It is becoming more and more evident, to the astute observer of realistic economics, that the second dip in the "W" global recession is coming up quickly. This is of course, identical to what took place between the 1929 collapse and the 1931 final landing. The world economy fell hard, bounced high and than fell into a deep black hole, that it took it thirty years to climb out of. This time will be worse, at least for the Anglos and more specifically the Americans.
The signs are everywhere: massive government stimulus (read money printing) whose only obvious effects have been on the stock markets around the world (again, just like in 1930), continued increases in global unemployment and thus a collapse in global goods demand, instability and a free fall in the shipping indexes. That is correct, it is not just the Baltic Dry Index, which is once again in a free fall, now that the Chinese have stopped hording iron ore, but also the various other indexes, including Chinese ones.
That is a sign of real doom, not only for China, but for many others. The fact that containers of goods are not moving out of China, in September and October, regardless that the Chinese stimulus has kept its factories producing as if nothing is wrong, means that the holiday shopping season will be empty and hallow, just like the Anglo mantra of recovery. Sure, France and Germany are out of recession and Russia and Italy are both heading out too, but that is because they have done the exact opposite of the Anglos, by cutting taxes, controlling spending, putting down real hard infrastructural investments and projects without tieing them in courts and hearings for years, cutting regulations while avoiding nationalizations, in other words the smart moves vs the Anglos dumb ones. The Anglos, specifically America and England and to a lesser degree, Canada, have done the opposite on all accounts, regardless of warnings. No amount of Hopy-Changy media Zombies will change the inevitable out come.
The British Police State got a rude wake up, this past week. The Bolshevik Labour and their Menshavik Tori allies were expecting to exit the recession with a +.2% GDP but instead had a further recession with a -.4% drop. Surely this must be the fault of those "evil" English Defense Leaguers, for not islamocizing like good little kaffer serfs. Go get them lads, show them that eve if no longer "Great" Britain is not dead either.
Oops, I guess this will now get me on the famous banned list to the British Police State, not that I have any plans on visiting that Orwellian prison camp.
As for the Russians, Germans, French and Italians, sure they will suffer in Europe too, but not nearly as much, as they are already on a much more solid foundation than the New Orleans financial foundation of the Anglos. Sinking and sinking and nothing else.
Now for the Yanks. The Americans, more so than any others are about to find out the shocking truth of their paper debt economy. Most prosperous nation on earth indeed. Biggest mooch and beggar and debtor to every third world country, does not make a nation "prosperous". Unlike 1929, America is not a loaner of cash, though it still gives it out to various puppets and fascists and Marxists around the world, oh my. Instead, it is the biggest debtor in all of history of human civilization. Furthermore, unlike 1929, it is not a net exporter of but an importer of everything short of the tanks, bombers (but not of the bullets and handguns) and heavy equipment. It must now import even food from China and Latin America.
With the holiday sales about to prove as absolute a flop as possible, we will know by mid November for sure, the US can look forward to mass unemployment come January/February 2010, that no amount of DC papering over can solve or hide.
To make things worse, by that point, the US will have Cap and Trade and thus skyrocketing energy costs and regulations and thus skyrocketing prices on everything. Jobs will not just hemorrhage, but will fountain out of the gaping neck wound where the head was just secured. Add to this the British modeled National Healthcare system that Americans will have by than and you get the image of a gang of pig headed little demons of regulation, chopping with their axes, at the headless and stumbling cadaver that was the US. economy.
A rush, no a stampede out of the dollar, will follow by the first half of 2010, followed by a police crack down, anarchy and possible civil war(s).
And all this is even before the bottom is ever reached.
Good night and good luck America, you are going to need it, in this very long winter night.
The signs are everywhere: massive government stimulus (read money printing) whose only obvious effects have been on the stock markets around the world (again, just like in 1930), continued increases in global unemployment and thus a collapse in global goods demand, instability and a free fall in the shipping indexes. That is correct, it is not just the Baltic Dry Index, which is once again in a free fall, now that the Chinese have stopped hording iron ore, but also the various other indexes, including Chinese ones.
That is a sign of real doom, not only for China, but for many others. The fact that containers of goods are not moving out of China, in September and October, regardless that the Chinese stimulus has kept its factories producing as if nothing is wrong, means that the holiday shopping season will be empty and hallow, just like the Anglo mantra of recovery. Sure, France and Germany are out of recession and Russia and Italy are both heading out too, but that is because they have done the exact opposite of the Anglos, by cutting taxes, controlling spending, putting down real hard infrastructural investments and projects without tieing them in courts and hearings for years, cutting regulations while avoiding nationalizations, in other words the smart moves vs the Anglos dumb ones. The Anglos, specifically America and England and to a lesser degree, Canada, have done the opposite on all accounts, regardless of warnings. No amount of Hopy-Changy media Zombies will change the inevitable out come.
The British Police State got a rude wake up, this past week. The Bolshevik Labour and their Menshavik Tori allies were expecting to exit the recession with a +.2% GDP but instead had a further recession with a -.4% drop. Surely this must be the fault of those "evil" English Defense Leaguers, for not islamocizing like good little kaffer serfs. Go get them lads, show them that eve if no longer "Great" Britain is not dead either.
Oops, I guess this will now get me on the famous banned list to the British Police State, not that I have any plans on visiting that Orwellian prison camp.
As for the Russians, Germans, French and Italians, sure they will suffer in Europe too, but not nearly as much, as they are already on a much more solid foundation than the New Orleans financial foundation of the Anglos. Sinking and sinking and nothing else.
Now for the Yanks. The Americans, more so than any others are about to find out the shocking truth of their paper debt economy. Most prosperous nation on earth indeed. Biggest mooch and beggar and debtor to every third world country, does not make a nation "prosperous". Unlike 1929, America is not a loaner of cash, though it still gives it out to various puppets and fascists and Marxists around the world, oh my. Instead, it is the biggest debtor in all of history of human civilization. Furthermore, unlike 1929, it is not a net exporter of but an importer of everything short of the tanks, bombers (but not of the bullets and handguns) and heavy equipment. It must now import even food from China and Latin America.
With the holiday sales about to prove as absolute a flop as possible, we will know by mid November for sure, the US can look forward to mass unemployment come January/February 2010, that no amount of DC papering over can solve or hide.
To make things worse, by that point, the US will have Cap and Trade and thus skyrocketing energy costs and regulations and thus skyrocketing prices on everything. Jobs will not just hemorrhage, but will fountain out of the gaping neck wound where the head was just secured. Add to this the British modeled National Healthcare system that Americans will have by than and you get the image of a gang of pig headed little demons of regulation, chopping with their axes, at the headless and stumbling cadaver that was the US. economy.
A rush, no a stampede out of the dollar, will follow by the first half of 2010, followed by a police crack down, anarchy and possible civil war(s).
And all this is even before the bottom is ever reached.
Good night and good luck America, you are going to need it, in this very long winter night.
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