While the basis of Professor Igor Panarin’s reasons for the upcoming US collapse, and I dare say that of all of N. America, are correct, his predictions of the new political reality are simplistic at best and widely in correct at worst, not taking into account the actual demographic, historic and political situation on the sites.
More than likely, a US collapse will have direct and balkanizing effects not only on the US but also on the weak Canadian confederacy, tied economically to the hip of the US economic might or there lack of, and to the civil war torn Mexican giant.
As such, from what was originally four states: Canada, USA, Mexico and Cuba, as well as the dozen or so small island statelits of the north Caribbean, will form thirteen new entities, separated politically and economically. We will now review each and everyone of these, starting from the West and moving to the East.
Republic of Alaska
Oil rich Alaska, separated from America and never fully part of the mainland culture, will quickly split off. It will rely primarily on its oil wealth, opening up many new fields that are presently closed to it by the US federal government. More than likely, Canada’s Yukon will also join it in a new state on the edge of human civilization.
Lacking the military power to protect themselves, especially from neighbors like the People’s Democratic Republic of Western North America, the ROA will be forced to seek protection from other powers. The logical and cultra-religious choice will be Russia. Thus the ROA will be firmly in the Russian sphere.
Kingdom of Hawaii
Hawaii never joined the United States willingly, but was forcibly annexed. To that end, the local population has always desired independence. With large Chinese and Japanese populations backing them, more then likely Hawaii will declare independence and reinstate its monarchy. This will cost the US its main Pacific ports, so that for Hawaii to maintain independence, it will be forced to seek protection from either China or Japan. The question becomes, under whose shadow will they fall. There will be an intense power politics between China, Japan, Australia and the PDRWNA.
People’s Democratic Republic of Western North America (PDRWNA)
The nation will encompass a block of territories sharing economic and socialist political as well as cultural ties. This will more than likely include Central and Northern California, most of Nevada, Washington and Oregon states, as well as British Columbia and the NW Territories.
Economically, as well as politically, these areas will continue their march into a benign, progressive pseudo Marxist dictatorship of green politics and police state control.
As one of the most powerful of the successor states of the USA, they will attempt to dominate their weaker neighbors, specifically the New Mormon Zion Kingdom and the Lakota Tribal Confederation. They will also have continuous border issues with the Republica Del Norta, to its south and will have continued problems with the rump USA/Canadian Union.
Republica Del Norte
Forming the northern two thirds of Mexico, united with the US’ southern California, southern Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, the hard socialist police state will be populated primarily by Mexicans. Blacks and Asians will be expelled or ethnically cleared to its northern neighbors. Whites will either also flee or be absorbed.
The nation will be relatively poor, though quiet, as the government will deal with the gangs, mafia and disturbances with extreme brutality. Oil will be the primary generator of GDP and will be mostly stolen by the ruling elites.
Soviet Zapatista Union
The hard core Indian Marxists, in the southern third of the poverty stricken south of Mexico, will win their twenty years war of independence with Mexico City. Having reclaimed the much more valuable US Southwest, Mexico will cut loose its southern headache. The hard core Marxists state will join a growing coalition of other hard core, dirt poor Latin American Marxists.
New Mormon Zion Kingdom
Taking advantage of the balkanizing North America, the Mormons will form their own theocratic kingdom, a theocracy of sorts, with the absolute rule by their church and its top prophets. All other faiths will be sent scurrying out of the kingdom. The kingdom will be forced to play all its major neighbors off on each other, in order to stay sovereign. That and its geographic remoteness will aid its sovereignty.
Lakota Tribal Confederation
Covering the ancestral lands, this traditional but libertarian loose confederation of Indian clans and whites who share their culture, has already declared its independence, making it official in 2008. True, at present the US ignores them and their claims, when the collapse comes, there will be no ignoring the reality on the ground. Whether the nation will be able to survive in the long run, is doubtful, as it lacks a strong industrial base or a potential for a strong military. If it is not skillful at playing off its neighbors, its stay in the history of nations will be short.
Republic of Texas
ROT, already with well over 36% of the population demanding independence, is already on the brink of becoming a reality. The nation of 26 million, will have one of the strongest economies and militaries in the world and its loss will be the final blow that will splinter the rest of the union of the US. ROT, on its way out, will reclaim its historic territories of Oklahoma. Texas will become the leader of technology industry in the successor states and will be the fifth largest oil producer and one of the largest producers of farm goods and meat animals.
As a nation, ROT will find itself closely allied to the Confederate States of America (CSA) and at with border skirmishes at best and war at worst with Republica Del Norte. Alliance with the CSA should help it defend itself from the rump US/Canada.
Confederate States of America
It was always said that the South shall rise again, and this will be its moment. Culturally and politically distinct from their northern overlords, the CSA has been a nation occupied for 145 years. This time around, no longer dependent on cotton and farm goods, and having a large industrial base, the Confederacy, minus Texas and the Florida Keyes but with the states of Maryland, Kansas, Kentucky and Missouri, and allied to Texas, it will easily be able to withhold the weakened and splintered rump US/Canada.
As a government, it will be a weak federal organ, closer to the original American constitution. It will reach out to the EU for further trade and assistance. Russia will also see fit to aid and trade with the splinter state.
Cuban Commonwealth
The post Castro/Raul Cuba will be an expansionist power. With a military trained by Russia and a splintering America to the north, Cuba will take the opportunity to bring the various small island nations of the northern/central Caribbean into borders. At the same time, having effectively and completely colonized the Florida Keyes, Cuba will move to annex the territory. Since this will cause problems to the CSA, Cuba will find close allies in the form of the rump US/Canada and that of Republica Del Norta.
New England Commonwealth
Consisting of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and much of upstate New York, as well as Novo Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward’s Island. These economies and societies are much closer tied to each other than to their present nations. They will succeed because the Rump US/Canada will be to weak to wage war on them without being threatened by their allies, the CSA and ROT. They will also seek close economic support with Quebec and the EU, as well as defense pacts.
Republic of Quebec
As the French have always chaffed under English rule, they will take the opportunity to break out and will seek a close relationship with the EU and with the neighboring New England Commonwealth, relying on both for defense from the ever aggressive Rump USA/Canadian police state. Quebec may even petition to join the EU.
US Federal Government + Canada (Rump USA/Canada)
The remains of America will move quickly to absorb the weakened but oil rich rump Canada. Still reeling from its territorial losses, Canada will offer little resistance. As a nation, the USA/Canada will be a strict centralized police state, with military governors ruling over the elected state governors and control of population movement, under war powers acts, on the level of the former East Germany.
Its economy will still be strong but it will be a shadow, as will its military, of its former self. As such, it will be locked in territorial disputes with all of its neighbors and will be viewed as a rogue state by larger countries, such as the EU, Russia, Japan, China and so on.
Over all, the North American continent will be one of a sea of storms, with a few relative quiet spots, such as the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Alaska, though even those will be hard pressed to avoid the various territorial wars that will rage for decades until the survivors of the balkanization grow tired of fighting and comfortable in their own new borders.
This was an entertaining read Stas, thanks. :)
I think fragmentation of the US will happen closer to 2050 than 2015, and by then there will be no other significant nations standing elsewhere either. Especially nations strong enough to actually interfere in North American affairs from half a world away.
"They will succeed because the Rump US/Canada will be to weak to wage war on them without being threatened by their allies, the CSA and ROT. "
People from New England tend to be in charge of the USA. I find it hard to believe they would ever ally with Texas or the south because of the fact they were the main supporters of the civil war in the first place.
"They will succeed because the Rump US/Canada will be to weak to wage war on them without being threatened by their allies, the CSA and ROT. "
People from New England tend to be in charge of the USA. I find it hard to believe they would ever ally with Texas or the south because of the fact they were the main supporters of the civil war in the first place. They would most likely ally with PDRWNA because of their close socialist beliefs. Remember Ted Kennedy was a New Englander.
The Spanish (un)Civil War is more the model I expect rather than a Soviet Union style breakup. We really don't have the European tribal mentality or any kind of true territorial instincts beyond our individual property lines.
A blood bath could get going as the leftists instigate the deadbeats to attempt a final solution for dealing with those who are civilized. The problem is that the leftists and deadbeats need those who are civilized to keep working and generate enough economic activity so that they can continue to feed. The ticks really don't have an interest in either killing or permanently separating from the dog.
Thus, things may get nastier, but separation isn't likely any time soon.
Stanislav, you left out the Islamic influence. The U.S. political class is already "kowtowing" to every muslim complaint and murmur.
It's more likely that Texas will be the only remaining self-
sustaining economy amongst a dominant poverty economy instituted under Islam and Sharia law. The American "sheeple" dhimmis will pay their taxes (jizyah) as usual.
Heck, Texas might fight back and take over the whole hemisphere in time.
I don't think the US will collapse but racial tensions will increase where there is constant infighting between each group that might actually be worse than a final settlement.
I would be more worried about Russia with Brezinski running the Obama administration and Israel with the neighbouring countries being bribed with billions of dollars to be nice to Israel or at least non-aggressive and there demographic problem against Palestinian Muslims with Jews preferring to immigrate to Germany and New York.
And it's rumoured that about ¼ of the population of Russian Jews that emigrated to Israel since the fall of the USSR in 91 are crypto-Christians.
Isn't Syria other than Lebanon and parts of Israel the most Christian country in the Middle East?
The have the largest statue of Jesus in the Middle East.
I know they support Hezbollah (although so did US, Turkey and other western countries in the Balkans) but that has more to do with territorial dispute with Israel.
If you knew real history you would know that the Soviet Union and the so called "Russian revolution" was actually a foreign coup financed by international bankers who gave millions of dollars worth (actually over a billion in today's value) to exiled Marxist terrorist leaders in New York and else where like Leon Trotsky to create and lead the civil war and install Communism in Russia.
If the USSR really wanted the US to collapse then so would the USSR as it was kept afloat with banking loans from the US and financial transactions in New York.
Why in the world would New England break from the U.S.? That makes zero sense!
Jack, I fully expect Jasha is somewhat aware of Trotsky,the bankers,etc. His telling and exclusive fear of Iran and Syria drops the mask for me. You can fill in the rest. I commend Mr. Mishin's excellent article and reply to Jasha. Mr. Mishin timely asks" will the USA break up"? Many Americans already hope so. Keep in mind that American states already have long-standing capitals,governments,courts,police,militia,etc. in place. Loyalty to region or state can easily trump loyalty to Washington in the future. Finally a disproportionate number of our soldiers come from the most likely areas of secession: the South and Mountain West. Will they shoot their neighbors? Frankly just getting rid of the Northeast and California would be good enough for many of us. Two questions for our host,Mr. Mishin. Could you expand on the conversion of Muslims you refer to above ? I had not heard this before. Second, do you or others ever wonder if Russia would be stronger if "reconfigured", for example getting rid of Daghestan but adding say Crimea ? Perhaps you could write a future article on how you or other patriots envision Russia's future borders.
Do you think that there is a split between the powers in the US with the Brezinski, Rothschild and Soros, etc working through the Democratic Party the internationalist European faction focusing all there efforts towards primarily against Russia and Eurasia 100% and the Zionist Neocons in the Republican Party who push towards an Israeli centred policy in the Mid East yet still maintained operations against Russia 50/50 though leading Neocons like Pearle, Wolfowitz, etc chair pro-Kosovar, Bosnian and Chechen lobby groups and organisations.
Brezinski in a recent article said that US should strike down Israeli jets if they planned to bomb Iran.
And the anti-Obama campaign is lead by Neocon affiliated organisations and pundits.
Perhaps in the future just like during the civil war under Lincoln and 1917 in Russia these forces will be vying to support different groups in the US.
But who will align themselves with whom you’ll start seeing things like Operation Storm and Clean Field in Croatia and Georgia which US MPRI military contractors to reposition the regions along pro-US orientation.
Texas I think would align themselves with the Neocons and in turn Rothschild/Soros/Brezinski branch would support the Mexicans sparking a civil war bringing in drug money and mercenaries through Mexico.
And what about debt and banking what would come about that?
If there was a civil war the states would be even further in debt who would loan them money?
The last time Russia bailout the US after Lincoln they were rewarded by the US help install Communism in Russia and has supported every anti-Russia, Christian especially Orthodox policy since.
Can separate states in the US currently set there own tax rates?
you had a big WET dream...
Unfortunately (for you and the ruskies) I do no think it has any weight.
Well we will see, but in the Soviet Union no one (outside of Georgia and Baltics) wanted to believe it would happen either and last time I read, Texas had 36%+ pro-independence and that was last July, so as economy continue to go down, unless you believe what your government puts out, then all things are possible and once one goes, many will go, it always works that way.
Stanislav, there is something else to consider here:
There are no pure blooded Hawaiian natives or American Indians anymore. These subcultures will undoubtedly disappear as soon as the government subsidies go away. Hispanic and French cultures are also heavily subsidized by the government, but the language barrier is harder to overcome. Most Hispanics would gladly send their kids to an English-only school so that their kids would assimilate, but the US government is working hard to make sure that this doesn't happen.
I am still trying to figure out why communist governments work so hard to assimilate people and fail (Tibet?), but America tends to assimilate everyone, unless the government actively works to stop it.
I see the entire California joining with its Baja sister soon. Economically and culturally they are are in a fast process of reapproachement.
The map is just ridiculous but North America balkanizing will happen I think. The Federal government is simply a burden that provides nothing
and takes everything. Fewer and fewer people feel the
need to support it. When the USA breaks up it will be along ethic lines.
I'm not so sure about opinion polls though. Whilst conservative Americans all claim to be libertarian pro-lifers the Republican party supports abortion, humanitarian interventionism and affirmitive action. Whenever Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul have stood up for non-democrat policies, they have been decisively rejected by the American people. I think Americans debate far more on what they like to think they believe than on what they do believe. Just look at Glen Beck who helped ruin Paul's political career coming out from the woodwork to tell everyone how libertarian he is.
Said Stanislav:
"As for Syria, you sure did not have any problems in using them to torture your prisoners and hostages....hmmm"
Just as you have no problem with invading other countries, killing Jews, Ukrainians, journalists, dissidents, political adversaries, using gas to blackmail Ukraine and Western Europe, or making businesses with lunatic islamocracies bent on destroying the world (The Ayatollahs believe there has to be worldwide annihilation to bring their messiah known as the Mahdi back to Earth)
Said Stanislav:
"As for AIDS, no higher rate than yours but the US is the biggest user of drugs in the world"
Don't care, don't know. It must be the devotchkas my Bush was very happy to take.
Said Stanislav:
"The Chinese are welcome to enter Siberia, their blood will feed the trees."
That's the spirit, hope you can back it up with actions.
As for the Islamics, if you had a clue, you would know that only in Russia is that population falling from the Church converting them...and we did send a few thousand to live with you...your Bush was very happy to take them.
Russia was an atheist nation just 20 years ago, it must have been a lot of people. They should've been resettled to Siberia, y'know, to fend off the Chinese.
Communism was a threat really is that why you supported the Marxist ANC and Communist terrorist Slovo in South Africa not to mention letting the same banking firms that financed the Russian revolution control the Federal Reserve and are the mayor financiers of both political parties in the US.
They also allowing Marxist leaders like MLK handler and speech right as well as the director of the NAACP up to the early 70's lead the civil rights movement in the US.
Islamic militants like OBL were working through Saudi intelligence and the CIA and it was about to throw of Communism but to grab the Eurasian oil and gas then under Soviet control for future EU consumption.
Communism collapse primarily due to the fact that it stopped receiving western banking loans and credit as well as an engineered decline in oil prices and the institutional structure and policy of the Soviet economy.
Noticed how the Neocons are "former" Trotskyite communists?
After the Afghan war the US sent these same Islamic militants to Bosnia to fight there proxy war there.
US gave intelligence and arms to both Iraq and Iran.
Why would Soviet Union give weapons to Iran when then they were at the forefront of sending militants to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets.
And who created the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance and gave hem support?
That would be Russia.
Soviet Union armed Iraq so what.
Saddam was fighting the spread of Islamic militants into Iraq with before the Iraq/Iran war was the most progressive of the Arab states.
It was the US that gave him chemical and biological weapons.
It is Saudi Arabia that the US sells billions of dollars of US weapons to and close relationship with the CIA that is spreading Wahabbism and Islamic terrorism.
terrorism across the world.
And who gives Eygpt billions of dollars worth of aid each?
Unrealistic but entertaining. :)
And the earlier commenters are right, no way the South and/or Texas holds anything other than contempt for the socialist New England types.
Didn't make it for the revolution? You are one clueless chap...the revolution was not a one day or one week affair and Trotsky was back in Russia, with US citizenship to be able to enter, by 1917....the revolution and civil war lasted through 1922. He was in Mexico because the US sponsored Marxist scum lost out in a power struggle to another US/London sponsored Marxist scum: Stalin.
More and more Texans are entertaining the idea of secession...
To learn more about the Northwest Independence Movement, check out
before you go around making comments. you should really get you rinformation right. some people might find it offensive. Mormons or members of the church of jesus christ of later-day saints are good people. we may seem strange to you but we are really just every day people who love god and believe that life has a purpose. everyone has the right to worship who or what they may. why can't we worship without others constanlty making fun of who we are and what we choose to do? no matter how strange you may feel we are or are religion i belive it is true and that it makes me a better person. next time you see a mormon you should ask them what they really believe.
Hi Stanislav,
That's a very interesting map you've drawn, of a future balkanized North America. May I give you a bit of constructive criticism? I think too many of your borders are drawn in straight lines. It's more common for international borders to run along rivers, dense forests, mountain ranges and other natural barriers, especially when they've been contested in war. But you have a good imagination, and you did a fine job on your map, and your cultural description of each of the countries.
PS-I live in Arizona. I love vacationing in Mexico, but I'm not sure I want to live there!
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